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Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 01:49:44 2016
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About the School >> Karazin University

About the School

Web site: http://rbecs.karazin.ua/

of radiophysical
school in Kharkiv,
D. A. Rozhanskii

School ofšRadiophysics, Biomedical Electronics and Computer Systems exists since 1952. Until 2014, the school was known asšthe School ofšRadiophysics. School ofšRradiophysics inšKharkiv was founded due tošProf. D.šA.šRozhanskii who lectured atšKharkov University inš1911?1921 years (later hešbecame ašmember ofšthe Academy ofšSciences ofšthe USSR) and his disciple A.šA.šSlutskin (the inventor ofšmagnetron and first radars, and laterš? academician ofšNAS ofšUkraine).

Graduation of students of the School

Today, School ofšRadiophysics, Biomedical Electronics and Computer Systems trains bachelors inšapplied physics and electronics (durationš? 4šyears), specialists inšradio physics and electronics, physical and biomedical electronics and masters ofšRadiophysics and Electronics inšthe following areas: Theoretical and Computational Radiophysics; Quantum Radiophysics; Radi-ophysical Measurements; Physical and Biomedical Electronics and Complex Information Tech-nology; Physics ofšMicrowaves; Space Radiophysics; Astronomy; Antennas and Propagation; asšwell asšspecialists and masters inšBiological Physics onšthe following specializations: molecular biophysics and medical biophysics. Duration ofštraining for specialists and masters isš2šyears.

Among our graduates, there are 39šawardees ofšthe State Prize inšScience and Technolo-gy, 7šacademicians and 7šcorresponding members ofšthe NAS ofšUkraine, more than 120 doctors and more than 600 candidates ofšsciences, directors and leading specialists ofšacademic institutions, research centers, enterprises and institutions ofšhigher education, and wellknown businessmen.

School?s contribution to state defense Antarctic research station named by academician Vernadsky,
where our staff conduct research

There are about 500 students and 20šPhD students atšthe School. The educational and scientific process involves about 100 teachers and researchers, 17šofšthem are awardees ofšthe State Prize ofšUkraine inšthe field ofšscience and technology. Among the 40šfulltime faculty staff, there are 20šfull professors, doctors ofšSciences and 20šassociate professors, PhD.

Radio Observatory
with System for re-mote
sensing of near space
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(National Treasure
of Ukraine

The School isšactively engaged inšscientific work. Our research isšrelated with the most modern problems ofšstudying interaction ofšelectromagnetic radiation with matter. Faculty also works inšthe field ofšinformation technology, environment, health, space exploration and development ofšbiophysical techniques. Wešhave experience ofšinternational scientific cooperation with scientific and educational institutions ofšUSA, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Japan, Turkey, China and other countries.