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Bridger, A., Schwarz, J., Clarke, D. A., Chavan, A. M., Sommer, H., & Schilling, M. 2003, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 314 Astronomical Data
Analysis Software and Systems XIII, eds. F. Ochsenbein, M. Allen, & D. Egret (San Francisco: ASP), 85
ALMA Proposal Preparation: Supporting the Novice and the Expert
Alan Bridger, David Clarke
UK Astronomy Technology Centre, Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, United Kingdom
Joseph Schwarz, Maurizio Chavan, Heiko Sommer, Marcus Schilling
European Southern Observatory,Karl-Schwarzschild Str-2, Garching bei München, D-85748, Germany
The Atacama Large Millimetre Array Observatory (ALMA) is an
international collaboration between Europe and North America to build
a synthesis radio telescope that will operate at millimetre and
submillimetre wavelengths. Other papers in this conference outline the
overall ALMA Software design and cover various aspects of the software
In this paper we describe the subsystem that will provide the
Astronomer's main interface to observing with ALMA: the Proposal
and Observation Preparation subsystem. Tools to handle Proposal and
Observing preparation for the world's major telescopes are of
course now commonplace (HST, Gemini, VLT, UKIRT, JCMT to mention a
few), and we will build on the experience of those tools, but the ALMA
telescope will present some novel challenges.
We will outline the technical side of the subsystem, how it integrates
fully with the overall ALMA software system, and also describe our
proposed solutions to the challenges of the user-interface side of the
system: the major requirement we have to fully support the needs of
advanced users, those expert in submillimetre aperture synthesis
observing, and novices, who may know very little about the domain.
It is intended that the ALMA Observatory will have an Observing System
similar to that used by most of the world's major ground-based
Observatories: preparation of proposals and observing will be
supported by software, the observatory itself will operate mostly in a
queue-scheduled mode, and some level of processing will be performed
automatically on the data at the observatory, the final data products
arriving in an archive. This is outlined in Schwarz et al (2004).
Despite being inspired by the ``cradle to grave'' systems of other
observatories, the ALMA software system does have some novel and
complex challenges:
- We intend to implement a single tool - the ALMA Observing Tool (OT)
- to support the users' preparation of both proposals and observing,
and also to support the review process
- We support those who are new to mm/submm interferometry (with no
intended offence, novices) in addition to experts, those who are
very familiar with the details of such observing, some of whom will form
the ALMA scientific support, and who will use the OT to create new
observing modes.
- The OT must provide feedback on the resources required, on the
optimal weather (and its likelihood), and an estimate of expected data quality.
- All projects submitted from the OT must be technically correct,
i.e. ALMA can execute them successfully.
- The output from the OT must obviously be compatible with the ALMA
Observing System. This system is driven by Scheduling Blocks
(SB). The SB is the ``atom'' of observing with ALMA. Most
observing is expected to require the execution of many SBs.
Figure 1:
Package Diagram
Thus the OT must provide a top level, goal-oriented, astronomical view
of ALMA ( e.g. mapping area, frequency, rms noise), and then
transform that information into the data required to drive a complex
instrument (a collection of optimised SBs). Finally, it must remain
flexible to support the changing operation of the telescope as the
knowledge of best use changes, and it must be able to accommodate
future changes in computing technologies in response to the demands of
the astronomical community.
Figure 1 shows a package diagram for the ALMA Observing Tool,
and the server-side support required by it. Some key design features can be
- Astronomical input is captured within a Program definition
(Figure 2):
- Multiple Regions of Interest (ROI) lie within a Target Space
- Each ROI consists of a TargetArea definition and one or more
SpectralSetups (receiver and correlator).
- Observatory Experts supply encapsulated domain-specific knowledge.
- A Program Generator service converts astronomical input to SBs
lying within a recursive hierarchy that allows for very complex programs.
- Another Service supplies technical Validation of Programs.
- The generated content may be directly edited by experts.
- Traditional separation of business data and editors allowing
different views, particularly interactive visual editing as an option to
forms-based input.
- Use of the ALMA Common Software (ACS) to provide access to
server-side (observatory) services, e.g. ProjectRepository.
- Persistence of the information via entities bound to the XML Schema.
Figure 2:
A view of the Observing Project tree
The Java programming language was chosen for implementation, partly
for portability but also for commonality with other ALMA system.
CORBA IDL is used to define the functional interfaces between observatory
subsystems meshing with the ACS use of CORBA, facilitating
distribution of server side components. ACS implements the OMG's Component
Container Model.
XML Schema provide data interface definitions and binding classes are
generated using the Castor tool as part of the ACS framework (Sommer
et al, 2004). This also supports the persistence requirements. Ultimately
persistence is implemented by the Archive subsystem (Wicenec et al, 2004).
A number of common tools are being used during the design and
implementation of the software, some notable ones being
for class documentation
for unit testing, and
the Eclipse
IDE for
development. We strongly recommend these tools.
After some initial conceptual work the subsystem workpackage began in June
2002. The Preliminary design passed review in March 2003, and the first of
a series of incremental Critical Design Reviews was passed in June 2003.
An early prototype proved the architecture of the system, and the
first internal release of the system (October 2003) demonstrated
integration with the rest of the ALMA software, by creating
and storing simple SBs that could be queried and used
by the Scheduling subsystem.
Annual incremental CDRs, major and minor releases for
system integration will lead to a ``beta'' release of the OT scheduled
for 2006, when it is proposed that a significant number of testers
will have access. The system will be ready for use in
mid-2007 in time for interim observing with the telescope.
We are very grateful for Steve Scott's (OVRO) contributions to the
concept and early design, and to Leonardo Testi (Arcetri) for his continuing
interest and advice.
Schwarz, J. et al 2004, this volume, 643
Sommer, H. et al 2004, this volume, 81
Wicenec, A. et al 2004, this volume, 93
© Copyright 2004 Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 390 Ashton Avenue, San Francisco, California 94112, USA
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