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Publications of Astronomy and <b style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">Space</b> Physics Department

The list of the research works (2000)


  1. Gritsai Z.I., Evtushevsky A.M., Leonov N.A., Milinevsky G.P. "Comparison of groud-based and TOMS-EP total ozone data for Antarctica and northern midlatitude station (1996-1999)" // Phys. Chem. Earth (B). - 2000.- V. 25.- N 5-6.- P. 459-461.
  2. Андр??нко Д.П., М?щишина ?.Г. "Динам?ка температури кометного пилу" // Кинематика и физика небесных тел. - 2000.- Т. 16, ? 1. - С. 40-48.
  3. Агапитов А.В., Верхоглядова О.П., Ивченко В.Н. "Изучение волн сжатия и вихревых движений в низкоширотном плазменном слое по данным Интербол-1" // Известия Aкадемии наук (РАН). Серия физическая.- 2000.- T. 64, ?9.- C. 1893-1896.
  4. Дзюбенко М.?., Козак Л.В. "Збудження ?оносфери п?д ч?с близького землетрусу"// В?сник Ки?вського ун?верситету. Астроном?я. 2000. - ?36. - с.
  5. Андр??нко Д.П., Б?локреницька Л.М., Карпенко А.В. "Досл?дження земно? атмосфери з метою контролю забруднення навколишнього середовища. Ч. 1. Структура, склад та властивост? земно? атмосфери. Атмосфера як розс?ююче середовище"// Деп ДНТБ Укра?ни, ?38-Ук 2000.-с.29.
  6. Андр??нко Д.П., Б?локреницька Л.М., Карпенко А.В. "Досл?дження земно? атмосфери з метою контролю забруднення навколишнього середовища. Ч.2. Вивчення малих складових земно? атмосфери методом лазерного зондування"// Деп ДНТБ Укра?ни ?135-Ук 2000.- с.30.
  7. Korepanov V., Negoda O., Lizunov G., Alleyne H., BalikhinM., Blecky J., Dudkin F., Fedorov A., Juchniewicz J., Klimov S., Krasnoselskikh V., and Lefeuvre F. "Project VARIANT: current and field measurements on board SICH-1M satellite" // Adv. Space Res. - 2000. - No 25/7-8. - p.1337-1342.
  8. Ан?с?мов ?.А., Довбах С.В., Левитський С.М., Л?зунов Г.В., Подладч?кова О.В. "Конкуренц?я мод при перенесен? сигнал?в кр?зь плазмов? хвильов? бар'?ри за допомогою електронних пучк?в" // В?сник Ки?вського нац?онального ун?верситету ?мен? Тараса Шевченка. Рад?оф?зика ? електрон?ка. - 2000. - вип. 2. - с. 10-16.
  9. Гримальский В.В., Ивченко В.Н., Лизунов Г.В. "Спутниковые наблюдения ионо-сферных предвестников землетрясений" // Косм?чна наука ? технолог?я, направлено в 2000 г.
  10. Кривдик В. "Електромагн?тне випром?нювання при колапс? з?рок з максвел?вським розпод?лом часток у магн?тосфер?" // Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2000.- (подано до друку)
  11. Kryvdyk V. "Collapsing stars magnetospheres" // Косм?чна наука ? технолог??-2000 (подано до друку)
  12. Buttner O., Bauer M., Demokritov S.O., Hillebrands B., Kivshar Yu.S., Grimalsky V.V., Rapoport Yu.G., Slavin A.N. "Linear and nonlinear diffraction of dipolar spin waves in yttrium iron garnet films observed by spase- and time -resolved brillouin light scattering"// Phys. Rev. B, v. 61, N 17, 11576-11578 (2000).
  13. Cheremnykh O.K., Ivchenko V.M., Kremenetsky I.A., Rapoport Yu.G., Zhivilo S.D. "Reflection of Alfven waves from the ionosphere and active magnetospheric resonator possibility"// Ukrainian Journal of Physics, in press, (2000).
  14. Gotinyan O.E., Ivchenko V.V., Rapoport Yu.G. "Excitation of acoustic-gravity waves by lithospheric gases before an earthquake"// Ukrainian Journal of Physics, in press, (2000).
  15. Kryvdyk V. "Electromagnetic radiation from collapsing stars.??. distributions of particles in magnetospheres" // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2000. (in press)
  16. Kryvdyk V. "X- and Gamma -rays from collapsing stars" // Advances in Space Research 2000 (in press)
  17. Grimalskiy V.V., Hayakawa M., Ivchenko V.N., Rapoport Yu.G., Zadoroznii V.I.. "Penetration of electrostatic field from the lithosphere into ionosphere and its effect on the D-region before earthquakes"// Submitted to Journ. of Atmosphere and Solar- Terrestr. Phys. (May 2000).
