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Becciani, U., Antonuccio-Delogu, V., Buonomo, F., & Gheller, C. 2001, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 238, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems X, eds. F. R. Harnden, Jr., F. A. Primini, & H. E. Payne (San Francisco: ASP), 503
An Integrated Procedure for Tree N-body Simulations: FLY and AstroMD
U. Becciani, V. Antonuccio-Delogu
Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania, Catania - Italy
F. Buonomo, C. Gheller
Cineca, Casalecchio di Reno (BO) - Italy
We present a new code for evolving three-dimensional self-gravitating
collisionless systems with a large number of particles
FLY (Fast Level-based N-bodY code) is a fully
parallel code based on a tree algorithm. It adopts periodic boundary
conditions implemented by means of the Ewald summation technique.
FLY is based on the one-side communication paradigm for sharing data among the
processors that access remote private data, avoiding any kind of
The code was originally developed on a CRAY T3E system
using the
SHMEM library and it was ported to SGI ORIGIN 2000 and
IBM SP (on the latter making use of the
LAPI library).
version 1.1 is open
freely available code.
FLY output data can be analysed with AstroMD, an analysis and visualization
tool specifically designed for astrophysical data.
AstroMD can manage different physical quantities. It can find structures
without well defined shape or symmetries, and perform quantitative calculations
on selected regions. AstroMD
freely available.
FLY is the N-body tree code we designed and developed to run very big
Large Scale Structure simulations of the universe using
MPP and SMP parallel systems.
FLY uses the Leapfrog numerical integration scheme for performance reasons,
and incorporates fully periodic boundary conditions using the Ewald method.
The I/O data format is integrated with the AstroMD package.
AstroMD is an analysis and visualization tool specifically designed
for astrophysical data.
AstroMD can find structures not having a well defined shape or symmetries,
and perform quantitative calculations on a selected region or structure.
AstroMD makes use of Virtual Reality techniques, which are particularly effective
for understanding the three dimensional distribution of the fields: their
geometry, topology, and specific patterns. The
data display gives the illusion of a surrounding medium into which the user is
immersed. The result is that the user has the impression of traveling through
a computer-based multi-dimensional model which can be
manipulated by hand.
The FLY code, written in Fortran 90 and C languages, uses the one-side
communication paradigm: it has been developed on the CRAY T3E using the SHMEM
library. It adopts a simple
domain decomposition, a grouping strategy, and a data buffering that allows us
to minimize data communication.
FLY does not split the domain with orthogonal planes. Instead, domain
decomposition is done by assigning an equal number of particles to each
processor. The input data are a sorted file containing the
position and velocity fields, so that particles with nearby tag number are also close
in the physical space. The arrays containing the tree properties are
distributed using a fine grain data distribution.
During the tree walk procedure, FLY builds a single interaction list (IL) to
be applied to all particles inside a grouping cell (). This reduces
the number of tree accesses required to build the IL. We consider a hypothetical
particle we call Virtual Body (VB) placed in the center of mass of the
: the VB interaction list is formed by two parts:
(1) |
where includes the elements more distant than a threshold parameter
from VB, and includes the elements near VB. Using the two lists,
it is possible to compute the force of each particle p in
as the sum of two components:
(2) |
The component is computed only once for VB, and it is applied
to all the particles, while the component is computed
separately for each particle. The size of the , and the tree-level
where it can be considered, is constrained by
the maximum allowed value of the overall error of this method. In this sense
the performance of FLY is a level-based code.
The data buffer is managed as a simulated cache in local RAM.
Every time the PE has to access a remote element, at first it looks in the
local simulated cache and, if the element is not found, the PE executes
GET calls to download the remote element, and stores it in the buffer.
In a simulation with 16-million-particles clustered, with 32 PEs and 256
MB of local memory, without the use of the simulated cache, the PEs
execute about
remote GETs. Using the data
buffering, this value decreases at
remote GETs,
with an enormous
advantage in terms of scalability and performance.
Figure 1 shows the code performance on CRAY T3E system, obtained by running
simulations with 32 and 64 PEs, and FLY scalability, considering
the case of 16,777,216 particles, where a speed-up factor of 118 is reached
using 128 PEs.
Figure 1:
CRAY T3E/1200e. FLY particles/second using 32 and 64 PEs
in uniform and clustered conditions, and scalability from 32 PEs
to 128 PEs in a 16-million-particle simulation.
The highest performance obtained in a clustered configuration is a
positive effect of the grouping characteristic.
These results show that FLY has very good scalability and very high
performance, and can be used to run very big simulations.
AstroMD is developed using the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) by Kitware, a
freely available software portable to several platforms which range from the
PC to the most powerful visualization systems, with a good scalability. Data are
visualized with respect to a box which can describe the whole computational mesh
or a sub-mesh. AstroMD can find structures not having well defined shape or
symmetries, and performs quantitative calculations on a selected region or
structure. The user can choose the sample by the loaded particle type
(i.e., stars, dark matter, and gas particles), the size of the visualization
and the starting time from which he wants to show the evolution of the simulation.
The Density entries control the visualization of the iso-surfaces. These are
calculated on a grid whose resolution can be selected by the user. To allow
a more accurate investigation
of a subset of the visualized system, it is possible
to use a cubic sampler. If the sampler is selected ( Show/Hide menu), visualized in
the scene and enabled ( Sampler menu), all the computations are performed only
inside the region of the sampler (Figure 2).
Figure 2:
Typical structure of voids and filaments
and Iso-surfaces, in a sub-region at the end of a simulation.
AstroMD can also show the evolution in time
of the simulated system over the entire interval of time for which data are
available, performing interpolations at intermediate frames. During the evolution,
the updated time of evolution is displayed in the Time entry of the
Cloud section.
Finally, snapshots of displayed images can be created using the button
Take it in the Screenshot menu.
AstroMD is developed by the VISIT (Visual Information Technology) laboratory at
CINECA (Casalecchio di Reno - Bologna) in collaboration with the
Astrophysical Observatory of Catania.
© Copyright 2001 Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 390 Ashton Avenue, San Francisco, California 94112, USA
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