Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.adass.org/adass/proceedings/adass94/seamanr.ps
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Jun 13 20:54:13 1995
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 01:22:55 2012
Êîäèðîâêà: IBM-866
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IV
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 77, 1995
R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne, and J. J. E. Hayes, eds.
FITS Checksum Verification in the NOAO Archive
R. Seaman
National Optical Astronomy Observatories 1 , P. O. Box 26732, Tucson, Arizona
Abstract. There is no standard procedure for verifying the integrity of FITS
data files. While a FITS file may be subjected to the same checksum or digital
signature calculation as any other data file, the resulting sum or signature must
normally be carried separately from the FITS file since writing the value into
the header will change the checksum.
A simple method for embedding an ASCII coded 32 bit 1's complement
checksum within a FITS header (or any ASCII text) is described that is quick
to compute and has desirable features such as: the checksum of each FITS file
or extension is set to zero; the checksum may be accumulated in any order; and
the checksum is easily updated with simple arithmetic. Oníline verification of
tapes for the NOAO/IRAF Save the Bits archive is discussed as an example.
1. Introduction
There is no standard way to verify FITS files. Various checksums may be calculated for
FITS as for other data, but the results must be kept separate from the FITS file since
writing the value into the header will change the checksum.
There is a tradeoff between the error detection capability of an algorithm and its
speed. The overhead of a digital signature or a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) may
be prohibitive for multimegabyte files, and a CRC, tuned to be sensitive to the bursty
nature of communication line noise, may not represent the best model for FITS bit
A simple method of embedding an ASCII coded 32 bit 1's complement checksum
within a FITS header is described. A 1's complement checksum (as used by TCP/IP)
is preferable to a 2's complement checksum (as used by the UNIX sum command, for
example), since overflow bits are permuted back into the sum and therefore all bit
positions are sampled evenly. A 32 bit sum is as easy to calculate as a 16 bit sum
because of this symmetry, providing greater sensitivity to errors. A binary to ASCII
conversion (analogous to uuencode) allows writing the checksum, an unsigned integer,
into a string valued FITS header keyword, such that the ASCII bytes sum four at a
time. This method has several desirable features:
ffl The checksum of each FITS file is forced to zero by writing the complement of the
calculated checksum into the header. Verifying a particular file requires only that
the checksum computes to zero.
ffl Since 1's complement addition is commutative and associative, the checksum may
be accumulated in any order.
ffl If a FITS header is changed, the checksum is updated with simple arithmetic.
Only the checksum of keywords that change need be recalculated. A simple rearí
rangement of keywords leaves the checksum unchanged.
1 NOAO is operated by AURA, Inc. under contract to the National Science Foundation.

ffl The checksum of the data records is written into a separate header keyword and
is not recomputed unless the data are modified.
ffl The checksum for individual FITS extensions is separately preserved. Extensions
may be added and removed at will from a larger FITS file without disturbing the
2. Algorithm
The 1's complement checksum is fast and simple to compute. A third of the following
C code implementation handles odd length input records---a case that does not apply
to FITS. Just zero sum32 and step through the FITS records:
checksum (buf, length, sum32)
char *buf;
int length; /* ! 2Ó18, or carry can overflow */
unsigned int *sum32;
unsigned short *sbuf;
unsigned int hi, lo, hicarry, locarry;
int len, remain, i;
sbuf = (unsigned short *) buf;
len = 2*(length / 4); /* make sure it's even */
remain = length % 4; /* add odd bytes below */
hi = (*sum32 ?? 16);
lo = (*sum32 !! 16) ?? 16;
for (i=0; i ! len; i+=2) --
hi += sbuf[i];
lo += sbuf[i+1];
(remain ?= 1) ? hi += buf[2*len] * 0x100;
(remain ?= 2) ? hi += buf[2*len+1];
(remain == 3) ? lo += buf[2*len+2] * 0x100;
hicarry = hi ?? 16; /* fold carry bits in */
locarry = lo ?? 16;
while (hicarry ------ locarry) --
hi = (hi & 0xFFFF) + locarry;
lo = (lo & 0xFFFF) + hicarry;
hicarry = hi ?? 16;
locarry = lo ?? 16;
*sum32 = (hi !! 16) + lo;
Encoding the unsigned integer checksum into an ASCII string is simply a matter
of dividing each initial byte into four bytes---this permits each quarter of the original
8íbit byte to fit within the range of the ASCII alphaínumerics, including an offset from
ASCII zero (hex 0x30).
unsigned exclude[13] = -- 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40,
0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f, 0x60 Ý;
int offset = 0x30; /* ASCII 0 (zero) */
char×encode (value, ascii)
unsigned int value;
char *ascii;
int byte, quotient, remainder, ch[4], check, i, j, k;
for (i=0; i ! 4; i++) --
byte = (value !! 8*i) ?? 24; /* each byte becomes four */
quotient = byte / 4 + offset;
remainder = byte % 4;
for (j=0; j ! 4; j++)
ch[j] = quotient;
ch[0] += remainder;
for (check=1; check;) /* avoid ASCII punctuation */
for (check=0, k=0; k ! 13; k++)

