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Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 02:30:47 2016
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Department of Methods and Practice of Teaching English >> Karazin University

Department of Methods and Practice of Teaching English

The Department of Teaching Methods and English Language Practice was set up in 2007.

The department staff comprises 20 lecturers and instructors, among them 3 Full Professors (Valentina H. Pasynok, Lidia S. Pikhtovnikova, Iryna S. Shevchenko), 7 Associate Professors (Olga V. Dudoladova, Mykola V. Ryabykh, Iryna O. Sverdlova, Olga O. Chornovol-Tkachenko, Yana V. Dovhopolova, Yulia Y. Shamayeva, Olena V. Mykhaylova), 2 PhD (Philology) lecturers ? Anastasia S. Ptushka, Iryna Y. Skrypnik.

The key research fields embrace higher school teaching methods and didactics, fundamentals of developing prospective teachers? professional speaking skills, gender research and political discourse issues, cognitive models in language and speech study.

The high-ranking research and methodological potential, as well as the professionalism of the staff, secure quality training in English as the second foreign language. The graduates are awarded the qualification of Philologist, with the prospective employment as teachers of two languages and literature or as translators (interpreters).

The department aims to teach the second foreign language at the same level as the first foreign one. To accomplish this aim, inter alia, students have to take the state exam in the second foreign language.

The department provides part-time training as well. The students, on completion of 5-year part-time study, get a basic higher education within the major of Language and Literature (English) and are awarded a BA degree in Philology. Having completed 6 years of part-time study, the students get a complete higher education within the above mentioned major and are awarded a Specialist or MA degree. There is an opportunity of a double major.

The department teaches the following subjects: English, Theoretical Grammar, Lexicology, Stylistics, History of the English Language, Area (Country-Specific) Studies, History of English Literature, Methods of Teaching English (at higher educational establishments, secondary schools), Elocution (Culture of Speech), Issues of Germanic Philology Studies, History of Linguistic Studies, Language-related Literature.

The department spearheads TEFL activities at the School of Foreign Languages: supervises the newly started TEFL Workshop and the ongoing Young Teachers? School, as well as the Best TEFL Graduate Contest.

  • Head of the Department
    Doctor of Letters (Pedagogy), Full Professor, Merited Education Worker of Ukraine
    Valentyna G. Pasynok
    Phone: 707-55-66