- Main plasma parameters for inhomogeneous plasma. Plasma permittivity for a weakly inhomogeneous plasma.
- Guiding center theory. Equation of particle motion in the drift approximation.
- Particle motion in the Earth dipole magnetic field.
- Magnetic bottles. Bounce frequency and bounce motion in the Earth inner magnetopshere. Adiabatic invariants
of particle motion.
- Equilibrium velocity distribution function for inhomogeneous plasma. Drift kinetic equation.
- Low- frequency electrostatic waves in inhomogeneous low- beta plasma. Drift frequency.
- Kinetic drift instability. FILR effects for ions.
- Plasma with a temperature gradient. Electrostatic electron drift wave coupling with ion sound. Drift
cyclotron instability.
- Nonlinear electrostatic drift waves. Hasegawa- Mima equation.
- Permittivity tensor for electromagnetic low- frequency waves in inhomogeneous low- beta plasma.
- Drift Alfven waves. Drift Alfven instability.
- Kinetic drift Alfven waves.
- Spectra of electromagnetic low- frequency waves in inhomogeneous medium- beta plasma.
- Magnetic drift waves.
- Eigenmodes for the Earth dipole magnetic field. Alfven modes.
- Low- frequency electrostatic disturbances in inhomogeneous magnetic field. Flute modes in the Earth
inner magnetosphere.
- Drift mirror instability in the magnetosphere. Drift- cone instability.
- Generation mechanisms of low- frequency disturbances in the Earth magnetosphere.