ATSOC Aruba Time and Space Observation Center
Congoweg Z/N
San Nicolas, Caribbean none
ATSOC Aruba Time & Space Observation Center is an non-goverment observation center founded on November 1 1999
for astronomical, cosmological, spaceweather, space watch, ufological, earth science and timeanddate research and space security.
In the beginning the observation center do astronomical, cosmological, space weather, space watch, ufological, earth science and timeanddate and space security.
Now the center is doing also seismological and environmental research and observation.
The observation center ATSOC Aruba Time & Space Observation Center consist of two section Time and Space.
Seismology research and observation fall under the section Time and the other categories fall under the section Space.
Also the center is operational 24 Hours a day and have his own Data Center for archiving information and data for the Astronomical Society "Aruba Astro Research", the Environment Foundation "Accion Ambiental" and the national Foundation for Seismological Investigation of Aruba.
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