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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Jun 13 20:47:11 1995
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 00:48:10 2012

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Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IV
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 77, 1995
R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne, and J. J. E. Hayes, eds.
Development of an ADS Data Dictionary Standard
C. S. Grant, A. Accomazzi, G. Eichhorn, M. J. Kurtz, and S. S. Murray
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 60 Garden St., Cambridge, MA
Abstract. We present a proposed standard for data dictionaries associ­
ated with catalogs being accessed through the Astrophysics Data System
(ADS) Mosaic Catalog Service. Each catalog made available for searching
must have a data dictionary, which consists of a set of specified keywords
describing format, content and location of data. The data dictionary pro­
vides the ability to describe catalogued data accurately, and can be used
to facilitate examining data from different sources in a common environ­
1. Introduction
The ADS Mosaic Catalog Service 1 currently provides access to about 150 data
catalogs located at various nodes across the country. This service was developed
to provide a simple means of making on­line catalogs available for searching.
Sites with catalogs already in a relational database need only install a server
which we provide and create a data dictionary with tools we will provide.
In the current implementation of the service, users may search on any field
contained within the catalog, either by typing in a Standard Query Language
(SQL) request, or by filling in a table template (QBT). In order to provide the
capability of searching catalogs by position, our software needs to be able to
identify what kinds of positions are contained in which columns. Because we
do not maintain the data, we have no control over what coordinate types and
units are in the catalogs. We therefore propose a standard method of identifying
column contents with an associated data dictionary file. The data dictionary
can also be extended beyond positional column identification and used to key
on any astronomically­interesting field (such as magnitude or class).
2. Data Dictionaries
We propose having one file per database which lists information about each table
in the database (Database Data Dictionary). In addition, we propose having
one file per table which lists information about each column in the table (Ta­
ble Data Dictionary). Files will be in FITS­like format, with keyword=value
1 http://adscat.harvard.edu/catalog service.html

Table 1. Database Data Dictionary
Keyword Description
DB NODE Node name
NAMEnnn Database name
TBLEnnn Table name
DESCnnn Description of table
COLSnnn Number of columns in table
ROWSnnn Number of rows in table
SUBJnnn Colon separated list of subjects (for lists)
KWDnnn Colon separated list of keywords (for searching)
URLnnn URL for description file
pairs. We will provide software which creates these files from the catalog doc­
umentation file. Nodes will maintain the files so that updates to the databases
can be handled without requiring ADS intervention.
Both the descriptions of the catalogs and the keywords assigned to the
catalogs are WAIS­indexed. This allows users to search the catalog content for
information about the catalogs (such as which catalogs contain redshift).
2.1. Database Data Dictionary
There is one Database Data Dictionary file per database at a node. This file
is used by the software to construct lists of tables for selection (``by node'' or
``by subject''). The field specifications are detailed in Table 1. The subjects are
used for grouping similar catalogs together. The keywords are used for WAIS
searches to enable users to find a catalog about a particular subject. Both of
these are to be taken from word sets already in use by the ADS project. The
software provided to help generate the data dictionary files will facilitate the
selection of appropriate subjects and keywords.
2.2. Table Data Dictionary
There is one Table Data Dictionary per table at a node. The counter, nnn,
specifies the column number in the table. Additional keywords (such as NAXIS1
and NAXIS2) are added when a FITS table is written out containing results of
a query. The field specifications are detailed in Table 2.
The keywords which begin with ``DB '' correspond to keywords in the as­
sociated Database Data Dictionary. These are essentially a header to the data
dictionary, giving information about the table (as opposed to information about
the columns). TTYPE and TFORM are the only two required keywords for
each column. Unused keywords may be omitted.
3. Data and Auxiliary Flags
There are two keywords in the Table Data Dictionary which indicate to the
server software that the corresponding column contains special attributes. The
data flag, TDFLGnnn, describes the type of attribute (such as position or
image); the auxiliary flag, TAFLGnnn, describes additional information as­

