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List of publications by M.M.Katsova

80. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits
"The Sun among active late-type stars: new results"
in: Solar activity as a space weather factor.
IX Pulkovo international conference on Solar Physics.
Main Astron.Obs. of Academy of Sciences. 2005, P.397- 402
(in Russian)
("Солнце среди активных звезд поздних спектральных классов:
новые результаты"
в сб.: "Солнечная активность как фактор космической погоды"
IX Пулковская международная конференция по физике Солнца
ГАО РАН, 2005, P.397-402)

79. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits
"Butterfly diagrams for active late-type stars"
in: Perm Dynamo Days.
International Workshop held in Perm (Russia), 7-11 February 2005
Abstract book, P. 14

78. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits
"How Typical is the Sun Among Other Stars with the Cyclic
in: Cool Stars, Stellar System and the Sun,
The 13th Cambrige Workshop held in Hamburg, Germany,
July 5-9, 2004
Eds. F.Favata, G.A.J.Hussain, B.Battrick
ESA Publ.Div. ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands,
ESA-SP - 560, Volume II, 2005, P.699-702

77. M.A.Livshits, M.M.Katsova
"Modern Concept of Large Solar Events and Stellar Flares"
in: Cool Stars, Stellar System and the Sun,
The 13th Cambrige Workshop held in Hamburg, Germany,
July 5-9, 2004
Eds. F.Favata, G.A.J.Hussain, B.Battrick
ESA Publ.Div. ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands,
ESA-SP - 560, Volume II, 2005, P.767-770

76. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits, G.Belvedere
"Evidences for butterfly diagrams for spots on active late-type stars"
in: "Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity" IAU Symp. 223
Eds. A.V. Stepanov, E.E. Benevolenskaya & A.G. Kosovichev
Cambridge University Press, 2004, P.685 - 686

75. M.M.Katsova
"Flare stars"
The Great Russian Enciclopedia, in press (in Russian)
= М.М.Кацова
"Вспыхивающие звезды"
Большая Российская Энциклопедия, в печати

74. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits, G.Belvedere
"Butterfly diagrams of strongly spotted
late type stars"
Solar Physics, 2003, V.216(1-2) P.353-372

73. M.A.Livshits, I.Yu.Alekseev, M.M.Katsova
"Butterfly Diagram for Starspots on LQ Hya"
Astronomy Reports, 2003, V.47 P.562-572
= М.А.Лившиц, И.Ю.Алексеев, М.М.Кацова
"Диаграмма бабочек для пятен на звезде LQ Hya"
Астрон.журнал, 2003, Т.80 С.613-623

72. M.A.Livshits, M.M.Katsova
"Comparison Analysis of Outer Atmosphere
Models of the Sun and Red Dwarfs During
Flares and in Quiescence"
"Modelling of Stellar Atmospheres".
IAU Symposium No. 210. 2003
Eds. N.N.Piskunov, W.W.Weiss, D.F.Gray
Poster Proc. CD-ROM, A10.pdf, 9 pp.

71. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits
"Spottedness of Photospheres and
Coronal Heating of Various
Kinds of the Most Active Late-Type Stars"
"Modelling of Stellar Atmospheres".
IAU Symposium No. 210. 2003,
Eds. N.N.Piskunov, W.W.Weiss, D.F.Gray
Poster Proc. CD-ROM, E48.pdf, 8 pp.

70.M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits
"State of solar activity among processes on late-type stars"
in: Active Processes on the Sun and Stars"
Eds. Zaitsev V.V., Yasnov. St.-Peterburg, 2002 P.67-70 (in Russian)
= М.М.Кацова, М.А.Лившиц,
"Место солнечной активности среди процессов
на поздних звездах"
в сб. Тр.конф."Активные процессы на Солнце и звездах"
Ред.Зайцев В.В., Яснов Л.В. С.-Петербург, 2002, С.67-70

69. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits
"Cyclic Activity and Various Coronal Heating Mechanisms
for Late-Type Stars"
in:"Stellar Coronae in the Chandra and XMM-Newton Era".
Eds.Fabio Favata and Jeremy Drake.
ASP Conf.Ser. 2002, Vol. 277 P.349-356

68. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits, J.H.M.M.Schmitt
"A Large Flare on EQ Peg Simultaneously Observed
in the X-Ray and Optical Wavebands"
in: "Stellar Coronae in the Chandra and XMM-Newton Era".
Eds.Fabio Favata and Jeremy Drake.
ASP Conf.Ser. 2002, Vol. 277 P.515-520

