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Дата изменения: Thu Mar 27 16:10:59 2003
Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 05:20:52 2012

Поисковые слова: coronal hole

North South Research Programmes 2003

Strand 1: North South Programme for Collaborative Research

1. Project Title


2. Lead Investigator [Ireland]




Telephone: Fax:


Lead Investigator [Northern Ireland]




Telephone: Fax:


3. List all Participating Departments/Institutions/other parties
associated with the project:

4. Please indicate if this proposal represents a furtherance of an
existing collaborative relationship(s) or the establishment of a new
collaboration. Briefly outline the rationale for the partnership(s)
and the main benefit to the research groups involved.

5. Project Abstract (Max. 200 words):

6. Describe the project details including considerations such as problem
statement, approach to investigation, work, milestones, associated
deliverables, likely outputs etc. Please specify blocks of work that
will be carried out by different Departments/Institutions/Parties.
(please attach a maximum of three pages)

A sunspot as observed in the optical plus the 1,000,000K magnetic loops as
observed by TRACE

the magnetic field in sunspots and the estimation of the physical
conditions of the magnetized plasma in the observed sunspots. More
specifically, the project involves the following activities:

> Acquisition of high resolution (spatial and spectral) spectropolarimetric
observations of sunspots, using different spectral lines in the optical
and in the infrared in order to cover a wide range of heights in the
atmosphere. This work would benefit from recently developed
instrumentation in the field of spectropolarimetry.
> The study of the dynamics, thermal structure and magnetic field in the
observed sunspots. Work done so far in this area has provided very
different results. In general, the magnetic field strength is seen to
decrease with height in the umbra, whereas in the outer penumbra it
increase with height. The determination of the vertical gradient from new
and higher-quality observations is vital in order to make progress in
this area as values obtained so far differ by an order of magnitude.

Recent work concerning the magnetic field organization in sunspots have
provided evidence for new structures that need to be supported with more
observations. For example, it has been found that non-zero fields exist
beyond the visible limits of the spot, showing continuity with the field
that is measured within the umbra. This suggests that the field extends
itself continuously outside the penumbra in the form of so-called
`canopies', overlying non-magnetized regions of the solar surface.

> Application of the observational results to evaluate the theoretical
models proposed so far.

> This work would be eventually extended to small-scale structures of the
solar surface. The solar magnetic field emerges in the form of flux tubes
through the convection zone and expands gradually towards the outer
layers. Recently, it has been found that the relative expansion rate of
small magnetic flux tubes is similar to that observed in large tubes in
sunspots (Solanki et al. 1999). The study of small flux tubes can,
therefore, open new perspectives on sunspots.

> How the structure and dynamics of sunspot penumbra influence the
structure and heating of the solar corona.

Neutron Stars and Black Holes in Binary Systems.

Isolated neutron stars and black holes are extremely difficult to identify,
let alone study in detail. However, when such a compact object (hereafter
the primary) is present in a binary systems it accretes material from its
solar-like companion star (the secondary). Because the accreting material
has a finite amount of angular momentum, an ``accretion disk'' of material
is formed about the primary, with a luminosity of 0.1-100 Solar
luminosities and an effective temperature of ~5,000-30,000 K. However,
about half of the potential energy of the accreting material is liberated
on (or near) the primary itself. Here the temperature of the plasma
increases to 107 to 108 K, and the emission is dominated by X-ray
radiation. Indeed, it is the discovery of this intense X-ray emission which
marks these objects as warranting further study at other wavelengths. At
any one time only a few hundred of these binaries are seen throughout the
entire Galaxy.

The analysis of ellipsoidal light curves of these objects can provide vital
information. Infrared (1-2 micron), rather than optical, photometry is much
preferred in the measurement of the tidal distortion of the secondary. This
is because the accretion disk should contribute erratically to the optical
light curve (even for the quiescent XRN), but not in the IR where the much
cooler secondary star is expected to dominate (e.g. Shahbaz et al 1993).
Using IR observations we have refined the mass of the black hole in two
binary systems (e.g. Callanan et al 1996, O'Donovan et al 2003). This
technique has the potential to provide the most accurate mass estimates of
black holes in our Galaxy, and indeed anywhere in the Universe - if we can
be confident of its applicability. To do this requires accurate IR
photometry and spectroscopy.

