Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://space.univ.kiev.ua/ephem/14a/St3.html
Дата изменения: Tue Oct 15 12:21:14 2013
Дата индексирования: Thu Feb 27 22:12:51 2014

Поисковые слова: barnard 68
Apparent places of fundamental stars for Computer Ephemeris for 2014 (DE200/LE200).

Computer Ephemeris for 2014 from DE200/LE200.

Apparent places of fundamental stars. Example.

Due to huge amount of data in this section of Computer Ephemeris, please, download zip file here.

Here you may see only example.

Information is arranged in little tables four stars each. The first row contains FK5 number, magnitude, spectral class, name of the star. We have FK5 stars 904, 1630, 905, 1001 in examlpe below. The second row contains date when upper culmination of star take place twice. Then alpha0 and delta0 follows. These numbers must consist of four digits. If there are no four digits, please add leading zeroes. In example for FK5 = 904 we have 21-Sep, alpha0 = 1 = 0001 = 00h01m and delta0 = -7704 = -77o44m. After two rows explained there is table of 39 rows. Each row contains approximate date of upper culmination, seconds of apparent right ascension, difference alpha of current row minus alpha of the previous row, seconds of declination, difference delta minus delta previous. To form apparent right ascension for the date of interest add seconds of apparent right ascension to alpha0. The same method is for apparend declination.

After all there are four lines. Line 'J1997.5' contains seconds of alpha and delta to be added to alpha0 delta0 to form mean place at J1997.5. The next lines contains secans and tangent of mean delta and reduction quantities a, a', b, b'.

Example begins here.

              Apparent places of fundamental stars  1997
                 (for upper culmination at Greenwich)

