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Дата изменения: Fri Jan 23 13:39:57 2004
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 19:59:34 2012
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Ольга Павл?вна Верхоглядова

Ольга Павл?вна Верхоглядова

Канд. ф?з.-мат. наук, теоретична ф?зика ? астроф?зика

1989 - зак?нчила з в?дзнакою ф?зичний факультет КНУ ?м.Тараса Шевченка за
спец?альн?стю ф?зика космосу

1992 - канд. ф?з.- мат. наук, теоретична ф?зика ? астроф?зика

Тема дисертац??: Нест?йкост? та просторов? структури у плазмових хвостах комет.

1992-1995 - Науковий сп?вроб?тник НДЛ Ф?зика космосу

1994-1995 - Доцент (1/2) у КП?

1995-1996 - В.о. Зав?дувача НДЛ Ф?зика космосу

1996-1999 - Асистент кафедри

З 1999 - Доцент кафедри астроном?? та ф?зики космосу ф?зичного факультету Ки?вського Ун?верситету

e-mail: interball@univ.kiev.ua

Науков? ?нтереси:

Великомасштабн? хвильов? процеси в косм?чн?й плазм?. Утворення
нел?н?йних хвильових структур.


1992 - Стипенд?я Фонду Сороса присуджена Американським Ф?зичним Товариством
1998-1999 - Стипенд?я для видатних молодих вчених Каб?нету М?н?стр?в Укра?ни
2001 - М?жнародний Центр Теоретично? ф?зики ?мен? А. Салама (ICTP), Тр??ст, ?тал?я; Ос?нн?й коледж з ф?зики плазми

Членство у профес?йних товариствах:

З 1994 - Укра?нська Астроном?чна Асоц?ац?я
З 1995 - European Geophysical Society
З 1996 - European Astrophysical Society
З 2000 - COSPAR
З 2002 - American Geophysical Society

Участ? у м?жнародних конференц?ях (з 2000):

INTERBALL-Kyiv-2000, Kiev, Ukraine, 1-4.02.2000
ICS-5 (International Conference on Substorms), St.- Petersburg, Russia, 16-20.05.00
COSPAR - 2000 (Assembly of International Committee on Space Research), Warsaw, Poland, 16-23.07.2000
S-RAMP conference on solar-terrestrial links, Sapporo, Japan, 2 - 6.10.2000
International conference on remote sensing and satellite data processing, Moscow, Russia, 18 - 22.10.2000
Науково-досл?дницька робота у JPL, Pasadena, USA, 20.12.2000 - 1.01.2001
Науково-досл?дницька робота у ?нститут? Експериментально? Ф?зики, Словаччина, 16 -27.01.2001
COSPAR Colloquium, Konstancin, Poland, 5 - 10.02.2001
EGS-2001 (Assembly of European Geophysical Union), Nice, France, 25.03 - 5.04.2001
Autumn College on Plasma Physics at International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 8.10 - 3.11.2001.
Науково-досл?дницька робота у JPL, Pasadena, USA, 24.12.2001- 1.02.2002
EGS-2002 (Assembly of European Geophysical Union), Nice, France, 22.03 - 26.04.2002


  1. Вступ до ф?зики плазми
  2. Методи обробки супутникових даних
  3. Магн?тог?дродинам?ка
  4. Нел?н?йн? хвильов? процеси в плазм?
  5. Косм?чний експеримент
  6. Хвильов? процеси в неоднор?дн?й плазм?
  7. Вихров? сол?тони у косм?чн?й плазм?

Деяк? роботи:

