Friday, April 1, 2011
Dr. Greg Matloff, professor of astronomy in the physics department at New York City College of Technology (CUNY), will address the AAA Friday, April 1 on òÀÜRegreening the Earth Using Space Resources.òÀÝ The free public lecture begins at 6:15 p. m. in the Kaufmann Theater of the AMNH.
òÀÜI will discuss the use of solar-system resources to improve life on Earth,òÀÝ Matloff says. òÀÜIn particular, I will outline methods of diverting Earth-threatening asteroids. This will lead to discussion of mining these objects for material that can be used to construct solar-power satellites to beam energy to Earth or to build sunshades at Earth-Sun L1 to counteract global warming.òÀÝ
Matloff will discuss his latest book, “Paradise Regained,” co-authored with Les Johnson of NASA and artist C Bangs. ItòÀÙs on regreening the Earth using solar-system resources.
Matloff is an expert in possibilities for interstellar propulsion, especially near-Sun solar-sail trajectories that might ultimately enable interstellar travel. HeòÀÙs a consultant with the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, a Hayden Associate of the AMNH and a Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Astronautics. HeòÀÙs authored or co-authored such books as òÀÜ Solar Sails,òÀÝ òÀÜLiving Off the Land in Space,òÀÝ òÀÜDeep-Space Probes,òÀÝ òÀÜMore Telescope Power,òÀÝ òÀÜTelescope Power,òÀÝ òÀÜThe Urban AstronomeròÀÝ and òÀÜThe Starflight Handbook.òÀÝ
In addition to his interstellar-travel research, Matloff has contributed to SETI (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), modeling studies of human effects on EarthòÀÙs atmosphere, interplanetary-exploration concept analysis, alternative energy, in-space navigation and the search for extrasolar planets.
Matloff is a graduate of Queens College and holds M. A. and Ph.D. degrees from NYU.