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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Thu Feb 25 19:14:41 2010
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 05:24:51 2012
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Fireball Reports

Bright Fireball - 3rd February 2010

Terry Moseley, Irish Astronomical Association
BRIGHT FIREBALL OVER IRELAND: A very bright fireball was seen over a large part of Ireland on Wednesday 3rd,
at about 6 p.m. Reports have been received from as far apart as Meath and Kerry. There is a possibility of 
a meteorite fall, and the more detail we have, the better chance of finding it. If you saw it, or know anyone 
who did, please send in as much detail as possible, preferably including your best estimates of as many of the 
following as possible:

Exact Time
Your Location
Direction you were facing
Direction the fireball moved (e.g. Left to Right, if you know what direction you were facing) or 
NE to SW, or S to N, etc)
Height of the fireball above your horizon at start, highest point, and end of its visibility. You can estimate 
that in degrees if you have the experience, where 0 degrees is the horizon and 90 degrees is overhead. Otherwise, 
say something like 'halfway from the horizon to the zenith (overhead point)
How bright was it, compared to a full moon?
For how long was it visible, in seconds?
How far across the sky did you see it travel - e.g. halfway? Less? More?
Did you hear any sounds, like bangs, or pops, or crackling?
Did you see it break up, or any pieces fall off it?
Did you see it fade away to nothing, or did you see it disappear behind a building, or tree, or hill etc?

Eye Witness Reports Received

To add your own report, use our Fireball Report Form.
Carl O'Beirnes
My name is Carl O'Beirnes and I'm an amature astronomer living in Balbriggan and I saw 
this event this last night with his own two eyes and in my opinion  this event is being 
grossly exaggerated. The event was a pretty nice fireball around mag -1 or -3 and broke 
in several pieces (maybe around 7 pieces). What is interesting is the event lasted no more 
than 10 seconds. If you look at the you tube video shown on RTE it lasts 41 seconds. 
Have any of you ever heard of a meteor last that long? The video looks to me like a rocket 
launch at night.  Perhaps turned upside down.

I must admit I'm a bit disgusted by the claims being made on the RTE piece. I really think 
that overstatement only helps to fuel disappointment.

in fact I can now categorically confirm that the video used in the RTE peice is in fact a hoax.


Look at this video it was posted on December 1st 2008.

That bit of research took all of 3.2 seconds.

Louise McCreesh
I saw yesterdayâ?Ts fireball and in the news today it suggests forwarding whatever information 
you have to the Armagh observatory or to Astronomy Ireland.
I thought Iâ?Td drop you a note as suggested ....
It was about 6pm, I was speaking to my husband at the time and initially thought it was either 
a meteorite or  an aeroplane crashing (or even someone launching a rocket attack in the distance.... 
well, it is Lurgan!).....  I shouted at him to turn round but he was too late.... as there was 
no explosion that I could hear then  I concluded it was a meteorite....
Direction â?' I was looking sort of north west of Lurgan and it appeared to be moving from my 
left to right, therefore it must have been travelling in a north easterly direction.... and it 
was moving downwards at about a 45 degree angle.
The fireball appeared to be about the same size as something like the moon would look to us in 
the sky. It was bright creamy white,  had oranges flames following it and then a dark tale of 
smoke.... thatâ?Ts what made me think it might be a crashing aircraft.
It just disappeared down behind the Lurgan skyline
Hope that helps....

Gordon McGilp
I was travelling towards Strabane from Omagh on Wednesday evening around 6pm and was about a 
mile from Victoria Bridge when I saw the fireball/ meteor to the top left hand side of my car 
windscreen.It seemed a whitish ball followed by a red/ orange tail, far bigger and brighter than 
your normal â??shooting starâ??. It went across the screen, in a top left to bottom right direction 
but obviously did not travel the full length of the screen. It was visible to me for around 
2 â?' 3 seconds before disappearing behind a darkish cloud and then there seemed to be a flash. I 
would say it was heading in a NE direction.

