Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.antropos.msu.ru/vestnic/e2014_1.doc
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Thu Jul 23 11:51:57 2015
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sat Apr 9 23:29:58 2016
Êîäèðîâêà: koi8-r

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: moon

Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia
2014. N 1


Grigoriev A.I., Potapov A.N. Biomedical issues of manned mission to
Mars (p. 4)
The history of space research numbers several thousand centuries as
evidenced by the existence of observatories in ancient seats of
civilization. Already in those remote times myths were created about humans
travelling to other planets of the Solar system. Scientific astronomy arose
with the use of telescope at the threshold of the 17th century and, with
development, advanced our knowledge of Mars significantly. Conception and
formation of theoretical and practical cosmonautics fell on end of the 19th
and the 20th century.
The revolutionary progress in studying objects of the Solar system came
with the dawn of the space era. Development of cosmonautics headed on along
two lines, piloted near-Earth flights and robotic missions to other
planets. These were paralleled by working up projects of human flights to
the Moon and Mars. There is now a solid scientific and technological
background for making a piloted mission to Mars. Russia, USA and Europe are
carrying on mega science projects thus paving the way for a future Mars
exploration mission. A prominent place in these endeavors is occupied by
the issues of biomedical support with consideration of the effects of
multiple factors on the functioning of major body systems and psychological
status of the crew. Much attention is also given to upgrading methods of
selection for cosmonauts, protection against gravitational effects and
space radiation, designing independent regenerative systems of life
support, housekeeping and hygiene supplies and planetary quarantine
Research and design efforts to this end are performed using, first and
foremost, the settings and capabilities of the International space station.
A part of the problems is resolved in experiments aboard biological
satellites and laboratory model studies, extreme natural environments and
specialized ground-based facilities. The last can be exemplified by
international project MARS-500 on simulation of a mission to Mars; the
project was fulfilled in 2010-2011 at the Institute of Biomedical Problems
of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It furnished new scientific data and
marked an important step toward launching a crew of Mars explorers. The
most valuable outcome of MARS-500 was an idea of year-long mission to the
International space station for in-flight testing of approaches to and
technology of biomedical support in view of the needs of piloted mission to
Keywords: background, remote space mission, piloted mission to Mars,
biomedical support objectives, issues and prospect of piloted exploration

Ponomareva V.V. Medical and social conditions of daily life in colleges
of the Mariinksyestablishment (second half of nineteenth - beginning of
twentieth century) (p. 17)
The study of the specific cultural phenomenon that were colleges of the
Mariinksy establishment (also known as closed privileged girls' boarding
schools) was conducted based on the principles of objectivity and
historical accuracy, with the additional use of the comparative method. In
the cultural history studies, this dual-discipline approach, which takes
into consideration various aspects of social, academic and cultural life,
remains the leading approach. It is impossible to recreate the dynamic and
evolving daily life of the girls' colleges without addressing the problems,
which came into light in the second half of nineteenth - beginning of
twentieth century, without medicine, hygiene and sanitation being the most
important. Materials used in this work were: official documents from the
establishments of empress Maria, both published and archived, materials
about female and male colleges, specific medical literature of the time,
press cuttings (professional and daily), and personal documents (memoirs,
correspondence, diaries).
There were more than 30 ladies' colleges at the start of the twentieth
century, with some 9 thousand students, which was indicative of the
importance and popularity of such establishments in the society.
The colleges had gathered a lot of experience in upbringing of young
people. From the second half of eighteenth century doctors kept a constant
eye on the wellbeing of the students, and guest consultants were invited in
serious cases. Sources show that death rate in the colleges was
comparatively very low for that period. Medical supervision became even
more regular, systematic and all-encompassing with the expansion of
colleges and influx of students. The formalisation of medical work in
colleges and the publication of medical reports of the Mariinsky
establishment played an important role, attracting the attention of the
colleges' management and of society to a wide range of medical and hygiene
problems. Doctors systematically examined the students, at the same time
looking for correct ways of measuring various parametres and working out
the norms and systemasing the materials. It became habitual to gather
information from parents and relatives of the students as they started
their studies about previous illnesses, body and character traits, and
where possible, predicting inherited conditions. Methodical examination of
large groups of adolescents gave the medics a fair ground for scientific
There were many students from non-wealthy families, orphans and semi-
orphans. Despite the fact that majority of students belonged to very
privileged classes - the aristocracy - the doctors saw among them a very
high percentage of adolescents with ill health (above 33 percent and around
55 percent in general). In the colleges, the medics learnt to prevent
infectious diseases or at least to keep them under control (small pox,
scarlet fever, influenza, diphtheria). 'Sick bay' rooms were set up, and
quarantine and disinfectant policies were maintained. Among serious medical
conditions of that time were "the English disease" (scoliosis), TB, and
uncurable cholera, which flared up repeatedly at the end of the nineteenth
-beginning of twentieth century. The medics were faced with problems, which
had to be resolved as soon as possible. For example, a scientific approach
towards nutrition began to form during that period, and the medics had to
develop and implement a balanced diet for adolescents. The doctors were
faced not only with medical problems, they had to promote cautionary
measures, and to educate the society, which was often skeptical about their
This multi-dimensional approach led to a considerable improvement in
the general health of the young girls. The doctors' efforts were supported
by the government and local authorities, which controlled the strict
following of the doctors' instructions. It was in the girls' colleges that
a wide spectrum of medical and sanitary measures was established in Russia
for the first time, which was later developed in the Soviet system of
school welfare.
Keywords: historical anthropology, cultural history, daily city life,
women's education, modernisation, school medicine, empress Maria's
establishments, closed girls' colleges

