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Дата изменения: Wed Oct 27 17:55:32 2010
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 20:10:47 2012

Поисковые слова: hst
Peter Scheglov ­ pioneer of
site testing in the Central Asia
A.Tokovinin & V. Kornilov
Promote astronomy iin the Promote astronomy n the Central Asia Central Asia
Tashkent P..Scheglov iidentified CenttralAsiian siites wiith PScheglov dentified Cen ral Asan stes wth a llarge ffraction off cllear sky and callm attmoa arge raction o cear sky and cam a mospherre, iin colllaboration wiith metteorologists. sphe e, n colaboration wth me eorologists. He orrganized sitte-testing, hellped tthe He o ganized si e-testing, heped he devellopment off new obserrvatories and deveopment o new obse vatories and educattion off astrronomy iin tthe rregion. educa ion o ast onomy n he egion.

Sep 4, 1932 ­ Petr (Peter) Vladimirovich Scheglov is born in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) 1954 ­ P.S. graduated from the Moscow University, chair of Astrophysics 1957 ­ PhD in astronomy (adviser ­ I.S.Shklovsky). P.S. starts working at the Sternberg Astronomical Institute (Moscow). 1966 ­ P.S. meets with Jurgen Stock at the IAU General Assembly in Prague, sparkling his interest in sitetesting 1967-1970 ­ development of the double-beam instrument (DBI) and first site-testing missions to Maidanak, Sanglok, Alma-Ata & Crimea. 1970 ­ Dr.Sci dissertation 1974 ­ Sternberg Institude decides to build its observatory at Maidanak. 1975 ­ Another mission, choice of the observatory location on the West summit of Maidanak.

Maidanak (Uzbekistan) E66є 54', N38є 41', 2600m

Sanglok (Tajikistan) E69є 14', N38є 16', 2300m

Calibration of the Photo-Electric Seeing Monitor.

IIn cllose colllaboration wiith attmospheric scienttists, n cose colaboration wth a mospheric scien ists, P..Scheglov develloped siite-testing metthods and PScheglov deveoped ste-testing me hods and iinstruments and used tthem att numerrous obserrvatories nstruments and used hem a nume ous obse vatories

Devellop site-testing Deve op site-testing methods and iinstruments methods and nstruments

P. Scheglov and S. Novikov with the double-beam instrument (DBI), 1960s

Calibration of optical and micro-thermal equipment in Tsimliansk (May 1982). Left: A.M.Obukhov, V.N.Karpinsky, P.V.Scheglov, A.E.Guryanov. Right: Guryanov and Scheglov prepare experiments on the horizontal path.

P..S. worrked on iincreasing angullar rresolution off grroundPS. wo ked on ncreasing anguar esolution o g oundbased ttelescopes by sellecting tthe bestt sittes, rreducing man-based elescopes by seecting he bes si es, educing man made seeiing, perrfecting ttelescope ttechnology, develloping made seeng, pe fecting elescope echnology, deveoping At the IAU Colloquium 67 on astronomical dettectors and hiigh-resolution ttechniques. He prromoted ectors and hgh-resolution echniques. He p omoted de instruments (Sep. 1981, SAO): V.N.Dudinov, P.V.Scheglov, V.S.Tsvetkova, V.F.Esipov tthese iideas iin tthe asttronomical communiity. hese deas n he as ronomical communty. 1976-80 ­ development of the photoelectric seeing monitor P.V. Scheglov (Sheglov, Shcheglov) published about (FEP) 50 papers on site testing, some are listed below. 1980s ­ seeing .. (Problems of optical astronomy). Nauka, 1980 measurements at various Novikov, S.B. & Sheglov, P.V. 1968, Preliminaty results of double-beam sites. Evaluation of the site testing at Mt.Sanglock. Astr. Tsirk., No. 491, 3 ground-layer turbulence with Efremov, Iu.N., Novikov, S.B., & Shcheglov, P.V. Prospects for development of ground-based optical astronomy. 1975. Sov. Phys. micro-thermal sensors and Uspekhi, 18, 151 Sodar. Shcheglov, P.V. On the use of acoustic methods for studying 1980 ­ P.S. publishes his book "Problems of optical astronomy" 1990 ­ Comprehensive study of turbulence at Maidanak Dec 2, 2002 P.S. passed away

Towards hiigh angullar resollutiion iin Towards h gh angu ar reso ut on n astronomy astronomy

Prepare next generation off Prepare next generation o astronomers astronomers

P..Scheglov tteached att tthe Moscow PScheglov eached a he Moscow Uniiversity. He was tthe PhD adviserr off Unversity. He was he PhD advise o severral grraduate studentts worrking on siite seve al g aduate studen s wo king on ste ttesting: S..Novikov,A..Guryanov, esting: S Novikov, A Guryanov, V..Kornilov,A..Tokovinin,A..Kutyrev, VKornilov, A Tokovinin, A Kutyrev, Yu..Khan. He has iinfluenced tthe wholle Yu Khan. He has nfluenced he whoe generration off asttronomers iin tthe fformer gene ation o as ronomers n he ormer rrepublics off tthe Soviett Uniion. epublics o he Sovie Unon.

temperature and wind fields near astronomical instruments. 1976, Astr. Tsirk. No. 900, 3 Beslik, A.I. et al. Simultaneous seeing measurements near Mt. Maidanak with the double-beam telescope and a photoelectric device. 1977, Astr. Tsirk., No. 955, 3 Scheglov P.V. Astroclimatic studies in the Soviet part of the Central Asia. Proc. Conf. on Astroclimate, Abastumani, 23-26 Nov. 1981. Guryanov et al. A complex study of optically active turbulence above two mountain observatories. 1988, Astron. Zh., 65, 637 Gur 'yanov et al. The contribution of the lower atmospheric layers to the seeing at some mountain observatories. 1992, A&A, 262, 37 Shcheglov, P.V. On some features of atmospheric circulation favorable to good seeing. 1998, Astron. Tsirk., No. 1557.