  18. Grimalsky V.V., Rapoport Yu.G., Zaspel C.E., Slavin A.N. "Parametric Amplification and Wave Front Conjugation of One 2D Pulse in Ferromagnetic Film"// Submitted to "Journal of Appl. Phys." , 2000.
  19. Верхоглядова О.П. "Модель хвиль стиснення у низькоширотному плазмовому шар? магн?тосфери Земл?"// Укр. ф?з. журн. (у друц?).
  20. Milinevsky G.P., Evtushevsky O.M., Kravchenko V.J., Gritsai Z.I., Zaitsev S.M. "The high-speed initial expansion of the barium atoms and ions in the CRRES releases"// В?сник Ки?вського ун?верситету. Астроном?я. - 2000.- Вип. 36. - С. 65-68.

Conference abstracts

  1. Katinas Inna "Comparison of ground-based and satellite ozone data" // 7th Open Young Scientist' Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics. Abstracts. - April 25-28, 2000, Kyiv, Ukraine. - P. 50.
  2. Kryvdyk Volodymyr " Collapsing stars magnetospheres" - P. 4.
  3. Lozitsky V.V. "Observations of the magnetic field strengthening in solar 1b-flare"- P. 33.
  4. Gordovsky M.Yu. "Observational and theoretical study of the extraordinary narrow spectral emissions in solar flares" - P. 35.
  5. Cozack B.S. "Changes of index of integral distribution of solar flare energies during the solar activity cycle" - P. 36.
  6. Badjurak T. "Magnetic field measurements in a solar active prominence" - P. 37.
  7. Kutsovol I. "Do magnetic field strength 'quantization' exists for sunspots" - P. 38.
  8. Danylyshyn O. "A statistical study of the magnetic field strengths in largest sunspots" - P. 15.
  9. Tugay Anatoliy "Quadrupole streams of galaxies" - P. 12.
  10. Gotynian Oleg "The investigation of the influence of weather and seismic phenomena on the ionosphere" - P. 47.
  11. Ivanova Oleksandra, Luk'yanyk Igor "Light curves of some comets 90's years" - P. 21.
  12. Andrienko Yu.S. "Solar UV flare influence on lifetime of cometary ice grains" - P. 22.
  13. Lizunov G.V. "Satellite observations of the ionospheric earthquake precursors" - P. 7-9.
  14. Martiushov V. "X-ray luminocity of superbubbes in starburst galaxies" - P. 18.
  15. Kozak Lyudmila "Peculiarities of aurora activity variation after near earthquakes" - P. 52.
  16. Khotyaintsev Yu. "Space observations of dispersive Alfven waves" - P. 53.
  17. Khotyaintsev M. "Orbit visualization tool - modern approach to magnetospheric studies" - P. 54.
  18. Reshetnyk V. "Some photometrical description of solar corona August 11, 1999" - P. 39.
  19. Korepanov V., G. Lizunov, H. Alleyne, M. Balikhin, J. Blecky, F. Dudkin, A. Fedorov, V. Ivchenko, J. Juchniewicz, S. Klimov, V. Krasnoselskikh, and F. Lefeuvre "Project "Variant": Investigation of the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling" // Proceedings of International Symposium " From solar corona through interplanetary space, into Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere: Interball, ISTP satellites, and ground-based observations". - February 1-4, 2000, Kyiv, Ukraine. - P. 8-10.
  20. Agapitov A.V, Verkhoglyadova O.P. "Peculiarities Of ULF waves in the tail of Earth magnetosphere" - P. 15-18.
  21. Verkhoglyadova O.P., Kudela K., Lutsenko V.N., Slivka M. "Study of ion flux anisotropy in the middle tail" - P. 49-52.
  22. Barabanov N.A., Bezrukih V.V., Ivchenko V.N., Venedictov Y.I., Yampolsky Y.S. "Interb complex of instrumentation "Alpha-3" for research ionic components of cold plasma in the Earth's magnetosphere on board all satellites" - P. 74.
  23. Lapchuk V.P., Juravkov O.V., Ivchenko V.M. "Camera electronics for the CCD Fourier spectrometer" - P. 81.
  24. Burdo O.S., Cheremnykh O.K., Verkhoglyadova O.P. "Theory of low-scale MHD modes in the inner magnetosphere of the Earth" - P. 97-101.