Louise McCreesh
Iâ?Tve just seen your request for info from your site so I thought Iâ?Td add a bit more detail....
Exact Time â?' About 6pm (my husband had got off the train in Lurgan at about 5.50 and have walked 
up to the crÃÅche â?' about a 10min walk)

Your Location â?' Car park on William Street in Lurgan

Direction you were facing â?' I was facing NW I think â?' in the same direction as the Lough Road out 
of Lurgan towards the motorway to be precise â?' my husband checked a map and says thatâ?Ts about NW)

Direction the fireball moved (e.g. Left to Right, if you know what direction you were facing) or 
NE to SW, or S to N, etc) â?' it appeared to move Left to Right... therefore going in a NE direction

Height of the fireball above your horizon at start, highest point, and end of its visibility. You 
can estimate that in degrees if you have the experience, where 0 degrees is the horizon and 90 
degrees is overhead. Otherwise, say something like 'halfway from the horizon to the zenith 
(overhead point) â?' Iâ?Td say it was only about a quarter to a third of the way between the horizon 
and the zenith.... closer to the horizon than the zenith 
How bright was it, compared to a full moon? â?' it seemed as bright as the moon but with orange 
flames coming from it and a smoke trail

For how long was it visible, in seconds? Only a couple of seconds.... I shouted â??Lookâ?T three times, 
by which time my husband finally turned round and it was gone.

How far across the sky did you see it travel - e.g. halfway? Less? More? I only saw it travel 
about a quarter way across the sky, but in a downwards direction, almost at a 45 degree angle

Did you hear any sounds, like bangs, or pops, or crackling? No

Did you see it break up, or any pieces fall off it? No

Did you see it fade away to nothing, or did you see it disappear behind a building, or tree, 
or hill etc? â?' Disappeared behind the skyline of Lurgan..... which is about town-house height....


Kevin Corr
My wife and I were travelling along the M1 last night in the direction of Dungannon. At around 
6pm we were somewhere between the Lurgan junction and the Birches junction when we saw a large 
light in the sky moving towards the ground, in front of us and to our right. It disappeared 
after a few seconds.  It wasnâ?Tt until we saw reports on the news this morning about other 
sightings that we realised that it may have been a meteorite.
I hope this information is of some value.

Sarah Gordon, Linda Geraghty & Catherine Lawless
Two colleagues and myself where driving home from work last night at roughly 6pm. We where 
approx 5 miles out side of Newry on the Armagh Road, when Linda Geraghty (the driver) said, 
â??What is thatâ??? We all looked up into the sky and there was the â??fire ballâ?? passing in front 
of our eyes from left to right, at this stage it was pretty low in the sky and appeared to 
fall behind the fields to our right.  
It was a strange colour, maybe orange or red with a tail falling behind it.
At first we thought maybe it was a light aircraft that had caught fire, or a UFO (strange 
but true). We tried to contract Armagh Planetarium but they where closed. We then contacted 
5FM to see if any of their other listeners had seen it.  When we got home we informed our 
families, who obviously thought we where crazy.  However Catherine, Linda and myself where 
sure of what we had seen, I checked teletext to see if anything had been reported, then on 
Ceefax Page 106 RTE 2 it was reported.

We came into work today and told our colleagues, we then found the article on the BBC website 
that said â??He said it was very important for anyone who saw it to report their sighting and 
suggested contacting either the Armagh Observatory or the Irish Astronomical Associationâ??.
So please find attached our account of what we seen, should you require any further information 
do not hesitate to contact us via email!

Sean McDermott
Exact Time 6.00PM
Your Location Loughmacrory Co Tyrone BT799NB
Direction you were facing North
Direction the fireball moved (e.g. Left to Right, if you know what direction you were facing)  
moved from left to right Height of the fireball above your horizon at start, highest point, and 
end of its visibility. You can estimate it was about 1 mile away and when I saw it first it was 
500 m high and coming down fast. It would have landed in the Creggan area â?' may have been a 
piece that broke off the main fireball.

Hegarty Connor
Exact Time: 5.55 
Your Location: Round abouts Victoria Bridge on the main Omagh to Strabane road 
Direction you were facing: I was facing north towards Strabane 
Direction the fireball moved (e.g. Left to Right, if you know what direction you were facing) 
or NE to SW, or S to N, etc) 
The fireball moved from left to right

Height of the fireball above your horizon at start, highest point, and end of its visibility. 
You can estimate that in degrees if you have the experience, where 0 degrees is the horizon 
and 90 degrees is overhead. Otherwise, say something like 'halfway from the horizon to the 
zenith (overhead point) It was a little higher up than half way between the Horizon 
and Zenith

How bright was it, compared to a full moon? It was as Bright as the full Moon if not brighter 
For how long was it visible, in seconds? I only saw it for about 2 - 3 Seconds 
How far across the sky did you see it travel - e.g. halfway? Less? More? It traveled for 
less than halfway across the sky

Did you hear any sounds, like bangs, or pops, or crackling? I didn' hear any noises at all 
Did you see it break up, or any pieces fall off it? I didn' see anything break off it 
Did you see it fade away to nothing, or did you see it disappear behind a building, or 
tree, or hill etc? 
The star of Fireball went behind a huge dark cloud and I didn't see it again after that!

