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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Nov 12 16:57:19 2013
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Fri Feb 28 00:00:08 2014

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Tatyana V. Sergeyeva Applied psychology Department V. N.Karazin Kharkiv National University

Training course "Eco-Humanistic Self-Development"
Mod ules Modules and themes week Date

Theme 1: Introduction: Human-Environment Interaction as a Condition of Synergetic Development Topics for discussion: 1, 2 Links between environment, its reflection and human behavior Personal role of a subject of environment development as a condition of individual development; Long life self-development as a means of professional, social and existential success.

Theme 2: Eco-Humanistic Self-Development of Personality

Topics for discussion: Level of internal motivation as a key factor of professional, 3, 4 social and existential efficiency (What do I want?). Individual level of internal resources development (What can I offer?). Individual zone for developing professionally, socially and existentially significant. resources (What are my development needs? Theme 3: Eco-Humanistic Self-Development of Internal Resources Topics for discussion: Self-development strategy corresponding to individual cognitive 5, 6 style & competence level (How do I learn?). Individual experience as a factor providing orientation & realistic approach to self-development (How do I reflect myself?). Individual reflection style as a factor of professional, social and existential efficiency (How do I reflect the world?).

Theme 4: Eco-Humanistic Self-Development of External Resources
Topics for discussion: 7, 8 Social support network (How can I intensify my potential?). Self­disclosure and feedback. (How does the world reflect me?). Managing communication process according to the needs (How to be assertive without being manipulative).

Theme 5: Diversity as a Resource of Synergetic Development

Topics for discussion: Essence & benefits of team work (How to compensate weak points). Team types and team roles (Where do I fit in?). Creating an effective balanced team (How to become synergetic?)

9, 10

Theme 6: Getting Positive Results within Conflict Situations
11, 12 Topics for discussion: Approaching confrontational situations to achieve positive results.(How do I handle conflict?).

Supporting others when solving their problems & handling confrontation on the bases of productive dialogue (How can I develop my social support network?) Handling confrontation on the bases of typology (How to deal with different people?).

Theme 7: Efficient Planning and Realizing
Topics for discussion: Goal setting, planning, monitoring & realizing (Where am I now? Where do I want to be? How do I get there?). 13, 14, 15, Time management on the bases of KRA, eliminating time- 16 robbers, prioritizing & delegating (What am I here for? Where does my time go? How do I organize my time?). Controlling level of stress & stress response (How can I manage my perception of stressful events?). Theme 8: Tutorial on Self-Development Designing individual tools for self-development (How do I design my 17, 18 Programme of Self-Development?)


Forms of Student Academic Work and Methods of Assessment.
Forms of class work and homework Interactive learning cycle work Pairs, small groups & whole group discussions Tests Learning diary & Essay Total Max score 20 20 10 40 100 Score 50-100 Result credit



Literature (provided to students): 1. Anderson J. R. The adaptive nature of human categorization / J. R. Anderson. ­ Psychological Review, 1991. ­ pp. 409­429. 2. Baldwin James M. Social and ethical interpretations in mental development / M. Baldwin James. ­ London : Routledge / Thoemmes, 1995. ­ xiv, 574 p.; 23 cm. ­ (Series: History of psychology: the evolutionary origins of developmental Psychology). 3. Baltes Paul B. Lifespan development and the brain: the perspective of biocultural coconstuctivism. / edited by Paul B. Baltes, Patricia A. Renter. ­ Lorenz and Frank Rjsled, 2006. ­ 303 p. 4. Bandura A. Self-regulation of motivation and action through goal systems ­ In L. A. Pervin (Ed.): Goal concept in personality and social psychology / A. Bandura. ­ Hilldale N. J. : Erlbaum. ­ 1988. ­ pp. 5­25. 5. Bandura A. Self-efficacy in changing societies / A. Bandura. ­ Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1995. ­ XV, 334 p.; 24 cm. ­ Includes bibliographies. 6. Bandura A. Self-efficacy: the exercise of control / A. Bandura. ­ New York : W. H. Freeman, 1997. ­ ix, 604 p.; 24 cm. ­ Includes bibliographical references and index. 7. Buhler C. Basic theoretical concepts of humanistic psychology / C. Buhler. American Psychologist, 26. 1971. ­ pp. 378­386. 8. Cantor N. & Mischel W. Prototypes in person perception. ­ / N. Cantor & W. Mischel In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol.12). ­ New York : Academic Press, 1979. ­ pp. 3­52.

