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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Jun 13 20:47:35 1995
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 00:34:32 2012

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Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IV
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 77, 1995
R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne, and J. J. E. Hayes, eds.
Spectroscopic reduction and analysis programs at the
G. Hill
Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Herzberg Institute of Astronomy,
National Research Council of Canada, 5071 West Saanich Road,
Victoria BC V8X 4M6, Canada
Abstract. In this paper I outline the fortran programs available at
the DAO to process and synthesize spectra, loosely described under the
generic name REDUCE. The viewpoint is that of a research scientist who
develops and uses his own software, and who writes collaboratively for
colleagues. Much of the software has been available on the DAO's VAX
machines since the early 80s and is slowly being converted to SUNs, al­
though recent developments involve the use of DEC Alphas. The rationale
behind the various reduction and analytic software is outlined, as well as
the way the programs are controlled, e.g., menu, questions and answers,
keywords and values, or the cursor. Some particularly useful tools are
mentioned, such as, interpolation, optimization, and error analysis.
1. Introduction
Since the mid­70s, I have been developing software for the reduction of digital
spectra. Initially, the software was developed to process digitized scans of photo­
graphic spectra to measure radial velocities (RV) using techniques akin to those
employed by Grant measuring engines, or the DAO equivalent: ARCTURUS.
This involved line­by­line measurements (VELMEAS, Hill et al. 1982a), which was
inadequate when blended profiles were encountered. Considering that binary
stars were the major source of data, this was not much of an advance, but it did
serve to give me experience with digital data and interactive graphics. When
the IUE satellite flew, I spent a lot of time writing software to plot the data,
and, later, to measure the lines by fitting Gaussian, Lorentzian, or rotational
profiles to the data---sans reseau marks. This software, now called VLINE (Hill
et al. 1982b), was combined with REDUCE (Hill et al. 1982c) to provide the basis
for the next development. The need to measure blended line strengths spurred
me (reluctantly) to modify REDUCE to include scans of the calibration wedges, in
order to convert density to intensity. This led to the re­discovery of the ``Baker
density'' (Baker 1925; de Vaucouleurs 1968), which provides a reliable way to
generate intensity from the characteristic curve.
Early in the 80s, McLean (1981a,b) wrote a cross­correlation package for the
velocity analysis of binary stars, and used data from the DAO to demonstrate
the method. He applied it to the most difficult of systems---the W UMa stars---
and showed that good velocities could result from the method. This was a
breakthrough, and really marked the advent of ``modern'' binary­star velocity

measurements. In 1981 I wrote software (VCROSS) (Hill 1982a) that also used
the technique, following a visit from McLean's advisor, Ron Hilditch. It is now
the heart of most of the velocity measures that I make.
As the software began to be developed I started exporting it, and continue to
do so. Its use was originally on a collaborative basis but I have now abandoned
that. But initial development of any new software is still on a collaborative
basis. In this paper I outline the software I have been responsible for developing
at the DAO. A previous summary is given by Hill & Fisher (1986a). Note that
throughout the paper, program names are given in bold face.
2. Spectroscopic Data
2.1. Observing Context
In this section it is worth describing the data. The software was originally
written for high dispersion spectroscopy, i.e., plates that were 8 in long taken,
at 2.5--6.5 š Amm \Gamma1 , and (under­)sampled every 7--8 ¯m. Later, the software was
modified to handle low dispersion spectra---(80 š Amm \Gamma1 ). Both of these extremes
produced problems: the former because the size of the data sets (typically 25,000
by 4) was too small by a factor of 3--4. and the latter because of the difficulty
in automatically predicting the position of an arc line in a crowded spectrum
accurately enough for it to be measured automatically. The latter problem
was harder to solve. The storage problem required the switch to the VAX. In
the mid­1980s, when the Reticon became available, it was easy to convert the
software to deal with it, particularly when the detector was linear.
The thrust of the observing programs has been twofold: (1) to measure
velocities of stars, and (2) to measure the line strengths, or equivalent widths
(EW) of spectral lines. In the former case the measurements are quite routine for
single stars or galaxies, since there are rarely any complications. A simple fit to
the peak of the cross­correlation­function (CCF) will generally suffice, though a
red­shifted emission­line galaxy spectrum might pose problems of interpretation.
For binary stars the spectra are more complex, and a successful measurement
demands a composite CCF or a series of spectral lines, depending on what you
are doing. It is an exacting task to extract this information, even with a high
signal­to­noise (S/N) CCF or line profile. The critical problem is matching line­
shapes to the fitted function. When I first began the measurement of highly
blended profiles, typified by W UMa systems, I fitted Gaussian profiles to the
CCFs. They gave good mass ratios, but the systemic velocities from the two
orbits taken independently almost always differed. Once realistic shapes were
used to measure the CCFs, however, the systemic velocities became consistent
and the precision of the velocity measures improved. It then became possible to
measure masses to the 1--3% accuracy that one desires for the study of stellar
evolution (Andersen 1991). I refer the reader to some recent papers on V566
Oph (Hill et al. 1989b) and V599 Aql (Hill & Khalesseh 1991).
These developments drove me toward more realistic fitting functions, mostly
defined by the data themselves and not, as before, simply chosen by virtue of
being analytic. This approach parallels the point­spread­function (PSF) concept
used in direct imaging. The same problem is encountered in measuring line
profiles. Here the observations have not been smoothed and added, like that