As mentioned in the Introduction, recent data has shown that in some
systems, the ellipsoidal lightcurve is not a simple modulation.
Furthermore, the deviation is such as to significantly affect the mass
ratio and inclination constraints, and in turn the black hole mass
estimates. More accurate photometric measurements will enable us to compare
the lightcurve in detail with that expected of a true ellipsoidal variation

To investigate this further, we need to
> Measure the degree to which other systems are affected in this way, by
using high resolution IR spectroscopy, and by performing higher S/N IR
> What causes this deviation from the expected ellipsoidal modulation?

A prime suspect is the occurence of starspots on the surface of the
secondary star. If these secondary stars were to be large spot coverage,
such as in RS CVn objects, these spots will significantly affect the
intensity of light measured from the secondary: one of the goals of this
proposal is to determine exactly what this effect is, and to model it in
such a way as to recover the power of the ellipsoidal modelling technique
in determining black hole masses.

7. Outline existing research strengths in the proposed area of research,
including a list of publications from the past two years, which you
consider would support this proposal. Please indicate for each
partner which publications you consider to be the five most
prestigious and enclose copies).

8. Outline the agreed joint programme project management processes

9. Briefly outline how this research project will contribute to the
overall objectives of the North-South Research Programme

10. Outline the demonstrable impact on the education sectors with regard
to a) quality of research work and outputs, b) illustration of the
feedback into the teaching and learning domain and c) the building up
of research capabilities in specific research areas on the island as a

11. Please outline mechanisms to be adopted to develop mutual
understanding of cultural diversities and how you see this project
contributing in this regard.

12. Outline briefly how the proposal will contribute to achieving the
goals and objectives of the research strategy of the lead institution

13. Duration of Proposed Project:

14. Proposed Start Date for Project:

15. Summary of Recurrent Expenditure Proposed:

Partner - Ireland

| |2003/2004 |2004/2005 |2005/2006 |TOTAL |
| | | | | |
| |E |E |E |E |
| | | 39,626 |43,634 | |
|Staff Costs | | | | |
|Postgraduate | | | | |
|Students | | | | |
|Post-doctoral | | | | |
|Fellowships | | | | |
|Visiting Researchers| | | | |
| | | | | |
|Replacement Teaching| | | | |
| | | | | |
|Other | | | | |
| | |2,500 | | |
|Equipment (single | | | | |
|items should not | | | | |
|normally cost over | | | | |
|E10,000) | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Materials | | | | |
| | |3,000 |3,000 | |
|Travel | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Other | | | | |
| | |5,944 |6,545 | |
|Overheads | | | | |
| | |51,070 |50,479 | |
|Partner Institution | | | | |
|costs (Northern | | | | |
|Ireland) | | | | |
| | |102,140 |100,958 | |
|Total | | | | |

|Please indicate level of |
|stipend proposed |
| |E |
|Postgraduate | |
|Students | |
|Post-doctoral |39,626 |
|Fellowships | |

Summary of Project Costs Proposed contd.

Partner - Northern Ireland

| |2003/2004 |2004/2005 |2005/2006 |TOTAL |
| | | | | |
| |E |E |E |E |
| | |39,626 |43,634 | |
|Staff Costs | | | | |
|Postgraduate | | | | |
|Students | | | | |
|Post-doctoral | | | | |
|Fellowships | | | | |
|Visiting Researchers| | | | |
| | | | | |
|Replacement Teaching| | | | |
| | | | | |
|Other | | | | |
| | |2,500 | | |
|Equipment (single | | | | |
|items should not | | | | |
|normally cost over | | | | |
|E10,000) | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Materials | | | | |
| | |3,000 |3,000 | |
|Travel | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Other | | | | |
| | |5,944 |6,545 | |
|Overheads | | | | |
| | |51,070 |50,479 | |
|Partner Institution | | | | |
|costs (Ireland) | | | | |
| | |102,140 |100,958 | |
|Total | | | | |

|Please indicate level of |
|stipend proposed |
| |E |
|Postgraduate | |
|Students | |
|Post-doctoral |39,626 |
|Fellowships | |

16. Proposed Number of Staff:

Partner: Ireland Partner: Northern Ireland

Post-doctoral Fellowships: 1 Post-doctoral Fellowships:

Postgraduate Students: Postgraduate Students:

Visiting Fellowships: Visiting Fellowships:

Other (please specify): Other (please specify):

17. Summary of Capital Expenditure Proposed

Please list requested equipment items valued over E3,000:

