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Дата индексирования: Wed Apr 13 13:13:07 2016
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Поисковые слова: optical telescope
XWare > APOD
Astronomy Picture of the Day

Astronomy Picture Of the Day (APOD)

Сириус - самая яркая звезда на ночном небе Sirius: The Brightest Star in the Night

Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. Intrinsically, Sirius is over 20 times brighter than our Sun and over twice as massive. As Sirius is 8.7 light years distant, it is not the closest star system -- the Alpha Centauri system holds this distinction.

VLT: новый самый большой телескоп VLT: A New Largest Optical Telescope

What is the largest telescope in the world? In the optical, this title was long held by the Hale 200-inch, and is presently held by the Keck telescopes in Hawaii. But an even larger optical telescope is being built.

Как Кеплер открыл законы движения планет Kepler Discovers How Planets Move

Johannes Kepler used simple mathematics to describe how planets move. Kepler was an assistant to the most accurate astronomical observer of the time, Tycho Brahe. Kepler was able to use Brahe's data...

Галилео показывает телескоп Galileo Demonstrates the Telescope

Galileo Galilei made a good discovery great. Upon hearing at age 40 that a Dutch optician had invented a glass that made distant objects appear larger, Galileo crafted his own telescope and turned it toward the sky.

M17: величественная туманность Лебедь M17: The Majestic Swan Nebula

What unusual eggs have been laid by this majestic swan? The star forming region above, known as Swan Nebula, is the home of hot red-glowing gas, dark lanes of dust, bright young stars and -- what are those?

NGC 5882: маленькая планетарная туманность NGC 5882: A Small Planetary Nebula

Will most stars one day look like this? Pictured above is the planetary nebula NGC 5882, captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. Although planetary nebulae can appear similar to planets like Uranus and Neptune, they are actually gas clouds surrounding stars typically hundreds of light years away.

Красное Пятно крупным планом Galileo Zooms in on Jupiter's Red Spot

What does the largest storm system ever recorded look like close-up? This storm system is Jupiter's Great Red Spot and it was captured recently in detail by the robot spacecraft Galileo now in orbit around Jupiter.

Пузырь, выдутый звездой Вольфа-Райе A Wolf-Rayet Star Bubble

What's a Wolf-Rayet star, and how did it create that spherical bubble and sweeping arc? A Wolf-Rayet star is a star that originated with a mass over 40 times that of our Sun.

"Луна"-9: первый аппарат мягкой посадки Luna 9: First Soft Lander

The Luna 9 spacecraft above performed the first soft landing on another planetary body. Following a series of failures, the Soviet probe touched down in the Moon's Oceanus Procellarum region February 3, 1966.

Почему квазар 1229+204 такой яркий? Why is QSO 1229+204 so Bright?

What causes the center of this barred spiral galaxy to light up brighter than almost anything in the universe? The quasar there is a good fraction of the way across our observable universe...

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