of a CCF, and S/N is usually a problem. Again, without a realistic profile
shape, an EW measurement may not be very good. The ability to measure
EWs with excellent precision for blended spectra has been enhanced by the
work of Bagnuolo & Geis (1991), who developed a useful algorithm to separate
out the component spectra. The tomographic method they employ derives from
medicine, and has proven most useful, as shown by Hill & Khalesseh (1993) for
V1425 Cyg, Hill & Holmgren (1994) for Y Cyg, and Hill et al. (1994) for CC
Cas. Another method, developed by Simon & Sturm (1994), promises to be
even better.
Another spur to software development was the availability of data with
high S/N (¸2000:1). Naturally, EW measurements are easier, but such high
quality data need to be matched to stellar atmosphere models to derive di­
rectly the effective temperature (T e
), surface gravity (log g), rotational velocity
V sin i, abundance (log Fe/H), and microturbulence (¸). To do, this the Model
atmospheres of Kurucz, calculated over a suitable grid (every 500 K from 7500--
11,500K, 0.5 dex steps in log g from 3.0--4.5, unequal steps of 0.3--0.5 dex in
log Fe/H from ­1 to +1, and at 0, 1, 2, and 4 km \Gamma1 for ¸) are required. The
size of this grid, when coupled with a requirement for spectral coverage of at
least 500 š A (sampled at 0.01 š A), produces some difficulties in memory size. At
high dispersion with the Reticon, we typically sample 1870 points and cover only
70 š A. Any analysis would require something larger than that to enable Hfl to be
examined. (Note that in an A­star the hydrogen lines might extend over 100 š A
and still not reach the continuum). From these figures, we need about 260 MB
of memory to handle just 20 š A of spectrum. We are not there yet; our current
need, without including log Fe/H as an unknown, is 50 MB.
2.2. Type of Observation
While the CCD and Reticon have simplified spectroscopy, they have also pro­
duced the potential for inaccuracy, since wavelength calibrations are made at
different times. Unlike a photographic plate, where all the information needed
to analyze it is carried on it (arcs, star, clear plate and calibration data), the
digital detectors generate sequential files which must be tracked. It is, of course,
a problem for the observer and not one intrinsic to the detector. With non­coud'e
systems, arcs should be taken before and after each stellar exposure. For coud'e
systems, where the system is stable, it is not necessary to get arcs with the In
addition we need bias frames (CCD), darks perhaps, and certainly flat­fields.
An echelle observation creates a particular difficulty, as well as an opportunity,
but we do not have such a spectrograph at the DAO (thank God!). Short­
ridge's FIGARO software, however, is particularly effective in processing echelle
3. Comments on Software
My philosophy has largely been defined by my experience. As someone who
started programming in fortran in the early 1960s I have had many years
to develop bad habits as well as to gain a good knowledge of the language.
This, coupled with a structured approach and excellent software editors, has
meant that a new program can be developed remarkably quickly for each new