Declan Mc Swiggan
I saw it around the time stated but it seemed to be going down i work in Asda in Omagh and work in the 
car park. At first i thought it was fireworks because i could see it out the corner of my eye but then 
i saw that it was fireball it was bright orange and there was a trail coming after it. I thought that 
it might be heading towards the Castlederg/Drumquin area but who knows were it landed. I was speaking 
to a man who saw it behind the Scared Heart which would indicate it would be in that area that stated 
above maybe even Newtown/Strabane or the parts of Donegal in around them two areas

Seamus Doyle
This is about the fireball on Wednesday 3rd of February 2010
I live in Sligo an witnessed three fireballs travelling in close proximity from east to west .
The fireballs seemed to be just above the height of Sligo Cathedral,coming towards where I was standing
as I was walking west to east they appeared motionless in the sky for a moment getting brighter and then 
faded to nothing.  My opinion is that these were smaller fragments that eventually burned up in the 
Several people witnessed this in Sligo
I may be contacted if you wish
Thank You

Jane Johnston
Exact Time - 6 pm
Your Location - Markethill, Co Armagh
Direction you were facing - 
Driving towards Armagh on the main Newry Road

Direction the fireball moved (e.g. Left to Right, if you know what direction you were facing) or 
Left to Right towards Armagh in a downwards position NE to SW, or S to N, etc)

Height of the fireball above your horizon at start, highest point, and end of its visibility. 
You can estimate that in degrees if you have the experience, where 0 degrees is the horizon 
and 90 degrees is overhead. Otherwise, say something like 'halfway from the horizon to the 
zenith (overhead point) about 45 degrees

How bright was it, compared to a full moon? 
the tail was bright orange

For how long was it visible, in seconds? i
4-5 seconds

How far across the sky did you see it travel - e.g. halfway? Less? More? i
only lasted about 4 - 5 seconds and it was travelling very fast so probably estimate it as 
travelling a third of the way across the sky

Did you hear any sounds, like bangs, or pops, or crackling? no

Did you see it break up, or any pieces fall off it? no

Did you see it fade away to nothing, or did you see it disappear behind a building, or tree, 
or hill etc?  disappeared behind trees and I honestly thought it would have hit somewhere 
around Armagh in the direction it was travelling

Ian Donald
Regarding sightings of fireball. At approx 6pm today Wednesday 4th February.
I saw a 'fireball', very bright, jet like object come to earth from a
southerly direction, extremely fast and appeared to land in the sea close to
land in Clew Bay between Aghany and Roonagh point, Louisburgh, Co Mayo.

Carl O'Beirnes
1 time was around 17.55

2 Location 53â?T36â?T55â??N 6â?T12â?T31â??W elev 37m

3 I was facing North.

4 fireball moved S to N towards polaris

5 around 35 to 40 degs

6 -1 to -3

7 5 to 7 seconds

6 less

8 No sound at all

9 It broke up to around 7 pieces

10 I saw it fade away to nothing

Keith Agnew
At approximately 5.55pm I was travelling on the A3 from Portadown towards 
Armagh.  I was about Allens Honda Garage when I saw the fireball on my right in 
the approximate direction of the Moy and Dungannon Roads ouit of Portadown.  
The fireball appeared to be falling from the direction of Armagh possibly 
towards the direction of the Bannfoot /Lough Neagh.  It was low in the sky (I 
only saw it for about 2 to 3 seconds before it disappeared behind trees) and 
definitely appeared to be falling as opposed to following the earths 
curvature.  A ball of flame is the best description I can offer with the flames 
tailing behind it and what looked like a shower of sparks following behind.  It 
looked kike a firework except it was going down instead of up.  I hope this 
sighting is of some use to you.

Brian Ward
Hello there,

I just thought you might be interested in something I witnessed last night (Wed 3rd Feb) 
at around 1805 .

I was driving on the main road between Greysteel and Derry, driving towards Derry 
(Driving Westwards)

I was about half a mile from the airport when i seen what at first i thought was an 
aeroplane that has burst into flames falling from the sky.

It was a very bright green in colour. I could see it breaking up as it came closer.