9. Cantor N. A prototype analyses of psychological situations. / N. Cantor, W. Mischel & J. Schwartz ­ Cognitive Psychology, 14 ­ 1982. ­ pp. 45­77. 10. Dysavitcky A. K. On the Ideal Form of Personally Development in the System of Developmental Education / A. K. Dysavitcky // Journal of Russian and East European Psychology. ­ vol. 41. ­ 5. ­ pp. 34­51. 11. Dysavitcky A. K. Developmental Education and the open Society / A. K. Dysavitcky // Journal of Russian and East European Psychology. ­ vol. 41. ­ 5. ­ pp. 51­63. 12. Higgins E. T. Personality, social psychology and person-situation-relations: Standards and Knowledge activation as a common language. / E. T. Higgins ­ In L. A. Pervin (Ed.), Handbook of personality: Theory and research. ­ New York : Guilford press, 1991. ­ pp. 301­338. 13. Interactive minds: life-span perspectives on the social foundation of cognition / Edited by Paul B. Baltes, Ursula M. Staudinger. ­ Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1996. ­ xii, 457 p.; 24 cm. ­ Includes bibliographies. 14. Lorenz K. Behind the mirror: a search for a natural history of human knowledge / K. Lorenz. Translated by R. Taylor. ­ London : Methuen, 1977. ­ 261 p.: ill.; 23 cm. ­ Bibliography: pp. 251­257. ­ Includes index. 15. Maksymenko S. D. Psychological nature of the personality / S. D. Maksymenko. ­ Kyiv : KMM, 2007. ­ 216 p. 16. Markus H. Self-knowledge: An expanded view / H. Markus. Journal of Personality, ­ 51. 1983. ­ Pp. 543­565. 17. Maslow A. Motivation and personality / A. Maslow. ­ 3rd ed. ­ New York : Harper and Row, 1987. ­ pp. 127­307. 18. May R. Psychology and the human dilemma / R. May. ­ New York ; London : Norton, 1980. ­ xiv, 221 p. ; 21cm. 19. McClelland David C. Human motivation / C. McClelland David. ­ Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1987. ­ XII, 663 p. ; 24 cm. 20. Norman Donald A. Things that make us smart: defending human attributes in the age of the machine / A. Norman Donald. ­ Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, 1993. ­ XIV, 290 p.: ill. ; 24cm. ­ Includes bibliographical references (p. 273­280) and index. 21. Serguejeva T. V. Information treatment within sense interpretation technique as a means of scientific research intensification / T. V. Serguejeva // Physics in Ukraine : Proc. International Conf. ­ Kiev: Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 1993. ­ P. 155-157. 22. Sergeyeva T. Innovative education eco-humanistic technology of self-development / . Sergeyeva // European project «HUREMA». ­ Hagen: Fern University, 2007. ­ p. 103-113. 23. Smith M. Brewster. Social psychology and human values; selected essays / M. Smith Brewster. ­ Chicago, Aldine Pub. Co. ­ x, 438 p. illus. ; 24 cm. ­ Bibliography : Pp. 402­428. 24. Srull T. K. Category accessibility and social perception / T. K. Srull & R. S. Wyer // ­ Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. ­ 38. ­ 1980. ­ Pp. 841­856. 25. Tillich P. The courage to be / P. Tillich ; With an introduction by Peter J. Gom es. ­ 2nd ed. ­ New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, 2000. ­ XXXIII, 197 p. ; 20 cm. ­ Includes index. ­ (Series: Yale Nota bene). 26. Tillich P. The eternal now / P. Tillich. ­ London : SCM, 2002. ­ x, 132 p. ; 20 cm. ­ (Series: SCM classics). 27. Wilson Edward O. The future of life / O. Wilson Edward. ­ London : Little, Brown, 2002. ­ XXIV, 229 p. ; 24 cm. ­ Includes bibliographical notes and index. 28. Wilson Edward O. The creation: an appeal to save life on earth / O. Wilson Edward. ­ 1st ed. ­ New York ; London : W. W. Norton, 2006. ­ VIII, 175 p. : ill.; 22 cm. ­ Includes bibliographical references : Pp. 169­173.

Annotation of the Discipline.
1 2 Title of the course Description and the objectives of the course and its components.

"Eco-Humanistic Self Development" The main objective of the course is to acknowledge students with the theories and practice of Self-development, to equip them with analytical tools to identify and realize self-development strategies. Course covers theoretical, methodological and practical results of research dealing with solving issue of eco-humanistic selfdevelopment Psychological content & mechanisms are analyzed; existential modal of self-development synergetic nature is provided; conceptual bases for eco-humanistic technology directed to cognitive building of the agent of the environment development as a condition of once own development is proposed. Innovative ideas of eco-anthrop interaction as a system forming factor; ambivalent tendencies for safety and development as a drivingforce; sense-cognitive orientation span as a causation of selfdevelopment efficiency; growth as a mechanism of integration of sense-cognitive and activity factors; phenomenon of growing selfdevelopment process synergy are introduced. The empirical base of the course will consist in case-studies of different types of selfdevelopment strategies and efficient planning. Such strategies as brain storming technique, designing personal development plans, time management & stress-controlling techniques and others constitute the practical part of the course. Seminars are devoted to the discussions of arguable points that appear as in scientific literature and in the practice of realizing self-development strategies.
Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology Tatyana V. Sergeyeva 64 academic hours Interactive lectures, workshops, discussions, tutorials Credit, 100 accumulative points (participation in discussions, tests keeping learning diary, essays, & analytical reports based on reading materials) English

3 4 5 6 7 8

Requirements: Lecturer Number of academic hours Forms and teaching methods of the course System of assessment Language