RAS Membership Benefits
- An opportunity to request time on the Warren Rupp Observatory computer assisted. 36" f/7 Newtonian Reflector. This telescope is also able to be used in a non-assisted manner. (Qualification required).
- Upon availability, the use of the Club's 10" dobsonian mount telescope.
- Upon availability, the use of the Club's 16" Meade LightBridge telescope.
- Use of all club telescopes, including the 10" Discovery dobsonian, the 8" Meade Dobsonian, the 4.5" Orion dobsonian and the 150 Intes Maksuktov Cassegrain.
- An opportunity to request time for use the Observatory grounds for personal scopes.
- Full spectrum of 2" eyepieces and 1.25" eyepieces as well as a full range of filters.
- Use of the Club's Coronado Personal Solar Telescope and Cemax Eyepieces.
- Use of the Club's Video Eyepieces.
- Use of the Club's StellaCam Imaging Equipment (with proper instruction).
- Use of Club Binoculars.
- Use of the Club's green laser pointers.
- Access and use of the Club's StarLab Portable Planetarium (with proper training).
- MegaStar equipped laptops available with proper instructions. Training will be provided.
- An opportunity to be trained in public astronomy outreach and a chance to travel and teach!
- An opportunity to work with skilled amateur astronomers. Many of our members are highly proficient will computer assistance, as well as many who still manually aim their scopes and read maps. A true learning environment...
- Upon availability, use of the Club's library materials, video resources and outreach training materials.
- Free admission into the Hidden Hollow Convention.
- Discounted subscription to Sky & Telescope Magazine.
(Please Note: Subscriptions will start the following JANUARY after dues are paid.)
- Member only observing nights, as well as other scheduled Club Activities.
- Unlimited fun and opportunities for learning!