Photographer and AAA member Stan Honda writes the Focus on the Universe column about astrophotography for the Eyepiece newsletter. He was a photojournalist for 34 years and now travels to shoot the night (and day) skies. See more of his work at Or on Facebook and Instagram.
Here are his latest photos:
Venus-Mars-Moon over Manhattan
The Venus-Mars-Moon conjunction sets over west side Manhattan apartment buildings on Feb. 20.
The Venus-Mars-Moon conjunction sets over west side Manhattan apartment buildings on Feb. 20.
The Venus-Mars-Moon conjunction sets over west side Manhattan apartment buildings on Feb. 20.
Comet Lovejoy (C/2014 Q2)
From Taos, New Mexico
Comet Lovejoy passing the Pleiades on Jan. 15.
Comet Lovejoy on Jan. 15.
Six days of the Comet: Lovejoy from Jan. 14-19 in this 6-frame composite as it passes the Pleiades.
Lovejoy high up in the Taos sky, above the Pleiades, Aldebaran, Orion and Sirius.
Comet Lovejoy from New Jersey
Comet Lovejoy as a plane streaks by. Photographed from the United Astronomy Clubs of New Jersey site.