It was coming down in a L-R trajectory (which would be South-North) at a guess at an 
angle of 20-30 degrees

As it got closer to ground level, and impact, there was an inexplicable brightness, 
only for a fraction of a second.

I immediately thought that an airplane had blown up in mid air and was astounded not 
to see flames and smoke. I honestly couldnt understand what i had seen.

This all happened in about 2-3 seconds.

Anyhow, I believe that the object that i saw falling from the sky may have landed either in 
a) the fields westwards of City of Derry airport or b) Lough Foyle.

I also seen a grren flash in the sky about 3 minutes later when i was driving over the 
foyle brige and proceeded to think that i had gone completely mad.

If you need any other info feel free to contact me.

Hope this is of interest to you.

Jim Newport
Hello, attached map roughly where the fireball passed over the Portadown - Moy Road at 6pm.
Only visible for about 3 secs, long green streak that broke into several pieces and then 
seemed to burn out.
Hope it helps

Claire McDonnell
I saw in the sky what i belived to be a metior last night around nine o clock. I was in Cushendall, 
Co Antrim. It was heading in the direction of Ballycastle which i think is heading north. It was 
very bright and yelow/orange in colour. I did not notice a trail behind it. I saw it for 4 or 5 
seconds before it went over the mountain and i couldn't see it. I know this sighting is later than 
the other sightings. I would be interested to hear if anyone else saw the same one as me.

Susan McNerlan
My mother reported seeing an orange fireball in the sky over East Belfast but this was on saturday night. 
She was facing roughly north and it moved slowly from right to left. It was visible for quite some time. 
Might this have been an earlier sighting of last night's fireball? Or a different one?

Oliver Pankhurst
It was heading from left to right and was above horizon and disapeard over a hill it was very 
bright at the time

Do let me know how it you get on

Sent from my iPhone

Joe Campbell
Glad to see someone else saw this!
I was travelling North approaching Moy Village on Wednesday 3rd. February, 2010. Time was 17:56. 
I saw a bright whitish fireball about the size of a football with long orangy tail for about 
2 seconds. It seemed to 'dim' for a fraction of a second then flash brighter for a fraction of a 
second as bits broke off and burned up reddish colour in the tail, the fireball continued on 
until obscured by rooftops. Total time about 4 seconds. It was 'slow' and appeared to falling 
downwards rather than travelling across the sky. Direction was left to right, maybe SW to NE 
just under 45 Deg. I heard no sound (in moving car with radio on). Quite a sight! - the best 
I've ever seen - I thought it was a satellite falling from space!

Nick Rusk
My 12 year old son very vividly described this episode last night as he watched out through our 
French Windows at the back of our house. I believe they are West or North West facing and he 
was convinced it had landed somewhere in Brownstown Estate or Millington Primary School both 
of which we live right beside in Portadown.
He talked about a very bright orange light with smoke trailing behind it and was convinced 
it was aliens!
I will ask him to provide some more details in his own words tomorrow and send to you.
He knows he is very privileged to have witnessed this event ........even if his parents had 
some difficulty in believing him!

Dan Divin
On February 4th 2010 I spotted a green fireball at approximately 7:10 pm Los Angeles time.  
I was driving northwest and the object moved from left to right.  It was about 25 to 35 
degrees over the horizon.  It lasted for maybe 5 seconds across about 1/5 of the skyline.  
It was bright green and then faded out.  That evening there was a brief report on 1070 am 
radio and since then I have heard nothing from any news agency.  It is also strange that 
the time difference between Ireland and Los Angeles does not fit the time slot.  Also 
seems weird that it would be visible from the other side of the planet.  I have to assume 
these are two different events but too close to not mention it.

Colin McDowell
I was travelling on the M1 from Moira to Lurgan at approx 6pm on 3/2/2010. I was 2-3 miles 
from the lurgan exit a fire ball approx the size of a football with fire swirling around 
it and a greenish smoke trail passed across the fields to my right heading horizontally 
over towards lough neagh, I seen it for approx 5 seconds.

Ian Kyle
Contact_Details: Eye Witness report taken at the Observatory 
from Ian Kyle, 2010 Feb 8, 16:30, 
with reference to OSNI Sheet 18. 

Time_of_Sighting: approx 18:00 3 February 2010

Location_of_Sighting: Driving N on Jenkins Hill, nr Altagoaghan, Grid Ref IH 480404, 
altitude 280m

Duration: 6 -- 8 seconds

Account: Saw fiery object almost due north, to the right of the lights of FiveMileTown. 
Seen approx 20 degrees above horizon formed by Ballyness mtn. 
Object travelled from left to right on a very slightly descending trajectory spanning 
some 15 to 20 degrees. 
Track was entirely flame.
Towards end saw the object flash behind thin cloud. 
After a second flash 1 second later, the object disappearead. 
Witness though the object seemed at lest as far away as Omagh. 

