Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.wdcb.ru/stp/data/catal_pc/1_catal.txt
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Mon Jan 18 17:07:19 2010
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 22:49:40 2012
Êîäèðîâêà: Windows-1251

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: saturn


Catalogue of geomagnetic pulsations of Pc1 type on observation
data at observatory Borok filial of UIPhE RAS
1957 -1992
Êàòàëîã ãåîìàãíèòíûõ ïóëüñàöèé òèïà Pc1 (æåì÷óæèí) ïî
äàííûì íàáëþäåíèé ãåîôèçè÷åñêîé îáñåðâàòîðèè
"Áîðîê" ôèëèàëà ÎÈÔÇ ÐÀÍ çà 1957-1992 ã.ã.


The catalogue contains the very full for the time being summary of
basic data on the geomagnetic pulsations with periods from 0.2 to 5.0
seconds. In the international classifications these pulsations are
denoted as Pc1 (continuous pulsations). The series of the pulsations
on the records have a very characteristic form resembling a pearl
necklace, because they are known as PP (pearl pulsations).
The small amplitude on the one hand and the high frequencies for
the classic magnetic measurements on the other hand were the reason
that Pc1 pulsations were discovered much later than the other types of
geomagnetic pulsations.
According to modern concepts the pulsations of Pc1 type are
generated within Earth`s magnetosphere (L~4) as a result of the
kinetic instabillity of protons with energy in tens kev. Propagating
along geomagnetic field lines the wave packets periodically and in
turn with period t are reflected from the ionosphere in conjugated
points. The part of wave energy an this point is trapped in
ionospheric waveguid in F2 spread with critical frequency ~0.5 Hz and
is propagated in it at far distancies with velocity ~900 km/sec. The
detailed data about peculiarities of Pc1 can be obtained from special
literature, for example [1-3].
The catalogue data are based on the analysis of the continuous
observations of Pc1 at the geophysical observatory Borok (geographic
latitude 58.03 degrees N and longitude 38.33 degrees E; corrected
geomagnetic latitude 54.05 degrees N and longitude 113.44 degrees;
L=2.9) for the period from July 1957 to December 1992. The
morphological determination of Pc1 and the data processing are made on
the method given in [4].
The registration of pulsations in the Pc1 range was conducted from
July 1957 till December 1970 by a terrestrial currents installation
From 1971 to 1992 the pulsation recording was made by inductive
The physical value registered by a terrestrial currents
installation is an alternating potential between the two points on the
Earth surface. As it is known this value depends on a geoelectric
structure of the observation point and then the intensity (amplitude)
of Pc1 pulsations may be presented in the relative units.
According to our method Pc1 pulsations were divided into 4
A - very intensive.
B - intensive.
C - weak intensive.
C?- traces of Pc1.
The ranges of amplitude in terrestrial currents in mv/km for Pc1
pulsations of different categories at the Borok are given in table1:

Table 1
? The category of ? ? ?
? intensity ?á1 ? ' < 1 sec ? ' 2 - 3 sec ?
? C? ? < 0.05 ? < 0.02 ?
? C ? 0.05 - 0.15 ? 0.02 - 0.10 ?
? ' ? 0.15 - 0.40 ? 0.1 - 0.2 ?
? ? ? > 0.4 ? > 0.2 ?

The simultaneous recording of pulsations in the electric and
magnetic fields permits to determine the impedance of Earth surface Z
characterising the connection between electric and magnetic vectors of
Pc1. Values Z may be used for the rough estimation of Pc1 amplitude in
geomagnetic field from amplitude measerements with the terrestrial
currents installation. The reverse values of impedance Z for the
pulsations with different periods in the Pc1 range obtained from the
data of the Borok geophysical observatory are given in table 2.

Table 2

? 1/Z? 138 ? 227 ? 301 ? 355 ? 468 ? 523 ? 612 ? 497 ?

