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Дата изменения: Thu May 28 14:34:28 2009
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 19:34:32 2012
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Наиболее важные публикации по теме Программы

  • Материалы по солнечным и магнитосферным бурям октября-ноября 2003 г.

  • Solar Drivers of Interplanetary and Terrestrial Disturbances, eds. K.S.Balasubramaniam, S.L.Keil, R.N.Smartt, ASP Conference Series, 1996. V. 95.
  • Space Weather, eds. P. Song, H. J. Singer, G. L. Siscoe, Geophysical Monograph Series, 2001. V.125
  • Proceedings of the Second Solar Cycle and Space Weather Euroconference, 2002, ESA SP-477
  • Wang, Y. M.; Ye, P. Z.; Wang, S.; Zhou, G. P.; Wang, J. X. A statistical study on the geoeffectiveness of Earth-directed coronal mass ejections from March 1997 to December 2000, // J. Geophys. Res. 2002. V.107. N A11 10.1029/2002JA009244
  • Zhang J., Dere K.P., Howard R. A., Bothmer V. Identification of Solar Sources of Major Geomagnetic Storms between 1996 and 2000// Astrophys. J. 2003. V.582. P.520
  • Magnetic storms, Eds. B. T. Tsurutani, W. D. Gonzalez, Y. Kamide and J. K. Arballo// AGU Geophysical Monograph 1997. V. 98.
  • Grafe A. Are our ideas about Dst correct? // Ann.Geophysicae. 1999. V. 17. P.1.
  • Vennerstroem S. Interplanetary sources of magnetic storms: A statistical study, // J.Geophys.Res. 2001. V.106. P.29175.
  • Loewe C. A., Prolss G. W., Classification and mean behavior of magnetic storms // J.Geophys.Res 1997. V. 102. P.14209
  • Gonzalez W.D., Tsurutani B. T., Clua de Gonzalez A.L. Interplanetary origion of geomagnetic storms // Space Sci. Rev. 1999. V.88. P.529.
  • Gosling J. T., The solar flare myth// J.Geophys.Res., 1993. V.98. P. 18937.
  • Richardson I. G., Cliver E. W., Cane H. V. Sources of geomagnetic storms for solar minimum and maximum conditions during 1972-2000 // Geophys. Res. Lett. 2001. V. 28 P. 2569.
  • Webb D.F., Cliver E.W., Crooker N.U., St.Cyr O.C., Thompson B.J. Relationship of halo coronal mass ejections, magnetic clouds, and magnetic storms // J. Geophys. Res. 2000. V. 105. N A4. P. 7491
  • Crooker N. U., Solar and heliospheric geoeffective disturbances // Journal of Atmospheric and Solar- Terrestrial Physics 2000. V. 62. N 12. P. 1071.
  • Li Y., Luhmann J.G., Mulligan T., Hoeksema J. T., Arge C. N., Plunkett S. P., St. Cyr O. C., Earthward directed CMEs seen in large-scale coronal magnetic field changes, SOHO LASCO coronagraph and solar wind // J. Geophys. Res. 2001. V. 106. N A11 P.25103.
  • Brueckner G. E., Delaboudiniere J.-P., Howard R. A., Paswaters S. E., St. Cyr O. C., Schwenn R., Lamy P., Simnett G. M., Thompson B., Wang D. Geomagnetic storms caused by coronal mass ejections (CMEs): March 1996 through June 1997 // Geophys. Res. Lett. 1998. V. 25. N 15. P. 3019.
  • St. Cyr O. C., Howard R. A., Sheeley N. R. Jr., Plunkett S. P. et al., Properties of coronal mass ejections: SOHO LASCO observations from January 1996 to June 1998 // J. Geophys. Res. 2000. V. 105. N A8. P.18169.
  • Cane, H. V.; Richardson, I. G.; St. Cyr, O. C. The interplanetary events of January-May, 1997, as inferred from energetic particle data, and their relationship with solar events // Geophys. Res. Lett. 1998. V. 25. N. 14. P. 2517.
  • Cane H. V., Richardson I. G., St. Cyr O. C. Coronal mass ejections, interplanetary ejecta and geomagnetic storms // Geophys. Res. Lett. 2000. V. 27. N. 21 P. 359.
  • Gosling J. T., McComas D. J., Phillips J. L., Bame S. J., Geomagnetic activity associated with earth passage of interplanetary shock disturbances and coronal mass ejections // J. Geophys. Res. 1991. V. 96. P. 7831.
  • Gopalswamy N., Lara A., Lepping R.P. et al. Interplanetary acceleration of coronal mass ejections // Geophys.Res.Lett. 2000. V. 27. P.145.
  • Gopalswamy N., Lara A., Yashiro S., Kaiser M. L., Howard R. A., Predicting the 1-AU arrival times of coronal mass ejections // J. Geophys. Res. 2001. V. 106. N A12. P.29207.
  • Richardson, I. G.; Cane, H. V.; Cliver, E. W. Sources of geomagnetic activity during nearly three solar cycles (1972.2000) // J. Geophys. Res. 2002. V. 107. N. A8 P. SSH 8-1 to SSH 8-13
  • Wu C.-C., Lepping R.P., Effects of magnetic clouds on the occurrence of geomagnetic storms: The first 4 years of Wind // J. Geophys. Res. 2002. V. 107. N. A10 P. SMP 19- 1 to SMP 19-8.
  • Lindsay G.M., Luhmann J.G., Russell C.T., Gosling J.T. Relationship between coronal mass ejection speeds from coronagraph images and interplanetary characteristics of associated interplanetary coronal mass ejections// J.Geophys.Res. 1999. V.104. P.12515.
  • Plunkett S. P., Thompson B. J., St. Cyr O. C., Howard R. A. Solar source regions of coronal mass ejections and their geomagnetic effects // Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 2001. V. 63. N 5. P. 389- 402.
  • Berdichevsky D. B., Farrugia C. J., Thompson B. J., Lepping R. P., Reames D. V., Kaiser M. L., Steinberg J. T., Plunkett S. P., Michels D. J. Halo-coronal mass ejections near the 23rd solar minimum: lift-off, inner heliosphere, and in situ (1 AU) signatures // Annales Geophysicae. 2002. V. 20, N 7. P. 891-916.
  • Webb D.F., Crooker N.U., Plunkett S.P., St.Cyr O.C. The solar sources of geoeffective structure, In Space Weather, AGU Geophys. Monogr. 125, p.123, 2001.
  • Burlaga L. F., Skoug R. M., Smith C. W., Webb D. F., Zurbuchen T. H., Reinard A. Fast ejecta during the ascending phase of solar cycle 23: ACE observations, 1998- 1999 // J. Geophys. Res. 2001. V. 106. N 10. P.20957- 20978.
  • Cane H. V., Richardson I. G. Interplanetary coronal mass ejections in the near-Earth solar wind during 1996- 2002 // J. Geophys. Res. 2003. V. 108. N A4. P. SSH 6-1, DOI 10.1029/2002JA009817.