Witness phoned police, thinking it was an aircraft in trouble. Police returned call 
saying that no aircraft were missing, but that they had received a report from someone 
in Omagh having seen a similar object crossing over the Derry road. 

Caroline Friel
Time_of_Sighting: 6.10

Location_of_Sighting: Strabane 

Account: At First was unsure to what it was, I thought it was someone letting off 
flares it was extremly bright, my husband caught the tail end of it and sttraight 
away he said it was a meteor, it was in colours Green yellow & blue. It was very 
low to the ground no more than 50ft high.. It was visable for no more than 5secs, 
it seamed to burn out at the end of the field to were I was...I had told my sister 
about this and she laugh, but could't believe that this is what all is talking 
about now...If needed I have downloaded a map from google to identify to where I 
believe that the meteor landed...Tyrone / Donegal border..

Mike Joyce
hello there.......
My name is Mike Joyce .. .i live in sligo...and yesterday I noticed the meteor which 
passed over Sligo at approx 6.10pm ?   I didnt check the time when i saw it...but it 
was around this time....... i would estimate that the meteor was flying in nthe 
trajectory of the black arrow on the attached jpg file...approx north north east or 
slightly north of north east..
when i noticed it it was approximately level with the car park in connaughton road....
and about 10-15 seconds later it had moved approx another 1000 to 1200 meters.... 
(and its volume seemed to have reduced at this stage by 60-70% in size)
it is hard to say exactly how high the meteor was flying ???? maybe 1200-1500 meters..... 
i hope this information is of use to you....

Exact Time- around 5-58pm
Your Location- dungannon road, traveling from portadown to maghery! 
near the derrykeeran road!
Direction you were facing-facing north west
Direction the fireball moved (e.g. Left to Right, if you know what direction you were facing)Â or NE to SW, 
or S to N, etc) from left to right, 
south to north!
Height of the fireball above your horizon at start, highest point, and end of its visibility. You can 
estimate that in degrees if you have the experience, where 0 degrees is the horizon and 90 degrees is 
overhead. Otherwise, say something like 'halfway from the horizon to the zenith (overhead point) 
sort of coming in at a 45 degree angle! heightest point was about 500 meters heigh and lowest around 200 meters!
How bright was it, compared to a full moon? 
i would describe it as the flair from a firework, only instead 
of going up it was coming down at the 45 degree angle i mentioned above!
For how long was it visible, in seconds? 
was visible for about 5 to 10 secs max!
How far across the sky did you see it travel - e.g. halfway? Less? More? 
hard one to answer! hard to explain!
Did you hear any sounds, like bangs, or pops, or crackling? 
no sounds heard! in car traveling and wouldn't have hard sounds if there was!
Did you see it break up, or any pieces fall off it? 
no! but it did like bust into brighter sparks now and again! but kept its line of travel and all in one!
Did you see it fade away to nothing, or did you see it disappear behind a building, or tree, or hill etc? 
it faded away to nothing!â?Å

Miss Campbell
Exact Time: between 17.55 and 18.05Â  on Wednesday 3rd Feb 2010.
Your Location: Driving on the M1 motorway Southbound carriageway between the B12 and the B76 slip roads 
(at Annesborough Industrial Estate). 
Direction you were facing: South West
Direction the fireball moved (e.g. Left to Right, if you know what direction you were facing)Â or NE to SW, 
or S to N, etc) 
from South to North heading towards Lough Neagh.
Height of the fireball above your horizon at start, highest point, and end of its visibility. You can 
estimate that in degrees if you have the experience, where 0 degrees is the horizon and 90 degrees is 
overhead. Otherwise, say something like 'halfway from the horizon to the zenith (overhead point) 
I twas below the horizon level, there were houses in the distance above the level at which the object was moving.  
In layman terms I would say it was about the height of a double decker bus from the ground and not far 
above trees and bushes in it's path.
How bright was it, compared to a full moon?  
Not bright as such, just an orange ball of fire/flames, it wasn't startlingly bright, like looking into 
a field with a small bonfire in burning in it.  it was not a uniform shape, the flames were flickering 
and licking at the edges, it looked as if it was burning out.  There was a tail of smoke which was wobbly 
suggesting that the object was slowing down.  I thought it was debris from a plane or a firework of some kind.
For how long was it visible, in seconds?  
I was driving and had to slow down, in all, I looked in the direction of the object in 4 takes, on the 
fourth take it had disappeared. In all I would say 3 seconds between first and last sighting.
How far across the sky did you see it travel - e.g. halfway? Less? More? 
Less, (and again) not above horizon level according to my field of vision at the time.  It was travelling 
quite low in comparison to houses and grounding landscape around it.
Did you hear any sounds, like bangs, or pops, or crackling? No
Did you see it break up, or any pieces fall off it? No
Did you see it fade away to nothing, or did you see it disappear behind a building, or tree, or hill etc? 
On my fourth take it had disappeared.  The last time I saw it it was travelling through fields in the 
direction of Lough Neagh, though perhaps at an Easterly andgle to the Lough.