Strokina A.N., Butareva I.I. Ergonomics measurements of body
schoolchildren (p. 30)
The article presents the children's body size, intended for the
construction of facilities and activities for communities associated with
their use of spaces. Such data in ergonomics and, in particular, in school
health in our country are not available. The article shows the ergonomic
body size of children - results anthropometric survey of school children 7-
11 years, students of South and Central districts of Moscow. 33
measurements on each child in standing (body length, vertical reach of the
hands, arm span, arm span, bent at the elbows, the front horizontal reach
of hands, eye height above the floor, height 3 phalanx point above ground
level the elbow above the floor) and sitting (vertical reach of hands, the
height of the apical point of the seat, the height of the apical point of
the seat, the height of eye above the seat, the height of the shoulder
slope above the seat, the height of the elbow over the seat, thigh height
above the seat, the height of the waist above the seat, the height of the
knee off the floor, the height above the floor of the popliteal fossa, the
back seat - the outer corner of the eye, the back seat - the front surface
of the body, seat back 3 point phalanx, the back seat - knee, back seat -
popliteal angle, elbow - 3 phalanx point bideltoidny diameter, maximum
width of the pelvis, the largest diameter of the ulna), as well as the size
of the foot and hand. The measurement results can be used for calculating
the parameters of school ergonomic furniture, i.e. those elements of the
student's workplace, which in the classroom immediately and over time have
an impact on him (desks, backpacks, books, and working spaces and so on).
The data obtained to fill a gap in the design of school furniture for
primary schools and to identify a way forward to ensure a comfortable
furnishings and high school curriculum.
Keywords: anthropology, ergonomics of children, schoolchildren
measurements, percentiles, school ergonomic furniture

Fedotova T.K., Gorbacheva A.K. Percentile standards of physical
development of Moscow children aged 3-17 (p. 45)
The data for elaborating percentile standards is based on the
anthropological examining of children during 2005-2006 in kinder gardens
and schools of three administrative districts of Moscow: Southern, Eastern
and Western. The age of the patients is from 3 to 17 years. The total
number of samples for body length, chest and waist circumferences equals
1556 for boys and 1500 for girls. The corresponding numbers for weight are
1359 and 1307. The full description of the results of this study is
presented in îur book [Fedotova et al., 2007]. The data was devided into
age groups with 1 year interval using standard gradations. The sum of
percentiles - 5th, 25th,50th,75th and 95th - was determined for each
feature and each sex/age groups. As the meanings of percentiles for
different age groups are estimated for different children, which results
from the cross-sectional character of the study, the dynamics of these
indices reveals the additional accidental component. To avoid the major
part of this effect and alleviate the influence of accidental variation of
statistical values this study appeals to the method of analytic smoothing
of the patterns of age dynamics of each percentile using the parabolic
equation of the 4th parabola Pi = ao + a1t + a2t2 + a3t3 + a4t4 , where t -
age in years, ao, a1, a2, a3, a4 - calculating parameters. Such choice of
the form of smoothing equation is explained by the circumstance that
parabola 4th parabola usually adequately describes the age changes of
patterns of mean values in cross-sectional studies. Smoothed percentile
standards are available in three variants, each of them may be used in
practice: 1) graphical percentile standards; 2) smoothed values of
percentile standards for the age groups of children with half-year
intervals presented in the table. Using of them allows more precise
diagnostics; 3) equations, which allow the precise calculation of the
percentile for any year point, with the detailed explanation of the
procedure of calculation.
Keywords: anthropology, physical development, children aged 3-17,
height, weight, chest and waist circumference, percentile standards

