Space Researches of Astronomy and Space Physics Department
- Antarctic Research(Vernadsky Station)
- Ephemeris Astronomy
- Lithosphere-low atmosp1here- ionosphere processes
- Plasma processes in ionosphere and magnetosphere
- The charged particles acceleration in the cosmic magnetic fields and their nonthermal radiation
- The electromagnetic radiation under stellar collapse with the magnetic fields
- Theory of plasma instabilities and turbulence; applications to wave processes in the ionospheric,
magnetospheric and space plasmas
- Large-scale wave processes in space plasma.Formation of nonlinear wave structures
- Structure and dynamics of the solar corona by eclipse observations; influence of solar, ionospheric
and lithospheric factors on the aurora; rocket experiments with the electron beams injection in the
magnetosphere (artificial aurora).
- Dust in Galaxy. Dark matter in galaxies and clusters.
- Computer Tomography
Devices Developement
Previous Projects