Mr Parker
Exact Time 6.00

Your Location Castlederg

Direction you were facing towards Donegal

Direction the fireball moved (e.g. Left to Right, if you know what direction you were facing)Â or NE to SW, 
or S to N, etc) : straight down

Height of the fireball above your horizon at start, highest point, and end of its visibility. You can 
estimate that in degrees if you have the experience, where 0 degrees is the horizon and 90 degrees is 
overhead. Otherwise, say something like 'halfway from the horizon to the zenith (overhead point): 
at ground level

How bright was it, compared to a full moon? 
Much brighter

For how long was it visible, in seconds? 5

How far across the sky did you see it travel - e.g. halfway? Less? More? 
Less, was touching ground

Did you hear any sounds, like bangs, or pops, or crackling? 
In van so couldnâ?Tt hear!

Did you see it break up, or any pieces fall off it? no

Did you see it fade away to nothing, or did you see it disappear behind a building, or tree, or hill etc? 
went behind cloud, followed by flash

Ms. Gildernew
Exact Time 600

Your Location Moy

Direction you were facing towards Dungannon

Direction the fireball moved (e.g. Left to Right, if you know what direction you were facing)Â or NE to SW, 
or S to N, etc) 
:from left

Height of the fireball above your horizon at start, highest point, and end of its visibility. You can 
estimate that in degrees if you have the experience, where 0 degrees is the horizon and 90 degrees is 
overhead. Otherwise, say something like 'halfway from the horizon to the zenith (overhead point)

How bright was it, compared to a full moon? 
Brighter, green-turquoise, very long tail

For how long was it visible, in seconds? 4-5

How far across the sky did you see it travel - e.g. halfway? Less? More? 
Was stationary

Did you hear any sounds, like bangs, or pops, or crackling? No 

Did you see it break up, or any pieces fall off it? No

Did you see it fade away to nothing, or did you see it disappear behind a building, or tree, or hill etc? 

Exact Time 

Your Location : Moyway motors, Dungannon

Direction you were facing: North

Direction the fireball moved (e.g. Left to Right, if you know what direction you were facing)Â or NE to SW, 
or S to N, etc) 

Height of the fireball above your horizon at start, highest point, and end of its visibility. You can 
estimate that in degrees if you have the experience, where 0 degrees is the horizon and 90 degrees is 
overhead. Otherwise, say something like 'halfway from the horizon to the zenith (overhead point): 

How bright was it, compared to a full moon? 
Not as bright

For how long was it visible, in seconds? 
6 seconds but see final answer

How far across the sky did you see it travel - e.g. halfway? Less? More? 
Straight down

Did you hear any sounds, like bangs, or pops, or crackling? 
No sound

Did you see it break up, or any pieces fall off it? 
No, stayed as a single orange fireball

Did you see it fade away to nothing, or did you see it disappear behind a building, or tree, or hill etc? 
was driving in car, had to turn and lost sight of it.

Dermot (age 11)
Exact Time 17.55

Your Location 54:31:43N, 6:17:56W

Direction you were facing North  

Direction the fireball moved (e.g. Left to Right, if you know what direction you were facing)Â or NE to SW, 
or S to N, etc)
Fireball was bearing 307 degrees from my position

Height of the fireball above your horizon at start, highest point, and end of its visibility. You can 
estimate that in degrees if you have the experience, where 0 degrees is the horizon and 90 degrees is 
overhead. Otherwise, say something like 'halfway from the horizon to the zenith (overhead point) 
less than 45 degres

How bright was it, compared to a full moon? 
far brighter it looked like a massive firework

For how long was it visible, in seconds? 
7 seconds

How far across the sky did you see it travel - e.g. halfway? Less? More? 
less than half way, tumbling down

Did you hear any sounds, like bangs, or pops, or crackling? 
very very faint crackling

Did you see it break up, or any pieces fall off it? 
yes but only small fragments

Did you see it fade away to nothing, or did you see it disappear behind a building, or tree, or hill etc?