Mkrtchan R.A., Vorontsova E.L. The study of morphological variability
of craniological series of burial Nerkin Getashen (Republic of Armenia)
(p. 57)
The aim of this work was the study of morphological variability of
craniological series of burial Nerkin Getashen which is dated from the
middle bronze age (MB) before the early iron (EI).
The series under study consists of 48 male and 35 female skulls from
Nerkin and Verin Getashen collective burials. Metric characteristics were
carried out on standard craniometrical program and analized by principal
component analysis (factor analysis) separately for different areas of the
There were two processes of changing of the cranial shape that was
demonstrated from the example of Getashen burial from the middle bronze age
to the early iron. One of these processes is mesocranization of the
cerebral cranium as a consequence of flattening of the occipital part.
Another process was the decreasing of the facial cranium as a result of
reducing of its sizes and its flattening. Probably, these processes were
based on polytypical tribal communities (burial number 21 and 28). The
palate-alveolar region of the male skulls narrowed while ones of the female
skulls expanded. Variability of the palate-alveolar region, of the frons,
of the angle vertical profiling of the face and of the angle of the
forehead were greater in the late bronze period than in middle bronze and
early iron age. In some cases the skulls from separate burial occupy a
common locus on a coordinate plane. Probably, this is result of the
similarity of their genotypes that testify in favour of the related types
of burial.
Keywords: anthropology, craniology, Armenia, bronze age, early iron age

Belikov A.V., Goncharov I.A., Goncharova N.N. The methods of using
digitized images in creating composite photograph (p. 74)
At the turn of XIX century Francis Galton devised the method of
composite photograph, which is widely used in yielding common features in
the series of portraits in case of random access. Due to that peculiarity
the method has a wide interdisciplinary potential. Our survey is devoted to
the consideration of some existing techniques of creating a composite
photograph in «Adobe Photoshop». Another issue, described in the article,
is the search of the optimal way to emulate multiple exposures, which
Galton used, with the help of digital techniques, saving the principals he
assumed as a basis of the method. Existing procedures were tested through
creating composite portraits of ancient marble statues from the collection
of American School of Classical Studies at Athens. The authors, except few
cases, used monochrome photos of the statues while examining the method.
All images are from the same series and have equal characteristics of
contrast and sharpness. They are also made in the similar chiaroscuro. The
strengths and weaknesses of the existing methods of superimposition were
analyzed. Authors also devised their own process, which helps to reproduce
accurately the chemical processes that take place in photosensitive layers
during multiple exposures with the help of Adobe Photoshop. Described
technique was also verified by mathematical methods. Authors propose their
practices for an open examination and discussion.
Keywords: composite photograph, digital methods, F. Galton, «Adobe
Photoshop», portraits of ancient marble statues

Short Communications

Goodkova L.K. The meaning of V.P. Volkov-Dubrovin works for the
development of physiological anthropology (p. 84)
V.P. Volkov-Dubrovin in physiological anthropology dealt with the
problem of biological oxidation. He mastered the oxyhemometry technique
suitable for expedition work. According to the results collected in many
expeditions, he identified the individual variability of oxyhemometry and
he studied significant materials for age, sex and geographical variability.
The definition of normal variability limits of oxidizing processes
intensity was of great importance for physiological anthropology. He made a
significant contribution to the study of interdependence of oxidizing and
morphological characteristics of the human body and also made a complex
study of Indian populations. V.P. Volkov-Dubrovin had participated in many
expeditions and was the author or co-author of numerous articles. His role
in the development of physiological anthropology could not be overestimated
and his works are a significant contribution to the science of man.
Keywords: anthropology, physiological anthropology, V.P. Volkov-
Dubrovin, oxyhemometry