for (j=0; j ! 4; j+=2)
if (ch[j]==exclude[k] ------ ch[j+1]==exclude[k]) --
for (j=0; j ! 4; j++) /* assign the bytes */
ascii[4*j+i] = ch[j];
ascii[16] = 0;
The basic idea is the same as used by the Internet checksum (Braden et al. 1988;
Mallory & Kullberg 1990). See Stevens (1994) for an overview, and Zweig & Partridge
(1990) for alternatives. An integer is embedded within each data packet (FITS header)
which forces the checksum of the entire packet (FITS HDU) to zero. To find this integer,
zero the checksum field in the packet and accumulate the checksum---the necessary value
is just the complement (additive inverse) of the checksum.
In this case, the equivalent of zeroing the checksum field is to set the 16 character
string value of the CHECKSUM keyword to all ASCII 0s (hex 0x30). The checksum is
accumulated and complemented in the same fashion. The ASCII encoded complement
of the checksum is written into the header replacing the ASCII 0s, which are in effect
subtracted back out of the encoding to restore the original value. The checksum and its
complement sum to zero. (Actually they sum to negative zero, all 1's---1's complement
addition has two identity elements.)
Note that the checksum field must be integer aligned, whether the checksum is
being stored as an integer or an encoded string. In either case, this requirement only
applies byteíbyíbyte. To begin the string at an arbitrary odd byte offset, just permute
the bytes. Note also that the same zeroing effect could be gained by embedding the
complemented value in a comment as well as in a keyword.
3. Verification in the NOAO Archive
The NOAO/IRAF Save the Bits archive is described in Seaman (1994). Images from
several telescopes on Kitt Peak are multiplexed onto tape as large FITS image extension
files. As each image is processed, the checksum of the resulting FITS extension is forced
to zero by writing its complement into the header:

XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / FITS image extension
... ... ...
RECID = 'kp09m.940909.082728' / archive ID for observation
RECNO = 318747 / NOAO archive sequence number
CHECKSUM= ' cHjjc9ghcEghc9gh ' / ASCII 1's complement checksum
DATASUM = ' 5ZNF4XME4XME4XME ' / checksum of data records
As the tape files are assembled from the individual extension files, the checksum
for the primary FITS header is zeroed. This zeroes the checksum for the entire multiple
image file since each extension's checksum is the additive identity. After each tape
(actually a duplicate pair) fills up, the archive takes the drive offíline and verifies the
The checksum of the data records is saved separately in the DATASUM keyword.
This simplifies updating the checksum during subsequent header operations, as when
an image is later extracted from the archive. Simple arithmetic suffices to recalculate
the checksum no matter where in a file changes occur.
Other checksum schemes are possible (Peterson & Weldon 1972). Checksums,
CRCs, and digital signatures such as MD5 (Rivest 1992) are all examples of hash funcí
tions. Many possible images will hash to the same checksum---how many depends on
the number of bits in the image versus the number of bits in the sum. The utility of a
checksum to detect errors (but not forgeries) depends on whether it evenly samples the
likely errors. The 1's complement checksum is a good, quick way to do this.
Braden, R. T., Borman, D. A., & Partridge, C. 1988 (September), ``Computing the
Internet Checksum'', Internet RFC 1071
Mallory, T. & Kullberg, A. 1990 (January), ``Incremental Updating of the Internet
Checksum'', Internet RFC 1141
Peterson, W. W., & Weldon Jr., E. J. 1972, ErroríCorrecting Codes, Second Edition
(Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press)
Rivest, R. 1992 (April), ``The MD5 Message Digest Algorithm'', Internet RFC 1321 (see
also RFC 1319 and RFC 1320)
Seaman, R. 1994, in Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems III, ASP Conf.
Ser., Vol. 61, eds. D. R. Crabtree, R. J. Hanisch, & J. Barnes (San Francisco,
ASP), p. 119seamanr
Stevens, W. R. 1994, TCP/IP Illustrated Vol. 1 (Reading, Mass., AddisoníWesley)
Zweig, J., & Partridge, C. 1990 (March), TCP Alternate Checksum Options, Internet
RFC 1146