Floyd Bennett Field

The AAA meets monthly on Friday nights for stargazing at Floyd Bennett Field in Gateway National Park, Brooklyn.ˆà Weˆàmeet everyˆàmonth exceptˆàJanuary and February, when it’s just too cold, and in July and August, when we have a problem with mosquitoes (in other warm months, come but bring a repellent).ˆà Events are cancelled if it is overcast or if the temperature is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

Chair:ˆà Art Kunhardt (718-643-0959)ˆàfloydbennett@aaa.org


2016 Schedule

Friday, Mar 18 ˆà ˆàˆà 8 – 10 PM
Friday, Apr 15 ˆà ˆàˆà 8 – 10 PM
Friday, Mayˆà6ˆàˆàˆà 8 – 10 PM
Friday, Jun 10ˆà ˆàˆà 8:30 – 10:30 PM
Friday, Sep 9 ˆàˆàˆà 8 – 10 PM
Friday, Oct 7ˆà ˆàˆà 8 – 10 PM
Friday, Nov 4 ˆàˆàˆà 8 – 10 PM
Friday, Dec 9ˆà ˆàˆà 7:30 – 9:30 PM


Directions (see map below):

The new observing location at Floyd Bennett Field is easy for people to find in the dark and will also be within walking distance of the Q35 bus.

Traveling south on Flatbush Avenue, the entrance to Floyd Bennett Field is just before the toll plaza for the Marine Parkway Bridge. There is a traffic light at this intersection.

Travelling by car:ˆàMake the left turn at the traffic light just before the toll plaza, and enter the Park.ˆà Approximately 1,000 feet down there is an intersection. Make the left turn.ˆà About 2,000 feet further, on the left side, is the Community Garden.

Travelling by mass transit:ˆàThe Q35 bus connects with the Nostrand Avenue terminal for the 2 and 5 subways. Take the bus to the last stop in Brooklyn, just before the toll plaza. After leaving the bus, cross Flatbush Avenue and follow the directions above.

The observing site will be in the parking lot for the Community Garden.

We hope to see you there.

ˆàFloyd Bennet Field Map