Melnik V.À., Kozakevich N.V. Dynamics of basic anthropometric
parameters of schoolchildren of Byelorusian Polesye in the period from 1976
to 2011 (p. 90)
The aim of the research is to assess the dynamics of basic
anthropometric parameters of schoolchildren of Byelorusian Polesye in the
period from 1976 to 2011.
The authors of the article have examined the schoolchildren of
secondary schools in the city of Gomel. In 2010-2011 the complex
diametrical morphometrical examination was carried out on the
schoolchildren aged 7-17 without significant health problems in the city of
Gomel (total 2894, of them 1411 were boys and 1483 were girls) The
anthropometric observation of the schoolchildren was conducted by the
unified method of V.V. Bunak in accordance with a program traditionally
used by the anthropologists of Russia and Belarus. The somatometrical
program included body length and mass, chest circumference parameters. The
absolute and relative parameters of their annual increases were calculated
of the schoolchildren, which made it possible to determine the periods of
their relative acceleration and deceleration indices. The anthropometric
data on the schoolchildren of Byelorusian Polesye obtained by G.I. Verenits
in 1976-1978 were used for comparison.
As a result of the conducted comparative analysis of the basic
anthropometric parameters of physical development of the schoolchildren of
Byelorusian Polesye, examined in 1976-2011, it was established that
nowadays boys exceed their peers examined in 1976 in body length and mass,
chest circumference parameters. Girls aged 7-17 observed such as regularity
only for body length parameter and for body mass for the age of 7-14 and
chest for 7-13. The periods of maximum average annual increases of the
basic anthropometric parameters of the boys examined in 1976 and 2011 fell
on the later terms in comparison with the peer girls. The maximum increase
in length and body mass parameters examined in 2011 was recorded a year
earlier than that of the boys examined in 1976. Nowadays the girls in
Byelorusian Polesye observe their maximum body length increase a year later
and body mass and chest circumference increases three and two years
earlier, correspondingly.
Keywords: auxology, anthropometric parameters, physical development,
children and adolescents, dynamics

Zhabagin M.K., Dibirova H.D., Frolova S.A., Sabitov Zh.M., Yusupov
Yu.M., Utevska O.M., Tarlykov P.V., Tazhigulova I.M., Balaganskaya O.A.,
Nimadava A., Zakharov I.A., Balanovsky O.P. The relation between the Y-
chromosomal variation and the clan structure: the gene pool of the steppe
aristocracy and the steppe clergy of the Kazakhs (p. 96)
Aim: to study the possible connection between of Y-chromosomal
variability and the genealogical structure of Kazakhs to analyze the
relationship between biological and social kinship. In the study, besides
the descendants of the steppe aristocracy and steppe clergy (sample size N
= 94), other clans of Kazakhs and Mongols (N = 359) were analyzed. All
samples were analyzed by 17 Y-chromosomal STR markers, addressing to
haplogroups was confirmed by direct analysis of haplogroup-defining SNPs.
In the clan of Tore, eight haplogroups were identified, among which there
were three major haplogroups: C3 * - M217 (xM48) (35%), R1a * - M198
(xM458) (22%) and R2a - M124 (17%). In the clan of Kozha, there were 14 Y-
chromosome haplogroups, only three of which had frequencies higher than 10
percent: R1a1a-M198 (37%), J2-M172 (12%), R2a-M124 (11%). The major
haplogroups of Kozha (R1a, J2, R2a) are typical for gene pool of South-West
Asia, Iran and Tajikistan, which marks possible homelands of the
missionaries which brought Islam into Kazakhstan. In the comparative
analysis of the Tore and Kozha, it was revealed that there are similarities
in the two major haplogroups - R1a1a-M198 and R2a-M124, which can indicate
the genealogical links between the socially privileged groups, which is
consistent with historical sources. The clan of Tore (Genghis Khan
descendants in Kazakhstan) is similar to the clan of Bordzhigin (Genghis
Khan descendants in Mongolia) by frequency of the major haplogroup C3* (35%
in Tore and 39% in Bordzhigin); this haplogroup is presumably attributed to
Genghis Khan. The phylogenetic analysis of the haplogroup C3* allowed us to
reveal three new clusters of haplotypes. One of them includes members of
Konirat clan only; the age of the cluster is 1100±400 years. The corrected
age of the star-cluster (including the so-called "Genghis Khan haplotype")
was estimated to be 1000 +/- years. We revealed the partial positive
relation between social and biological kinship in Kazakh clans, which can
serve as source of information, additional to the written records.
Keywords: Y-chromosome, gene geography, clan structure of the Kazakhs,
population genetics