- Partner Ireland

|Equipment Item |Cost E |
| |2,500 |
|1 high spec PC | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
|TOTAL |2,500 |

- Partner Northern Ireland:

|Equipment Item |Cost E |
| |2,500 |
| | |
|1 high spec PC | |
| | |
| | |
|TOTAL |2,500 |

Total Capital Expenditure Proposed E 5,000

18. Please justify request making reference to existing equipment
and specialised research capabilities North and South

19. Please give details of funding support obtained from other research
agencies for related or complementary projects

20. Total Expenditure Proposed

| |Cost E |
|Recurrent Expenditure- Ireland |106,050 |
|Recurrent Expenditure - Northern |106,050 |
|Ireland | |
|Capital Expenditure - Ireland |2,500 |
|Capital Expenditure - Northern |2,500 |
|Ireland | |
|TOTAL |217,100 |

21. Curriculum Vitae of Lead Investigator (Ireland)

22. Curriculum Vitae of Lead Investigator (Northern Ireland)

23. Nominated reviewers:

|Suggested names to |Contact details to include name, address, |
|evaluate proposal |telephone number, fax number and e-mail |
| |address |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |

|Suggested names NOT to |Department and Institution |
|evaluate proposal because |(details as above) |
|of a conflict of interest | |
| | |
| | |
| | |

Please indicate some keywords associated with your application for
peer review purposes (max. five words)

24. Signatures:

Lead Investigator (Ireland)

Signature: Date:

I hereby confirm that the University/College will ensure that the
research as detailed in this application will be carried out and in
accordance with the conditions outlined in the call for proposals.
Dean/Vice President of Research (on behalf of the

Signature: Date:

Lead Investigator (Northern Ireland)

Signature: Date:

I hereby confirm that the University/College will ensure that the
research as detailed in this application will be carried out and in
accordance with the conditions outlined in the call for proposals.
Dean/Vice President of Research (on behalf of the

Signature: Date:



Coupling High Spectral Resolution Data of Stellar Objects with Atomic Data
The Sun & Symbiotic Stars.

Dr. P. Callanan

University College Cork

Physics Dept.


Professor J.G. Doyle

Armagh Observatory

028 37527174

028 37522928


A fundamental role of science is to explain our natural environment. Even
before the invention of the telescope, it was possible to observe the solar
corona as some of the earliest references date back to the 14th century BC.
During totality the evanescent structures of the corona, which consist
primarily of scattered photospheric light are visible. With the advent of
telescopes/spectrographs and their application to the Sun, the nature of
the outer layer of the solar atmosphere has become more apparent. However,
the identification of the coronal emission lines eluded investigators for a
long time until the identification of several forbidden transitions in the
1940's of high temperature Fe ions thus eliminating the need for the
mystical ion, `coronium'. Remarkably, the identification of the coronal
lines lay not simply in solar observations but to a large extent on
laboratory experiments supplemented with observations of Cataclysmic

With the advent of satellites, a wealth of new data exists for many active
stars. One must enquire as to what extent our detailed knowledge of the Sun
should guide us in attempts to understand stars and, conversely, to what
extent should meager, poor spatially resolved data from stars channel our
thoughts on the Sun's evolution?

Here we propose, a detailed investigation of sunspots using new instuments,
plus a extension of this knowledge into spot modelling of late-type stars
and a new extension into modelling the effect of starspots in the
ellipsoidal lightcurves of black hole/neutron star binaries, and how they
effect the mass determination of the compact object.

The Armagh solar physics group have being very active in recent years with
data from SoHO, publishing 6 to 8 papers per year. From the launch of SoHO
in late 1995, we have had 5 sucessful PhD students with another two in
their 2nd year. Below we give a few sample papers

1) `Temporal Variability in the Doppler-shift of Solar Transition Region
Lines', J.G. Doyle, M.S. Madjarska, I. Roussev, L. Teriaca and J.
Giamikakis, A&A 396, 255 (2002)
2) `Temporal evolution of different temperature plasma during explosive
events', M.S. Madjarska and J.G. Doyle, A&A 382, 319 (2002)
3) `The OIV and SIV intercombination lines in the ultraviolet spectra of
astrophysical sources', F.P. Keenan, S. Ahmed, T. Brage, J.G. Doyle,
B.R. Espey, K.M. Exter, A. Hibbert, M.T.C. Keenan, M.S. Madjarska, M.
Mathioudakis and D.L. Pollacco, MNRAS 337, 901 (2002)
4) `Modelling of solar explosive events in 2D environmentsPart III.
Observable consequences', Roussev, J.G. Doyle, K. Galsgaard and R.
ErdИlyi, A&A 380,719 (2001)
5) Solar Mn I 5432/5395е line formation explained', J.G. Doyle, D.
Jevremovic, C.I. Short, P.H. Hauschildt, W. Livingston and I. Vince, A&A
369, 13 (2001)

