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Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 22:50:02 2012

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VSOP Symposium Proceedings

Proceedings of the VSOP Symposium, January 2000

Individual papers from the VSOP Symposium Proceedings, "Astrophysical Phenomena Revealed by Space VLBI", eds H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards and D.W. Murphy (ISAS), can be downloaded as gzipped postscript files by clicking on the links below.

Pages Paper Title / Authors
001-002 Welcoming Remarks
Haruto Hirosawa
003-008 VSOP Current Status
H. Hirabayashi
009-012 HALCA's Operating Efficiency & Lifetime
Y. Murata & the HALCA operation group
013-016 Multi-Epoch Global+VSOP/HALCA Observations of Virgo A at lambda 6 cm
W. Junor, J.A. Biretta, F.N. Owen & M.C. Begelman
017-020 Space-VLBI Observations of the Core-Jet in the Nearby Spiral Galaxy M81
Norbert Bartel & Michael F. Bietenholz
021-024 A Sharper View into the Parsec-Scale Jet of 3C 345
J. Klare, J.A. Zensus, E. Ros & A.P. Lobanov
025-028 3C279 Results Derived from Two-Frequency VSOP Observations
H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, B.G. Piner et al.
029-030 MHD Simulations of Jets from Magnetized Accretion Disk
Kazunari Shibata
031-038 Magnetohydrodynamic Production of Highly Relativistic Jets
D.L. Meier & S. Koide
039-046 High-Frequency Observations of Blazars
A.P. Marscher, S.G. Marchenko-Jorstad, J.R. Mattox et al.
047-050 VSOP Monitoring of 1928+738
D.W. Murphy, R.A. Preston, A. Polatidis et al.
051-054 A VSOP Observation of 3C 84
K. Asada, S. Kameno, M. Inoue et al.
055-058 VLBI Monitoring of 3C 279 at 22 and 43 GHz: 1991-1997
B.G. Piner, A.E. Wehrle, S.C. Unwin et al.
059-062 VSOP Observations of 3C 216
Z. Paragi, S. Frey, I. Fejes et al.
063-066 Multi-Frequency VSOP Observations of 3C 380
S. Kameno, Z.-Q. Shen, M. Inoue et al.
067-070 VSOP Observations of Cen A
Kenta Fujisawa
071-074 VSOP Observations of a Sub-Parsec Accretion Disk
D.L. Jones, A.E. Wehrle, B.G. Piner & D.L. Meier
075-078 Detection of the VLBI-Scale Counter Jet in NGC 6251
H. Sudou, Y. Taniguchi, Y. Ohyama et al.
079-086 A Study of Young Radio-Loud AGN Using Space-VLBI
I. Snellen, W. Tschager, R. Schilizzi et al.
087-090 Pentachromatic VSOP and VLBA Survey of GPS Sources
S. Kameno, S. Sawada-Satoh, K. M. Shibata et al.
091-094 Free-Free Absorption by a Gas Disk in the GPS Radio Galaxy 0108+388
J.M. Marr, G.B. Taylor & F. Crawford III
095-104 Masers from Space: A Review and a Preview of Space VLBI Maser Observations
P.J. Diamond
105-108 Polarization Structure of the Orion-KL Water Masers
Shinji Horiuchi, V. Migenes & S. Deguchi
109-112 Monitoring of the Orion-KL Water Maser Outburst
H. Kobayashi, T. Shimoikura, T. Omodaka & P.J. Diamond
113-116 VSOP Observations of PSR B0329+54
Anthony Minter
117-120 Observations of the Vela Pulsar Using VSOP
C.R. Gwinn, J.E. Reynolds, D.L. Jauncey et al.
121-128 Multi-Frequency VSOP Polarization Observations of the BL Lacertae Object 1803+784
D.C. Gabuzda
129-132 Polarization-Sensitive VSOP Observations of Bright Quasars and gamma -Ray AGN
G.A. Moellenbrock, D.H. Roberts & J.F.C. Wardle
133-142 Observations of Intraday Variable Sources
T.P. Krichbaum, C. Jin, A. Kraus et al.
143-146 Circular Polarization of Intraday Variable Sources
L.L. Kedziora-Chudczer, J-P. Macquart, D.L. Jauncey & D.P. Rayner
147-150 The Origin of Intra-Day Variability
D.L. Jauncey, L.L. Kedziora-Chudczer, J.E.J. Lovell et al.
151-154 Why Space VLBI is of Special Value for Studies of High-Redshift Radio Sources
L.I. Gurvits
155-158 VSOP Studies of the Bright Radio Source PKS 1921-293
