Lecture Series 2010-2011 – “Greening the Earth Using Space Resources” by Greg Matloff


Friday, April 1, 2011

Dr. Greg Matloff, professor of astronomy in the physics department at New York City College of Technology (CUNY), will address the AAA Friday, April 1 on òÀÜRegreening the Earth Using Space Resources.òÀÝ The free public lecture begins at 6:15 p. m. in the Kaufmann Theater of the AMNH.

òÀÜI will discuss the use of solar-system resources to improve life on Earth,òÀÝ Matloff says. òÀÜIn particular, I will outline methods of diverting Earth-threatening asteroids. This will lead to discussion of mining these objects for material that can be used to construct solar-power satellites to beam energy to Earth or to build sunshades at Earth-Sun L1 to counteract global warming.òÀÝ

Matloff will discuss his latest book, “Paradise Regained,” co-authored with Les Johnson of NASA and artist C Bangs. ItòÀÙs on regreening the Earth using solar-system resources.

Matloff is an expert in possibilities for interstellar propulsion, especially near-Sun solar-sail trajectories that might ultimately enable interstellar travel. HeòÀÙs a consultant with the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, a Hayden Associate of the AMNH and a Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Astronautics. HeòÀÙs authored or co-authored such books as òÀÜ Solar Sails,òÀÝ òÀÜLiving Off the Land in Space,òÀÝ òÀÜDeep-Space Probes,òÀÝ òÀÜMore Telescope Power,òÀÝ òÀÜTelescope Power,òÀÝ òÀÜThe Urban AstronomeròÀÝ and òÀÜThe Starflight Handbook.òÀÝ

In addition to his interstellar-travel research, Matloff has contributed to SETI (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), modeling studies of human effects on EarthòÀÙs atmosphere, interplanetary-exploration concept analysis, alternative energy, in-space navigation and the search for extrasolar planets.

Matloff is a graduate of Queens College and holds M. A. and Ph.D. degrees from NYU.