Chumakova A.M., Kobyliansky Eu. A reflectometric study of the skin
color in Bedouin tribes of South Sinai (based on the Tel Aviv University
expeditions data, 1979-1982) (p. 102)
Recent publication of the scientific report on commensuration of skin
color data, obtained by spectrophotometry and by visual assessment using a
Lushan scale opens the possibility of comparing the results of numerous
published materials. In this connection it is useful to analyze and publish
some historical data of the Tel Aviv University's South Sinai expedition
Skin reflectance values were determined in 135 Bedouin men of Southern
Sinai aged 17-60 years, of which 65 - Bedouins of the tribe Gebelia, 62
belong to the tribe Museina, and 8 individuals belong to the group,
conventionally called «other tribes» and consisting of representatives of
the tribes Avlad Said, Gararsha, Beni vassal. The study used a
spectrophotometer Evans Electroselenium Limited (UK), equipped with nine
interchangeable filters (numbers 601-609), respectively allows the device
to emit light of a certain wavelength (from 425 to 685 nm). Recorded the
skin reflectance on the medial surface of the inner upper arm. Calculated
Spearman rank correlations for the studied traits, found values of the Mann-
Whitney test.
The analysis found no significant differences between tribes in the
system of studied traits. Skin reflectance values at light wavelength 685nm
in Bedouins of Southern Sinai (46.04) are close to those for the Arabs of
the Arabian Peninsula, from where ascends the studied group. Revealed that
according to the skin reflectance values South Sinai Bedouins are the
darkest among Arab populations. Authentic intertribal differences in the
skin reflectance at the light wave 685 nm among South Sinai Bedouins are
Keywords: physical anthropology, Southern Sinai Bedouins, skin
reflectance, spectrophotometry

Êîryakovtseva Ì.S., Godina Å.Z., Rizhkova L.G. Somatic development of
young fencers (p. 107)
The relationship between physical exercises of varying intensity and
physical development of athletes is known for a long time. Athletes of each
sport are characterized by a certain set of parameters that distinguish
them from each other. Aim of the present study was to investigate physical
characteristics of 10-18-year-old fencers in the relation to their sport
qualification and in comparison with children of the same age who do not go
in for any kind of sport.
The study is based on the results of 2010-2012 survey of Moscow
fencers, with the experience of sports training from 1 to 8 years and
sports category, up to the rank of Master of Sports. Data of Moscow
schoolchildren who do not exercise on a regular basis, examined in 2005-
2011, served as a control group. The sample consisted of 277 athletes; the
control sample represented 1147 schoolchildren. The program included about
50 anthropometric measurements [Bunak, 1941], the assessment of somatotype
by Shtefko-Ostrovsky [1929] method.
Comparative analysis of the combined sample of athletes and children
and adolescents not involved in sports, showed that the athletes were
different from the control sample in a variety of features that affect
athletic performance and success in the sport: namely, larger stature and
limbs length, bigger values of shoulder and pelvic diameters, smaller
subcutaneous fat layer than that of schoolchildren, etc.
With age (17 years and after), the differences between the studied
fencers and schoolchildren are enhanced. This applies to stature and limb
length in girls, body proportions, shoulder and pelvic diameters, chest
circumference and chest shape, diameters of distal epiphysis of lower
extremities, as well as skinfolds thickness.
Keywords: sports anthropology, somatic development, biological age,
somatotype, 10-18-year-old fencers

