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J/A+AS/113/237      Ultraviolet Spectrum of the Sun (Samain, 1995)
A High Spectral Resolution Atlas of the Balloon Ultraviolet Spectrum 
of the Sun: 1950-2000 Angstroems
     Samain D.
    <Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 113, 237 (1995)>
    =1995A&AS..113..237S      (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)
Keywords: Sun: UV radiation - atmospheric effects - Sun: atmosphere -
          lines: identification

    An ultraviolet atlas of the solar spectrum with a spectral resolution
    of 15mA in the region 1948-2000A is presented. It is the first part of
    the spectra recorded on the quiet Sun between 1900 and 2130A.
    Measurements were performed from a balloon-borne instrumentation flown
    at an altitude of 39km. The wavelength atlas with a list of about 550
    lines has been synthesized from data at center of the Sun ({mu}=1) and
    at {mu}=0.89, smoothed out over an area of 30 arcsec.
    The wavelength scale is given with respect to the average solar
    spectrum. Tracings are presented at {mu}=0.89, with an intensity scale
    adjusted in absolute values on the level of the continuum near 2000A.

File Summary:
  FileName      Lrecl  Records   Explanations
ReadMe             80        .   This file
table3             82      660   Observed wavelengths, laboratory values
                                 and identifications

Byte-by-byte Description of file: table3
   Bytes Format  Units   Label    Explanations
   1-  3  I3     ---     SpOrd    Spectrum order
   5- 12  F8.3   0.1nm   SolLam   Wavelength determination of all solar and
                                  telluric lines measurable on the spectrum (1)
      13  A1     ---   n_SolLam   See Note (2)
      17  I1     ---     Intens   []? Intensity of the line in an arbitrary
                                  scale from 0 to 9 (3)
      18  A1     ---   n_Intens   When '?' uncertain value
  20- 28  A9     ---     Type     Acronyms for the type of line (4)
  33- 44  A12    ---     Identif  Possible element responsible for the
                                  observed line (5)
  49- 62  A14    0.1nm   LabLam   Laboratory wavelength
  64- 65  A2     ---   n_LabLam   [St] When 'St' the line is used or
                                  recommended as reference wavelength standard
  67- 70  A4     ---   r_LabLam   References of the wavelength sources (6)
  75- 80  F6.3   0.1nm   DLam     []? Difference between the observed
                                  wavelength and the laboratory wavelength:
                                  dlambda=lambda(Sun or O2) - lambda(lab)
Note (1): All wavelengths are given in the vacuum, according to usage
          below 2000 A. As underlined in the A&A publication, an average
          shift of 7mA is to be added to the measured value of the telluric
          lines for a proper comparison with their laboratory wavelengths.
Note (2): When 'a' these lines correspond to features not separated in the
          observed spectrum. When we tried to take these wavelengths as
          references in the wavelength tabulation, we have compared the average
          measured wavelength to the arithmetic average of the two laboratory
Note (3): Approximately representing the degree of absorption at the center of
          the line with respect to the intensity level outside of the line; 0
          is a line barely detectable.
Note (4): W: wide line(50-100mA)
          VW: very wide line(>100mA)
          b: blend
          d: double line
          e: emission line
          T: terrestrial O2 line(no indication = solar line)
          T*: terrestrial O2 reference line
          S*: solar reference line
          (S*)/(T*): solar/telluric reference line ejected
Note (5): Laboratory lines whose wavelength differences with our solar
          determinations are not lower than 10 m, have not been retained
          generally, unless the laboratory uncertainty exceeds that value
          or the feature observed is very wide. In the case of telluric
          lines, whose features listed here are all due to O2, notation of
          the transition is given instead of the name of the element. To point
          out the disturbed regions of the solar spectrum, we have reported all
          the laboratory wavelengths of known lines belonging to the O2
          Shuman-Runge system and encompassed by the spectral interval
          1948-2000. However, for many weak lines (like the bands 5-1 and 4-1)
          correspondence with observed values in the atlas is often given only
          for the record.
Note (6): J:   Junkes et al., 65
          K:   Kelly, 87
          KE:  Kaufman & Edlen, 74
          KRA: Kaufman et al., 66
          M:   Moore, 62
          MCA: MacCabe & MacAllister, 82
          R:   Radziemski et al., 67
          WA:  Wilkinson & Andrew, 63
          WS:  Weeks & Simpson, 67
          Y:   Yoshino et al., 84
   Junkes J., Salpeter E.W., Milazzo G. 1965, Atomic spectra in the vacuum
    ultraviolet, Part one (Specola Vaticana, Citta  del Vaticano)
   Kaufman V., Edlen B. 1974, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 3, 825
   Kaufman V., Radziemski L.J. Jr., Andrew K.L. 1966, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 56, 911
   Kelly R.L. 1987, Atomic and ionic spectrum lines of hydrogen through krypton,
    J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 16, Suppl. 1
   MacCabe M.K., McAllister H.C. 1982, ApJS 48, 437
   Moore C.E. 1962, An Ultraviolet Multiplet Table, N.B.S., Circ. 488, Sec. 4,
   Radziemski L.J. Jr., Andrew K.L., Kaufman V., Litzen, U. 1967, J. Opt. Soc.
    Am. 57, 336
   Weeks D.W., Simpson E.A. 1967, Absorption spectrum of iron in the vacuum
    ultraviolet 2950-1588 A, Harvard College Obs., Sci. Report. no 19
   Wilkinson P.G., Andrew, K.L. 1963, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 53, 710
   Yoshino K., Freeman, D.E., Parkinson W.H. 1984, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data
    13, 207.
(End)                                             Simona Mei [CDS]   08-Jun-1995

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