Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://vo.astronet.ru/arxiv/?author=Pierre%2C%20M.
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Pierre, M.

Normalized to: Pierre, M.

88 article(s) in total. 492 co-authors, from 1 to 47 common article(s). Median position in authors list is 4,0.


Abdulla, Zubair.


Adami, C..


Afonso, Jose.


Akiyama, Masayuki.


Alexander, D. M..


Alis, S..


Allen, S. W..


Alloin, D..


Alshino, A..


Altieri, B..


Amara, A..


Andreon, S..


Ardila, F..


Arnaboldi, M..


Arnaud, M..


Arnouts, S..


Ashby, Matthew L. N..


Aussel, H..


Babbedge, T..


Baes, M..


Bahÿ, Yannick M..


Baldry, I. K..


Baran, B..


Baran, Nikola.


Barcons, X..


Bartlett, J. G..


Basilakos, Spyros.


Becker, R. H..


Beckmann, Volker.


Benoist, C..


Benson, B. A..


Bergÿ, Joel.


Berta, S..


Bertin, E..


Best, P. N..


Biffi, Veronica.


Birkinshaw, M..


Bizzocchi, Luca.


Bleem, Lindsey.


Boehringer, H..


Bohringer, H..


Bolzonella, M..


Bomans, D. J..


Bondi, M..


Bonfield, David.


Bongiorno, A..


Borczyk, W..


Borgani, S..


Borgne, J. -F. Le.


Borkowski, V..


Borm, Katharina.


Bourdin, H..


Bremer, M..


Brodwin, M..


Brueggen, M..


Brun, Allan Sacha.


Brunetti, G..


Brun, V. Le.


Brusa, M..


Bryan, Greg L..


Bulbul, Esra.


Busha, Michael T..


Butler, A..


Caballero, I..


Cappelluti, N..


Carlstrom, J. E..


Carrera, F. J..


Casali, M..


Castro, N..


Cava, A..


Ceballos, M. T..


Cesarsky, C..


Chanial, Pierre.


Chapman, S..


Chaty, Sylvain.


Chenevez, J..


Chiappetti, L..


Chipaux, R..


Christensen, F. E..


Christopher, N..


Ciliegi, P..


Civano, F..


Claret, A..


Clements, David L..


Clerc, N..


Cohen, A. S..


Collaboration, for the XENON.


Comastri, A..


Conrow, Tim.


Consortium, the NIBLES.


Contini, T..


Corasaniti, Pier Stefano.


Corbel, Stephane.


Corral, A..


Cotton, W. D..


Coupon, J..


Covone, G..


Crawford, T..


Croston, J. H..


Cuillandre, Jean-Charles.


Cunha, Carlos E..


Daddi, E..


Dantel-Fort, M..


Davis, Donald R..


Davoodi, P..


De Becker, M..


De Breuck, C..


Decourchelle, A..


Delhaize, J..


Democles, J..


Dÿmoclÿs, J..


DÿmoclÃÅs, J..


de Plaa, J..


Desai, S..


Detal, A..


Devriendt, Julien E. G..


Dey, Arjun.


Didier, Barret.


Disseau, L..


Dolag, K..


Dole, Herve.


Dressler, A..


Dubois, N..


Dubois, Yohan.


Duc, P. -A..


Dunlop, J. S..


Dyke, E. M..


Ebrero, J..


Eckert, D..


Edge, A. C..


Eisenhardt, P..


Elbaz, D..


Elyiv, A. A..


Ettori, S..


Evrard, A..


Faccioli, Lorenzo.


Fadda, P. -A. Duc D..


Falanga, Maurizio.


Falder, J. T..


Fang, F..


Farahi, Arya.


Farrah, D..


Fassbender, R..


Ferguson, H. C..


Ferrando, P..


Ferrari, Chiara.


Feruglio, C..


Fevre, Jean-Paul Le.


Fÿvre, J. P. Le.


FÃÅvre, J. -P. Le.


Fevre, O. Le.


FÃÅvre, O. Le.


Finet, F..


Finkelstein, K. D..


Finkelstein, S. L..


Finoguenov, A..


Flores, H..


Fotopoulou, S..