All other parameters given in the catalogue, for example the
beginnig and end of Pc1 their period and etc don`t depend on the
method of pulsation registration. The Borok data given in [4] are
included in the catalogue.
The following characteristics are given for Pc1 pulsations in the
1. The date. If the two values are given the first (second) one
indicates the beginning (end) of Pc1 event.
2,3. Time of the beginning and the end of Pc1 pulsations in UT with
precision of 1 minute.
4. The period of Pc1 in seconds (T sec) is determinated as averaged
prevailing in the given time interval. Two values T divided by
semicolon, for example 0.5;1.0 indicate the simultaneous presence of
two oscillation regimes of Pc1 in the whole time interval or in a part
of it. If the pulsations with different periods among which it is
difficult to distinguish the dominant ones in in given time interval
the period range is indicated for example 1.5-2.0. If the Pc1 period
decreases (increases) for the time interval the period range is for
example 2.0-1.5 (1.5-2.0).
5. t,min - the averaged period of repeation of separated
structurial elements in Pc1 serie formed by one and same wave packet
which is propagated along the geomagnetic field line back and forth
reflecting from the ionosphere in the conjugated points. Such series
were named isolated. They are observed rarely on the amplitude-time
records because in this column the gaps prevail. In the event of two
oscillatory regimes, for example 1.5;-, the fine structure was not
observed in the second regime.
6. The intensity of Pc1 characterised by the averaged amplitude in
mnT for the given time interval. (The amplitude of Pc1 recorded in
terrestrial currents is given with categories A, B, C, C?. If
pulsations of different intensity are present on the records during
the analysed period then they are characterised by a dual index A-B,
C-C?, etc). The amplitude is given for the whole vector in the
horisontal plane as a radical from the sum of squares Hns and Hew. The
different values of amplitude divided by semicolon (line) indicate ,as
in 4 and 5 columns,the presence of two oscillatory regimes (the
amplitude range) of Pc1.
7. The type of pulsations. According to the morphological features
the Pc1 are divided into several types:
Pc1s - series of pulsations lasting from several minutes to several
houres (s - serie).
Pc1b - bursts of Pc1 lasting 1-5 minutes (b - burst).
Pc1sc- scattered Pc1 (sc - scattered).
8. Notes. In this column the information is given about: the period
when the registration was not carried out (n/r); the intervals of
naturally disturbed records when it is difficult to reveal the Pc1
pulsations ( d.); the intervals of noise disturbance (n.) and
the intervals of defective records (d/r) when the Pc1 processing is
The catalogue may be of interest for specialist concerned with the
different aspects of solar-terrestrial interactions the physics of
magnetosphere or the questions of instabillity of outer space plasma.
Moreover the geomagnetic pulsations with frequencies near the human
biorhythms (heart contractions, biorhythms of brain etc) may be used
for medical-biological investigations decision of questions of
geophysical ecology etc.
I would like to express my gratitudes the collegues of Geophysical
observatory Borok participating in receiving and processing of primary
data. My special thanks L.I.Senina for a help in making the catalogue
and Dr. V.F. Ruban for collaboration in making the electron variant
of it.
The all remarks and offers concerning to catalogue and also the
possible inquires about Pc1 not being in catalogue may be directed to:
Dr. E. T. Matveyeva
Geophysical Observatory Borok
Borok, Nekouz, Yaroslavl
152742 Russia.
INTERNET E-mail: emma@borok.adm.yar.ru


1. E.T. Matveyeva and V.A. Troitskaya, Common regularities of pearl
type oscillatory regime, Geomagnetism i Aeronomia",
1965, v. 5, N 6, pp. 1078-1084.
2. E.T. Matveyeva, Investigations of Pc1 type pulsations during the
cycle of solar activity, Dissertation, M., IPHE
AS USSR, 1970.
3. A.V. Gul'elmi and V.A. Troitskaya, Geomagnetic pulsations and
diagnosticks of magnitosphere, M., Nauka, 1973,
208 p.
4. E.T. Matveyeva, Catalogue of pulsations of type Pc-1 on a network
of stations, Part 1, 1957 -1959, 1967, M.,
IPhE AS USSR, 161 p.