Zhi-Qiang Shen, P.G. Edwards, J.E.J. Lovell & S. Kameno
159-166 Observations of Relativistic Outflow in AGN and the Brightness Temperature of Synchrotron Sources
K.I. Kellermann, R.C. Vermeulen, J.A. Zensus & M.H. Cohen
167-176 The VSOP Survey I: Description and Participation
E. Fomalont, H. Hirabayashi, Y. Murata et al.
177-182 The VSOP Survey II: Reduction Methods
G.A. Moellenbrock, J. Lovell, S. Horiuchi et al.
183-188 The VSOP Survey III: Statistical Results
J.E.J. Lovell, S. Horiuchi, G. Moellenbrock et al.
189-192 The Impact of Minimal Ground Antenna Coverage on the VSOP Survey
Matthew L. Lister, B. Glenn Piner & S. J. Tingay
193-198 Instantaneous 1--22 GHz Spectra of 214 VSOP Survey Sources
Yu.A. Kovalev, Y.Y. Kovalev & N.A. Nizhelsky
199-202 The Pearson-Readhead Survey from Space
R.A. Preston, M.L. Lister, S.J. Tingay et al.
203-206 The Pearson-Readhead Survey at 43 GHz
Matthew L. Lister, R.A. Preston, B. Glenn Piner & S.J. Tingay
207-214 High Resolution X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of AGN and SS 433 with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory
Herman L. Marshall
215-218 VSOP and ATCA Observations of PKS 0637-752
J.E.J. Lovell, S.J. Tingay, B.G. Piner et al.
219-222 VSOP and Chandra Observations of 0836+710
D.W. Murphy, R.A. Preston, B.G. Piner et al.
223-226 VSOP Imaging of the Unusual X-Ray Binary Star LSI+61^ circ 303
A.R. Taylor, S.M. Dougherty, W.K. Scott et al.
227-234 Mapping Blazars' Inner Jets Through Multiwavelength Observations
Rita M. Sambruna
235-238 VSOP Observations of TeV Gamma-Ray Sources
P.G. Edwards, B.G. Piner, S.C. Unwin et al.
239-244 Space VLBI of Parsec--Scale Jets: the Impact of VSOP
A.P. Lobanov, J.A. Zensus, T.P. Krichbaum & A. Witzel
245-252 Phase-Reference Observations with VSOP
R.W. Porcas, M.J. Rioja, J. Machalski & H. Hirabayashi
253-256 The Geometry of the Universe from High Resolution VLBI Data of AGN Shocks
Esko Valtaoja & Kaj Wiik
257-260 A Next-Generation Space VLBI Observatory Assembled in Orbit
L.I. Gurvits
261-264 The Proposed ARISE Space-VLBI Mission
Alan P. Marscher
265-268 Space VLBI at Low Frequencies
D.L. Jones, R. Allen, J. Basart et al.
269-272 A New Strategy for the Routine Detection & Imaging of Faint Radio Sources with VLBI
M.A. Garrett
273-276 1 Gbit VLBI System and Recent Observations
M. Kimura, J. Nakajima, Y. Koyama et al.
277-280 The VSOP-2 Mission
H. Hirabayashi, D.W. Murphy, Y. Murata et al.
281-284 A 22 GHz Line Radiometer for the Usuda Tracking Station
Yoshiharu Asaki, Hideyuki Kobayashi, Naoki Hagiwara & Masato Ishiguro
285-288 Experiences with the Space VLBI Geodesy Experiment
S 'andor Frey, Istv 'an Fejes & Zsolt Paragi
289-292 Noise Reduction in the Presence of Strong Spectrally-Isolated Signals
C.R. Gwinn, B. Carlson, S. Dougherty et al.
293-296 Very Long Baseline Connected Interferometry via the 2.4-Gbps ATM Network
H. Kiuchi, A. Kaneko, Y. Takahashi et al.
297-300 The Green Bank Telescope: An Overview
P.R. Jewell & Glen Langston
301-304 Difwrap: A Graphical User Interface for Error Analysis in Difmap
Jim Lovell
305-308 Connection Between Superluminal Ejections and gamma -Ray Flares in Blazars
S.G. Marchenko-Jorstad, A.P. Marscher, J.R. Mattox et al.
309-312 Up-Link Frequency Control Using Closed-Loop Mode
Kazumasa Suzuki, Noriyuki Kawaguchi & Takashi Kasuga
313-316 VSOP Observations of Bright, Compact Southern Hemisphere AGN
S.J. Tingay, J.E. Reynolds, D.L. Jauncey et al.
317-320 VERA Approved !
Satoko Sawada-Satoh & VERA Project Team
321-324 Comparison of Total Flux and VLBI Properties of a Sample of Fifteen AGN at 22 GHz
Kaj Wiik, Esko Valtaoja & Anne Lahteenmaki

Errata, corrections and updates (text file)

Last updated: 23 August 2000