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Tourist Industry Department >> Karazin University

Tourist Industry Department


Kharkiv National University is the only University in Ukraine where there is Touristic Business Department as a part of an independent school. Specialism Tourism appeared in 2003. In 2005 the Department was set up, which is a division of a recently created School of International Economic Relations and Touristic Business.

The founders of the Department and the School are Professor Aleksandrov V.V., PhD, and Professor Golikov A.P., PhD. The first Head of the Department, and in fact its founder was, Professor Aleksandrov V.V., PhD.

To the Prospective Student

The Department provides Bachelor?s, Specialist?s and Master?s Degree in Tourism. Special attention is paid to foreign language training. Training is provided by Business English and Translation Department. The lecturers use modern methods of teaching languages.

The graduates have good command of such IT technologies as TURWIN MULTIPRO, AMADEUS, GALILEO, SABRE.

During the studies students have deployment periods in:

  • Touristic country studies (educational);
  • Touristic;
  • Technological (educational; industrial placement)
  • Organisational (industrial placement)

From 2005 students have attended study placements abroad. The same year a contract on students study placement was signed with ?TEZTUR?, a Turkish tour operating company.

Students take part in regional and international scientific conferences. They take top places in Ukrainian Olympic competition in specialism ?Tourism?.

On the eve of the international day of Tourism (Sept. 27) in 2008, a new festive tradition of induction into tourism students of the first-year students was introduced.

Education is state- and self-funded; full-time and part-time.

Students can get military training and obtain a rank of a reserve officer.


Learning through science was always a must at Universities. So the lecturers of the Department participate actively in generating new scientific knowledge, which is applied in the educational process.

There are several areas of study. Under the supervision of Prof. O.O.Vyshnevska the role of tourism in modern socio-cultural environment is studied. Prof.Iurchenko S.O studies the issues of touristic infrastructure development. Associate Prof. Parfinenko A.Y. deals with cultural heritage in tourism, country studies and leisure time activities studies.

The Department cooperates with leading Ukrainian, CIS and European educational establishments.

The Department holds annual May conference, which has become international. The results are published as a separate edition.

The Department conducts state and self-financed research. These studies are published in different sources.

There is a students? scientific group, where they study economy and tourism organisation, acquiring skills of touristic routs creation. Some students have been awarded with different prizes.

Combination of education and science is the basis of creative thinking and competitiveness of the specialists-to-be.

The results of the scientific work for 2009 make:

University ?Vestnik? ? 15 articles;

Scientific journal 1 article;

Textbooks - 11;

Monographs ? 4;

Publishings abroad ? 1 monograph, 21 articles;

Articles in international journals ? 3; etc.

The Department organised and held an international conference: ?Touristic Business: world trends and national priorities? on 22 May 2009. The staff took part in 21 conferences (18 international), (Vyshnevs?ka Î.Î., Volkova ?.?., Grytsak Y.P., Ievtushenko N.À., Ievtushenko Î.V., Seljutin V.M., Kaplin Î.D., Kooshtym V.V., Ljubitseva Î.Î., Parfinenko À.Y., Pavlova Î.G., Perepelytsja À.S., Podlepina P.Î., Shamara ?.Ì., Iurchenko S.Î., Shapovalova Î.Î.), in touristic fairs - 4, in international fairs ? 3, national fairs ? 1.

In 2010 the Department published a monograph ?Tourism in the system of the regional development?, which highlights the potential of Kharkiv region for ?Euro 2012? football Championship.


The Department employs highly qualified and skilled Associate Professors, Professors. They are hired on competitive basis.

Staff constantly upgrade the qualification, attending in-service training, writing PhD works, obtaining second higher education degrees, etc.

Leading University lecturers of Economics, Law, Sociology, Geography, specialists of the local council, entrepreneurs, other higher educational institutions (HEI) lecturers are invited to share their knowledge and experience, Prof. Ljubitseva Î.Î. PhD, the Head of the Tourism Department of T.Shevchenko Kyiv National University is among them.

The Staff attends in-service training at leading HEI of Ukraine and abroad. They are: Institute of Tourism of Trade Unions, Kyiv; Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law; Karl University, Prague; Moscow State University, etc.

All the staff have methodological works.

