Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://vega.inp.nsk.su/~inest/astrolib/Sun/kursoviki/Model2000/AtmModel/SUN_DARK/README
Дата изменения: Sun Mar 26 19:34:20 2000
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 20:49:54 2012

Поисковые слова: п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п
J/A+AS/135/555 Illuminated atmospheres limb-darkening coeff. 1. (Alencar+ 1999)
Limb-darkening coefficients of illuminated atmospheres
1. Results for illuminated line-blanketed models with 3700K < Teff < 7000K
Alencar S.H.P., Vaz L.P.R.

=1999A&AS..135..555A (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)
ADC_Keywords: Models, evolutionary
Keywords: stars: fundamental parameters - stars: atmospheres -
binaries: close; eclipsing

In Table 1 we present the bolometric and monochromatic limb-darkening
coefficients for 196 different combinations of the parameters: T_eff
(illuminated model's effective temperature), F_rel (relative incident
flux, defined in Sect. 2.1), nu (the cosine of the incidence angle
relative to the atmosphere normal), T_h (the effective temperature of
the illuminating flux). We present coefficients for the linear,
quadratic, cubic, logarithmic, and square root laws, together with the
quality factor Q (see Sect. 2.2) of the fitting.

In Table 2 we present the passband-specific limb-darkening
coefficients. We present the coefficients for the Stroemgren uvby
filters and for the Johnson-Morgan UBVRI filters. B2 and B3 are the
response function of the B filter with and without the earth's
atmosphere transmission function, respectively (see Buser R.

In Table 3 we give the polynomial coefficients (Eqs. 8-11)
for the Stroemgren uvby filters and for the Johnson-Morgan UBVRI
filters and the five limb-darkening laws analysed.

Structure of file table1.dat:
Records Format Explanations
Blocks of model.
1 A80 Model number and parameters (in model.dat file)
3- 6 A80 Self explanatory header
7 A80 Bolometric linear coefficients
9- 376 A80 Law coefficients

378-73891 A80 Repeating the above for the 195 models

Line 7 Format:
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 10 A10 --- bolometric comment
12- 18 F7.3 --- xLin coefficient of the linear law
19- 20 A2 --- ( space character and opening parenthesis
21- 26 F6.4 --- QLin quality factor of the linear law
27- 28 A2 --- ) closing parenthesis and space character
29- 36 F8.3 --- xQua linear coefficient of the quadratic law
37- 44 F8.3 --- yQua non-linear coefficients of the quadratic law
45- 46 A2 --- ( space character and opening parenthesis
47- 52 F6.4 --- QQua quality factor of the quadratic law
53- 54 A2 --- ) closing parenthesis and space character
55- 62 F8.3 --- xCub linear coefficient of the cubic law
63- 70 F8.3 --- yCub non-linear coefficients of the cubic law
71- 72 A2 --- ( space character and opening parenthesis
73- 78 F6.4 --- QCub quality factor of the cubic law
79- 80 A2 --- ) closing parenthesis and space character
81- 88 F8.3 --- xLog linear coefficient of the logarithmic law
89- 96 F8.3 --- yLog non-linear coefficients of the logarithmic law
97- 98 A2 --- ( space character and opening parenthesis
99-104 F6.4 --- QLog quality factor of the logarithmic law
105-106 A2 --- ) closing parenthesis and space character
107-114 F8.3 --- xSqu linear coefficient of the square root law
115-122 F8.3 --- ySqu non-linear coefficients of the square root law
123-124 A2 --- ( space character and opening parenthesis
125-130 F6.4 --- QSqu quality factor of the square root law
131-131 A1 --- ) closing parenthesis

Line 9-376 Format:
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 10 F10.2 nm lambda Wavelength
12- 18 F7.3 --- xLin Coefficient of the linear law
19- 20 A2 --- ( Space character and opening parenthesis
21- 26 F6.4 --- QLin Quality factor of the linear law
27- 28 A2 --- ) Closing parenthesis and space character
29- 36 F8.3 --- xQua Linear coefficient of the quadratic law
37- 44 F8.3 --- yQua Non-linear coefficients of the
quadratic law
45- 46 A2 --- ( Space character and opening parenthesis
47- 52 F6.4 --- QQua Quality factor of the quadratic law
53- 54 A2 --- ) Closing parenthesis and space character
55- 62 F8.3 --- xCub Linear coefficient of the cubic law
63- 70 F8.3 --- yCub Non-linear coefficients of the cubic law
71- 72 A2 --- ( Space character and opening parenthesis
73- 78 F6.4 --- QCub Quality factor of the cubic law
79- 80 A2 --- ) Closing parenthesis and space character
81- 88 F8.3 --- xLog Linear coefficient of the logarithmic law
89- 96 F8.3 --- yLog Non-linear coefficients of the
logarithmic law
97- 98 A2 --- ( Space character and opening parenthesis
99-104 F6.4 --- QLog Quality factor of the logarithmic law
105-106 A2 --- ) Closing parenthesis and space character
107-114 F8.3 --- xSqu Linear coefficient of the square root law
115-122 F8.3 --- ySqu Non-linear coefficients of the square
root law
123-124 A2 --- ( Space character and opening parenthesis
125-130 F6.4 --- QSqu Quality factor of the square root law
131-131 A1 --- ) Closing parenthesis
132-143 E12.3 mW/m2/sr/nm I(l,mu=1) Central monochromatic intensity