2 years

1 January 2004

University College Cork

Armagh Observatory


I have extensive experience in the use of atomic physics in the analysis of
spectral data. Furthermore, a major part of my PhD thesis was concerned
with data taken from the Solar Maximum Mission and SKYLAB. Also, I have
extensive experience in the general area of cool star research. For the
SoHO mission, I have designed numerous satellite observing sequences,
planned several joint SoHO, TRACE, YOHOHK & ground-based observing
campaigns. I have being involved in the analysis and modeling of numerous
solar features, including explosive events, bright-points, chromospheric
oscillations, coronal holes, macro-spicules, etc. Part of this work has
involved the simulations of transition region line profiles using non-
equilibrium ionization calculations to simulate more accurately the fast
moving jet features.

I have published over 300 papers, 2/3 of these in refereed journals.

Furthermore, I have being PI on several successful the UK Particle Physics
and Astronomy Research Council proposals for postdoc funding of both solar
and stellar projects. A member of various telescope allocation and grant
panel, chair of the N. Ireland Starlink computer node, chair of the
Astronomical Science Group of Ireland, co-editor of 2 books and has
supervised several PhD projects. Furthermore, with experience in optical,
UV, X-ray, infrared, millimeter & radio astronomy in both solar and stellar
astronomy and in electron density & temperature diagnostics line ratios,
and consider myself to be in an ideal position to supervisor projects in a
range of topics.

I have Associate Scientist status with two instruments; SUMER & CDS onboard
the SoHO satellite and am currently involved with SOLAR-B and STERO (both
due for launch in 2005).

a) quality of research work and outputs

To make the greatest impact on international science, it is essential to
maintain a balance of diversity and expertise in theory, modeling, data
analysis and instrumentation. This proposal fulfils three of these
elements. With investment in space missions by ESA, in ground-based
observatories by various national agencies, in data processing and high-
powered computing (e.g. the Grid computing mentioned in above), Europe is
heavily involved in technology. However, to exploit these investments and
make the most of new opportunities, we must invest in new talent. In
addition in being trained in Grid technology via the Irish Computational
Grid, one of the posdocs will be involved with The European Grid of Solar
Observations (EGSO). This is a project funded by the European Commission
under its Fifth Framework Programme. EGSO will use Grid technology to
create the fabric of a virtual solar observatory, greatly simplifying
access to solar data in Europe and around the world. The other postdoc will
use data from various ground-based observatories, ESO, La Palma. This will
enable both institutes to maintain a high international standing and thus
enable continued external funding from resources outside Ireland.

Sunspot Modelling and Applications to other Research Fields


Most of what concerns us in the Sun-Earth connection involves active
regions, however the structure and dynamics of sunspots (the basic building
blocks) is one of the most observed yet least understood phenomena in solar
physics. During the last few years, considerable progress has been made in
the study of sunspots, especially on the observational side. The main
reason is the recent technical developments in solar instrumentation.
Modern solar telescopes, equipped with high-precision polarimeters, provide
more accurate spectropolarimetric data, which constitute the main tool to
investigate the physical conditions within the atmosphere of sunspots. For
the first time, it is possible to acquire observational data with the
resolution required to test the sophisticated models that are now emerging,
powered by fast computers.

Spots are also present on the surface of many late-type objects, these
phenomenon being related to magnetic activity near the photosphere of the
star. Furthermore, as the rotation rate of the star increases so too does
this activity, resulting, it is thought, in starspots much larger than
those observed in the Sun - indeed, it is estimated that 10-20% of some
stellar surfaces could be covered by starspots. In the modelling of
ellipsoidal lightcurve of X-ray binaries, it has become clear that in some
systems at least, the simple modulation is not as expected. Furthermore,
the deviation is such as to significantly affect the mass ratio and
inclination constraints, and in turn the black hole mass estimates. A prime
suspect is the occurence of starspots on the surface of the secondary star.

