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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Jun 13 20:51:08 1995
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 01:21:56 2012

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Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IV
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 77, 1995
R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne, and J. J. E. Hayes, eds.
WIP -- An Interactive Graphics Software Package
J. A. Morgan
Astronomy Program, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
Abstract. WIP 1 is an interactive package with a simple to use interface
designed to produce high quality graphical output. WIP was developed
as part of the Berkeley­Illinois­Maryland Association 2 (BIMA) project
and is available via anonymous ftp. Details are presented about the WIP
package along with a few examples.
1. Introduction
Astronomers need to generate high quality graphics. There are, in general, two
reasons why existing graphics software is limited. First, the software often used
to reduce the data can also generate graphics but not of publication quality.
Either it generates graphics at a low to moderate quality or it produces figures
that contain ancillary information that is not desirable in the final draft. Sec­
ond, astronomers collaborating with astronomers at other institutions find it
helpful to have a common plotting environment at each institution. However,
commercial graphics products can not be freely passed from one institution to
another making it impossible for non­licensed sites to be able to contribute to
the graphics directly.
WIP was written to address these concerns. WIP was developed to be used
along with BIMA's Miriad 3 data reduction package (Sault et al. 1995) and is
based, at the lowest level, on Tim Pearson's PGPLOT subroutine library.
Because WIP is public domain software and can easily be installed on vari­
ous machines (and architectures), it provides a common interface to high quality
graphics that can be readily available to every researcher. The WIP distribution
is available on anonymous ftp 4 . Included in the WIP distribution is a complete
manual 5 which contains several sample figures with associated commands, a
frequently asked questions section, and a descriptive listing of all available com­
1 http://bima.astro.umd.edu/bima/wip/wip.html
2 http://bima.astro.umd.edu/bima/home.html
3 http://bima.astro.umd.edu/bima/miriad/miriad.html
4 ftp://ftp.astro.umd.edu/progs/morgan/
5 http://bima.astro.umd.edu/bima/wip/manual/wip.html

2. The WIP Package
WIP has a very simple user interface which easily provides high quality graphics
output. However, in addition to the simplicity of the command line interface,
there are four characteristics that make WIP quite powerful. The first of these
is probably most important to astronomical researchers: WIP has the ability to
read two dimensional images and can sense the image type (Miriad, FITS, IRAF,
etc.) automatically. In addition, most image types contain headers that WIP
can use when displaying the image as a halftone or contour plot. This greatly
simplifies one of the most difficult plotting tasks astronomers face: overlaying of
images with different resolutions and spatial extents.
Next, WIP has variables that may be assigned to arbitrarily difficult ex­
pressions. These variables allow the user to write command files in a generic way
so that they evaluate expressions internally rather than work with hard coded
numerical values. Also, the default variable list can be expanded by dynamically
creating or freeing additional variables as needed.
WIP also supports user definable macros. Macros can be defined and edited
at run time or defined in, and read from, external files. These files can also be
automatically loaded each time WIP is started providing a way to expand easily
the number of available commands. Additionally, macros (along with the ability
to pass arguments) provide a way to write, in a compact way, a collection of
repetitive commands and also provide another way to simplify the process of
writing, debugging, and enhancing plot files.
Finally, plotting scripts may be controlled internally by a conditional com­
mand and a looping construct. The if command permits conditional execution
of commands. The loop command simplifies the commands needed to execute
a macro or command multiple times. Both of these constructs (along with the
user variables) permit complex graphics to be written quite easily.
2.1. Examples
There are many other features available within the WIP package. Rather than
describe or list each feature, some will be illustrated in the examples that fol­
low. Space limitations make it impossible to explain each example in depth;
the interested reader will find more details in the manual distributed with the
Figure 1 illustrates three of the four major characteristics described above:
user variables, macros, and looping. The use of these traits minimizes the num­
ber of commands that would otherwise be necessary to generate the figure.
Commands needed to generate Figure 1
define flippanel # $1=Panel #; $2/3=Nx/Ny.
set ``0 ($1 % $2) + 1 # Index in the x­direction.
set ``1 ($1 `` $2) + 1 # Index in the y­direction.
set ``0 ``0 + ($2 * ($3 ­ ``1)) # Flip the y index direction.
panel ­$2 ­$3 ``0 # Set the panel.
define dosymbol # $1=Counter; $2=Nx; $3=Ny.
set $1 $1 + 1 # Increment the Counter.

Figure 1. A plot of the standard symbol markers used by WIP.
flippanel $1 $2 $3 # Set up the panel.
box bc bc # Draw the frame for this panel.
expand 0.5 # Set a small character size.
mtext T ­1.1 0.97 1.0 ``[$1]
expand 1.0 # Reset the character size.
symbol $1 # Chose this symbol.
move 0 0 # Move to the center of the panel.
dot # Draw the symbol.
limits ­1 1 ­1 1 # Set the limits.
set nsig 0 # Use integer format.
set ``10 ­1 # Initialize the loop counter.
loop 32 dosymbol ``10 8 4 # Draw each symbol.
Figure 2 illustrates WIP's ability to handle images. One of two data sets
used to generate this figure is an image from the VLA (FITS format) and the
other from the BIMA array (Miriad format). The point of this figure (de Geus
1994) is to illustrate the ease at which two images with different resolutions and
spatial extents can be overlaid.
Commands needed to generate Figure 2
levels ­1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 # Set the contour array.
slev A 25.0 # Contours now at ­25, 25, 50, etc.
ticksize 10 10 60 6 # Change the default tick intervals.
image s127.6cm # Read in the VLA FITS image.
winadj 0 nx 0 ny # Set the window's aspect ratio.
header rd rd # Read the image header and limits.
halftone 0.003 0.1 # Draw the halftone figure.
image s127.co 1 0.0 # Read the BIMA Miriad image.
header rd rd # Read the image header and limits.
contour # Draw the contour plot.

Figure 2. A 6 cm VLA image of the Hii region S 127 overlaid with
contours of the integrated CO emission observed with the BIMA array.
box bcnsthz bcnstvdzy # Draw a box with RA/Dec labels.
xlabel RA (1950)
ylabel DEC (1950)
de Geus, E. J. 1994, in 3 rd Annual October Astrophysics Conference in Mary­
land, Back to the Galaxy, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 278, eds. S.
Holt and F. Verter (New York, American Institute of Physics), p. 481
Sault, R. J., Teuben, P. J., & Wright, M. C. H. 1995, this volume, p. ??