    Публикации участников Программы

  • Ермолаев Ю.И., Застенкер Г.Н., Николаева Н.С. Реакция магнитосферы Земли на события в солнечном ветре по данным проекта ИНТЕРБОЛ. // Космич. Исслед. 2000. Т.38. N 6. C.563
  • Yermolaev Yu.I., Zastenker G.N., Borodkova N.L. et al. Statistic study of magnetosphere response to magnetic clouds: INTERBALL multi-satellite observations // Phys. Chem. Earth (C). 2000. V.25. P.177.
  • Yermolaev Yu.I., Yermolaev M.Yu. Statistical relations between solar, interplanetary and geomagnetic disturbances during 2.3 solar cycles (1976-2000)// ESA SP- 477. 2002. P.579.
  • Ермолаев Ю.И., Ермолаев М.Ю. О некоторых статистических взаимосвязях солнечных, межпланетных и геомагнитосферных возмущений в период 1976-2000 гг. // Космич. Исслед. 2002. Т.40. N 1. С.1.
  • Ермолаев Ю.И., Ермолаев М.Ю. О некоторых статистических взаимосвязях солнечных, межпланетных и геомагнитосферных возмущений в период 1976-2000 гг. 2.// Космич. Исслед. 2003. Т.41. N 2. С.115.
  • Yermolaev Yu. I. Signature of coronal holes and streamers in the interplanetary space,// Space Sci. Rev. 1994. V.70. P.379.
  • Петрукович А.А., Климов С. И. Использование измерений солнечного ветра для анализа и прогноза геомагнитной активности // Космич.исслед. 2000. Т.38. ? 5. C.463.
  • Yermolaev Yu.I. Large-scale structure of solar wind and its relationship with solar corona: Prognoz 7 observations. // Planet. Space Sci., 1991. V.39. N 10. P.1351.
  • Ермолаев Ю.И. Скорости и температуры протонов и альфа-частиц в разных типах течений солнечного ветра // Космич. Исслед. 1995. T.33. N 4. C. 381.