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"STP Data" STP Data/

Solar Terrestrial Physics Data Online as separate data files

Geomagnetic Indices

AA      1868 - Present      (3 hourly and daily)
                         (Lists and histograms of
                          geomagnetic disturbance
                          and Solar Sunspots)

KP_AP   1932 - Present    (3 hourly and daily)
                         (Lists and histograms of
                          geomagnetic disturbance
                          and Solar Sunspots)
Q-and D-days   1932 - Present
AE_HV   1957-75, 78-Present   (hourly)
AE_MIN 1974,1975,1977-Present(minute)
DST     1957 - Present    (hourly)
Mid-latitude ASY and SYM     1984 - Present    (minute)
PC      1975 - Present     (15-minute)
AMANAS  1959 - Present     (3 hourly and daily)
KMKNKS  1983 - Present      (3 hourly)

Catalog of K index values for the Network of Observatories of the former USSR Countries

1. Catalog contains the values of 3-hour K index of geomagnetic activity
defined in 32 observatories in Russia and countries of the former USSR from 1957 to the present.

2. Tables of values of K and C indices in 40 observatories in Russia and the former USSR countries,
and at the stations "North Pole", converted into electronic form - format pdf.
C index data for the period 1957-1971.
K index data for the period 1957-2005.

Minute Values of Geomagnetic Field Components

This Directory contains Minute values of geomagnetic field components 
at observatories in Russia and other republic of Former Soviet Union (FSU).  
Data are prepared in the form of monthly files.

Hourly Values of Geomagnetic Field Components

1. This Directory contains mean hour values of geomagnetic
field components at observatories in Russia and other repub-
lic of Former Soviet Union (FSU). The List of these observatories
has indication of Data Years. Data are prepared in the form of
yearly files.

For example, File "aaa64hv" contains Data of the Alma Ata
Obsevatory for the complete 1964 of D, H and Z components.
File "tkt90_6z contains Z-component Data for 06 month 1990.
File "ars73hv_" contains Data for a complete year minus a few days.
Files  are prepared in the DOS format. 

2. The Format for mean values follows after this list
of the geomagnetic observatories.

3. Program "aaa1_bas.exe" allow to select Data from the yearly
files in the DOS format. 

4. Part of data are prepared in the scanned form of monthly tables mean 
hourly values. In this cases- Filename has addition _tabl instead of hv. 

List of geomagnetic observatories

ALMA ATA         AAA  FSU-Kaz. 43.25   76.92  63 - 72,75 - 82,84 - 2002,2007,2008
ARKHANGELSK      ARK  FSU-Rus. 64.60   40.50  82 - 95
ARTI             ARS  FSU-Rus. 56.26   58.34  73 - 2008
ASHKHABAD        ASH  FSU-Tur. 37.95   58.11  59 - 90
BOROK            BOX  FSU-Rus. 58.03   38.97  80 - 2009
CAPE CHELYUSKIN  CCS  FSU-Rus. 77.72  104.28  57 - 85,90
CAPE WELLEN      CWE  FSU-Rus. 66.16  190.17  57 - 87,90
DIXON ISLAND     DIK  FSU-Rus. 73.54   80.56  57 - 86,90,95
HEISS ISLAND     HIS  FSU-Rus. 80.62   58.05  57 - 69
IRKUTSK          IRT  FSU-Rus. 52.46  104.04  57 - 2008
KARAGANDA        KGD  FSU-Kaz. 49.82   73.08  65 - 76, 80, 84 - 89
KIEV             KIV  FSU-Ukr. 50.72   30.30  58 - 91
KAZAN            KZN  FSU-Rus. 55.83   48.85  57 - 59,64 - 74,78,80 - 89
LENINGRAD        LNN  FSU-Rus. 59.95   30.71  48 - 91
LVOV             LVV  FSU-Ukr. 49.90   23.75  57 - 78,91,96 - 2008
MAGADAN          MGD  FSU-Rus. 60.12  151.02  66 - 90,99,2000,2004,2005
MIRNY            MIR    AY    -66.55   93.02  56 - 85,95 - 97
MURMANSK         MMK  FSU-Rus. 68.95   33.05  59 - 80,90
MINSK            MNK  FSU-Rus. 54.50   27.88  61 - 2000
MOLODEZHNAYA     MOL    AY    -67.67   45.85  65 - 77
MOSCOW           MOS  FSU-Rus. 55.48   37.31  58 - 89,98 - 2005
NOVOKAZALINSK    NKK  FSU-Kaz. 45.80   62.10  69 - 73,76 - 88
NOVOLAZAREVSKAYA NVL    AY    -70.77   11.83  61 - 78
NOVOSIBIRSK      NVS  FSU-Rus. 55.03   82.90  66 - 2009
OASIS            OAS    AY    -66.30  100.72  57 - 58
ODESSA           ODE  FSU-Ukr. 46.78   30.88  57 - 91
PETROPAVLOVSK    PET  FSU-Rus. 52.90  158.43  69 - 90,92 - 95,70-2002(New format)
PIONERSKAYA      PIO    AY    -69.73   95.50  57,58,71,72
P. TUNGUSKA      POD  FSU-Rus. 61.60   90.00  69 - 91
SVERDLOVSK(V.DUB)SVD  FSU-Rus. 56.73   61.07  30 - 74,79,80
TBILISI          TFS  FSU-Geo. 42.09   44.71  57 - 2001
TIXIE BAY        TIK  FSU-Rus. 71.58  129.00  57 - 86,90,91
TIKHAYA BAY      TKH  FSU-Rus. 80.33   52,80  57,58
TASHKENT         TKT  FSU-Uzb. 41.33   69.62  57 - 91,95 - 2000
VLADIVOSTOK      VLA  FSU-Rus. 43.78  132.03  57 - 91
VOSTOK           VOS    AY    -78.45  106.87  58 - 85,92 - 98
YAKUTSK          YAK  FSU-Rus. 62.02  129.72  57 - 97
YUZHNO SAKHALINS YSS  FSU-Rus. 46.95  142.72  57 - 88

