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Дата изменения: Tue Oct 28 19:49:54 2003
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 19:40:45 2012

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ADASS XIII ASP Conference Series, Vol. XXX, 2004 F. Ochsenbein and M. Al len eds.

Astronomical Data Analysis Software & Systems XI I I: A Instructions for Authors Using LTEX Markup
A Abstract. This manual describes the procedure for creating a L TEX formatted paper suitable for submission to the ADASS conference proceedings. In particular, it describes how to employ special formatting techniques for hypertext links, equations, tables, and figures. Use the accompanying template.tex file, and the examples here and in the sample documents to prepare your paper.


Intro duction

In order to ensure that papers received for publication from different authors are consistent in format, style, and quality, authors are required to type their A manuscripts in L TEX format exactly according to the following instructions. The editors will modify the electronic manuscripts as necessary to insure that they conform to these standards. Papers by invited speakers are allotted a maximum of ten (10) pages in the Proceedings. Regular oral presentations, posters, and demos are limited a maximum of four (4) pages each; BoF summaries are limited to one (1) page. Presenters of multiple papers will be permitted to submit a manuscript for each for inclusion in the Proceedings, although it is necessary that we receive a completed Publication Agreement and Copyright Assignment form for each submission. Because of the extremely high cost, color illustrations will not be published in the paper version of the proceedings, but may be included in the electronic version of the proceedings. All authors should send black-and-white figures, plus the color versions of their figures if they wish to. Any figure sent in color version only will be reproduced in black and white in the Proceedings book. Authors must submit their manuscripts and associated figures electronically by 30 Novemb er 2003, 23:59UT. See §6 for details on using anonymous FTP to submit your files.


A L TEX Markup Commands

Authors should use the adassconf style file, and declare it as a substyle to the A standard L TEX article style. A copy of the style file, two sample papers, a template file, and further instructions are available at the conference web site. See the §6 file for instructions for paper submissions. A You should use only those markup commands from L TEX plus the several extensions provided by this style file. Do not define any commands of your own for any reason (no \def or \newcommand statements). 1

2 2.1. Preamble

The first piece of markup in the manuscript must declare the overall style of the document and invoke the adassconf package. \documentclass[11pt,twoside]{article} \usepackage{adassconf}
A The \documentclass command must appear first in any L TEX file, and this A one specifies the main style to be the L TEX article style using eleven point fonts, with modifications and additions for the adassconf package. A A If you do not have access to L TEX 2 , but do have access to the old L TEX 2.09, then you can replace the \documentclass and \usepackage lines with

\documentstyle[11pt,twoside,adassconf]{article} The author must include a \begin{document} command to identify the beginning of the main portion of the manuscript. 2.2. Pap er ID Co de

Authors must include their proper paper identification code using the \paperID command. The ID code for your paper is the session number associated with your presentation as published in the official conference program. You can find this number locating your abstract in the printed program that you received at the meeting or via the on-line program; the ID code is the letter-number sequence proceeding the title of your presentation. The paper ID code will not appear in your paper; however, it allows different papers in the proceedings to cross-reference each other. You should only have one \paperID per submission, and it should not include a trailing period. 2.3. Contact Information

Authors should include a contact person and email address using the \contact and \email macros. This information will not appear in the paper but will be used by the editors in case you need to be contacted concerning your submission. Enter your name as the contact along with your email address. 2.4. Title, Byline, Abstract, etc.

A Title and author identification are by way of the standard L TEX commands \title and \author. An author's principal affiliation is specified with a separate macro \affil. Each \author command should be followed by a corresponding \affil (address). If possible, authors should limit the number of \author commands by grouping authors by affiliations.