application. With the simplifications that came to us from the VAXs acquired
throughout the early 1980s, I discovered that monolithic programs were far too
inefficient. Generalizing problems seemed to get me into more trouble than it
was worth. For that reason I have adopted the philosophy of writing independent
programs to do different tasks. This philosophy covers graphics, as well as the
application itself. Initially I wrote a ``catch­all'' plotting package, where one or
two calls would define the whole graph, but I quickly abandoned it as being
awkward and unwieldy. Now each application has its own graphics. This has
simplified program development a great deal, since one does not need a manual
to revise the graphics. Smaller programs are easier to understand and modify.
I have concluded that the software must be interactive, driven by the cursor
and keywords---questions and answers must be minimized. It took a while before
I realized that a system of keywords and associated values, tasks, etc., would be
very useful. I developed my own decoding software to enable the strings to be
interpreted (see Hill & Fisher 1986a,b). It really made program operation much
easier. One could measure a velocity in about 15 minutes using ARCTURUS, so
the computer had to give answers quickly. The programs must be easy to use,
i.e., they all must have the same ``look'' or ``feel.'' With the system of keywords
and graphics, with mostly identical cursor commands, I have largely achieved
this goal. All the software has manuals. But converting from printed (dedicated
word­processor) to on­line manuals has been particularly burdensome.
Many of the repetitive tasks (measuring arcs, linearization, measuring ve­
locities of single stars) are organized to work from a file of file names which
can be processed in sequence, either automatically or manually. My favorite
automatic feature is the playback mode, which stems from the robot welding on
the Japanese assembly lines. Hard copy is a factor here since I have always felt
it necessary to be able to retrace the reduction steps, particularly during the
analysis process. For the automatic processing hard copy is therefore integral to
the process.
Graphics have always been a problem. Initially the software was developed
for a Tektronix 4012 terminal (768 by 1024) and its hard­copy unit. From
Tektronix's PLOT 10, higher level graphics routines were written to facilitate
program development (TGRAPHLIB, Hill 1986). With the growth of laser printers
and PostScript, this software became inadequate, so I converted to Lick Mongo
(Allen & Pogge 1991). This, too, created difficulties in exporting my software
because Lick Mongo is not widely available. I am currently converting to PGPLOT
(Pearson 1989), which is simpler to implement off­site.
The hardware platform also has an effect on things. The swing from VAXs
to SUNs leaves software developers caught between two stools since one's clients
are not all shifting at once. Thus I have been stuck with trying to maintain two
systems (even the switch from VAXes to Alphas is not routine). Fortunately
some simplifications have occurred along the way: the general adoption of a
single hardware platform, FITS (Wells et al. 1981), and later, the large software
packages IRAF and FIGARO (Shortridge 1987). But for reductions as special­
ized and as difficult as found in the binary star arena, ``canned,'' generalized
software cannot do the job.

4. Reduction of Spectra
In this section I deal with all the steps leading up to measuring a digital spec­
trum; analysis will be covered in the next section. Prior to that, the way that I
do book­keeping is noted.
4.1. File Naming
Typically, a datafile name is based on the detector, telescope, year, and sequence
number of the observation. A CCD image (number 1780) taken with the 1.22 m
telescope in 1994 would have a file name C122941780. In addition to this, I follow
the convention defined by Gulliver (1976) and Irwin (1978); this simple scheme
facilitates record­keeping since each type of file or each reduction process simply
alters the prefix. The arcs, clear plates, etc., are therefore uniquely identified
with the stellar observations. The exact processing path depends on whether one
has photographic or CCD (or Reticon) data. For photographic spectroscopy, the
data are produced by a PDS machine which scans both arcs, the stellar spectrum,
and a predetermined stretch of clear plate. The calibration is also scanned at
this time. Such a series of scans yields the files listed in Table 1. As noted in
the table, some of these steps are omitted for the digital detector.
Table 1. File­naming convention for plate or file 122941780
Raw spectroscopic data Processed data
Calibration T122941780 \Lambda Linearized in – W122941780
Clear plate L122941780 Converted to intensity I122941780 \Lambda
Arc F122941780 Normalize to continuum R122941780
Stellar S122941780 Converted to log – U122941780 y
\Lambda Necessary only for photographic spectroscopy
y Generally unnecessary
4.2. FITS Files
The original DAO disk FITS file system was written by Poeckert in 1981, and
has seen many incarnations since then. Each processing step that a spectrum
undergoes is logged in the header to show what has happened to the data. This,
along with the above file­naming sequence, allows the user to know the status
of their reductions in an instant.
4.3. Photographic Reductions
These are routine since the scans all have related names.