Structure of file table2.dat:
Records Format Explanations
Blocks of model.
1 A80 Model number and parameters (in model.dat file)
3- 5 A80 Self explanatory
6- 15 A80 Law coefficients

17- 3136 A80 Repeating the above for the 195 models

Line 6-15 Format:
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
2- 3 A2 --- filter [uvbyUB2 B3VRI] passband identification
9- 16 F7.3 --- xLin coefficient of the linear law
17- 18 A2 --- ( space character and opening parenthesis
19- 24 F6.4 --- QLin quality factor of the linear law
25- 26 A2 --- ) closing parenthesis and space character
27- 34 F8.3 --- xQua linear coefficient of the quadratic law
35- 42 F8.3 --- yQua non-linear coefficients of the quadratic law
43- 44 A2 --- ( space character and opening parenthesis
45- 50 F6.4 --- QQua quality factor of the quadratic law
51- 52 A2 --- ) closing parenthesis and space character
53- 60 F8.3 --- xCub linear coefficient of the cubic law
61- 68 F8.3 --- yCub non-linear coefficients of the cubic law
69- 70 A2 --- ( space character and opening parenthesis
71- 76 F6.4 --- QCub quality factor of the cubic law
77- 78 A2 --- ) closing parenthesis and space character
79- 86 F8.3 --- xLog linear coefficient of the logarithmic law
87- 94 F8.3 --- yLog non-linear coefficients of the logarithmic law
95- 96 A2 --- ( space character and opening parenthesis
97-102 F6.4 --- QLog quality factor of the logarithmic law
103-104 A2 --- ) closing parenthesis and space character
105-112 F8.3 --- xSqu linear coefficient of the square root law
113-120 F8.3 --- ySqu non-linear coefficients of the square root law
121-122 A2 --- ( space character and opening parenthesis
123-128 F6.4 --- QSqu quality factor of the square root law
129-129 A1 --- ) closing parenthesis

Structure of file table3.dat:
Records Format Explanations
1 A10 Filter (u, v, b, y, U, B2, B3, V, R, I)
Line 2-30: 4 blocks of 7 records each for linear law
polynomial coefficients (Eq, 8)
2 A10 Law (linear)
3 A2 [a0] Coeff
4- 5 A100 Parameters identification
6- 9 A100 Data
10- 16 A100 Repeating lines 3-9 for a1 coefficient
17- 23 A100 Repeating lines 3-9 for a2 coefficient
23- 30 A100 Repeating lines 3-9 for a3 coefficient
31 A10 Non-linear law (quadratic, cubic, logarithmic, square root)
32 A2 [a0] Coeff
33- 34 A100 Parameters identification
35- 42 A100 Data
43- 53 A100 Repeating lines 32-42 for a1 coefficient
54- 64 A100 Repeating lines 32-42 for a2 coefficient
65- 75 A100 Repeating lines 32-42 for a3 coefficient
76- 120 A100 Repeating lines 31-75 for another law
121- 165 A100 Repeating lines 31-75 for another law
166- 210 A100 Repeating lines 31-75 for another law
211- 2100 A100 Repeating lines 1-210 for another filter

Line 2-30 format: 4 blocks of 7 records each for linear law polynomial
coefficients (Eq, 8). Each block of 7 records has the structure:

Line 6-9 Format (for linear law):
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 7 A7 comm. coeff. ident. of the polynomial coefficient (Eq. 11)
8- 18 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn000
19- 29 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn001
30- 40 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn002
41- 51 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn100
52- 62 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn101
63- 73 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn102
74- 84 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn200
85- 95 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn201
96-106 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn202
107-117 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn300
118-128 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn301
129-199 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn302

Line 35-42 Format: (non-linear laws)
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 7 A7 comm. coeff. ident. of the polynomial coefficient (Eq. 11)
8- 18 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn0l0
19- 29 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn0l1
30- 40 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn0l2
41- 51 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn1l0
52- 62 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn1l1
63- 73 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn1l2
74- 84 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn2l0
85- 95 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn2l1
96-106 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn2l2
107-117 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn3l0
118-128 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn3l1
129-199 G11.4 number coeff. polynomial coefficient dn3l2

File Summary:
FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
ReadMe 80 . This file
model.dat 28 196 Model parameters
table1.dat 150 73892 Bolometric and monochromatic linear and
non-linear limb-darkening coefficients
table2.dat 129 3136 Passband-specific linear and non-linear
limb-darkening coefficients
table3.dat 139 2100 Polynomial adjusted coefficients for the same
passbands of Table 2 and 5 limb-darkening laws

See also:
J/A+A/335/647 : Limb-darkening coefficients for ubvyUBVRIJHK (Claret 1998)
J/A+AS/110/329 : LTE model atmospheres coeff. (Diaz-cordoves+, 1995)
J/A+AS/114/247 : Limb-darkening coefficients for R I J H K (Claret+, 1995)
J/AJ/106/2096 : Limb-darkening coefficients in binaries (Van Hamme 1993)

Byte-by-byte Description of file: model.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 3 I3 --- N Model number
5- 8 I4 K Teff Effective temperature of the original model
to be illuminated
10- 14 F5.3 --- Frel Relative incident flux
16- 22 F7.5 --- nu Cosine of the incident angle relative to the
surface normal
24- 28 I5 K Th Effective temperature of the illuminating flux

Acknowledgements: Luiz Paulo Ribeiro Vaz
(End) Patricia Bauer [CDS] 27-Nov-1998