\title{lucid text } \author{name(s) } \affil{address }

Instructions for Authors


The \affil command should be used to give the author's full postal address. A The address will be broken over several lines automatically; do not use L TEX's \\ command to indicate the line breaks. Please use mixed case text for all these fields rather than supplying all capitals; the style file will convert to upper case as necessary. The article must contain an abstract enclosed in an abstract environment: \begin{abstract} abstract text \end{abstract} Do not include the word "Abstract" in your text; it is inserted automatically. And do not leave a blank line between \begin{abstract} and the start of the text of the abstract. 2.5. Author Index Sp ecification

Use the \paindex and \aindex macros to indicate how each author name should appear in the author index. The \paindex should be used to indicate the primary (first) author, and the \aindex for all other co-authors. You MUST use the following syntax: \aindex{LASTNAME, F. M.} where F is the first initial and M is the second initial (if used). This guarantees that authors on multiple papers will appear only once in the author index. The \paindex and \aindex macros are used to build the author list in the table of contents. Therefore, the macros should appear in the order of the names in the \author macros. 2.6. Page Headers

An article title and author list can appear in headers on alternate pages if the \twoside style option is used. If the title of the paper is too long to fit in the header, specify a shorter version using the \titlemark command, as in: \title{Rapid Development for Distributed Computing, with Implications for the Virtual Observatory} \titlemark{Rapid Development for Distributed Computing} By default, the author list is empty. Use the \authormark command to supply a value in one of these formats: \authormark{LASTNAME} \authormark{LASTNAME1 \& LASTNAME2} \authormark{LASTNAME1, LASTNAME2, ... \& LASTNAMEn} \authormark{LASTNAME et al.} Use the "et al." form in the case of seven or more authors, or if the preferred form is too long to fit in the header.

4 2.7. Sub ject Index Keywords

You must use the \keywords macro to enter up to 6 keywords describing your submission. These will NOT be printed as part of your paper; however, they will be used to generate the sub ject index for the proceedings. There is no standard list; however, you can consult the indices for past ADASS proceedings.1 2.8. Sections

A The L TEX article environment supports two levels of sectioning. (Actually, it supports more, but these are the relevant ones.)

\section{heading } \subsection{heading } Please use mixed case text for the section heads: "Conclusions and Future Work" instead of "Conclusions and future work" If one wishes to have an acknowledgments section, it should be set off simply with the command \acknowledgments 2.9. Hyp ertext Links and URLs

Since the proceedings will be published in both paper and electronic form, you are encouraged to specify URLs to other relevant electronic documents when appropriate. Avoid links to personal files that may disappear after a few months, making the links obsolete. The ADASS conference style provides several macros to ensure hypertext links and URLs are formatted properly in each version. The most used commands are \htmladdnormallink and \htmladdnormallinkfoot. These commands are analogous to the tag in HTML, allowing you to link a piece of text to a URL. Both commands take two arguments: the link text and the associated URL. For example: \htmladdnormallink{ADS}{http://adswww.harvard.edu/} Using \htmladdnormallinkfoot will cause the URL to appear in the printed copy of your paper as a footnote to that text (for example, when one refers to the ADS2 ). In the on-line version, the text will be an actual HTML link to that URL. \htmladdnormallink is just like \htmladdnormallinkfoot except that the URL does not appear in the printed version. If you wish to have the URL explicitly appear within the body of your paper (rather than as a footnote) you can use the \makeURL or \htmladdURL command to format it:
1 2

http://adass.org/adass/proceedings/ http://adswww.harvard.edu/

Instructions for Authors \makeURL{URL} \htmladdURL{URL}


\htmladdURL will cause the URL to be a link to itself in the on-line version; with \makeURL, the URL will appear as plain text. Note that it is not necessary to escape special characters like tilde (~) and underscore (_) within your URLs when you enter them as arguments to any of these four commands. These special characters will be properly formatted in both the on-line and printed versions: \htmladdnormallink{my document}% {http://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/~crabtree/my_doc.html} 2.10. Equations