4.4. Reticon Observations
In dealing with Reticon data, we try to emulate the photographic procedure.
Given a long string of observations, the program RET72 allows one to produce a
similar set of files. The data are plotted and examined, the flats are identified
for a given night, and an average defined. Given the starting and ending file
numbers, the data are normalized by the flats. RET72 automatically identifies
arcs straddling stellar spectra and renames them, prefixing them with an ``F''
under the name of each stellar spectrum. The result for each stellar file is
an ``F­file'' comprising the straddling files abutted end to end (2 dimensions).
Incidentally, the arcs are automatically identified by a skewness value AE 1000,
but the algorithm will fail for emission­line spectra. The whole process can be
done manually.
A similar scheme is planned to convert the CCD data that I am now ac­
quiring at the DAO to one­dimensional (1­D) form. When using data from the
AAT or WHT, I use the FIGARO software to produce the 1­D files that feed the
reduction software. The arcs are measured by REDUCE (Hill et al. 1982a), an in­
teractive program based on the method uses to measure arcs with ARCTURUS.
The heart of the scheme is a standard plate---the prediction of a position x in
¯m---for a given –, based on the spectrograph parameters. In essence, it is a dif­
ferential method for finding the correction of each line from a predicted position.
One must first identify one line with a given pixel (hardly an onerous task); that
value is contained in the F­file which RET72 produces. Once a spectrum has been
measured, the keystrokes are recorded and later measures are done in a playback
mode. The same arcs, which might also straddle other stellar observations, are
not re­measured but are updated according to the velocity correction to the sun.
Once the arcs are measured, the spectra are linearized in –. The conversion
is based on an interpolation using INTEP (Hill 1982b), which uses cubic splines to
interpolate a reasonable curve through the data. It is an extraordinarily effective
workhorse in all the reduction and analysis programs.
5. Required Measurements
As noted in Section 2.1 the types of measures we need to make are:
RV: Done either line­by­line, or all together. With binary stars, the measures
may be very difficult;
–: These are also very difficult, and are generally only made for single stars;
EW and V sin i: The measures of line strengths and rotational velocities are
also line­by­line and very difficult. The spectra often have low S/N;
High dispersion, high S/N: For high dispersion work we are looking at the
physical parameters of single stars, which is a much easier, but CPU­intensive
task. To date we have only worked on high S/N data (¸2500:1) and small 20 š A
stretches of spectrum. The software is ready to deal with spectra of B--A stars
to measure T e
, log g, V sin i, log Fe/H and ¸.

6. Summary of Analysis Software
6.1. Prerequisites
All of these applications require wavelength linearized spectra, normalized to
the continuum. The format of choice is FITS, although I occasionally write
conversion software to provide the desired FITS format (the conversion from
ASCII already exists). In this section I outline the programs in regular use at
the DAO.
6.2. Reduction and Measurement of Spectra
Processing of Reticon observations. RET72 allows the user to plot raw data,
average the flat field observations, normalize and assemble files in the desired
forms of arc (F­files, 2­D) and stellar (S) files. It produces FITS files that can
be measured for arc, linearized, and then rectified to the continuum by REDUCE.
FIGARO performs the same function when we are dealing with CCD results
from the WHT or AAT. RET72 is routinely used at the telescope, where it
enables the observer to monitor the night's work very closely. Monitoring has
been done off­site from Manitoba.
Radial velocity. VLINE measures up to 12 lines simultaneously. It requires a
file of line identifications, and will fit either Gaussian, Lorentzian, rotational, or
digital (PSF) profiles to selected non­contiguous pieces of the data.
VCROSS measures RV by cross­correlating selected pieces of spectrum with a
reference spectrum or template. The reference spectrum may be real or synthetic
(see Hill et al. 1993). It can fit analytic or digital profiles to the CCF, produce
PSF digital profiles for use, create artificial binaries for testing, and combine
inhomogeneous (data sampled at different wavelength intervals) FITS files. The
ln – conversion is done automatically. The last two features are transparent to
the user. It can run from a list of file names interactively or automatically (only
recommended for single stars).
VLINESUM measures RV by summing lines identified from a line list. It
simulates an RV scanner, and is useful for working on visual binaries where the
separations are small, and where the blended profiles will be further masked by
the smoothing effect of a cross­correlation.
Wavelength, EW. VLINE measures up to 12 lines simultaneously, and will fit
either Gaussian, Lorentzian, rotational, or digital (PSF) profiles to selected non­
contiguous pieces of the data yielding EW, FWHM, and V sin i. LINEMEAS is a
less sophisticated version of VLINE, and only measures single (unblended) lines.
It fits various profiles and is fast to use.
6.3. Analysis and Modeling
Binary stars. TOMOGRAPHY separates a series of composite spectra into two
components. Given a series of spectra measured for RV (both components),
it will deconvolve them into separate components. When cross­correlated with
a reference spectrum, the resultant CCF provides the CCF PSF­profiles with
which to re­measure the material, and hence to repeat the process.