67. M.M.Katsova
"Outer atmospheres of late-type stars in short-wave range"
in: Ultraviolet Universe. Proc. of Conf. "Scientific prospects
of the space ultraviolet observatory SPECTRUM-UV" held
in Moscow, Russian, 16-17 November 2000, Moscow, GEOS, 2001,
Eds. B.M.Shustov, D.S.Wiebe. P.115-121 (in Russian)
= М.М.Кацова
"Внешние атмосферы звезд поздних спектральных классов
в коротковолновом диапазоне"
в сб: Ультрафиолетовая вселенная. Тр.конф. "Научные перспективы
ультрафиолетовой обсерватории "Спектр-УФ", 16-17 ноября 2001 г.
под ред.Б.М.Шустова и Д.З.Вибе. Москва. ГЕОС, 2001, С.115-121

66. E.A.Bruevich, M.M.Katsova, D.D.Sokoloff
"Levels of Coronal and Chromospheric Activity in Late-Type Stars and
Various Types of Dynamo Waves"
Astronomy Reports, 2001, V.45 P.718-728
= Е.А.Бруевич, М.М.Кацова, Д.Д.Соколов
"Уровни корональной и хромосферной активности поздних звезд и
различные типы динамо-волн"
Астрон. журн. 2001, Т.78 С.827-838

65. I.Yu.Alekseev, R.E.Gershberg, M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits
" The Flux Deficits in Star Spots"
Astronomy Reports, 2001, V.45, P.482-496
= И.Ю.Алексеев, Р.Е.Гершберг, М.М.Кацова, М.А.Лившиц
"О дефиците излучения звездных пятен"
Астрон. журн. 2001, Т.78 С.558-574

64. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits
"The generalized concept of flares on active late-type
JENAM-2000 (invited talk) =
= Astron. Astrophys. Trans., 2001, vol.20(3), P.531-537

63. E.A.Bruevich, M.M.Katsova
"The X-ray emission of late-type stars with more or less
pronounced activity cycles"
JENAM-2000 (poster talk), Abstract book, 2000, P.116

62. M.M.Katsova, A.M.Cherepashchuk
"The Quiescent X-ray Emission of X-ray Novae and
the Coronal Emission of Late-Type Stars"
Astronomy Reports, 2000, V.44, 804-814
= М.М.Кацова, А.М.Черепащук
"Излучение корон поздних звезд и рентгеновское излучение
новых в спокойном состоянии"
Астрон. журн. 2000, Т.77 С.909-921

61. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits
"A role of large-scale magnetic fields in stellar activity
in: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun.
Proc.11th Cambridge Workshop, Oct.4-8, 1999, Puerto de la
Cruz, Tenerife, Spain.
Eds. R.J.G.Lopez, R.Rebolo, M.R.Zapatero-Osorio.
Poster Proc.on CD-ROM, 6pp

60. M.M.Katsova
"The activity of the F9 giant of Capella: features nearby
the Hertzsprung gap"
in: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun.
Proc.11th Cambridge Workshop, Oct.4-8, 1999, Puerto de la
Cruz, Tenerife, Spain.
Eds. R.J.G.Lopez, R.Rebolo, M.R.Zapatero-Osorio.
Poster Proc.on CD-ROM, 6pp

59. R.E.Gershberg, M.M.Katsova, M.N.Lovkaya, A.V.Terebizh,
"Catalogue and bibliography of the UV Cet-type
stars and related objects in the solar vicinity"
Astron.Astrophys.Suppl.Ser. 1999, V.139 No 3 P.555-558

58. M.M.Katsova, J.J.Drake, M.A.Livshits
"New insight into the large 1992 July 15-17 flare on AU Mic:
the first detection of post-eruptive energy release on a red
dwarf star"
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Preprint Series
No 4704 (July 1998)
= Astrophys.J. 1999, V.510 P.986-998

57. M.M.Katsova, S.L.Hawley, W.P.Abbett, M.A.Livshits
"Chromospheric Condensations and X-ray Heating in the
Flaring AD Leo Atmosphere"
Препринт No 4(1120), ИЗМИРАН. М. 1999, С.1-7

56. М.М.Кацова, М.А.Лившиц
"Недостающее звено звездной эволюции"
Природа 1998, No 10, C.54-66

55. М.М.Кацова, А.Г.Щербаков
"Активность гиганта F9 и процессы в двойной системе Капелла"
Астрон.журн. 1998, Т.75 С.549-558 =
M.M.Katsova, A.G.Shcherbakov
"The activity of the F9 Giant and processes in Capella's
binary system"
Astronomy Reports 1998, V.42 P.485-493