Displayed equations can be typeset in many ways using the standard displayed A math environments of L TEX; these three are probably of greatest use: \begin{displaymath} \end{displaymath} \begin{equation} \end{equation} \begin{eqnarray} \end{eqnarray} The displaymath environment will break out a single, unnumbered formula. The equation will appear the same if it is set in an equation environment, and A it will be autonumbered by L TEX. In order to set several formulФ in which vertical alignment is required, use the eqnarray environment. 2.11. Tables

Tables may be formatted using the deluxetable environment. Details about this table environment can be found in the AASTEX user guide found online at the URL: http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/AAS/AASTeX/. \begin{deluxetable}{cols } \tablecaption{text } \tablehead{column headings } \colhead{text } \startdata data \enddata \end{deluxetable} The cols specifies the justification for each column. One of the letters `l', `c', or `r' is given for each column, indicating left, center, or right justification. The table width can be explicitly set with the \tablewidth{width } command. The font size of the table information can be adjusted using the \small, \footnotesize, or \scriptsize commands right after \begin{deluxetable}. (Reducing the size of the text will reduce the readability of the table, however.)

A If you are using L TEX 2 , there is a bug in the style that prevents this from working; you wil l have to use a regular tabular environment. Tables may also appear in table environments, although the deluxetable environment is preferred.

\begin{table} \caption{text } \begin{tabular}{cols } \end{tabular} \end{table} There should be only one table per environment. The table environment encloses not only the tabular material but also any title (caption) or footnote information associated with the table. Tabular information is typeset within A L TEX's tabular environment; the cols argument specifies the formatting for each column. Tables and figures will be identified with arabic numerals, e.g., "Table 2."; the identifying text, including the number, is generated automatically by the \caption command. The table environment provides more control over column spacing than the deluxetable environment. Instead of reducing the font size when a table is too wide, it may be possible to use this control to make it fit. An example is given in the sample2.tex document (Table 3). There is a \tableline command for use in tabular environments. This command produces a single horizontal rule. There should be two \tableline's above and one below between the column headings, and one at the end of the table. Authors should not use additional \tablelines, and are discouraged from using vertical rules unless essential. 2.12. Figures as EPS Files

Authors who can prepare computer graphics in Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format may use one of two additional markup commands to mark the point of A inclusion, both of which should be used inside a L TEX figure environment. If the DVI translator dvips (by Tom Rokicki) is available on your computer, it is also possible to prepare the final copy with such figures in place. Before including the EPS figures in your text, be sure to rename the EPS A files to conform to the name of your L TEX file: O4-1 1.eps, O4-1 2.eps, etc. You will use these names in the markup commands for including EPS figures. These markup commands are: \plotone{file } \plottwo{file }{file } The file argument is used to name the file(s) to be included. The \plotone command includes one figure that is scaled to the width of the current text column; \plottwo inserts two figures side by side, and the pair is scaled to fit the text width. If one uses these macros, the necessary vertical space is provided automatically. \begin{figure} \plotone{O4-1 1.eps }

Instructions for Authors \caption{My EPS graphic.} \end{figure} or \begin{figure} \plottwo{O4-1 1.eps }{O4-1 2.eps } \caption{Two related graphics.} \end{figure}


Please note that the caption will be centered under the pair of graphics when \plottwo is used. It is not possible to caption the two plots individually with this package at this time. As with tables, figures will be identified with arabic numerals, e.g., "Figure 1." The scaling of the EPS plot may be adjusted with the \epsscale{scale } command, i.e., \epsscale{0.8}. Specifying \epsscale{0.8} should make the figure 80% as wide as the text on the page. The reason that EPS figures refuse to be positioned properly with \plotone and \plottwo is usually a bad BoundingBox comment in the PostScript. The bounding box is supposed to be the smallest rectangle, with sides parallel to the edges of the paper, that surrounds all of the marks on the page. Extra white space can make a figure off-centered or hard to scale. If you can print the figure, the problem can be fixed by editing the EPS file and changing the BoundingBox comment, which contains four numbers: lower-left x, lower-left y , upper-right x, and upper-right y coordinates, measured from the lower-left hand corner of the paper in units of 72 per inch (0.35mm). If you use a PostScript preview program like gs or gv, you can position the cursor at the corners of the figure and read off the coordinates. As a last resort, if further fussing with the positioning of plot on the printed page is necessary, you can try using this command: \plotfiddle{file }{vsize }{rot }{hsf }{vsf }{htrans }{vtrans } vsize rot hsf vsf htrans vtrans vertical white space to allow for plot, any valid A L TEX dimension rotation angle, in degrees, counter-clockwise horiz scale factor, percent vert scale factor, percent horiz translation, in PS points 72/in (0.35mm) vert translation, in PS points 72/in (0.35mm)

