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Дата изменения: Mon Jan 18 19:41:31 2010
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 19:57:06 2012
Кодировка: Windows-1251

Поисковые слова: spiral galaxy
"STP Data" STP Data

Данные СЗФ в виде отдельных файлов

Geomagnetic Indices

AA      1868 - Present      (3 hourly and daily)
                         (Lists and histograms of
                          geomagnetic disturbance
                          and Solar Sunspots)

KP_AP   1932 - Present    (3 hourly and daily)
                         (Lists and histograms of
                          geomagnetic disturbance
                          and Solar Sunspots)

AE_HV   1957-75, 78-88   (hourly)
AE_MIN  1978-881-6;198903;1990-94(minute)
DST     1957 - Present    (hourly)
PC      1975 - Present     (15-minute)
AMANAS  1959 - Present     (3 hourly and daily)
KMKNKS  1983 - Present      (3 hourly)

Солнечная активность и секторная структура ММП

FLUX10.7 1947 - Present   (daily)
Sector_Boundary of IMF 1963 - Present       (daily)

SUNSPOT  1700 - Present     (yearly),
         1749 - Present     (monthly)
         1818 - Present     (daily)

Внезапгные начала

Sudden  Commencement    1868 - 1995

Минутные значения компонент геомагнитного поля

 This Directory contains Minute values of geomagnetic
field components at observatories in Russia and other repub-
lic of Former Soviet Union (FSU).  Data are prepared in the form of
monthly files.

Среднечасовыечасовые значения компонент геомагнитного поля

1. This Directory contains mean hour values of geomagnetic field components at observatories in Russia and other repub- lic of Former Soviet Union (FSU). The List of these observatories has indication of Data Years. Data are prepared in the form of yearly files.

For example, File "aaa64hv" contains Data of the Alma Ata Obsevatory for the complete 1964 of D, H and Z components. File "tkt90_6z contains Z-component Data for 06 month 1990. File "ars73hv_" contains Data for a complete year minus a few days. Files are prepared in the DOS format.

2. The Format for mean values follows after this list of the geomagnetic observatories.

3. Program "aaa1_bas.exe" allow to select Data from the yearly files in the DOS format.

List of geomagnetic observatories.

ALMA ATA         AAA  FSU-Kaz. 43.25   76.92  63 - 72,75-82,84-90
ARKHANGELSK      ARK  FSU-Rus. 64.60   40.50  82 - 89
ASHKHABAD        ASH  FSU-Tur. 37.95   58.11  59 - 70,72-85
BOROK            BOX  FSU-Rus. 58.03   38.97  80 - 91
CAPE CHELYUSKIN  CCS  FSU-Rus. 77.72  104.28  57 - 85
CAPE WELLEN      CWE  FSU-Rus. 66.16  190.17  57 - 87
DIXON ISLAND     DIK  FSU-Rus. 73.54   80.56  57 - 86
HEISS ISLAND     HIS  FSU-Rus. 80.62   58.05  58 - 69
IRKUTSK          IRT  FSU-Rus. 52.46  104.04  57 - 90
KARAGANDA        KGD  FSU-Kaz. 49.82   73.08  65 - 76, 80, 84-89
KAZAN            KZN  FSU-Rus. 55.83   48.85  64 - 74, 78 - 89
KIEV             KIV  FSU-Ukr. 50.72   30.30  58 - 91
LENINGRAD        LNN  FSU-Rus. 59.95   30.71  48 - 88
LVOV             LVV  FSU-Ukr. 49.90   23.75  57 - 72,78
MAGADAN          MGD  FSU-Rus. 60.12  151.02  66 - 89
MINSK            MNK  FSU-Rus. 54.50   27.88  61 - 89
MIRNY            MIR    AY    -66.55   93.02  56 - 85
MOLODEZHNAYA     MOL    AY    -67.67   45.85  65 - 77
MOSCOW           MOS  FSU-Rus. 55.48   37.31  58 - 89
MURMANSK         MMK  FSU-Rus. 68.95   33.05  59 - 80
NOVOKAZALINSK    NKK  FSU-Kaz. 45.80   62.10  80
NOVOLAZAREVSKAYA NVL    AY    -70.77   11.83  61 - 78
NOVOSIBIRSK      NVS  FSU-Rus. 55.03   82.90  67 - 91,94,95
OASIS            OAS    AY    -66.30  100.72  57 - 58
ODESSA           ODE  FSU-Ukr. 46.78   30.88  57 - 91
P. TUNGUSKA      POD  FSU-Rus. 61.60   90.00  69 - 91
PETROPAVLOVSK    PET  FSU-Rus. 52.90  158.43  69 - 90
PIONERSKAYA      PIO    AY    -69.73   95.50  57,58,71,72
SVERDLOVSK(V.DUB)SVD  FSU-Rus. 56.73   61.07  45-52,54,56-74,79,80
SVERDLOVSK(ARTI) ARS  FSU-Rus. 56.43   58.57  73 - 88
TASHKENT         TKT  FSU-Uzb. 41.33   69.62  57 - 71,80,84-91
TBILISI          TFS  FSU-Geo. 42.09   44.71  59 - 90
TIKHAYA BAY      TKH  FSU-Rus. 80.33   52,80  57
TIXIE BAY        TIK  FSU-Rus. 71.58  129.00  57 - 86
VLADIVOSTOK      VLA  FSU-Rus. 43.78  132.03  57 - 89
VOSTOK           VOS    AY    -78.45  106.87  58 - 61,63-85
YAKUTSK          YAK  FSU-Rus. 62.02  129.72  57 - 89
YUZHNO SAKHALINS YSS  FSU-Rus. 46.95  142.72  57 - 88