54. M.M.Katsova, A.G.Shcherbakov
"The activity cycle and interaction of stellar winds in Capella"
in: Cyclic Variability in Stellar Winds.
The ESO Workshop, October 14-17, 1997, Garching b. Muenchen,
Eds.L.Kaper, A.W.Fullerton, ESO Astrophysics Symposia,
Springer, 1998, P.230

53. M.M.Katsova, A.G.Shcherbakov
"Further observations of Capella in the He I 10830 \AA~ line:
the activity cycle and role of binarity effects"
Astron.Astrophys. 1998, V.329 P.1080-1086

52. K.V.Getman, M.M.Katsova
"Differential emission measure analysis and sources of EUV
radiation of Capella's binary"
Astron.Astrophys.Trans. 1998, V.16(1) P.53-60

51. R.E.Gershberg, M.M.Katsova, M.N.Lovkaya, A.V.Terebizh,
"Catalogue and bibliography on the activity UV Cet-type
stars in the solar vicinity"
Baltic Astronomy 1997, V.6 P.339

50. M.M.Katsova
"Evidences for activity of Capella"
Astrophys.Space Sci. 1997, V.252/1-2, P.427-438

49. M.M.Katsova, A.Ya.Boiko, M.A.Livshits
"A gas-dynamic model of impulsive stellar flares"
Astron.Astrophys. 1997, V.321, P.549-556

48. M.M.Katsova, J.J.Drake, M.A.Livshits
"Post-eruptive energy release as observed on AU Mic by EUVE"
in: Astrophysics in the Extreme Ultraviolet. IAU Coll.No 152.
Eds. S.Bowyer, R.Malina, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1996, P.175-180

47. M.A.Livshits, M.M.Katsova
"The EUV emission sources in the gas-dynamic model of
stellar flares"
in: Astrophysics in the Extreme Ultraviolet. IAU Coll.No 152.
Eds. S.Bowyer, R.Malina, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1996, P.171-174

46. M.M.Katsova
"The surface activity and the binarity effects in Capella's
in: Stellar Surface Structure. IAU Symp.No 176.
Ed.K.G.Strassmeier. Poster Proceedings. Univ.of Vienna,
1995, P.187-189

45. M.M.Katsova, J.J.Drake, M.A.Livshits
"Post-flare coronal activity on the star AU Mic detected by the
in: Flares and Flashes. IAU Coll.No 151.
Eds. J.Greiner, H.W.Duerbeck, R.E.Gershberg. Lecture Notes
in Physics, Springer, 1995, V.454, P.146-147

44. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits
"Physical processes during impulsive solar and stellar flares"
in: Flares and Flashes. IAU Coll.No 151.
Eds. J.Greiner, H.W.Duerbeck, R.E.Gershberg. Lecture Notes
in Physics, Springer, 1995, V.454, P.177-184

43. М.М.Кацова, Дж.Дрейк, М.А.Лившиц
"Послевспышечная корональная активность, зарегистрированная
спутником EUVE на звезде AU Mic"
Астрон.журн. 1995, Т.72 С.580-589 =
M.M.Katsova, J.J.Drake, M.A.Livshits
"Post-flare coronal activity of the star AU Mic recorded by
the EUVE"
Astronomy Reports 1995, V.39(4) P.516-524

42. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits
"Observational tests to distinguish between electron and
proton beams as flaring heating agents"
in: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun.
Proc.8th Cambridge Workshop. Ed.J.-P.Caillault.
Astron.Soc.Pacif.Conf.Ser. 1994, V.64 P.429-431

41. M.M.Katsova, V.Tsikoudi
"What does show the IR-excess for late-type stars?"
in: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun.
Proc.8th Cambridge Workshop. Ed.J.-P.Caillault.
Astron.Soc.Pacif.Conf.Ser. 1994, V.64 P.426-428

40. R.E.Gershberg, A.V.Terebizh, N.I.Shakhovskaya, M.M.Katsova
"The data base on the UV Ceti type flare stars and related
in: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun.
Proc.8th Cambridge Workshop. Ed.J.-P.Caillault.
Astron.Soc.Pacif.Conf.Ser. 1994, V.64 P.411-413

39. R.E.Gershberg, N.I.Shakhovskaya, M.M.Katsova
"Data base on the UV Ceti type stars and related objects"
Inform.Bull.Var.Stars 1993, No 3939 P.1