If you can produce EPS but you do not have dvips , you can still put the \plotone or \plottwo commands in the the appropriate places, but you will have to comment them out and put in a \vspace{dimen } command to open up the text. The dvips program is in the public domain and is available from labrea.stanford.edu. A special note to authors: Since it is sometimes necessary to edit EPS files to make them printable, authors should try to avoid EPS files with lines longer than 1024 characters.

8 2.13. Pasted in Illustrations

Illustrations must be inserted in the text at the appropriate places, with the relevant caption underneath each. The finished pages are reduced by 10% before printing. Thus, illustrations will appear somewhat smaller in print. These illustrations should appear in figure environments. \begin{figure} \vspace{dimen } \caption{text } \end{figure} There should be only one figure per environment. Space for the figure is created A with the \vspace command; dimen should be a valid L TEX dimension, e.g., "2.5in" or "7.1cm". Size of Il lustrations The maximum width of an illustration is normally 13.4cm (5.25in) so that it will fit within the width of the text area. Of course an illustration may be smaller if appropriate. A large illustration may be placed sideways ("landscape") on the paper if necessary. Halftone Il lustrations (Photographs) Good glossy original prints are required, black and white only ; color plates cannot be reproduced. Photographs cut from other publications will not reproduce well, and usually infringe copyright. reduced the pasted-in version will be used for size and placement only; a copy machine can be used for this reduction. If a reduction is not supplied, leave appropriate space in text above the figure caption. The publisher will take care of the photographic reduction and mounting of the original glossy print in the space provided by your pasted-in version. 3. 3.1. References In the Text

The reference system to be followed is the standard ApJ system: author name(s) followed by the year in parentheses, as in Abt (1990), or author and year both in parentheses (Abt 1990). Multiple authors would be cited as (Groth & Pebbles 1971) or (Kron, Hewitt, & Wasserman 1984). For more that three authors use "et al.," e.g., (Press et al. 1994). 3.2. Reference List

There is a references environment that sets off the list of references and adjusts spacing parameters. \begin{references} \reference bibliographic information . . \end{references}

Instructions for Authors


The bibliographic information should be in the order directed by Abt (1990): author, year, journal, volume, and page. For instance, the reference for this editorial would be typed in as

Abt, H. 1990, ApJ, 357, 1

Note that there is no comma following the author name(s), there is no trailing period at the end of the reference, and the entire line is set in the body typeface (no font changes). See sample2.tex for more complex examples. To refer to a paper from this conference, use the \adassxiii and \paperref macros, and 2004 for the year. For example,

\reference Zacharias, N.\ \& Zacharias, M.\ 2004, \adassxiii, \paperref{O4-1}

will appear as

Zacharias, N. & Zacharias, M. 2004, this volume, [O4-1]

in your preprint version of the paper; in the proceedings volume, the "[O4-1]" will be replaced with the actual page number of the paper. Care should be taken that each literature citation in the manuscript has its counterpart in the reference list and vice versa. Care should also be given to checking the accuracy of the references--author(s), date, volume, and page number. The accuracy of the references is the sole responsibility of the author.


