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History of Russian Literature Department >> Karazin University

History of Russian Literature Department

Web site: http://www-philology.univer.kharkov.ua/katedras/katedra_ru_lit.html

The teaching staff of the department consists of two Doctors of philological Science, Professors ? Oleksandr Ivanovych Lahunov and Iryna Ivanivna Moskovkina, 7 Candidates of philological science Assistant Professors ? Pavlo Mykolaiovych Babai, Nataliia Pavlivna Yevstaf?ieva, Raisa Hryhorivna Kuz?menko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna Nadozirna, Hennadii Heorgiiovych Rudenko, Liubov Oleksandrivna Skubachevs?ka, Tetiana Anatoliivna Shekhovtsova.

History of the Department

There existed Oratory, Prosody and Russian Language Department at the Philological Faculty which was the part of Kharkiv Imperial University opened in 1805. In 1835 it was reorganized into the Department of Russian Philology and History of Russian Literature. In 1901 it was decided to divide it into two departments ? the Russian Language Department and the Russian Literature Department. Since that time, changing the names the department exists up to the present days.

In different years there worked such prominent scholars and pedagogues as Oleksandr Opanasovych Potebnia, Dmytro Mykolaiovych Ovsianyko-Kulykovs?kyi. They established the Kharkiv School of Philology as well as the psychological trend in the native studies of literature which traditions are productive in the contemporary science. Among the staff of the department there were such outstanding philologists as Oleksandr Mykhailovych Bilets?kyi and Mychailo Petrovych Zhynkin whose scope of scientific interests was very wide, Moisey Horatsiyovych Zel?dovych and Lev Yakovych Livshyts?, the authors of the reader ?Russian Literature of the XIXth century: the reader of the critical materials? ? Kharkiv: KhDU, 1959. ? 285 p (several reprints); Mark Volodymyrovych Chernyakov ? the connoisseur of the Russian poetry of the XXth century, Ol?ga Volodymyrivna Slyvyts?ka ? one of the most competent researcher of O.I. Bunin works at present, Ryta Mykytivna Piddubna ? the noted researcher of A.S. Pushkin and F.M. Dostoyevsky creative heritage and others.


The department trains the students of two degrees (Bachelor and Master) in the Speciality ? Language and Literature (Russian) and in the Specialization ? Publishing and Editing. The Department offers such theoretical as well as historical and literary courses as Introduction to Literature Studies, Theory of Literature, Folklore, History of Russian Literature. Moreover such special courses as Poetry of Russian Symbolism, Existential Consciousness in the Russian Prose in Foreign Countries during ?the First Wave?, Peculiarities of Russian Post-modernism, Intertextuality of the Literary Work, Urgent Problems of Modern Russian Prose and Poetry are given. The students have teaching practice at educational institutions in Kharkiv. For the Publishing and Editing Specialization such courses as Principles of Publishing, Systems of Making-up and Breadboarding, Editing (general course), Technical Editing and Printing Design of the Editions are given. The editorial training is provided on the basis of such Kharkiv publishing houses as Ranok, Fakt, Slovo, Torsing, Svit Dytynstva and others.

Scientific Research

The Department conducts the research activities on the following complex topic ? Problems of Method, Poetic Manner and Genre of Russian Literature in the XIXth and XXth Centuries. Prose and poetry of the Silver Age in Russian literature (V.L. Solovyov, D.S. Merezhkovsky, A. Beliy, N.S. Gumilyov, I.O. Bunin, L.M. Andreyev, O.I. Kuprin and others); literary modernism of the 1920-1930s (M.O. Bulhakov, L. Dobychin, G. Gazdanov and others) and post-modernism at the end of the XXth century and the beginning of the XXI century (V. Sorokin, Ye. Gryshkovets and others) are in the focus of the researchers. The results of the research are published in the monographs and articles: Piddubna R.M. About Pushkin Creative Work in the 1830s. ? Kharkiv: Osnova, 1999. ? 180p, Lahunov O.I. Afanasiy Fet and Poetry of Russian Symbolism. ? Kharkiv: Osnova, 1999. ? 242p, Moskovkina I.I. Between ?Pro? and ?Contra?: Coordinates of Leonid Andreyev Artistic World. ? Kharkiv: KhNU, 2005. ? 288p; Lahunov O.I. The Article of Andrey Byelyi ?Thought and Language (O.O. Potebnia Philosophy of Language)? as a Policy Document of Russian Symbolism // Oleksandr Potebnia: present-day view. ? Kharkiv: Maidan, 2006. ? P. 155-167; Moskovkina I.I. Modernistic Paradigm of the Literary Process at the End of the XIXth ? at the Beginning of the XXth Century in the University Course of History of Russian Literature // Russian language and literature: Problems of learning and teaching at school and university: Collected articles. ? Kyiv, 2006. ? P. 333-337; Shekhovtsova T.A. L. Dobychin: Marginal Mentality as the Basis of the Creative Personality // Philology: Collected articles. ? Kharkiv, 2006. No1. ? P 126-148; Yevstaf?yeva N.P. The Evolution of the Existential Consciousness in the Gaito Gazdanov novel ?Ghost of Alexander Volf? // Bulletin of KhNU. No 727: Philology. ? Issue 47. ? Kharkiv, 2006. ? P. 157-160; Babayi P.M. The Heart Concept in the Light of Sorokin Alienation (from Hearts of Four to the Ice trilogy) // Bulletin of KhNU. No 707: Philology. ? Issue 46. ? Kharkiv, 2005. ? P. 131-135 and others.

The Department prepared two readers recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Literature. 10th form. Reader / Lahunov O.I., Piddubna R.M., Tatarynov V.Y., Shekhovtsova T.A. ? Kharkiv: Ranok, 2003; Literature. 11th form. Reader / Yevstaf?yeva N.P., Kuz?menko R.H., Moskovkina I.I., Rudenko H.H. ? Kharkiv: Ranok, 2003) and 18 workbooks of monographic contents: V.Y. Tatarynov. William Shakespeare. ? Kharkiv: Vesta: Ranok, 2004. ? 80 p.; R.M. Piddubna. Fedor Dostoevsky. ? Kharkiv: Vesta: Ranok, 2002. ? 80 p.; O.I. Lahunov. Fedor Tyutchev. ? Kharkiv: Vesta: Ranok, 2002. ? 64 p.; I.I. Moskovkina. Alexander Blok. ? Kharkiv: Vesta: Ranok, 2002. ? 80 p.; N.P. Yevstaf?yeva. Ivan Bunin. ? Kharkiv: Vesta: Ranok, 2002. ? 64 p.; R.H. Kuz?menko. Alekxander Kuprin. ? Kharkiv: Vesta: Ranok, - 2003. ? 64 p.; H.H.Rudenko. Heinrich B?ll. ? Kharkiv: Vesta: Ranok, 2004. ? 64 p.; T.A Shekhovtsova. Iosif Brodsky. ? Kharkiv: Vesta:Ranok, 2003. ? 80 p.

The postgraduate study is affiliated to the Department. The Full Professors O.I. Lahunov, I.I. Moskovkina and the Associate Professors N.P. Yevstaf?yeva, T.A. Shekhovtsova are members of K. 64.051.07 PhD degree Expert Examining Board of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, where theses are defended in the Speciality 10.01.02 ? Russian Literature.

  • Head of the Department
    Doctor of Letters (Philology), Full Professor
    Iryna I. Moskovkina
    Phone: 707-52-07