Table 2. Table Data Dictionary
Keyword Description
DB NODE Node name
DB NAME Database name
DB TBLE Table name
DB DESC Description of table
DB COLS Total number of columns in table
DB ROWS Total number of rows in table
DB SUBJ Colon separated list of subjects (for lists)
DB KWD Colon separated list of keywords (for searching )
DB URL URL for description file
TTYPEnnn Column name
TFORMnnn Format of data in database
TUNITnnn IAU/NSSDC units code
TDESCnnn Description of column
TEXMPnnn Example of data
TFMATnnn Desired output format
TWDTHnnn Width of output column
TJUSTnnn Justification of output column
TDFLGnnn Data flag
TAFLGnnn Auxiliary data flag
TACCYnnn Accuracy of data in database
TLMINnnn Lower limit of valid data values
TLMAXnnn Upper limit of valid data values
TDMINnnn Minimum value of column in database
TDMAXnnn Maximum value of column in database
TSIZEnnn Size in bytes of data referenced in columns
sociated with the data flag (such as coordinate specifications or a directory
pathname). Table 3 lists examples of data flags.
3.1. Positional Flags
Positional data flags indicate to the server software that the corresponding col­
umn contains coordinates. The primary set of positions to be used in searching
(determined by the data providers) is flagged with a data flag ``p''. There can be
only one set of primary positions, but there can be multiple secondary position
data flags. The positional auxiliary flags (see Table 4 for examples) describe
what kind of coordinates are represented in a colon­separated list, including:
which coordinate (x or y), the coordinate units (DD, RAD, sex1, sex2, etc.),
the coordinate name where appropriate (some sexagesimal representations), the
coordinate system (EQ, GAL, or ECL), and the coordinate epoch where appro­
priate (B1950 or J2000).
3.2. Non­positional Flags
The remaining data flags give tremendous flexibility in the search capabilities.
For example, by flagging which column contains the name of the associated
image, data archives can be built to retrieve lists of images available in a given
catalog. Likewise, by flagging which column is a magnitude column, plot routines
can be automated to size the plot symbols based on magnitude. Other data flags
can be added by the nodes as desired.

Table 3. Data Flags
TDFLG Description
p positional primary search field
s positional secondary search field (s1, s2, etc.)
t path name of ASCII text file
i path name of binary data file
m astronomical magnitude
e ellipticity
z size in arcmin
o orientation in degrees
c object classification
Table 4. Positional Auxiliary Flags
TAFLG Example
x:sex1:EQ:B1950 122430.0
y:sex1:EQ:B1950 +261630.0
x:sex2:RAH:EQ:J2000 12
x:sex2:RAM:EQ:J2000 27
x:sex2:RAS:EQ:J2000 00.1
y:sex2:DECD:EQ:J2000 +25
y:sex2:DECM:EQ:J2000 59
y:sex2:DECS:EQ:J2000 54.2
x:DD::GA: 223.237
y:DD::GA: +84.421
4. Summary
The ADS Mosaic Catalog Service offers data sites the opportunity to make
their data available from a centralized location. We provide the software to
search catalogs individually, and once the data dictionaries are in place, we will
implement positional searches as well as multiple catalog searches. Output from
the Catalog Service may be returned in a variety of formats (including ASCII,
FITS, and ADS tables) giving users the necessary flexibility for manipulation of
their results.
Putting a catalog on­line requires only four steps: (1) running an httpd,
(2) installing SQL software 2 (we will assist), (3) writing catalog documentation,
and (4) creating data dictionary (we will assist). The ADS provides WWW
access to catalogs while still allowing the nodes to maintain ownership of all
associated files for updating and maintenance. We offer a homogeneous Mosaic­
based query mechanism which is already in place and ready to be expanded. For
more information, please contact ads@cfa.harvard.edu.
Acknowledgments. This project is funded by the NASA Astrophysics pro­
gram under grant NCCW--0024.
2 http://adsdoc.harvard.edu/install.html