Abbreviations for Journals

There are macros for many of the oft-referenced journals so that authors may A use the L TEX names rather than having to look up a particular journal's specific abbreviation. Any stylistic requirements of the editors are taken care of by the macros, so authors need not be concerned about such editorial preferences.

10 \aj \araa \apj \apjl \apjs \ao \apss \aap \aaps \azh \baas \jrasc \memras \mnras \pra \prb \prc \prd \prl \pasp \pasj \qjras \skytel \sovast \ssr \zap \adassi \adassii \adassiii \adassiv \adassv \adassvi \adassvii \adassviii \adassix \adassx \adassxi \adassxii \adassxiii Astronomical Journal Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics Astrophysical Journal , Letters to the Editor , Supplement Series Applied Optics Astrophysics and Space Science Astronomy and Astrophysics , Supplement Series Astronomicheskii Zhurnal Bulletin of the AAS Journal of the RAS of Canada Memoirs of the RAS Monthly Notices of the RAS Physical Review A: General Physics Physical Review B: Solid State Physical Review C: Physical Review D: Physical Review Letters Publications of the ASP Publications of the ASJ Quarterly Journal of the RAS Sky and Telescope Soviet Astronomy Space Science Reviews Zeitschrift fur Astrophysik Ё ADASS I (1991) ADASS II (1992) ADASS III (1993) ADASS IV (1994) ADASS V (1995) ADASS VI (1996) ADASS VII (1997) ADASS VIII (1998) ADASS IX (1999) ADASS X (2000) ADASS XI (2001) ADASS XII (2002) ADASS XIII (2003)



These instructions give an overview of the basic markup commands that need to be entered in a paper. Authors are encouraged to examine the sample papers that are included with the style file; these examples are named sample1.tex and sample2.tex. The file sample1.tex is a paper prepared with the ADASSCONF macros utilizing a minimal amount of markup. A more "complete" paper

Instructions for Authors


requiring most of the capabilities of the package is provided as sample2.tex; this file is annotated with comments that describe the purpose of the markup.



Reprints of papers for these Proceedings are not available. Articles may be copied from the published volume.


Submission of Manuscripts

Completed manuscripts should submitted via anonymous FTP using the following procedure: 1. Anonymous-FTP to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr. Give "anonymous" as the login name and your email address as the password. 2. Change into the adass13 directory: cd adass13 3. Create a subdirectory whose name is the paper identification code. Use upper case for letters. Change directory to this new directory. For example: mkdir P12-3 cd P12-3
A 4. Upload your files using the put command. Identify the L TEX manuscript giving it a name using the paper identification code (e.g., "P12-3.tex"). Any EPS files should be identified in a similar way (e.g., "P12-3 1.eps", "P12-3 2.eps"; see also §2.11). If you wish to upload any other files please name them using the same convention, i.e., starting with your paper identifier (e.g., P12-13.junk). 5. Disconnect by typing quit.

Here is how a sample session might look: % ftp cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr Name (cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr:durand): anonymous Password: Joe.Durand@gate.net ftp> cd adass13 ftp> mkdir P12-3 ftp> cd P12-3 ftp> put P12-3.tex ftp> put P12-3_f1.eps ftp> quit If you have figures that cannot be sent in Encapsulated PostScript form, you can mail them to the address given in §7 . Manuscripts must be received no later than 30 Novemb er 2003, 23:59UT in order to be assured publication in the Proceedings.

12 7. Copyright Agreement

All authors should have returned a completed form of the Copyright Assignment form, file during the conference. If you did not return the signed form to us at the conference, you must download the Copyright Assignment form3 , and send the completed form to the ADASS XIII editors at: ADASS 2003 Proceedings c/o Franё cois Ochsenbein CDS, Observatoire Astronomique 11, rue de l'Universitґ e 67000 STRASBOURG, France Fax: +33 390 24 24 32 Acknowledgments. The editors would like to acknowledge the other previous editors for their work on this manual and the associated style files upon which this manual and adassconf.sty are built.