  25. Dzubenko M.I., Kozak L.V. "Aurora activity depression after near seismic shocks" - P. 129-132.
  26. Kravchenko V.A., Milinevsky G.P., Suprunenko A.A., Evtushevsky A.M., Leonov N.A. "The search of the long-term oscillations in the geomagnetic field and ozone data from antarctic station 'Akademik Vernadsky'" - P. 149-152.
  27. Lizunov G. "Stressing of the magnetosphere by earthquakes" - P. 157-160.
  28. Yukhimuk A.K., Sirenko E. K., Yukhimuk V.A., Voitenko Yu. M., Fedun V.M. "Nonlinear mechanism of generation of low-hybrid wave in the magnetosphere" - P. 187-190.
  29. Zaitsev S.N., Milinevsky G.P., Evtushevsky A.M., Gritsai Z.I. "Characteristic of the filamentation process in the arctical ionospheric cloud: optical data and simulation" - P. 191-194.
  30. Kryvdyk V.G. "Electromagnetic radiation in magnetospheres with variable dipole magnetic fields" - P. 261-264.
  31. Kotova G.A., Bezrukikh V.V., Verigin M.I., Lezhen L.A., Venedictov Yu.I., Ivchenko V.N. "Interball 1/Alpha 3 observations of thermal plasma in the dusk side plasmasphere" - P. 305-308.
  32. Musatenko S.I., Musatenko Y.S., Sukhy A.A., Slipchenko O.S., Kurochka E.V., Medvedsky M.M., Cholij V.Y. "Effects caused by solar eclipse on Aug 11, 1999 in USW radionoise of midlatitude ionosphere" - P. 343-344.
  33. Kryvdyk V. "Radiation from collapsing stars // VIII Ukrainian Conference and School on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion"- Alushta, September 11-16, 2000. - Book of Abstracts.- P. 67.
  34. Yukhimuk A.K., Voitenko Yu., Fedun V.M, Sirenko O.K., and Yukhimuk V.A. "Generation of the kinetic alfven wave and lower hybrid wave in space plasma" // P. 70.
  35. Burdo O.S., Cheremnykh O.K., Verkhoglydova O.P. "Theory of low-scale MHD waves in the near equatorial region of the Earth plasmasphere" // P. 72.
  36. Agapitov A.V., Verkhoglydova O.P. "Physical properties of vortices in the Earth magnetotail" // P. 78.
  37. Gotynyan O.E., Ivchenko V.N., Rapoport Yu.G. "Model of the "Antenna of acoustic-gravity waves" exiteg by lithospheric greenhouse effect gases" // P. 79.
  38. Zaitsev S.N., Milinevsky G.P., Evtushevsky A.M., Gritsai Z.I. "Characteristic of the filamentation process in the arctical ionospheric cloud: optical data and simulation" // P. 89.
  39. Yukhimuk A.K., Fedun V.M., Voitenko Yu.M., Sirenko O.K., Yukhimuk V.A. "Generation of the kinetic Alfven wave and lover hybrid wave in space plasma"
  40. Kryvdyk Volodymyr "Cosmic rays from collapsing stars" // 17th European Cosmic Ray Symposium. Lodz, Poland , July, 24-28, 2000. - Abstracts. - P. 70.
  41. Kryvdyk V "X- and Gamma -rays from collapsing stars" // 33th COSPAR Scientific Assembly.- Warsaw, Poland , 16-23 July, 2000 . - Program Book. - P. 160.
  42. Blazhko I., Lizunov G. "Dynamics of plasma turbulence generation by artificial electron beam" // P. 79.
  43. Lizunov G. "Stressing of the magnetosphere by earthquakes" // P. 116.
  44. Verkhoglydova O., Agapitov A.,, Ivchenko V. "Model of vortex tubes in the low-latitude plasma sheet of the earth magnetosphere" // P. 116.
  45. Lizunov G., Stasiewicz K., Khotyaintsev Yu. "Langmuir wave structures registered by FREJA: analysis and modeling" // P. 139.
  46. Romanov S., Klimov S., Savin S., Yermolaev Y., Romanov V., Verkhoglydova O., Juchnievicz J. "Vortex plasma flows around the magnetosphere" // P. 147
  47. Romanov V., Savin S., Romanov S., Skalsky A., Klimov S., Blecki J., Nemecek Z., Safrankova J., Ciobanu M., Korepanov V., Ivchenko V., Rauch J.L. "Two point turbulent boundary layer studi from INTERBALL -1 and MAGION -4 data" // P. 147.
  48. Berthomier M., Stasiewicz K., Khotyaintsev Yu. "Nonlinear alfven waves in the auroral magnetosphere" // P. 116.
  49. Andrienko D.O., Mishchishina I.G. "Termodynamics of cometary grains and theirs thermal emission" // International Astronomical Conference "Fourth Vsekhsvyatsky readings. Modern problems of physics and dynamics of the solar system". - Kyiv, Оctober 5 - 7, 2000. - Abstracts. - P. 10.