38. M.M.Katsova, V.Tsikoudi
"The far-infrared and the X-ray radiation of active
late-type stars: suggestions for strong spottedness"
Astrophys.J. 1993, V.402 L9-L12

37. M.M.Katsova, V.Tsikoudi, M.A.Livshits
"New effects in the IRAS data and their consequences for
coronae of active late-type stars"
in: Physics of Solar and Stellar Coronae: G.S.Vaiana
Memorial Symp. Eds.J.L.Linsky, S.Serio. Aph.Sp.Sci Lib.,
Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1993, V.184 P.483-487

36. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits
"A scenario for impulsive stellar flares"
Astron.Astrophys.Trans. 1992, V.3(1) P.67-71

35. М.М.Кацова, В.Цикуди
"Звездные пятна и наблюдения поздних звезд на спутнике IRAS"
Астрон.журн. 1992, Т.69 С.821-828
Astronomy Reports 1992, V.36 P.

34. M.M.Katsova
"Energy losses by stellar activity phenomena"
in: Inside the Stars. Eds.W.W.Weiss, A.Baglin. IAU Coll.No
137, Astron.Soc.Pacif.Conf.Ser. 1993, V.40 P.654-656

33. M.M.Katsova
"Surface inhomogeneities on Capella"
in: Surface Inhomogeneities on Late-Type Stars.
Eds.P.B.Byrne, D.J.Mullan. Lecture Notes in Physics,
Springer, 1992, V.397 P.220-223

32. M.M.Katsova
"Two kinds of stellar activity on late-type stars"
in: The Sun and Cool Stars: activity, magnetism, dynamos.
Eds.I.Tuominen, D.Moos, G.Rudiger. IAU Coll.No 130,
Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, 1991, V.380 P.440-442

31. М.М.Кацова, М.А.Лившиц
"Звездные вспышки: импульсные процессы в атмосферах поздних
Астрон.журн. 1991, Т.68 С.131-157 =
Sov.Astron. 1991, V.35(1) P.65-78

30. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits, C.J.Butler, J.G.Doyle
"A gas-dynamic model of the flare on YZ CMi: interpretation
of spectroscopic observations with high temporal resolution"
Monthly Notices Royal Astron.Soc. 1991, V.250 P.402-406

29. М.М.Кацова
"Анализ бальмеровских декрементов красных карликов в
спокойном состоянии и во время вспышек"
Астрон.журн. 1990, Т.67 С.1219-1232 =
Sov.Astron. 1990, V.34(6) P.614

28. Н.А.Катышева, М.М.Кацова
"Соотношение линейчатого и непрерывного излучения водородной
Астрон.журн. 1990, Т.67 С.924-934 =
Sov.Astron. 1990, V.34(5) P.466-471

27. M.M.Katsova
"Balmer decrement in the red dwarf spectra during the flares
and quiescent state"
in: Flare stars in star clusters, associations, and solar
vicinity. Eds.L.V.Mirzoyan, B.R.Pettersen, M.V.Tsvetkov.
IAU Symp.No 137, Byurakan, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1990,

26. A.G.Shcherbakov, I.Tuominen, L.Jetsu, M.M.Katsova, M.Poutanen
"Activity modulation of Capella as observed in He I 10830 \AA"
Astron. Astrophys. 1990, V.235 P.205-210

25. Е.А.Бруевич, М.М.Кацова, М.А.Лившиц
"Кинетика водорода в хромосферах красных карликов"
Астрон.журн. 1990, Т.67 С.115-125
Sov.Astron. 1990, V.34(1) P.

24. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits, C.J.Butler, J.G.Doyle
"A gas-dynamic model of the flare on YZ CMi:~interpretation
of spectroscopic observation with high temporal resolution"
in: Solar and Stellar Flares. Eds.B.M.Haisch, M.Rodono.
IAU Coll.No 104. Poster Papers.
Catania Astrophys.Obs.Spec.Publ. 1989, P.87-90

23. М.М.Кацова, М.А.Лившиц
"К интерпретации наблюдений вспышек звезды EV Lac на Астроне"
Астрон.журн. 1989, Т.66 С.307-316 =
Sov.Astron. 1989, V.33(2) P.155-159

22. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits
"The fine temporal structure of the EV Lacertae flare on
February 6, 1986 at the C IV 1550 A resonance line.
II. Interpretation"
in: Solar and Stellar Flares. Eds.B.M.Haisch, M.Rodono.
IAU Coll.No 104. Poster Papers.
Catania Astrophys.Obs.Spec.Publ. 1989, P.71-74

