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Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 02:04:18 2016
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Chemical Metrology Department >> Karazin University

Chemical Metrology Department

Department of Chemical Metrology was organized in 1967 on the basis of the Department of Analytical Chemistry and inherited the traditions of researches and education in field of analytical chemistry, which have been grounded during the first decades after University foundation in 1805. Professors N.P. Komar, L.P. Adamovich, I.G. Perkov, A.B. Blank have worked at the Department of Chemical Metrology. The results obtained by N.P. Komar et al in the field of multicomponent spectrophotometry are well known among scientists. The names of inventors are used for identification of methods of chemical equilibria investigation in solutions developed at Department of Chemical Metrology (Komar method, Adamovich method, Tolmachev method). The fundamental textbooks on quality analysis have been prepared by N.P. Komar.

Today the Department of Chemical Metrology train students by the specialty ?Analytical chemistry and chemical metrology? and ?Pharmaceutical chemistry?. The Department is responsible for teaching of general course ?Analytical chemistry? for students of Faculty of Chemistry and Faculty of Biology, special courses ?Test and chromatographic methods of analysis?, ?Metrological assurance of materials composition measurements?, ?Mathematical modeling of analytical systems?, ?Multicomponent analysis?, ?Pharmaceutical analysis and quality control of drugs? etc. In the last years new general courses ?Ecoanalytical chemistry? and ?Modern methods of chromatography and electrophoresis? for masters and specialists have been developed. The textbook ?Theoretical basis and methods of solution of analytical chemistry tasks ? (2003) prepared by the staff of Department was recommended by Ministry of Sciences and Education of Ukraine as tutorial for undergraduate students of high schools in Ukraine.

Department of Chemical Metrology has collaboration with specialists of Kharkiv branch of Ukranian Pharmaceutical Institute of Quality, Joint stock company ?Stoma?, Institutes of general and inorganic chemistry and elementorganic compounds RAS (Moscow), Universities of Lyon (France), Bradford (United Kingdom) etc. The scientific work of the Department is coordinated by Scientific Council NAS of Ukraine by the problem of ?Analytical chemistry? and is aimed at the development of atomic spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy, potentiometry, thin-layer chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography, test-analysis, multicomponent analysis according to following directions:

  • mathematical modeling of analytical systems, chemometrics;
  • nanosized and nanostructured systems in chemical analysis;
  • chemical equilibria in solutions and self-organized lyophilic nanodispersions;
  • certified reference materials for atomic spectroscopic analysis;
  • simultaneous quantification of compounds with similar properties on the basis of multidimensional spectra;
  • theory and practice of micellar liquid chromatography and micellar thin-layer chromatography;
  • quantitative structure-retention-property relationships of biologically active compounds by using chromatographic data;
  • metrological assurance of test analysis.

Head of the Department of Chemical Metrology is Professor, Dr.Sci. Lidiaš Loginova. Also, at the Department of Chemical Metrology 1 Prof. Dr. Sci. (Alexander Bugaevskij), 9 PhD (6 of them are Assoc. Prof.), 3 researchers, 4 engineers, 2 laboratory assistants, 1 head of the laboratory and 5 PhD students are working. Analytical laboratory of Department grants the consulting service and scientific-expert service, carries out the courses on enhancement of qualification for staff of analytical laboratories. The Department of Chemical Metrology is responsible for Kharkiv city theoretical and practical seminar ?Modern problems of chemical analysis and quality control?.

  • Head of the Department
    Doctor of Science (Chemistry), Full Professor
    Oleg I. Yurchenko
    Phone: 707-55-39