Given files of RV and JD fi , RVORBIT calculates the spectroscopic orbit for
any combination of parameters. It handles either single or double­lined spectro­
scopic binaries using either Sterne's (1941) method or the method of Lehmann­
Filh'es (1894). Errors are calculated by the usual error­matrix analysis and by
Monte­Carlo or bootstrap statistics.
Spectral synthesis. ROTATION generates spectra from large files of synthetic
intensity spectra derived from Kurucz's atmosphere models. The assembly of
these spectra into a data­base is ongoing. Models are based on Roche geometry
and Collin's (1963) formulation. Integration is based on the Gauss­Legendre
scheme used by Collins and by Hill (1979) in LIGHT2 . The synthesized spectra
are compared to the observations and then automatically solved for T e , log g,
V sin i, log Fe/H and ¸. In certain cases (stars rotating at – 50% of breakup
speed, with i Ü 10 ffi ), the inclination can be determined. It will be become
extraordinarily useful for deriving physical parameters of ``normal'' stars, since
it will happily interpolate automatically in four unknowns.
VSUN calculates the velocity correction to the sun (RV fi ), as well as the
heliocentric correction and Julian date. I usually use it to log the observations
as I make them, and certainly use it at the end of the observing run. The file it
produces, when combined with those generated from earlier observing, provides
the data­base for PHASES (see below).
EPHEMERIS provides planning software for binary star observing. Given
the site, date, UT range needed, and the ephemerides for the binary stars, the
program outputs a table of phases for each night. It is possible to limit the
phases (e.g., ranges around quadrature or eclipse), and to restrict observations
above a given airmass (ü). It is also possible to pre­select a list of stars with
varying phase constraints. This requires a constraint file of hour angle (HA)
as a function of declination (not the same for all telescopes, even at the same
latitude). The tables can be listed star­by­star over the nights desired or all stars
on each night. Auxiliary tables giving HA, ü, and RV fi may also be printed.
PHASES calculates the phases from the spectroscopic data­base produced by
VSUN, and sorts and summarizes the data. Histograms of acquired phase data
for each star help in the planning of an observing run.
Related tools and useful aids. Given a file of light­curve data (magnitude vs.
phase or JD) LIGHT2 will solve for any combination of parameters, e.g., relative
radii and polar temperatures of either or both stars, and i. It can also provide
line profiles for W UMa systems for use with VCROSS. It uses modified black­body
intensities and linear limb darkening derived from theoretical models. It can be
modified to use the intensity data ROTATION uses, once all the atmospheres have
been calculated. It is described by Hill (1979, 1985) and by Hill & Rucinski
CURFIT is Bevington's (1969) venerable optimizing program---still remark­
ably potent. The algorithm has proven to be wonderfully flexible, and I use it
throughout the software described above. It has been modified to enable the
user to freely vary the parameters. All non­linear optimizing schemes have their
warts when it comes to local or global minima, but, if used judiciously CURFIT
does the job for these applications. In ROTATION we buttress the method by do­
ing an extensive search through parameter space to verify the derived minima.

In LIGHT2 I use differing starting points. CURFIT is used to measure the arc lines
in REDUCE and to perform all of the fitting in VLINE and VCROSS.
INTEP is an interpolation program based on cubic splines (Tsipouras &
Cormier 1973) which has proven to be remarkably useful. It is stable, and fits a
``reasonable'' curve through data without the enhanced wiggles one sees in high
order polynomials. The software for this, with some examples, is given by Hill
(1982b). It has proven to be very reliable for the fitting of continua, unlike
least­squares spline fits which do not go through the data. It is used for the
re­binning of data, e.g., in the linearizing process, and within VCROSS when it is
used to homogenize data prior to calculating the CCF.
7. Error Analysis
The calculation of errors is often the bane of any analysis, particularly when the
parameters are correlated. In spectroscopic orbits, the classic problem involves
the derivation of the longitude of periastron and the time of periastron passage.
In addition CURFIT, as described by Bevington, has a bug in its error matrix
analysis. I find that fits to CCFs often produce unrealistically low errors, even
though the relative values derived from a list of measures are likely to be ac­
curate. To get alternative estimates of the errors I have used Monte­Carlo and
bootstrap statistics (e.g., Hill et al. 1989b).
Monte­Carlo methods. These are easy to implement---simply take the derived
parameters, generate data for each time or phase, add the observational noise,
and solve again. Make 100--1000 solutions, and then calculate the errors in each
Bootstrap statistics. These are equally easy to use, although it becomes imprac­
tical for CPU­bound analyses, such as solving a light curve or using ROTATION
to calculate i for Vega (Gulliver et al. 1994). It would be interesting to see
whether the DEC Alphas could do the job. The algorithm is straightforward: if
you have n data points, take a random selection of n points from your data and
analyze them. Repeat 100--1000 times, and sort the parameters in order. The
values at the 16­th and 84­th percentile give twice the error.
Acknowledgments. I am indebted to my long­time friend and colleagues
Drs. Ron Hilditch and Austin Gulliver for their support and help over the years.
Without this close collaboration the software would never have been written.
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