21. M.M.Katsova, A.G.Shcherbakov, I.Tuominen, M.Poutanen
"The Activity of the Capella in the Infrared Helium line"
in: Proc.6th Soviet-Finnish Astron. Meeting. Eds.
U.Hanne, I.Tuominen, Publ.Tartu astrophys.observ.
1988, V.92 P.96-104

20. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits
"The common nature of flaring processes on the Sun and red
in: Solar Maximum Analysis. Eds.V.E.Stepanov, V.N.Obridko,
G.Ya.Smol'kov, Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1988, P.351-355

19. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits
"Stellar and solar flares: some theoretical problems from
point of view of modern observations"
in: Activity in Cool Star Envelopes. Eds. O.Havnes,
B.R.Pettersen, J.H.M.M.Schmitt, J.E.Solheim. Kluwer,
Dordrecht, 1988, P.143-152

18. M.M.Katsova
"Densities and heating of coronae of active late-type dwarfs"
in: Activity in Cool Star Envelopes. Eds. O.Havnes,
B.R.Pettersen, J.H.M.M.Schmitt, J.E.Solheim. Kluwer,
Dordrecht, 1988, P.245-248

17. М.М.Кацова, О.Г.Бадалян, М.А.Лившиц
"Рентгеновское излучение и строение корон активных поздних
Астрон.журн. 1987, Т.64 С.1243-1255 =
Sov.Astron. 1987, V.31(6) P.652-658

16. М.М.Кацова, М.А.Лившиц
Активность молодых звезд
Знание, 1986, No 8 60 стр.

15. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits
"The common nature of flaring processes on the Sun and red
in: Eruptive phenomena in Stars. Ed.L.Szabados.
Commun. Konkoly Obs. 1986, No 86 P.437-438

14. М.М.Кацова, М.А.Лившиц
"Оптический континуум при вспышках на красных карликовых
звездах как результат импульсного нагрева хромосферы"
Труды междунар. симп. "Вспыхивающие звезды и родственные им
объекты", ред.Л.В.Мирзоян, Ереван, 1986, С.183-191

13. М.М.Кацова
"О строении внешней атмосферы Капеллы"
Астрон.журн. 1985, Т.62 С.1139-1146 =
Sov.Astron. 1985, V.29(6) P.664

12. M.M.Katsova, M.A.Livshits
"Flares on red dwarf stars as a result of the dynamical
response of the chromosphere to the heating"
in: Activity in Red Dwarf Stars. IAU Coll. No 71,
Eds. P.B.Byrne, M.Rodono, Aph.Sp.Sci.Lib. Reidel,
Dordrecht, 1983, V.102 P.617-619

11. М.М.Кацова, А.Г.Щербаков
"Наблюдения линии 10830 A и свечение гелия
в атмосфере Капеллы"
Астрон.журн. 1983, Т.60 С.267-275 =
Sov.Astron. 1983, V.27(2) P.153-158

10. М.М.Кацова
"О внешних атмосферах поздних звезд"
Астрон.журн. 1982, Т.59 С.1124-1133 =
Sov.Astron. 1982, V.26(6) P.678-683

9. М.М.Кацова
"Сходство и различие процессов на Солнце и поздних
звездах, вытекающие из современных наблюдений"
Исследов. по геомагнетизму, аэрономии и физике Солнца,
1982, вып.62, Наука, С.60-71

8. М.М.Кацова
"Внешние атмосферы и вращение звезд поздних спектральных классов"
Астрон.циркуляр 1981, No 1154 С.1-4

7. М.М.Кацова
"Мощные звездные вспышки и отношение рентгеновской и
оптической светимостей в рамках модели динамического отклика
хромосферы на нагрев"
Астрон.журн. 1981, Т.58 С.350-354
Sov.Astron. 1981, V.25 P.

6. M.A.Livshits, O.G.Badalyan, A.G.Kosovichev, M.M.Katsova
"Optical continuum of solar and stellar flares"
Solar Phys. 1981, V.73 P.269-288

5. М.М.Кацова, А.Г.Косовичев, М.А.Лившиц
"Происхождение непрерывного оптического излучения вспышек
на красных карликовых звездах"
Астрофизика 1981, Т.17 С.285-300
Astrofizika 1981

4. М.М.Кацова, А.Г.Косовичев, М.А.Лившиц
"Природа непрерывного оптического излучения вспышек на
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