We thus propose further investigation of this effect coupled with a more in-
depth study concerning the physics of sunspots using new instruments (both
ground & satellite based).

The Physics of Sunspots

New spectropolarimetric observations have uncovered a complex magnetic
structure of sunspots as well as the presence of important field
inhomogeneities, mainly in the penumbra (see del Toro Iniesta 2001 for a
review). However, results published so far do not provide a clear insight
into the height variation of the magnetic field through the sunspot
atmosphere. Work carried out independently by different authors in order to
estimate the vertical field gradient have generated much controversy, since
the values obtained differ up to about one order of magnitude and are
impossible to reconcile with the scenarios suggested by numerical models. A
large effort is currently being made in order to learn more about this

Of particular importance are the processes which occur just beneath the
photosphere and in the low corona. These regions are where the fields
become fragmented and twisted, and where they generate the necessary energy
to heat the solar corona. The proposed project of research has two general
objectives: the precise measurement of

With our joint involvement in the Irish Computational Grid project we now
have the resources in terms of hardware but not the personnel to take this
project to the next level. With the recruitment of two postdocs, each
working in our respective research fields but each having the requirement
of needing spot modelling, we foresee an active collaboration ahead.

Good science, math and technology education is essential to get students
ready for the 21st century. Space is a strong catalyst for learning because
it providers real-life mysteries, adventure and discovery. Part of this
work is committed to using many of the unique missions to equip and inspire
teachers, to capture student interest in math, science and technology and
to help channel young people into these career paths.

The work of the both institutes encourages and promotes individual
creativity and strengthens the position in Ireland as a centre for
creativity and scientific and technical innovation. In Armagh, more than
210 years of astronomical activity at Armagh has provided a significant
intellectual stimulus to the City of Armagh and an enviable scientific
heritage, while UCC boasts an even longer history. The presence of a world-
class astronomical research institute attracts publicity and international
visitors, and makes a strong, positive statement about Ireland (North &
South), both home and abroad. The international links of both institutes
provide opportunities to create novel and innovative relationships with
partner organizations in the UK and Ireland, and in other European
countries and beyond. We are well placed to contribute to cross-cutting
initiatives with other institutes, and to help this part of Europe move
into the Information Age. With each of the two fellows spending a fraction
of the time at each institute working on the educational aspect of this
work, we will have contact with a vital element of Irish society, i.e. our
future scientists via the teachers.

b) illustration of the feedback into the teaching and learning domain

Astronomy is the oldest science, with roots extending more than five
thousand years to the building of Newgrange, and similar structures, and
represents a key part of mankind's cultural inheritance. Astronomy gives us
a unique perspective on our place in the Universe, and addresses
fundamental questions such as the origin of the Earth and the origin of

In addition, astronomy has important direct applications, for example to
our understanding of `space weather', the effects of the variable Sun on
the Earth, of comet and asteroid impacts on the Earth, and the impact of
space debris and meteoroids on satellites.

Currently, many excellent outreach programmes exist but are unfortunately
in general not known by science teachers. By each postdoc spending part of
their time in developing or in many instances communating this information
to schools, we could enividush science workshops (run via the respective
education departments North & South) where the two postdocs could
demonstrate the availably of such resources. For example, NASA now runs
annual teacher training courses, as they like ourselves, find it alarming
the decrease in the number of students even taking physics to university

Students at Armagh have being involved in the development of a WEB solar
outreach educational page called SunBlock99. This is presently being
developed further as a CD-ROM called SunTrek to be launched later this
year. Since astronomy has the potential of attracting people towards
science and into a scientific way of thinking, by providing material
(either WEB based or via CD-Rom) to science teachers, we can encourage more
school children towards science. Astronomy is an 'imagination driver' . We
can all recall the good teachers at school, these being the people who were
en??? about the subject.

c) the building up of research capabilities in specific research areas on
the island as a whole.


The equipment request concerns a high spec PC for each postdoc. This is
required for (i) running of small programs, (ii) storage of data, (iii)
paper writing, (iv) results presentation & (v) access to the Irish
Computational Grid. Larger computational jobs will be done via the Grid.

UK PPARC funding to J.G. Doyle for a postdoc to deal with the reduction of
observational data from SoHO, plus PLTRI funding for a postdoc to deal with
MHD modelling of different solar features.