Mr Eliot
Exact Time between 9-10pm, i cant be more precise unfortunatelyâ?Åâ?Å

Your Location leeke road, bushmillsâ?Åâ?Å

Direction you were facing northâ?Åâ?Å

Direction the fireball moved (e.g. Left to Right, if you know what directionâ?Åyou were facing) or NE to SW, 
or S to N, etc) 
it fell from 10 to 4 as if it were on a clock face and it started in the direction NNEâ?Åâ?Å

Height of the fireball above your horizon at start, highest point, and endâ?Åof its visibility. You can 
estimate that in degrees if you have theâ?Åexperience, where 0 degrees is the horizon and 90 degrees is 
overhead.â?ÅOtherwise, say something like 'halfway from the horizon to the zenithâ?Å(overhead point) 
60 deg to 35 degâ?Åâ?Å

How bright was it, compared to a full moon? 
bright, with and orange red tinge to itâ?Åâ?Å

For how long was it visible, in seconds? 
approx 3-4â?Åâ?Å

How far across the sky did you see it travel - e.g. halfway? Less? More? 
about 1/4 maybe lessâ?Åâ?Å

Did you hear any sounds, like bangs, or pops, or crackling? 
silentâ?ÅÂ â?Å

Did you see it break up, or any pieces fall off it? 
no it was solid, but it appeared to shake/swirl.  i would liken it to something spiralling through the skyâ?Åâ?Å

Did you see it fade away to nothing, or did you see it disappear behind aâ?Åbuilding, or tree, or hill etc? 
it faded away. 

size wise it appeared to be quite large

Exact Time 5.50

Your Location: Washing Bay, near Coalisland

Direction you were facing: North west towards Stewartstown

Direction the fireball moved (e.g. Left to Right, if you know what direction you were facing)Â or NE to SW, 
or S to N, etc) : 
straight down

Height of the fireball above your horizon at start, highest point, and end of its visibility. You can 
estimate that in degrees if you have the experience, where 0 degrees is the horizon and 90 degrees is 
overhead. Otherwise, say something like 'halfway from the horizon to the zenith (overhead point): 
at ground level

How bright was it, compared to a full moon? : 
Couldnâ?Tt say. Fluorescent green, with yellow highlights

For how long was it visible, in seconds? 
1-1.5 second

How far across the sky did you see it travel - e.g. halfway? Less? More? 
â??was stationaryâ??

Did you hear any sounds, like bangs, or pops, or crackling? No 

Did you see it break up, or any pieces fall off it? No

Did you see it fade away to nothing, or did you see it disappear behind a building, or tree, or hill etc? 
â??went outâ??

Exact Time
Not sure of exact time, between 17:50 and 18:10

Your Location
Between junction 10 (Lurgan exit) and junction 12 (Birches/Maghery exit) on M1
I think we may have already passed junction 11 (M12/Portadown)
(see attached map, we were  somewhere in the highlighted area)

Direction you were facing

Direction the fireball moved (e.g. Left to Right, if you know what direction you were facing) or NE to SW, 
or S to N, etc)
It was in a north westerly position, going north.
As we looked out of the windscreen it was in front of us and to our right.

Height of the fireball above your horizon at start, highest point, and end of its visibility. You can 
estimate that in degrees if you have the experience, where 0 degrees is the horizon and 90 degrees is 
overhead. Otherwise, say something like 'halfway from the horizon to the zenith (overhead point)
Not really sure â?' sorry. When we first saw it it was only just over the horizon. We assumed it had hit 
the ground just seconds after we saw it and it had went behind trees.

How bright was it, compared to a full moon?
Not as bright as a full moon â?' it was yellow/green in colour rather than white

For how long was it visible, in seconds?
Maximum 2 seconds

How far across the sky did you see it travel - e.g. halfway? Less? More?
Much less than half way, it seemed to be very close to the ground

Did you hear any sounds, like bangs, or pops, or crackling?
Didnâ?Tt hear anything as we were in the car, travelling at 70mph!