Digital WDC Exchange Format for Observatory Hourly Mean

Magnetic data organized in 1-year files, with the information coded in ASCII.
1-3       A3       Observatory 3-letter code
4-5       I2       Year. Last 2 digits, 1996 = 96. See also columns 15-16.
6-7       I2       Month (01-12)
8         Al       Element (D,I,H,X,Y,Z, or F)
9-10      I2       Day of month (01-31)
11-12     A2       Blanks
13        A1       Arbitrary   
14        A1       Arbitrary                              *== OLD FORMAT ==========================*
15-16     I2       Century digits                         | Column 15: INTERNATIONAL QUIET         |
                   Year = 1889, Century digits = 18       |            or DISTURBED DAYS Q=1, D=2  |
                   Year = 1996, Century digits = 19       | Column 16: Blank for data since 1900,  |
                   Year = 2014, Century digits = 20       |            8 for data before.          |
17-20     I4       Tabular base.                          *========================================*
                   The values are in degrees for D and I, and in 
                   hundreds of nanoTeslas for the intensity elements. 
21-116    24I4     24 4-digit hourly mean values for the day. 
                   The values are in tenth-minutes for D and I, and in
                   nanoTeslas for the intensity elements.
                   The first hourly mean value represents the mean value 
                   between 00:00 UT and 01:00 UT, ..., the 24th value 
                   represents the mean between 23:00 UT and 24:00 UT.
                   A missing value is identified by 9999.
117-120   I4       Daily Mean. 
                   If any of the hourly mean values for the day are missing 
                   9999 will appear as the daily mean.
The tabular bases, hourly mean values and daily means are right adjusted and 
signed if negative. 
Negative values are identified with a minus sign either adjacent to the first 
significant digit or in the high-order position  of the field. 
NOTE: A blank digit will not appear between a (-) sign and the first 
significant digit. For example, a value may appear as -050 or b-50 but not as -b50 (b=blank).
The 25 values in positions 21-120 will have the range -999 to 9998, with 9999 
reserved for missing values. 
The records are sorted according to observatory code, year, month, element,day (positions 1-10).
For the intensity elements we have that hourly value (nanoTeslas) = tab.base*100 + tab.value
For the angles D and I we have that hourly value (Degrees) = tab.base + tab.value/600

Daily Values of Geomagnetic Field Components

This Directory contains mean daily values of geomagnetic field components 
at the Tbilisi Observatory (1880-1991).
This Directory was prepared by Institute  of Geophysics of Georgian Academy of Science.

Sudden Commencements

Sudden Commencements    1868 - Present

Catalogues of Geomagnetic Pulsations

Catalogue of geomagnetic pulsations of Pc1 type at observatory BOROK.  
Catalogue of geomagnetic pulsations of a type IPDP (intervals of pulsations with 
diminishing period) on the observation data at geophysical observatory BOROK (1957-1992).
Catalogue of geomagnetic pulsations of Pc1 at geophysical observatory MIRNY.

Catalogues of Geomagnetic Storms

1.  Summary catalogue of magnetic storms (1938 - 1948).
        Guide to the variable magnetic field of the USSR.
        Edited by V.I. Afanasyeva.
        Research Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism.
        Hydrometeorological Publishing House, Leningrad, 1954. P. 3-8, 188-267.

2.   Afanasyeva V.I.
        Catalogue of magnetic storm families for the period of 1957 - 1964.

        Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
        Moscow, 1968.

3.   Afanasyeva V.I., Bychkova A.K.
        Catalogue of geomagnetic storm families for the period of 1965 - 1975
        and statistical regularities of geomagnetic activity.

        Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
        Moscow, 1977.