  • Deputy Head - Anatolii Y. Parfinenko, PhD, Room 366; 6, Svobody sq., Tel: 707-53-06
  • Prof. Ljubitseva Îlga Îleksandrivna, Doctor of Geography, Room 366-A; 6, Svobody sq., tel. 707-53-06
  • Prof. Kaplin Îleksandr Dmytrovych Doctor of History, Room 366-A; 6, Svobody sq., tel. 707-53-06
  • Prof. Vyshnevs?ka Îlena Îlegivna, PhD, Room 366-A; 6, Svobody sq., tel. 707-53-06
  • Prof. Iurchenko Svitlana Îleksiivna, PhD, Room 366-A; 6, Svobody sq., tel. 707-53-06
  • Assosiate Prof. Seljutin Viktor Mikhailovych, PhD, Room 366-A; 6, Svobody sq., tel. 707-53-06
  • Assosiate Prof. Grytsak Yurii Petrovych PhD, Room 366-A; 6, Svobody sq., tel. 707-53-06
  • Volkova ?ryna ?gorivna, senior lecturer, Room 366-A; 6, Svobody sq., tel. 707-53-06
  • Ievtushenko Îlena Vitaliivna, senior lecturer, Room 366-A; 6, Svobody sq., tel. 707-53-06
  • Podlepina Polina Îleksandrivna, senior lecturer, Room 366-A; 6, Svobody sq., tel. 707-53-06
  • Guslev Andrii Pavlovych, Deputy Dean, lecturer, Room 366-A; 6, Svobody sq., tel. 707-53-06
  • Perepelytsja Ànna Sergiivna, lecturer, Room 366-A; 6, Svobody sq., tel. 707-53-06

Educational Process

The Department provides general subjects for students of Bachelor Degree School of International Economic Relations and Tourist Business: ?Tourism Resources of Ukraine", "Tourism studies", "Recreology?, ? Technology of tourist activity "," Technology of restaurant and hotel business?, "Organization of recreational services", "Organization of transport services", "Organization of Entertainment services in tourism", "IT in Tourism".

Special subjects for undergraduate students: ?Tourist Organization of the World", "Activities of travel agencies", "Licensing and certification of tourist services?, "International tourism", "Country Studies".

The Department provides teaching for students doing Master?s and Specialist?s Degrees in the following subjects: "Corporate Governance in Tourism?, ?International Travel Business", "Human Resource Management?, ?International Information Systems in Tourism", "Information Management".

Special subjects for specialists and masters are: "Infrastructure of the world", "Insurance of tourism activity in Ukraine", "Ecotourism."

Among the textbooks and manuals prepared by the staff during 5 years of the department existence and with their participation the following should be noted:

  • Yurchenko S.O. The Fundamentals of research. Kharkov, 2006.
  • Vishnevskaya O.O. Higher education in Ukraine and Bologna Process - Kharkov: Kharkov National University. VN Karazin, 2007.
  • Golikov A.P., Grytsak Y.P., Kazakova N.A., Sidorov V.I.: Ed Golikov A.P.. Geography of the World Economy. Manual. - K.: The manual literature, 2008. - 192 pp.
  • Grytsak Y.P., Organization of Self- Tourism: The manual for students specializing in "Tourism". - Kharkiv: Ekohraf, 2008. - 164 pp.
  • Parfinenko A., Tourism country studies (approv. by MES of Ukraine): Textbook - KH.: Booroon-book, 2009. - 288 pp.
  • Parfinenko A., Nation-state and international tourism in the dimensions of globalization (introduction to "Tourism country studies "): H.: Booroon-book, 2009. - 128 pp.
  • Ljubitseva O.O., Romanchuk S.P., Pilgrimage and Religious Tourism: Textbook .- K "Alterpres, 2009 .- 342 pp.
  • Nosova O.V.,., Petrova K.Y, Kushtym V.V., Matveev S.P., Larina T.F., S. Diagnostic tools of "Economic theory": Deforzh - Kharkov: Izd-vo Kharkov. National. Univ Ext. Affairs, 2009. - 74 pp.

In the contest for the best textbook in the field of social and humanitarian sciences, conducted by Alumni Association, faculty and friends of VN Karazin Kharkiv National University, Yurchenko S.O. "Infrastructure of the world", 2006. won the prize tutorial.