Foucaud, S..


Fourmanoit, N..


Franceschini, A..


Frayer, D. T..


Galametz, Audrey.


Galaz, G..


Gal, R. R..


Gandhi, Poshak.


Garcet, O..


Garilli, B..


Gastaldello, Fabio.


Gastaud, R..


Gautier, Nick.


Gavignaud, I..


Geach, J. E..


Georgantopoulos, I..


Ghandi, P..


Giles, Paul.


Gilli, R..


Goldwurm, Andrea.


Gonzalez, Anthony H..


Gonzalez-Solares, E..


Gosset, E..


GÃtz, D..


GouiffÃÅs, C..


Goulding, Andy.


Grant, J. K..


Greer, C..


Griffin, Matt.


Grossi, Marco.


Gueguen, A..


Guennou, L..


Guglielmo, Valentina.


Gwyn, Stephen. D. J..


Hailey, Charles J..


Hao, Jiangang.


Hatziminaoglou, E..


Henriques, Bruno.


Heras, J. Zurita.


Hernanz, M..


Hertling, G..


Hickey, S..


Hildebrandt, H..


Hjorth, J..


Hodge, J. A..


Hoekstra, Henk.


Horellou, C..


Hsu, L..


Huang, J. -S..


Hudelot, P..


Hunstead, R. W..


Husband, K..


Huynh, M..


Ilbert, O..


Iovino, A..


Ivison, R. J..


Iwasawa, K..


Jaffÿ, Yara L..


Jaffe', Y. L..


Jannuzi, Buell T..


Jarrett, T..


Jarvis, M..


Jean, C..


Jones, L..


Juin, J. B..


Kaastra, J. S..


Kassim, N. E..


Khan, Sophia A..


Khosroshahi, Habib G..


Kilbinger, M..


Kim, Mi Kyoung.


Kneib, J-P..


Koester, B..


Koulouridis, E..


Kreykenbohm, I..


Krumpe, M..


Lacy, M..


Lamer, G..


Laurent, P..


Lavoie, S..


Leauthaud, A..


LeBrun, V..


Lefevre, J. P..


LeFÃÅvre, J. P..


Lefevre, O..


LeFÃÅvre, O..


Lehnert, M..


Leitch, E..


Lemonon, L..


Liang, Haida.


Libbrecht, C..


Lidman, Chris.


Lieu, M..


Limousin, O..


Lin, Chia-Hsien.


Liske, Jochen.


Lonsdale, Colin J..


Lotz, J..


Lovisari, L..


Lubin, L. M..


Maccagni, D..


Madden, S..


Malzac, J..


Mantz, A..


Maraschi, L..


Maraston, Claudia.


Marchetti, Lucia.


Marinoni, C..


Marrone, Dan.


Martignac, J..


Martinez, Justino.


Martinez-Sansigre, Alejo.


Masci, Frank.


Massey, R..


Mateos, S..


Matsumoto, H..


Mattana, F..


Mauduit, Jean-Christophe.


Maughan, B. J..


Maurogordato, S..


Mazure, A..


Mazzotta, P..


McBreen, B..


McCarthy, Ian G..


McCarthy, Pat.


McCracken, H. J..


McGee, S. L..


McLure, R. J..


Mei, S..


Melin, J. -B..


Mellier, Y..


Melnyk, O. V..


Menanteau, F..


Meneux, B..


Messias, Hugo.


Meuris, A..


Miniutti, G..


Mohr, J. J..


Molendi, S..


Momcheva, Ivelina.


Moreau, C..


Morrison, G..


Mortier, A..


Muchovej, S..


Mulroy, Sarah L..


Murphy, Tara.


Muzzin, A. V..


Nadege, Remoue.


Nakos, Th..


Nalewajko, K..


Negueruela, Ignacio.


Nevalainen, J..


Nielsen, Danielle.


Nord, B..


Norris, Ray P..


Novak, Mladen.


O'Dell, Stephen L..


Ohashi, T..


O'Linger, J..


Oliver, S..


Olivier, Godet.


Ota, Naomi.


Ouchi, Masami.


Owen, Frazer.


Owers, Matt.


Pacaud, F..


Padgett, Deborah L..