El'chinova G.I., Zinchenko R.A. The reproductive characteristic of the
tatar population of Tatarstan (p. 115)
The reproductive characteristic of the population of the studied region
is an integral part of complex medical and genetic population research
which is carried out by staff of laboratory of genetic epidemiology of FSBI
MGNC RAMN in the Republic of Tatarstan according to the developed protocol.
Research is carried out in seven regions of Tatarstan - Arsky, Atninsky,
Kukmorsky, Buinsky, Drozhzhanovsky, Aktanyshsky, Muslyumovsky. Questioning
of women of post-reproductive age was carried out at our request by
employees of local health care service. There are 1449 questionnaires
received during the Tatar women interviewing entered in the analysis. In
this work we carry out the analysis of these indicators for the Tatar
population, first, depending on urbanization degree (rural people of areas,
rural people of districts and urban population), secondly, various
subethnic groups of Tatars (Mishars, Teptiars, the Kazan Tatars) and,
thirdly, we consider their temporary dynamics (questionnaires of women
before 1940th year of birth, 1940-1949, 1950-1959, 1960 and younger). The
average number of persons up to a reproduction allows to estimate the
reproduction character of the rural Tatar people as expanded (2.66), and
the reproductive character of districts and urban populations is a simple
reproduction (2.13 and 2.29, respectively). The maximum size of the sibs
among rural people of three ethnic subgroups is fixed at Mishars (2.86), at
the Kazan Tatars and Teptiars below (2.59 and 2.65, respectively). During
questionnaires division of rural Tatar women into four age groups according
to the year of birth monotonous decrease of birth rate is marked (3.72,
3.36, 2.70, 2.39) and, respectively, the size of a sibs (3.68, 3.24, 2.62,
2.34), showing transition from expanded nature of reproduction in the
senior age group (before 1940) is revealed to simple in a younger group
(1960 and later). Crowe's index and its components in the considered groups
of the Tatar population made: for rural people of regions of Im=0.025,
If=0.184, Itot=0.214; for rural people of districts of Im=0.018, If=0.168,
Itot=0.188; for urban population of Im=0.024, If=0.214, Itot=0.244; for the
Kazan Tatars of Im=0.017, If=0.184, Itot=0.204; for Mishars Im=0.045,
If=0.184, Itot=0.237; for Teptiars Im=0.023, If=0.184, Itot=0.212; for
women to 1940 Im=0.010, If=0.188, Itot=0.199; for 1940-1949 Im=0.036,
If=0.153, Itot=0.194; for 1950-1959 Im=0.032, If=0.158, Itot=0.195; for
1960 and after Im=0.018, If=0.136, Itot=0.157.
Keywords: genetic population research, reproductive characteristic,
Crowe's index, Republic of Tatarstan, Tatar women

Hurbo T.L. The changes of body mass index, the prevalence of overweight
and obesity in 4-7-year-old Belarusian children during 1990-2000 (p. 121)
To follow the dynamics of body mass index, the prevalence of overweight
and obesity in 4-7-year-old Belarusian children: time dynamics (the years
1990-2000) and space dynamics (in different cities in comparison with the
world trends).
The calculations and analysis were done on the base of the data on body
length and mass of 1285 4-7-year-old children, who were examined at the
beginning of the 1990 (in Minsk, Grodno, Brest, Baranovichi, Pinsk); and
the same data in 2020 children, who were examined at the beginning of the
2000 (in Minsk, Zhodino, Krichev, Buda-Koshelevo, Ivenets). Anthropometry
was done according to the standard measurement procedure. The diagnostics
of overweight and obesity was done with the help of percentile tables of
body mass index, worked out by T. J. Cole et al. (IOTF) and M. F. Rolland-
Cachera et al. (ECOG). The comparison was done using t-criterion by Student
and ÷2-criterion.
According to the data of 1990-2000 there was no increase of prevalence
of overweight and obesity among 4-7-year-old children in Belarus. Moreover,
for the past 20 years there is observed the opposite tendency - decrease of
the number of children with overweight and obesity. In 2000 in different
regions of the world there were observed different trends: significant
increase of the number of children with overweight and stabilization of the
situation. There was also the tendency to decrease as in Belarus.
Among the world and European countries Belarus may refer to those where
the level of overweight and obesity is quite low (Lithuania, Czech
Republic, Finland, Sweden). The problem is very sharp in Southern Europe
(Italy, Spain, Greece, Cyprus), in southern Poland (Krakow) and in the
countries of North America (the USA, Canada).
BMI reaches critical values in girls more often than in boys, and more
often it is observed in boys of the younger age groups (4-5 year old).
Gender differences are the same in other countries: overweight and obesity
are more typical for girls. At the same time age peaks of overweight
prevalence significantly vary in different authors. Evidently, this problem
should be considered in a larger age interval (for ex., from 3 to 18 years
and so on).
The level of prevalence of overweight and obesity in 4-7-year-old
children from different regions of Belarus tended to decrease during 1990-
2000. It is one of the lowest levels among European and world countries.
Further monitoring of the situation is needed.
Keywords: auxology, body mass index, obesity, overweight, 4-7-year-old
children, Belarus

Book Reviews

Book review: Auxology. Studing Human Growth and Development / Michael
Hermanussen (ed.) (V.D. Sonkin) (p. 132)

Book review: Rudnev S.G., Soboleva N.P., Sterlikov S.A. et al.
Bioelectrical impedance investigation of body composition of the population
of Russia. (E. Godina) (p. 133)

Chronicle of Russian and Foreign Anthropology
The 19th Congress of the European Anthropological Association
«Anthropology: unity in diversity». Information letter (p. 135)