Abstract of specialism

6.020107 - "Tourism" (OCD - Bachelor)

7.050401 - "Tourism" (OCD - Specialist)

8.050401 - "Tourism" (OCD - MA)

Specialism Description

Master of "Tourism" is prepared to perform professional functions in tourism, should be able to provide professional and executive work in this area. Professional field is a field concerned with the needs of tourists services in the tourism industry.

The tourism industry activities include:

  • Operator and agency activities (operator and agency services);
  • hotel activities (hotel services);
  • restaurant work (catering services);
  • excursion activities (excursions);
  • other services in the tourism industry.

The objects of the graduate professional activities include:

  • property, property systems of (business) tourism industry;
  • information, results of intellectual activity, intangible benefits that are the subjects of the tourism industry on the property rights, other legal grounds (in contract, etc.) and are used to provide services, and related to the provision of tourist services: accommodation and transport facilities; catering, culture, entertainment and sports, and other objects;
  • information resources and systems, means of automated information systems and technologies, etc.

Specialist in Tourism should be prepared for the following types of professional activities: service, industrial- technological, organizational, managerial.

List of possible employment

The area may include: companies, organizations and state institutions that operate in tourism (travel agencies, tour operators, excursion bureau, information and local history centres, etc.). Posts that can be held by a graduate in "Tourism":

  • Organizer of tourist activity;
  • Travel and tour organizer;
  • Travel consultant;
  • specialist in tourism services;
  • specialist in leisure activities;
  • specialist of specialized services;
  • expert on spa business;
  • Teacher in the specialism;
  • Trainer of regional sport and culture society;
  • Instructor in tourism;
  • expert on tourism security;
  • travel escorts: a guide, a tour guide, a rep;
  • specialist in excursions;
  • specialist in tourism.

Terms of training and state certification

Period of training to fulfil educational and professional curriculum for Bachelor Degree is 4 years, Specialist Degree is 1 year and for Master Degree is 1 year.

For educational qualification of "Bachelor" students take the state examination on the following subjects: "Organization of Tourism", "Organization of recreational services", "Organization of food services," ?Organization of tour services", "Organization of transport services", "Organization of Entertainment services in tourism", "Information Systems and Technologies in Tourism", "Economy and pricing in tourism?, "Tourism Marketing", "Tourism Management", "Analysis of tourism enterprises? and defend the Degree paper.

For educational qualification of "Specialist" students take a complex state examination in the following disciplines: "Management of tourist enterprises?, ?International tourist business", "International information systems in tourism? and defend the Degree paper.

For educational qualification of "Master" undergraduates take complex state examination on the following subjects: "Research Methods", "Corporate governance in tourism", "Management of regional development in tourism?, ?International tourism Business? and thesis.

List of key disciplines

Major for the specialism "Tourism" are "Recreational infrastructure", and "Tourist Resources of Ukraine," "Economy of Tourism", "History of Tourism", "Country Studies", "International tourism", "Technology of hotel business?, "Organization of tour services?, "Organization of Entertainment services in tourism", "Information Systems and Technologies in Tourism?, "Tourism Marketing", "Tourism Management", "Management of tourist enterprise", "Legal regulation of tourist activity?.

Information for applicants

Documents are submitted from 1 July to 31 July.

Documents required for the admission to the School (OCD "bachelor"):

  • an application to the University;
  • document stating the previously obtained educational level and its appendix, the originals or certified copies;
  • Certificates of the Ukrainian Centre for Educational Quality Assessment (original or certified copies), issued in the current year;
  • medical certificate form 086-O;
  • photos size 3x4 cm - 6 pcs.
  • Envelopes with stamps of Ukraine - 4 pcs.
  • Passport (birth certificate for the persons who do not have passports because of age), military ID (certificate of origin to the recruiting station), the original certificate of education (if a copy is submitted), original certificates, identification code (original and copy) and documents which prove the person is entitled to benefits, must be submitted.
    • Documents required for admission to the School (OCD Specialist):

      • Availability of Bachelor?s Degree in Tourism;

      Documents required for admission to the School (OCD "Master"):

      • Availability of Bachelor?s Degree in Tourism;
      • examination of foreign language knowledge.