Page, M. J..


Paioro, L..


Paltani, S..


Papovich, Casey.


Parish, G..


Paulin-Henriksson, S..


Pello, R..


Perez-Fournon, I..


Perley, R. A..


Petre, Rob.


Petric, A. O..


Petrucci, P. O..


Pforr, J..


Piconcelli, E..


Pinsard, F..


Plionis, E..


Plionis, M..


Poggianti, B. M..


Pointecouteau, E..


Polletta, M..


Pomarede, Daniel.


PomarÃÅde, Daniel.


Pompei, E..


Ponman, Trevor J..


Ponti, G..


Pospieszalska-Surdej, A..


Pozzi, F..


Pratt, G. W..


Proust, D..


Puetter, R. C..


Quintana, H..


Radovich, M..


Ramos-Ceja, M. E..


Ranalli, Piero.


Rapetti, D. A..


Rasia, E..


Rauw, G..


Rawlings, S..


Raychaudhury, Somak.


Raychaudury, S..


Read, A. M..


Readhead, A. C. S..


Rea, N..


Reddick, Rachel M..


Refregier, Alexandre.


Rÿfrÿgier, Alexandre.


Reid, A..


Reiprich, Thomas. H..


Renaud, M..


Rettura, A..


Riaud, P..


Ricci, D..


Richards, Gordon T..


Ridgway, S..


Rieke, Marcia J..


Rigopoulou, D..


Ripepi, V..


Robert, James.


Robinson, M..


Rodriguez, J..


Roettgering, Huub.


Romer, A. K..


Romer, K..


Rosebloom, I. G..


Rosen, S..


Rottgering, H..


RÃttgering, H..


Rowan-Robinson, M..


Rozanska, A..


Rozo, E..


Rudnick, Gregory.


Rykoff, Eli S..


Sadibekova, Tatiana.


Sajina, Anna.


Salvato, M..


Sanders, J. S..


Santangelo, A..


Santos, J. M. F. dos.


Santos, S. Dos.


Sauvageot, J. L..


Schimd, Carlo.


Schindler, S..


Schrabback, Tim.


Schwope, A..


Scott, Pat.


Scupe, D. L..


Sereno, M..


Sergeant, Steve.


Seymour, N..


Sheldon, E..


Shupe, D. L..


Siana, B..


Siegal-Gaskins, Jennifer M..


Simpson, C..


Sivanandam, S..


Smail, Ian.


Smette, A..


Smith, G. P..


Smith, H. A..


Smith, R. C..


SmolÄ?iļ, V..


Smolcic, Vernesa.


Snowden, S. L..


Soldi, S..


Soucail, G..


Spergel, D. N..


Sprimont, P. -G..


Springel, Volker.


Squires, G. K..


Stacey, Gordon.


Stanford, Adam.


Stanford, S. Adam.


Stanway, E. R..


Starck, J. -L..


Stern, Daniel.


Stevens, Jamie.


Surace, J..


Surdej, J..


Tagger, Michel.


Tajer, M..


Tasse, C..


Taylor, R..


Tedds, J..


Tenzer, C..


Terrier, R..


Thanjavur, K..


Thomas, Peter A..


Tran, Kim-Vy H..


Trap, G..


Tresse, L..


Trichas, Markos.


Trinchieri, Ginevra.


Tsuru, T. G..


Tuffs, Richard J..


Unewisse, A..


Urquhart, S. A..


Urrutia, Tanya.


Vaccari, M..


Vaisanen, P..


Valageas, Patrick.


Valchanov, I..


Valotti, A..


Valtchanov, I..


van Kampen, E..


VarniÃÅre, P..


Verma, A..


Vieira, J. D..


Vignali, C..


Vigroux, L..


von der Linden, Anja.


Waddington, I..


Watson, M. G..


Wechsler, Risa.


White, S..


Willis, J. P..


Willmer, C. N. A..


Wilman, R. J..


Wilms, J..


Wilson, Grant W..


Winkworth, C..


Xu, C. K..


Zamorani, G..


Zanichelli, A..


Zeimann, G. R..


Zhang, Wei.


Zhang, Y. X..


Ziparo, F..