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Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VI
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 125, 1997
Editors: Gareth Hunt and H. E. Payne
L. E. Brown
Hughes STX for NASA/GSFC, Code 664, Greenbelt, MD 20771,
L. Angelini
USRA for NASA/GSFC, Code 664, Greenbelt, MD 20771,
We present a new Tcl/Tk based GUI interface tool which features plotting
of curve and image data and allows for user input via return of regions
or specific cursor positions. The package is accessible from C,
Tcl, or FORTRAN. POW operates on data arrays, passed to it as pointers.
Each data array sent to POW is treated as either an Image object or a
Vector object. Vectors are combined to form Curves. Curves and Images
may then be combined to form a displayed Graph. Several Graphs can be
displayed in a single Tk toplevel window. The Graphs can be
rearranged, magnified, and zoomed to regions of interest by the
user. Individual graph axes can be ``linked'' to implement a
``multiple y-axis'' (or x-axis) plot. The POW display can be written
out in PostScript, for printing.
With the development of several GUI based tools for High Energy
Astrophysics at the HEASARC, we found a need for a interface tool
that supports combined curve plotting and image display in a native
Tcl/Tk environment. POW is our answer.
The principal design goals for POW were:
- must coexist with (almost) any language (FORTRAN, C, Tcl/Tk),
- must allow plotting of both images and curves on a single graph,
- must allow display of multiple graphs at once,
- must allow return of arbitrary information to calling program,
- should have an intuitive GUI interface, and
- should be built with widely supported free software.
We used the existing Tk extension VISU for our image display engine,
and cannibalized existing plotting code written for the fv
project for the curve plotting and axis drawing. All ``drawing'' is
done as ``items'' on a Tk ``canvas.'' The result is a simple and
powerful tool which fits smoothly into the highly customizable Tcl/Tk
The power of Tk then allows for a very general interface to receive
input from the user. Tk allows the developer to query raw
cursor positions on the canvas. POW provides the developer with
several utilities for translating cursor positions into physical
coordinates and in which graph a given cursor position falls. This
allows the developer to write whatever sort of interface makes the
most sense for his application, using simple Tk code.
All elements in POW may be thought of as ``Objects'' (see Table 2)
The end user can perform many activities on displayed Graphs via the
- graph objects can be moved around, zoomed, magnified, and
- individual items (lines, text, images) can be deleted or
changed from the GUI,
- applications programmers or end
users (via a dialog box) can add features by sending arbitrary
scripts to the Tcl interpreter, and
- the POW display can be dumped to a file in PostScript or PPM
These methods are implemented as
C functions, TCL procs, or FORTRAN subroutines (via the
black magic of cfortran.h). (The C/FORTRAN versions carry a
status variable to fit FTOOLS conventions.)
- PowInit(): Creates a POW window.
- PowCreateData(data name, data array, data type, length, copy):
Passes a pointer to some data to POW and gives it a name. Pow can make
its own copy of the data or use yours, whichever best suits
your memory management needs.
- PowCreateVector(vector name, data name, offset, length, units):
Gives 1-D physical meaning to a chunk of Data. There is also a
function to create a vector and its associated data given a start
value and an increment.
- PowCreateCurve(curve name, x vector, x error, y vector, y error,
z vector, z error): combine vectors into a Curve.
- PowCreateImage(image name, data name, xoffset, yoffset, width,
height, xorigin, xinc, yorigin, yinc, xunits, yunits, zunits): Give
3-D physical meaning to a chunk of Data.
- PowCreateGraph(graph name, curves, images, xunits, yunits,
xlabel, ylabel, xdim display, ydim display, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax):
Display a list of curves and images as a Graph on the POW canvas.
Most of these parameters are optional and will default to ``sensible''
values if left NULL.
This is only a partial list.
- powPlotCurves(graph, curves): Adds the list of Curves to an
existing Graph.
- powPlotImages(graph, images): Adds the list of Images to an
existing Graph
- powMagGraph(graph, newmagstep): Resizes a Graph to a given
magstep (magstep = 1 is the ``natural'' size of the graph. Magsteps must
be integers or 1/integers).
- powStretchGraph graph factor: Shrinks or expands a Graph to the
allowed magstep nearest to (current magstep × factor).
- powFindCurvesMinMax(curves, axis): Takes a list of curves and an axis
and returns the minimum and maximum values of the curve along that axis.
The developer can bind mouse clicks (or other X events) to send
him cursor positions. The following routines can then make
sense of the positions.
- powGraphToCanvas(graph, axis, coordinate): Takes a physical
coordinate and returns the corresponding position on the POW canvas.
- powCanvasToGraph(graph, axis, coordinate): Takes a canvas coordinate
and returns the corresponding physical coordinate. The second argument
specifies x or y axis.
- powWhereAmI(x, y): takes an (x,y) pair of canvas coordinates and
returns which graph (if any) in which they fall.
POW allows you to ``link'' together
any number of axes on different graphs.
The resulting set of linked axes is called a ``chain.'' Each axis can
be a member of only one chain. Linking an axis from one chain to an axis in
another chain has the effect of merging the two chains. Zooming on a
region of interest on one graph will affect the linked axis on any other
graph. There are several utility routines. Also, the GUI allows the
user to view links as lines connecting linked axes.
- powLinkAxes(graph1, axis1, graph2, axis2): Links two axes.
- powBreakLink(graph, axis): Removes the specified axis from its chain.
- powAlignChain(graph, axis, orientation): Moves
all graphs belonging to the same chain as the specified graph so that
they are aligned on the canvas (i.e., it ``stacks'' the graphs into a
column or lines them up in a row on the user's screen).
An early version of POW is integrated into fv in the FTOOLS3.6
distribution and the standalone fv distribution.
A much improved version of the POW library should
be available by the time these proceedings are published.
All of this software is available from the HEASARC
Web site under the link labeled
``The road of excess leads to the Palace Of Wisdom''
The Marriage
of Heaven and Hell
William Blake
© Copyright 1997
Astronomical Society of the Pacific,
390 Ashton Avenue, San Francisco, California 94112, USA
Next: An ExpectTk/Perl Graphical User Interface to the Revision Control System (RCS)
Previous: Tcl- and [Incr tcl]- Based Applications for Astronomy and the Sciences
Up: Science Software Applications
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