4.  Catalogue of magnetic storms.
        Observatory Slutsk (1878-1940)
        Observatory Verkhnya Dubrava (1938-1948)
        Moscow (1950-2010)

        Editor Kh.D. Kanonidi.
        Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation,
        Russian Academy of Sciences.
        Troitsk, 2012.

5.   Afanasyeva V.I., Ayushzhav G., Chimiddorzh G., Shevnin A.D.
        Catalogue of magnetic storms for observatory Ulan-Bator for the period of 1966 - 1985.

        Appendix to the book "The variable magnetic field on the territory of Mongolia".
        Editor-in-chief Lugovenko V.N.
        Moscow, Nauka, 1988. p. 86-179.

Cosmic Rays

This Directory contains mean hourly, minute data recorded by 
World Network NM and MT stations, Ground-Level Events (GLE) and grafical applications.

Solar Activity and Sector Boundary of Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMP)

FLUX10.7 1947 - Present   (daily)
Sector_Boundary of IMF 1963 - Present       (daily)

SUNSPOT  1700 - Present     (yearly),
         1749 - Present     (monthly)
         1818 - Present     (daily)
Cycles of Solar Activity

Solar Proton Events (1970-2009)

    Series of catalogues in pdf format:

1.   S.T.Akiniyan, G.A.Bazilevskaya, V.N.Ishkov, L.I.Miroshnichenko, M.N.Nazarova, N.K.Pereyaslova,
      I.Ye.Pogodin, A.I.Sladkova, V.A.Ulyev, I.M.Chertok

Catalogue of solar proton events 1970-1979.
Edited by Yu.I.Logachev,
Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, USSR Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN),
Moscow, 1983.

2.  G.A.Bazilevskaya, E.V.Vashenyuk, V.N.Ishkov, L.I.Miroshnichenko, M.N.Nazarova, N.K.Pereyaslova,
      A.I.Sladkova, A.G.Stupishin, V.A.Ulyev, I.M.Chertok

Catalogue of energy spectra of solar proton events 1970-1979.
Edited by Yu.I.Logachev,
Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, USSR Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN),
Moscow, 1986.

3.  G.A.Bazilevskaya, E.V.Vashenyuk, V.N.Ishkov, L.I.Miroshnichenko, M.N.Nazarova, N.K.Pereyaslova,
      A.I.Sladkova, A.G.Stupishin, V.A.Ulyev, I.M.Chertok

Solar Proton Events Catalogue 1980-1986.
Plots of the time profiles and energetic spectra of protons, synoptic charts and schemes of sunspot groups.
Edited by Yu.I.Logachev,
World Data Center B, Soviet Geophysical Committee, Academy of Sciences of the USSR,
Moscow, 1990.

4.  G.A.Bazilevskaya, E.V.Vashenyuk, V.N.Ishkov, L.I.Miroshnichenko, M.N.Nazarova, N.K.Pereyaslova,
      A.I.Sladkova, A.G.Stupishin, V.A.Ulyev, I.M.Chertok

Solar Proton Events Catalogue 1980-1986.
Data on particles and electromagnetic emission.
Edited by Yu.I.Logachev,
Materials of the World Data Center B, Soviet Geophysical Committee, Academy of Sciences of the USSR,
Moscow, 1989.

5.  A.I.Sladkova, G.A.Bazilevskaya, V.N.Ishkov, M.N.Nazarova, N.K.Pereyaslova, A.G.Stupishin,
      V.A.Ulyev, I.M.Chertok

Catalogue of solar proton events 1987-1996.
Edited by Yu.I.Logachev,
Moscow State University,
Moscow, 1998.

6.  Yu.I.Logachev, G.A.Bazilevskaya, E.V.Vashenyuk, E.I.Daibog, V.N.Ishkov, L.L.Lazutin, L.I.Miroshnichenko,
      M.N.Nazarova, I.E.Petrenko, A.G.Stupishin, G.M.Surova, O.S.Yakovchuk

Catalogue of solar proton events for 23 cicle Solar activity 1997-2009.
Edited by Yu.I.Logachev,
Moscow, 2014.

Catalogues of the Solar Flare Events of XXIII and XXIV cycles of Solar Activity (1996-2015) with X-ray ball M1-X > 17.5
XXIII cycle - 1996-2007             PDF file
XXIV cycle - 2009-2015             PDF file


This Directory contains mean hourly data recorded by some Russian stations

Images_of_f-plots & tables of Ionospheric Station Magadan

This Directory contains Images_of_f-plots & tables of ionospheric station Magadan

Earth's Ionosphere and Plasmasphere. Model of distribution of density, temperature and effective collision freguency of electrons

This Directory contains Model of distribution of density, temperature and effective collision
freguency of electrons. Yu.K.Chasovitin. 1998.

The Program RIM98 for calculating the parameters of the ionosphere to use the "Reference Ionospheric Model-98" (RIM-98)

This Directory containsThe program RIM98 for calculating the parameters of the ionosphere to use the
"Reference Ionospheric Model-98" (RIM-98).Yu.K.Chasovitin. 1998.