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Дата изменения: Wed Feb 16 11:41:12 2005
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 19:33:15 2012

Поисковые слова: edge-on galaxy
History of Astronomy and Space Physics Department

Astronomy in Kyiv University

Astronomy Department was found in Kyiv University in 1834 together with other twelve departments of the Faculty of Philosophy.

Only in 1837 V.Fedorov(1802-1855), learner of the famous Russian astronom, first director of Pulkov Observatory V.Struve(1793-1864), became a head of the Department. At that time V.Struve was a World famous astronom, and helped V.Fedorov in creation of Kyiv University Astronomical Observatory. With the help of Struve Observatory Library has got a part of books from the library of the famous German astronomer Olbers, which had been bought by Pulkov Observatory.

V.Fedorov gave courses of plane and spherical geometry, geodesy, general basics of astronomy, spherical, theoretical and practical astronomy. In 1840-1842 years he was a Dean of Physico-Mathematical Department of the Faculty of Philosophy, in 1843-1847 - Head of the University. He made strong efforts for building and equipping of University Observatory. It came into operation in 1845. Unfortunately due to different circumstances only occasional observations were carried out at the Observatory. That is why no serious scientific results were achieved here during the first decade of operation. The path of 1851 Solar eclipse walked through Ukrainian territory. On Fedorov initiative Kyiv University organized four point observations. Their results were published.

After early Fedorov's death in 1856 Prof. A.Shydlovsky(1818-1892) became a Head of the Department. He was a graduate of Kharkiv University, worked at Derpth University and Pulkov Observatory under V.Struve supervising. New Director 'inherited' the Observatory built not so long ago, but due to poor quality of construction and equipment it was impossible to provide serious scientiic observations but only students work. In 1862 after great efforts of Shydlovsky the refractor appropriate for serious scientific work was put in operation. But due to a list of different problems, regular observations of high quality could non been organized. A.Shydlovsky was pensioned off in 1868, but he went on giving lectures during a long time after.

After unsuccessful effort to invite the famous astronom F.Bredihin to Kyiv, in 1869 the Moscow astronom M.Khandrikov(1837-1915) became the Head of the Department and Director of the Observatory. At that time M.Khandrikov was skilled observer, recognized specialist in the field of theoretical astronomy, had an experience of lecturing at Moscow University, knew most of European observatories and their equipment. M.Khandrikov successfuly modernized the Observatory. In 1872 Repsold meridian circle was put in operation. It was being the main astronomical tool of the Observatory during over a hundred years. In 1882 a new refractor with two parallel tubes, visual and photographic. Till 1949 it was the most powerful Kyiv telescope. The great meridian tool was also reconstructed. Except this gain, the Observatory purchased a lot of small tools for study and expedition and astronomical clocks and chronometers. M.Khandrikov succeded in offering a job to highly scilled astronomers-observators V.Fabricius, R.Vogel and M.Dychenko in the Observatory. They were great enthusiasts and uncommon persons. V.Fabricius made a great deal of astronomical observations with meridian circle. Most of them were processed and published. Particularly he payed attention to observations of circumpolar stars.

In 1879 Annals of the Kyiv Observatory, where there were results of Kyiv astronomers' observations, begin to be published. Kyiv University payed attention to researches in the fields of Theoretical Astronomy - orbits determination. This field was developed by M.Khandrikov and his followers and colleagues: V.Fabricius, R.Vogel, later S.Chorny and I.Illinsky. M.Khandrikov was a founder of Kyiv school of theoretical astronomy, he proposed new methods of planets' and comets' orbits determination. At the same time he understanded the great perspective of astrophysical investigations, which had begun to develope in Europe. His Moscow colleagues F.Bredihin very intensive developed spectroscopic methods of stars' and nebulae' investigations, methods of photographic astrophotometry. Khandrikov achieved assignment for his follower Vogel to Pulkovo at first, and then to France and Italy for the purpose of studing of the new astronomical methods. In spite of Vogel's successful probation period his own scientific interests was bound up with theoretical astronomy. That is why he had not become an enthusiast of astrophysics, astrophysical investigations began in Kyiv far later.

R.Vogel(1859 - 1920) became the Head of the Department in 1897 and the Director of the Observatory in 1901. Khandrikov kept on giving astronomical courses and mathematics as not on the permanent staff. Both of them in different time gave astronomical and mathematical courses at Higher Woman Courses. Vogel twice(1912 and 1915) was the Dean of physico-mathematical department. R.Vogel was the Head of the Department and the Director of the Observatory till 1920. As the researches say, Observatory's activity in that time was not noted for great achievement. Considerable material difficulty, two revolutions, World War I, evacuation of Observatory to Saratov in 1915, civil war - too serious objective reasons, but as usual there were also subjective ones...

After Vogel's death astronomical lectures were given by M.Dychenko(1863-1932), who temporarily was directing the Observatory. M.Dychenko finished Kyiv University in 1891, and since 1898, after work in Pulkovo, he had been working as an astronom-observer in Kyiv Observatory. More then 30 years he was the main observer at the meridian circle. In 1920-33 Kyiv University was reorganized into Higher Institute of Public Education(HIPE). In 1923 S.Chorny(1874-1956) became the Director of the Observatory and professor of HIPE. S.Chorny became a graduate of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics in 1897, worked as the lecturer in various higher educational establishments, in 1908-1915 was a Professor of astronomy and the Director of the Observatory of Warsaw University, in 1915-1923 - Professor of Rostov University. His scientific interests were in the field of theoretical astronomy and celestial mechanics. He was pensioned in 1952. Researches of the history of Kyiv Observatory say about an important contribution into development of orbits theory made by the famous Kyiv astronoms I.Illinsky and I.Putilin. I.Illinsky(1887-1968) was a graduate of Kyiv University (1912), a follower of Khandrikov and Vogel. His main scietific works were bound up with the problem of orbits determination. According to his contemporaries Illinsky was an excellent disigner of orbits without computers. He could quickly and correctly calculate a comet's orbit by three observations, only using a pencil, paper a pencil and logarithm tables. I.Putilin was a graduate of Moscow University (1922), worked at the library of the University and in Sternberg Astronomical Institute. Since 1935 he had been working in Kyiv University as a reader and an astronom-observator of the Observatory. His workes were in the fields of small bodies research, perturbed motion of asteroids, especially Hanimed.

During 1960-2004 years prof. M.Dzubenko had been working at the department.

Last updated: January, 2005.