Digital WDC Exchange Format for Observatory Hourly Mean and 2.5 Minute Values

 4-5     I2   YEAR (last 2 digits, 82=1982)
 6-7     I2   MONTH (01-12)
 8       I1   ELEMENT (D, H, F, X, Y, or Z)
 9-10    I2   DAY OF MONTH (01-31)
 11-12   I2   Blanks for hourly values. Values of hourly (00-23)
              for 2.5 minute values.
 13-15   A3   Arbitrary
 16      I1   Blank for data since 1900, 8 for data before.
 17-20   I4   Tabular base, in degrees for D  and  I,  hundreds
              of nanoTeslas (gammas) for the intensity elements.
 21-116  24I4 24 Twenty-four 4-digit Hourly Values  for  the  day.
              Values are in tenth-minutes  for  D  and  nanoTeslas
              (gammas)for the intensity  elements.  Or  twenty-four
              4-digit 2.5 minute values in the hour. A missing
              value is identified by 9999.
 117-120 I4   Daily Mean or Hourly for the 2.5 minute data.

Среднесуточные значения компонент геомагнитного поля

This Directory contains mean daily values of geomagnetic field components at the Tbilisi Observatory (1880 - 1991). This Directory was prepared by Institute of Geophysics of Georgian Academy of Science.

Космические лучи

This Directory contains mean hourly, minute data recorded by World Network NM and MT stations,Ground-Level Events(GLE) and grafical applications.

Каталоги геомагнитных пульсаций

Catalogue of geomagnetic pulsations of Pc1 type and The catalogue of geomagnetic pulsations of a type IPDP(intervals of pulsations with diminishing period) on the observation data at geophysical observatory BOROK (1957 - 1992).

Ионосфера и плазмасфера Земли.Модель распределния плотности,температуры и частоты соударений электронов

Эта директория содержит Model of distribution of density, temperature and effective collision freguency of electrons. Yu.K.Chasovitin. 1998.

Программа RIM98 для расчетов параметров ионосферы с использованием модели "Reference Ionospheric Model-98"(RIM-98)

This Directory containsThe program RIM98 for calculating the parameters of the ionosphere to use the "Reference Ionospheric Model-98" (RIM-98).Yu.K.Chasovitin. 1998.