  • Kotsarenko, N.Ya., G.V.Lizunov, O.P. Verkhoglyadova, and K.I. Churyumov, Plasma- beam instabilities in comatary ionospheres, Russian Astronomical Journ. Lett., 18(1), 81-84 (1992).
  • Kotsarenko, N.Ya., V.Pasko, O.P. Verkhoglyadova, and K.I. Churyumov, Theory of ray structure formation in cometary plasma tails, Russian Astronomical Journ. Lett., 19(9), 823-867 (1993).
  • Verkhoglyadova, O.P., V.V. Grimalsky, Propagation of ion- sound solitons in unhomogeneous plasma, Ukrainian Phys. Journ., 39(1), 63- 67 (1994).
  • Kotsarenko, N.Ya., O.P. Verkhoglyadova, and K.I. Churyumov, Three- dimensional model of ray structure formation in cometary plasma tails, Planet. Space Sci., 42 (9), 733-736 (1994).
  • Verkhoglyadova, O.P., Paraboloidal model for formation of plasma envelopes and ray structures in the cometary ionosphere, Planet. Space Sci., 44, 4, 407-416 (1996).
  • Verkhoglyadova, O.P., Ivchenko, V.N., Plasma regime identification technique using magnetospheric satellite measurements, Space Sci. and Technology, 4 (5/6), 18-27 (1998) (in Ukrainian).
  • Verkhoglyadova, O.P., Ivchenko, V.N., K. Kudela., Lutsenko V.N., Slivka M., Approach to identification of the tail plasma regimes using INTERBALL-1 data, Czech. J. Phys., 49, 4a, 599-606 (1999).
  • Panchenko, M.G., Verkhoglyadova, O.P., Comparison of empiric models of the inner Earth magnetosphere, Space Sci. and Technology, 5(1), 18-23 (1999) (in Ukrainian).
  • Verkhoglyadova, O.P., Agapitov A., Ivchenko V.N., Romanov S.A., Yermolaev Yu.I., Study of vortices in the dawn plasma sheet using Interball-1 data, Interball in the ISTP Program, NATO Sci. Series C, Math and Phys. Sci., Kluwer, vol. 537, 265-276 (1999).
  • Verkhoglyadova, O.P., Agapitov A., Andrushchenko A., Ivchenko V.N. et. al, Observation of vortical motions and compressional waves in the dawn low- latitude plasma sheet, Journ. Technical Phys., v. XL, 1, 325-328 (1999).
  • Verkhoglyadova, O.P., Agapitov A., Andrushchenko A., Ivchenko V.N. et. al, Compressional wave events in the dawn plasma sheet observed by the Interball-1, Ann. Geophysicae,17, 1145-1154 (1999).
  • Verkhoglyadova, O.P., Kudela. K., Lutsenko V.N., Romanov S.A., Slivka M., Plasma regime identification in the magnetotail using magnetic field and energetic particle measurements, Cosmic Research , 37, 6, 654-661 (1999) (in Russian).
  • Burdo O.S., Cheremnykh O.K., Verkhoglyadova O.P., Study of ballooning modes in the inner Earth magnetosphere, Izvestya RAN. Physics, 64, 9, 1897- 1901(2000).
  • Burdo O.S., Cheremnykh O.K., Verkhoglyadova O.P., Stability of ballooning modes in near- equatorial region of the Earth magnetosphere, Ukrainian Phys. Journ., 45, 7, 803- 811 (2000) (in Ukrainian).
  • Verkhoglyadova O.P., Model of compressional waves in low-latitude plasma sheet of the Earth magnetosphere, Ukrainian Phys. Journ., 45, 12, 1431-1436 (2000) (in Ukrainian).
  • Verkhoglyadova O.P., Ivchenko V.N., Agapitov A.V., Study of compressional waves and vortical motions in low- latitude plasma sheet using INTERBALL- 1 data, Izvestya RAN. Physics, 64, 9, 1893- 1896 (2000) (in Russian).
  • Romanov, S.A., Klimov, S.I., Savin, S., et al., Observation of vortical structures in near- Earth plasma flows, Cosmic Research, 38, 5, 494 (2000) (in Russian).
  • Agapitov A.V., Verkhoglyadova O.P., Ivchenko V.N., Compression waves in the Earth's magnetosphere: interpretation of INTERBALL 1 observations, Space Sci. and Technology, 7 (5/6), 64- 70 (2001).
  • Verkhoglyadova O.P., Agapitov A.V., Ivchenko V.N., Model of vortex tubes in the low-latitude plasma sheet of the Earth magnetosphere, Adv. Space Res., 28 (5), 801- 806 (2001).
  • Допов?д?:

  • Verkhoglyadova, O.P., N.Ya. Kotsarenko, Theory of stratification of cometary plasma, Contr. Papers 1996 Int. Congr. Plasma Physics, 246-249 (1994).
  • Verkhoglyadova O.P., Zaliznyak Yu., Dynamics of solitary drift-wave vortices in inhomogeneous collisional plasma, Contr.papers Int. Symp. 'Plasma'97' , Poland, 1, 93-96 (1997).
  • Burdo O.S., Cheremnykh O.K., Verkhoglyadova O.P., Ballooning modes instability in the space plasmas, Contr. Papers 1998 Int. Congr. Plasma Physics and 25th EPS Conf. Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics., V22C, 1067-1070 (1998)
  • Verkhoglyadova O.P., Ivchenko V.N., Romanov S.A., et al., Compressional ULF waves in the dawn plasma sheet observed by the Interball-Tail, Contr. papers 1998 Int. Congr. Plasma Physics and 25th EPS Conf.Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, V22C, 1134-1137 (1998)
  • Burdo O.S., Cheremnykh O.K., Verkhoglyadova O.P., Stability of ballooning modes in the inner magnetosphere, Kinematics and Physics of the Celestial Bodies., Appendix N3, 510- 513 (2000).
  • Verkhoglyadova O.P., Kudela. K., Lutsenko V.N., Romanov S.A., Slivka M., Using magnetotail variability in plasma regime identification, Proc. International Conference on Substorms (ICS-5), St. Petersburg, 16-20 May, 2000. - ESA SP - 443, 599-602 (2000)
  • Verkhoglyadova O.P., INTERBALL Project: a review of preliminary results.- Messenger of the National Space Agency of Ukraine, 1, 41- 47 (2001) (in Ukrainian).
  • Книги та п?дручники:

  • Verkhoglyadova O.P., Numerical simulation in space physics, Kiev University (1998), 40pp.
  • Verkhoglyadova O.P., Wave processes in unhomogeneous space plasma, Kiev University (2001), 69 pp.

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