Did you see it break up, or any pieces fall off it?
It seemed to be one piece. Bright yellow/green with a thick tube-like tail

Did you see it fade away to nothing, or did you see it disappear behind a building, or tree, or hill etc?
It disappeared behind trees. It seemed to be close to the ground and perhaps only a few miles away 
from our position

Exact Time: nearly 6.00

Your Location: Lurgan

Direction you were facing: towardâ?Ts Castorâ?Ts Bay 

Direction the fireball moved (e.g. Left to Right, if you know what direction you were facing)Â or NE to SW, 
or S to N, etc): across Castorâ?Ts Bay, towards Crumlin

Height of the fireball above your horizon at start, highest point, and end of its visibility. You can 
estimate that in degrees if you have the experience, where 0 degrees is the horizon and 90 degrees is 
overhead. Otherwise, say something like 'halfway from the horizon to the zenith (overhead point): 
very low, seemed to travel horizontally

How bright was it, compared to a full moon? 

For how long was it visible, in seconds? 
10 s or more 

How far across the sky did you see it travel - e.g. halfway? Less? More? 
Not sure

Did you hear any sounds, like bangs, or pops, or crackling? 
No noise

Did you see it break up, or any pieces fall off it? 
One piece, head was green, yellow flames from tail

Did you see it fade away to nothing, or did you see it disappear behind a building, or tree, or hill etc? 
seemed to wink out

Mr Lockhart
Exact Time 5.57

Your Location Markethill

Direction you were facing: North

Direction the fireball moved (e.g. Left to Right, if you know what direction you were facing)Â or NE to SW, 
or S to N, etc): 
from SW to NE

Height of the fireball above your horizon at start, highest point, and end of its visibility. You can 
estimate that in degrees if you have the experience, where 0 degrees is the horizon and 90 degrees is 
overhead. Otherwise, say something like 'halfway from the horizon to the zenith (overhead point) 
â??very low, about to landâ??

How bright was it, compared to a full moon? 
Very bright, yellow head with blue tail of flames

For how long was it visible, in seconds? 
10-15 s

How far across the sky did you see it travel - e.g. halfway? Less? More? 
Less, appeared to be landing 

Did you hear any sounds, like bangs, or pops, or crackling? 
No noise

Did you see it break up, or any pieces fall off it? 
â??it exploded, yellow flames from head, engulfed tailâ?? 

Did you see it fade away to nothing, or did you see it disappear behind a building, or tree, or hill etc? 
â??Fell NE of Gosford Parkâ??

Caller didnâ?Tt leave name
Exact Time 6.00

Your Location 

Direction you were facing 
Towards Armagh

Direction the fireball moved (e.g. Left to Right, if you know what direction you were facing)Â or NE to SW, 
or S to N, etc) 
towards Hamiltonsbawn

Height of the fireball above your horizon at start, highest point, and end of its visibility. You can 
estimate that in degrees if you have the experience, where 0 degrees is the horizon and 90 degrees is 
overhead. Otherwise, say something like 'halfway from the horizon to the zenith (overhead point) 
â??very lowâ??

How bright was it, compared to a full moon? 
Brighter â??like burning aircraftâ??

For how long was it visible, in seconds? 
2-3 seconds

How far across the sky did you see it travel - e.g. halfway? Less? More? 

Did you hear any sounds, like bangs, or pops, or crackling? 
It was silent

Did you see it break up, or any pieces fall off it? No

Did you see it fade away to nothing, or did you see it disappear behind a building, or tree, or hill etc? 
â??disappeared behind treesâ??

Mr Baxter
Exact Time 5,55-6.05 approx

Your Location Omagh

Direction you were facing NE

Direction the fireball moved (e.g. Left to Right, if you know what direction you were facing)Â or NE to SW, 
or S to N, etc) 
â??from NWâ??

Height of the fireball above your horizon at start, highest point, and end of its visibility. You can 
estimate that in degrees if you have the experience, where 0 degrees is the horizon and 90 degrees is 
overhead. Otherwise, say something like 'halfway from the horizon to the zenith (overhead point) 

How bright was it, compared to a full moon? 
Far brighter- white, pale green in colour

For how long was it visible, in seconds?
3 seconds

How far across the sky did you see it travel - e.g. halfway? Less? More? 

Did you hear any sounds, like bangs, or pops, or crackling? 
No sound

Did you see it break up, or any pieces fall off it? 
â??stayed as one unitâ??

Did you see it fade away to nothing, or did you see it disappear behind a building, or tree, or hill etc? 
â??Winked out near groundâ??

Last Revised: 2010 February 10th