   904)  4.78   K0   Oct theta     1630)  4.41   M3   Psc 30         905)  4.55   A0   Cet 2         1001)  5.59   B9   Tuc 45G
     21-Sep      1       -7704        21-Sep      1        -600        22-Sep      3       -1720        22-Sep      4       -7126
 Dec 22.747 23.630    0  76.61    0   22.747 48.300    0 113.23    0   22.748 34.958    0  76.29    0   22.749 30.315    0  92.97    0
 Jan  1.719 22.759 -871  75.90   71    1.720 48.183 -117 113.94  -71    1.721 34.832 -126  76.88  -59    1.721 29.731 -584  92.44   53
     11.692 21.930 -829  74.58  132   11.692 48.069 -114 114.56  -62   11.694 34.709 -123  77.26  -38   11.694 29.173 -558  91.32  112
     21.665 21.180 -750  72.68  190   21.665 47.963 -106 115.07  -51   21.666 34.597 -112  77.41  -15   21.667 28.668 -505  89.62  170
     31.637 20.523 -657  70.32  236   31.638 47.870  -93 115.44  -37   31.639 34.497 -100  77.33    8   31.640 28.223 -445  87.45  217
 Feb 10.610 19.970 -553  67.50  282   10.610 47.791  -79 115.66  -22   10.612 34.412  -85  77.01   32   10.612 27.846 -377  84.82  263
     20.583 19.549 -421  64.33  317   20.583 47.735  -56 115.70   -4   20.584 34.352  -60  76.45   56   20.585 27.558 -288  81.82  300
 Mar  2.555 19.256 -293  60.90  343    2.556 47.704  -31 115.55   15    2.557 34.317  -35  75.65   80    2.558 27.358 -200  78.55  327
     12.528 19.102 -154  57.26  364   12.528 47.705    1 115.20   35   12.530 34.311   -6  74.62  103   12.530 27.253 -105  75.04  351
     22.501 19.101   -1  53.54  372   22.501 47.735   30 114.64   56   22.502 34.342   31  73.33  129   22.503 27.255    2  71.41  363
 Apr  1.474 19.239  138  49.79  375    1.474 47.805   70 113.76   88    1.475 34.410   68  71.81  152    1.476 27.356  101  67.73  368
     11.446 19.528  289  46.08  371   11.447 47.916  111 112.67  109   11.448 34.519  109  70.09  172   11.448 27.564  208  64.06  367
     21.419 19.962  434  42.54  354   21.419 48.067  151 111.34  133   21.420 34.670  151  68.18  191   21.421 27.877  313  60.52  354
 May  1.392 20.524  562  39.20  334    1.392 48.255  188 109.82  152    1.393 34.859  189  66.15  203    1.394 28.284  407  57.16  336
     11.364 21.218  694  36.14  306   11.365 48.480  225 108.10  172   11.366 35.085  226  63.99  216   11.367 28.787  503  54.03  313
     21.337 22.021  803  33.46  268   21.337 48.735  255 106.23  187   21.339 35.344  259  61.79  220   21.339 29.370  583  51.26  277
     31.310 22.912  891  31.18  228   31.310 49.014  279 104.27  196   31.311 35.627  283  59.59  220   31.312 30.018  648  48.86  240
 Jun 10.282 23.882  970  29.36  182   10.283 49.312  298 102.24  203   10.284 35.932  305  57.43  216   10.285 30.725  707  46.91  195
     20.255 24.894 1012  28.09  127   20.255 49.618  306 100.23  201   20.257 36.246  314  55.39  204   20.257 31.464  739  45.47  144
     30.228 25.927 1033  27.33   76   30.228 49.925  307  98.26  197   30.229 36.563  317  53.51  188   30.230 32.218  754  44.53   94
 Jul 10.201 26.959 1032  27.16   17   10.201 50.227  302  96.40  186   10.202 36.874  311  51.84  167   10.203 32.973  755  44.16   37
     20.173 27.947  988  27.56  -40   20.174 50.512  285  94.71  169   20.175 37.170  296  50.43  141   20.175 33.697  724  44.37  -21
     30.146 28.874  927  28.50  -94   30.146 50.775  263  93.21  150   30.147 37.444  274  49.31  112   30.148 34.376  679  45.11  -74
 Aug  9.119 29.709  835  29.99 -149    9.119 51.011  236  91.95  126    9.120 37.690  246  48.52   79    9.121 34.991  615  46.41 -130
     19.091 30.418  709  31.97 -198   19.092 51.211  200  90.95  100   19.093 37.900  210  48.06   46   19.094 35.515  524  48.20 -179
     29.064 30.992  574  34.34 -237   29.064 51.376  165  90.22   73   29.066 38.074  174  47.92   14   29.066 35.943  428  50.41 -221
 Sep  8.037 31.403  411  37.08 -274    8.037 51.501  125  89.77   45    8.038 38.206  132  48.11  -19    8.039 36.256  313  53.00 -259
     18.010 31.636  233  40.04 -296   18.010 51.586   85  89.59   18   18.011 38.296   90  48.60  -49   18.012 36.443  187  55.83 -283
     27.979 31.697   61  43.14 -310   27.980 51.635   49  89.65   -6   27.981 38.347   51  49.33  -73   27.982 36.509   66  58.83 -300
 Oct  7.952 31.571 -126  46.27 -313    7.952 51.647   12  89.95  -30    7.954 38.359   12  50.28  -95    7.954 36.445  -64  61.89 -306
     17.925 31.271 -300  49.27 -300   17.925 51.627  -20  90.43  -48   17.926 38.337  -22  51.38 -110   17.927 36.260 -185  64.85 -296
     27.898 30.817 -454  52.06 -279   27.898 51.581  -46  91.05  -62   27.899 38.286  -51  52.58 -120   27.900 35.968 -292  67.65 -280
 Nov  6.870 30.215 -602  54.51 -245    6.870 51.510  -71  91.79  -74    6.872 38.209  -77  53.83 -125    6.872 35.574 -394  70.14 -249
     16.843 29.500 -715  56.51 -200   16.843 51.422  -88  92.60  -81   16.844 38.113  -96  55.04 -121   16.845 35.102 -472  72.21 -207
     26.816 28.699 -801  58.01 -150   26.816 51.321 -101  93.44  -84   26.817 38.003 -110  56.20 -116   26.818 34.571 -531  73.81 -160
 Dec  6.788 27.835 -864  58.93  -92    6.789 51.210 -111  94.28  -84    6.790 37.882 -121  57.24 -104    6.790 33.996 -575  74.86 -105
     16.761 26.951 -884  59.21  -28   16.761 51.094 -116  95.09  -81   16.762 37.757 -125  58.13  -89   16.763 33.407 -589  75.30  -44
     26.734 26.069 -882  58.89   32   26.734 50.977 -117  95.84  -75   26.735 37.630 -127  58.84  -71   26.736 32.817 -590  75.16   14
 Jan  5.706 25.216    0  57.93    0    5.707 50.860    0  96.52    0    5.708 37.504    0  59.35    0    5.709 32.244    0  74.39    0

   1997.5   28.116       46.22               49.938      100.70               36.716       59.67               33.793       62.90
Sec(d),Tg(d) 4.472       -4.359               1.006        -.106               1.048        -.312               3.143       -2.980
    a, a'     .152        1.000                .153        1.000                .153        1.000                .149        1.000
    b, b'    -.291        -.006               -.007        -.008               -.021        -.016               -.199        -.020