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Дата индексирования: Sun Apr 10 12:30:52 2016
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Yong, David

Normalized to: Yong, D.

98 article(s) in total. 287 co-authors, from 1 to 39 common article(s). Median position in authors list is 4,0.


Aleo, P..


Alonso-Garcia, J..


Alves-Brito, A..


Andersen, J..


Anderson, J..


Andrievsky, S. M..


Angeloni, R..


Angelou, George.


Anguiano, B..


Aoki, Wako.


Aparicio, A..


Asplund, M..


Athanassoula, E..


Bacigalupo, Carlos.


Barbuy, B..


Barklem, P. S..


Bayliss, Daniel D. R..


Bazot, M..


Bean, Jacob L..


Beavis, M. A..


Bedell, Megan.


Bedin, L. R..


Beeler, Daniel J..


Beers, Timothy C..


Bekki, Kenji.


Bellini, A..


Belokurov, Vasily.


Bensby, T..


Bergemann, Maria.


Bessell, M. S.


Bland-Hawthorn, Joss.


Bloom, Joshua S..


Boer, E. C. Wylie-de.


Brito, Alan Alves.


Brown, Timothy M..


Buonanno, R..


Campbell, Simon W..


Cannon, Russell D..


Carney, Bruce W..


Carollo, D..


Casagrande, L..


Casey, Andy.


Cassisi, S..


Castro, M..


Chan, Chi-kwan.


Charbonneau, David.


Chene, A. -N..


Chiappini, Cristina.


Chieffi, A..


Chomiuk, Laura.


Christlieb, N..


Cochran, William D..


Coelho, Paula.


Cohen, Judith G..


Collet, R..


Collett, Remo.


Conroy, Charlie.


Constantino, T. N..


Costado, M..


Cunha, Katia.


Da Costa, G. S..


Damiani, F..


D'Antona, F..


de Almeida, Luisa.


de Boer, E. C. Wylie.


de Laverny, P..


D'Ercole, Annibale.


De Silva, G. M..


D'Orazi, Valentina.


Dotter, A..


Duong, L..


Endl, M..


Faria, Marcos A..


Feltzing, S..


Fenner, Yeshe.


Ferguson, A. M. N..


Ferguson, Jason W..


Fesen, Robert A..


Filippenko, Alexei V..


Fishlock, Cherie K..


Flaccomio, E..


Foley, Ryan J..


Frebel, Anna.


Freeman, Kenneth C..


Freitas, Fabrц­cio C..


Friel, Eileen D..


Gal-Yam, A..


Garcia-Hernandez, D. A..


Geisler, Doug.


Gibson, B. K..


Gilmore, G. F..


Giridhar, Sunetra.


Gonzalez, Guillermo.


Gray, David F..


Grundahl, F..


Gustafsson, Bengt.


Hansen, Carl J..


Hansen, Terese.


Hawthorn, Joss Bland.


Heger, Alexander.


Heiter, Ulrike.


Herczeg, Gregory J..


Hillebrandt, W..


Hill, V..


Hirschi, Raphael.


Hourihane, A. P..


Howes, L..


Hsiao, E. Y..


Ibata, R..


Ireland, M..


Ivans, I. I..


Izutani, N..


Jacobson, Heather R..


Jeffery, C. Simon.


Jensen, H. R..


Jerjen, H..


Jofrц©, Paula.


Johnson, John A..


Kafle, Prajwal R..


Karakas, Amanda I..


Keller, S. C..


Keown, Jared.


Kerzendorf, W. E..


Khanal, S..


King, Ivan.


Kiss, L. L..


Kobayashi, Chiaki.


Korn, A. J..


Korotin, S. A..


Kos, J..


Kozе‚owski, S..


Kraus, Adam L..


Laird, J. B..


Lambert, David L..


Lane, Richard R..


Lardo, C..


Latham, D. W..


Lattanzio, J. C..


Lee, H. S..


Lee, Young-Wook.


Leonard, D. C..


Lewis, Geraint F..


Li, Hui.


Limongi, M..


Lind, K..


Lin, J..


Liu, F. K..


Ludwig, Hans-G..


Lugaro, M..


Mackey, A. D..


Mackey, D..


MacQueen, P. J..


Magic, Zazralt.


Magrini, Laura.


Maia, Marcio A. G..


Maiorca, E..


Malo, Lison.


Manset, N..


Marcy, G..


Marino, A..


Marshall, J. L..


Martell, Sarah L..


Martioli, Eder.


Masseron, T..


Mazzali, P..


McArthur, Barbara E..


Melц©ndez, J..


Melendez, Jorge.


Milone, A. P..


Minniti, D..


Monaco, L..


Monelli, M..


Monroe, TalaWanda R..


Morbidelli, L..


Morrell, N..


MrцЁz, P..


Munari, U..


Murphy, Simon.


Nardiello, D..


Nascimento, J. R..


Nataf, D. M..


Ness, M..


Nissen, Poul E..


Nomoto, K..


Norris, J. P..


Oey, M. S..


O'Toole, S. J..


Owen, Christopher J..


Pancino, E..


Pandey, Gajendra.


Parker, Q..


Patat, F..


Paulson, Diane B..


Pena, J. H..


Penprase, B..


Pц©rez, A..


Perez, Asher.


Phillips, M. M..


Pietrukowicz, P..


Pietrzyе„ski, G..


Pignatari, M..


Piotto, G..


Placco, V..


Podsiadlowski, Philipp.


Pohl, B..


Poleski, R..


Prieto, C. Allende.


Quimby, Robert M..


Ramirez, Ivan.


Ramц­rez, IvцЎn.


Randich, S..


Rao, N. Kameswara.


Raskutti, Sudhir.


Recio-Blanco, A..


Reddy, Bacham E..


Reggiani, Henrique.


Reid, Warren A..


Renzini, A..


Roederer, Ian U..


Ryan, S. G..


Ryde, N..


Sacco, G..


Salaris, M..


Sarajedini, Ata.


Sbordone, Luca.


Schirbel, Lucas.


Schlaufman, Kevin C..


Schlesinger, K..


Schmidt, B. P..


Schц¶rck, T..


Seitzer, Patrick.


Sharma, Sanjib.


Sheinis, Andrew.


Shetrone, M..


Shingles, Luke J..


Silverman, J..


Simon, Joshua D..


Simpson, Janet P..


Skowron, J..


Smiljanic, R..


Smith, Verne V..


Sneden, Christopher.


Sobotka, A..


Soderberg, A. M..


Soszyе„ski, I..


Sozzetti, Alessandro.


Stancliffe, R. J..


Stello, D..


Sternberg, A..


Stetson, P. B..


Stringfellow, G. S..


Szymaе„ski, M. K..


Thompson, I. B..


Thygesen, A. O..


Ting, Yuan Sen.


Tisserand, P..


Torres, G..


Traven, Gregor.


Udalski, A..


Ulaczyk, K..


Umeda, H..


Vallenari, A..


van der Marel, R. P..


van Raai, M. A..


VцЎsquez, Sergio.


Venn, Kim A..


Ventura, P..


Vesperini, Enrico.


Walsh, J..


Watson, F. G..


Weiss, Axel.


Wilkinson, M. I..


Wittenmyer, Robert A..


Worley, C. C..


Wylie-de-Boer, E..


Wyrzykowski, еЃ..


Wyse, R. F. G..


Yam, A. Gal.


Yoshida, Takashi.


Yu, Qingjuan.


Zaggia, S..


Zelman, R..


Zerjal, M..


Zhao, Gong-Bo.


Zoccali, Manuela.


Zucker, Daniel B..


Zwitter, Tomaz.