  50. Andrienko D.O., Karpenko A.V. "Physical characteristics of comets of 1980-1990 years" // P. 10.
  51. Reshetnyk V., Dzubenko M.I, Churyumov K.I. "Photometric properties of the Solar corona August, 11 1999" // P. 43.
  52. Ivanova O., Luk'yanyk I.V., Churyumov K.I. "36 light curves of comets of 1990-2000 years and their connection with the solar activity" // P. 21.
  53. Cheremnykh O.K., Grimalsky V.V., Kremenetsky I.A., Rapoport Yu.G. "Spatial and frequency filtration properties of ULF EM radiation of a lithosphere origin in the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere system" // International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, 2000 of NASDA.- September 19-22, 2000. - Tokyo, Japan. Abstracts. - P. 57.
  54. Dzubenko M.I, Kozak L.V. "A search of correlation between aurora activity and near earthquakes" // P. 161.
  55. Lizunov G. "Alfven wave structures generated in the magnetosphere by seismic wave" // P. 162.
  56. Grimalsky V.V., Hayakawa M., Ivchenko V.N., Rapoport Yu.G., Zadoroznii V.I. "Penetration of the electrostatic field from the lithosphere and its influence on the ionosphere before earthquakes" // P. 165.
  57. Kryvdyk V. "Cosmic rays from collapsing stars" //17th Eur. Cosmic Ray Symp., Lodz, Poland , July, 24-28, 2000. - P. 70
  58. Kryvdyk V. "Test for search of collapsing stars" // JENAM-2000. 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Conference May 29 - June 3, 2000, Moscow, Russia.- Р.96
  59. Grimalsky V.V., Rapoport Yu.G., Slavin A.N., Zaspel C.E. "Numerical modeling of wave front reversal for two-dimensional spin wave packet in magnetic films" // Proc. of EMMA-2000, Kiev, Ukraine, June, 2000, 4p.
  60. Zaspel C.E., Rapoport Yu.G. "Modeling Ultranarrow Solitary Waves in One-Dimensional Magnetic Systems. (4 p.).
  61. Grimalskiy V.V., Hayakawa M., Ivchenko V.N., Rapoport Yu.G., Zadoroznii V.I. "Penetration of the electrostatic field from the lithosphere and its influence on the ionosphere before earthquakes" // Submitted to IWSE-2000, Tokyo, September 2000.
  62. Grimalsky V.V., Rapoport Yu.G., Zaspel C.E., Slavin A.N. "Parametric Amplification and phase Conjugation of Two-Dimensional Spin Wave Packets in Magnetic Films" // 2000 March Meeting Bulletin of the American Physical Society, March 20-24, 2000 p. 1035. Have been presented at Meeting of Amer. Phys. Soc. (APS) in Minneapolis, March 2000.
  63. Grimalsky V. V., Rapoport Yu. G., Zaspel C. E., Slavin A. N. "Parametric amplification of two-dimensional dipolar spin wave pulses inferrite films" // Proceedings of ICF 2000, Kyoto, Japan, 4P.
  64. Zaspel C.E., Rapoport Yu.G., Yashiro K., Ohkawa S. "Multi-pulse solitary wave formation in thin films" // 2P.
  65. Zaspel C.E., Rapoport Yu.G., Yashiro K., Ohkawa S. "Shock formation in thin films" // Submitted to IEEE Trans. Magn.
  66. Yukhimuk A.K., Voitenko Yu.M., Fedun V.N., Sirenko E.K. "Transformation of MHD Alfven Waves in the solar atmosphere" // Proc. of the International Conference UkrAstro-2000 Kiev, June 5-8, Ukraine.
  67. Yukhimuk A.K., Voitenko Yu.M., Fedun V.N., Sirenko E.K., Yukhimuk V.A. "Parametric interaction of whistler waves and kinetic Alfven waves in the space plasmas"
  68. Fedun V.N., Yukhimuk A.K., Voitenko Yu.M., Sirenko E.K. "Non-linear mechanism generation of acoustic waves" // Proc. of the International Conference UkrAstro-2000Kiev, June 5-8, Ukraine.
  69. Yukhimuk A.K., Fedun V.M., Voitenko Yu.M., Sirenko O.K. "Excitation of fast and slow magnetosonic waves by kinetic Alfven waves" // American Institute of Physics Conference proceedings, Waves in Dusty, Solar, and Space Plasmas, Leuven, Belgium 22-26 May 2000, -.P 311-316.

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