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Banse, K. & Grosbøl, P. 2000, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 216, Astronomical Data
Analysis Software and Systems IX, eds. N. Manset, C. Veillet, D. Crabtree (San Francisco: ASP), 127
The Design of the Reduction Block Scheduler for the VLT Pipeline
K. Banse, P. Grosbøl
European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2, D-85748 Garching, Germany
All new data frames from the VLT are transfered to the data reduction pipeline
which classifies new frames and selects the corresponding standard reduction
tasks (Reduction Recipes) for each frame.
The observed data together with the relevant calibration data and other
necessary parameters are then combined with the selected recipe in a component
called Reduction Block. The Reduction Blocks represent the smallest executable
units for the reduction pipeline.
The task of the Reduction Block Scheduler is to schedule and trigger the
execution of these Reduction Blocks in the context of a given Data Reduction
System on a given, possible parallel (Beowulf), system.
We describe the evolution of the RBS from a prototype implementation used
to test the concept to the design of the baseline version of the RBS to
be implemented in the pipeline within the coming months.
As part of the Pipeline subsystem of the VLT Data Flow System (DFS)
the Reduction Block Scheduler processes the incoming Reduction Blocks (RBs).
The RB combines a set of input/reference frames with the explicit reduction
task (Reduction Recipe) to be performed. Each Reduction Recipe is linked
to at least one DRS which can be used for its execution, i.e. there exists
a script in that DRS to execute the Reduction Recipe of the RB.
The RBS has the task of scheduling the RB for execution in the framework of
the given Data Reduction System (DRS).
A more detailed discussion of the
DFS pipeline was given by Grosbøl et al. (1996, 1998).
We want one general pipeline infrastructure for many different instruments
used at several telescopes. The VLT instruments will have quite a long
lifetime, so we must be prepared for evolving hard- and software environments.
That means we must plan for new computer architectures, different
operating systems and new data reduction software.
The pipeline will be executed online at the VLT observatory as well as off-line
at ESO headquarters in Garching.
Furthermore, we want to support the individual recalibration of VLT data
elsewhere, thus it must be possible
to export the pipeline to other institutes.
That leads to the following requirements:
- Separation of RBS and DRS,
- Support more than one DRS,
- Single as well as parallel execution of RBs,
- The RBS must be portable and maintained and adapted easily,
- Use of an object oriented and portable programming language.
A prototype of the RBS for UT1 (also used for UT2) of the VLT was written
in C++ and uses MIDAS as the DRS. Conceptually it was possible to also use
another DRS in parallel. But, we would need an upgrade of the code of the
RBS each time a supported DRS was significantly upgraded or a new DRS was
added. Also,
the RBS had to be linked with the interface libraries needed for
communication with all the supported DRSs.
Thus, another DRS besides MIDAS was never realized.
However, the current RBS was extended to support multiple DRS of the same
kind (MIDAS) to have several RBs running in parallel. This was done within the
framework of the Beowulf project at Caltech, where RBs
were executed in parallel on the different nodes of a Beowulf system, each
running MIDAS.
To obtain more flexibility, a new baseline version of the RBS for UT3 and UT4
was planned and designed.
The main emphasis was placed on the possibility
to integrate a new DRS any time in a safe and easy way without the need of
upgrading or even relinking the RBS.
That lead to the concept of removing all
knowledge (and dependency) of a given DRS from the RBS and pushing it into
a "DRS Wrapper" class.
The RBS extracts from a given RB the Reduction Recipe and obtains, via the
implementation of that Recipe, a DRS which is capable of executing the Recipe.
Then, the RBS passes the RB on to the Wrapper of the specified DRS for
execution using a single, generic interface for all Wrappers.
- RBScheduler class:
- RBS performs the high level administration of
Data Reduction Systems available to reduce Reduction Blocks.
It finds (via RecipeImpl)
the DRS which can execute a given RB (i.e. its Reduction
Recipe) and submits that
RB to a pool of Wrappers (DRSWrapperSet) for execution.
That is, DRSs are only accessed through their respective Wrappers
which provide a clean, unique interface to any DRS.
Figure 1:
Main ReductionBlock Scheduler.
- RecipeImpl class:
- RecipeImpl defines the implementation of a
Reduction Recipe in a DRS. It provides a list of one
or more DRS
(in order of
preference) for executing the recipe.
In case of a DRS list the choice of a specific DRS depends upon
availability of that DRS
and/or the required hardware environment, e.g. parallel system.
- RedBlock class:
- RedBlock combines for a reduction task the
Reduction Recipe name and all input,
reference and result frames, as well as all other parameters required
by the Recipe's signature. Furthermore, a Reduction Block has a
priority for execution and may depend on other Reduction Blocks.
The Reduction
Blocks are independent entities, i.e. all input parameters must
be available and no side effects are possible.
- ReductionRecipe class:
- ReductionRecipe defines a data reduction
algorithm including its signature (i.e. the detailed list of all
input parameters and the result(s) it produces) and return values.
- DRSWrapperSet class:
- DRSWrapperSet contains a collection of
active DRS represented via their wrapper. At startup an initial list
of available wrappers (and their DRS) exists but it can dynamically
create new wrappers using a factory class.
- DRSWFactory class:
- DRSWFactory creates new DRS wrappers
according to a set of specifications.
- DRSWrapper class:
- DRSWrapper serves as adaptor for a given
DRS. It provides the mechanism to convert generic RB specifications to
individual scripts and commands of that DRS. For each DRS there
must exist a DRSWrapper and it is the only main class in the pipeline
system which needs specific knowledge about the specific environment of
a given DRS.
- DRSystem class:
- DRSystem is an interface class connecting a
wrapper to its DRS. The class handles all communication to the DRS.
- RecipeMapSet class:
- RecipeMapSet contains the set of all Recipe
Maps for a given DRS. For each recipe (of an RB) it locates the
corresponding Map and requests it to create the final script.
- RecipeMap class:
- RecipeMap defines additional mapping for each
recipe to the corresponding DRS script.
The design of the RBS was based on UML and we used Together/J (from Object
International) as environment.
The design document is currently published internally at ESO and will be
finalized after the cycle of peer feedback and comments is terminated.
The code for the new RBS and Wrapper package will be written in
JAVA 1.2 (and SWING for any GUI).
The org.eso.fits package will be used for access to FITS files.
The main target OS will be HP-UX (the hardware used at the VLT)
but the code will be tested on Solaris and Linux as well.
The first two DRSWrappers will be developed for MIDAS and Unix shell.
Grosbøl, P., Peron M. 1996, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 125, Astronomical Data Analysis
Software and Systems VI, ed. G. Hunt & H. E. Payne
(San Francisco: ASP), 22
Grosbøl, P., Banse, K., Ballester, P. 1998, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 172, Astronomical Data
Analysis Software and Systems VIII, ed. D. M. Mehringer, R. L. Plante, &
D. A. Roberts
(San Francisco: ASP), 151
© Copyright 2000 Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 390 Ashton Avenue, San Francisco, California 94112, USA
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