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Armagh Observatory

The Rare and Antiquarian Book Collection of the Armagh Observatory

Compiled by
John McFarland

Old Image of Comet

See also: Historical Resources and Information

Appended is a list of the rare and antiquarian books accumulated during the first century, or so, of the existence of the Armagh Observatory up to and including the year 1883. Many volumes bear the signature or shield of Revd. Dr. T. R. Robinson, the third Director of the Observatory, others the seal of the Observatory on the title page or inside front cover. Among the collection are two volumes by Julius Firmicus Maternus and others from the early printing era, dated 1499 in the colophon. There are four seventeenth-century tomes by Kepler, Hevel, Galilei, and Lubienietz, respectively, and three other volumes containing substantial portions of seventeenth-century writings. Considering multi-volume works as single items, there are forty-three eighteenth-century works. The nineteenth century is represented by one hundred and sixteen works.

An explanation of the table is given below.

Col. I Volume reference number.
Col. 2 Author's name. Occasionally the tome is an English translation, and in that case only the original author's name appears.
Col. 3 Brief title of work; also volume and edition are given whenever indicated, followed by place of publication.
Col. 4 Number of pages in volume, pi. indicates plates, and chps. means chapters.
Col. 5 Date of publication.
Col. 6 Remarks on the condition of the volume covers, spine and pages, respectively, separated by semi-colons. The code used ranges from extremely poor (EP), through fair (F), good (G), to extremely good (EG). In the case of the covers and spine, EP indicates that large portions of the material are missing, and the remainder is badly scuffed or torn. VP indicates that small portions are missing and the rest is badly scuffed. While P means that the binding material is scuffed, but no parts are missing. F indicates a moderate degree of scuffing. G and VG are indicative of being only a little worn. EG means that the tome is intact and very little worn.

For the pages, EP means that some are very discoloured, torn and/or missing. VP indicates that some are very discoloured, and P that some are slightly discoloured, but the pages are intact. F means that some pages are a little discoloured and are perhaps untrimmed. G is indicative of very little discolouration on trimmed pages. For untainted, intact and trimmed pages, we have used the designations VG or EG.

Other abbreviations employed in the Remarks column are: -

a.d. almost detached from main body of book,
d. detached from main body of book,
disc. discoloured,
f. front cover,
f.d. front cover is detached.
f.a.d. front cover is almost detached,
fd. faded,
f.m. front cover is missing,
m. missing,
r. rear cover,
r.d. rear cover detached,
r.m. rear cover missing,
sl. slightly,
unt. untrimmed.

As an example, we give below an explanation of one of the entries in the Remarks column. VP, f.d., r.a.d.; VP, fd.; P, unt. The covers are very poor, i.e. small portions of the material are missing and the rest is badly scuffed. The front cover is detached, and the rear cover is almost detached from the main body of the volume. The spine is in a very poor state, well worn and with small pieces missing, and it has faded considerably. The pages are in a poor condition, some being slightly discoloured but otherwise intact. They are, however, untrimmed.

For further details and/or information about viewing the collection, please contact the compiler at the address below.


It is a pleasure to thank Mr. A. R. Macdonald, Librarian of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, for making many suggestions on an early draft of this listing.

J. McFarland


No(RA) Author Title Pages Date Remarks
9 Adams, G. Micrographia Illustrata...4th ed, 385 177l VP,f.d.,r.a.d.;VP,fd;P, unt.
A Catalogue of Mathematical, Philosophical, and Optical Instruments, London. 14
12 Adams, G. Geometrical and Graphical Essays, London 516 1791 G;G,fd.;G
15 Adams, G. Astronomical and Geographical Essays: 3rd ed, London 600 1795 VP,f.m.,r.d.;VP;G
37 Arbogast, L. F. A. Du Calcul des Derivations, Strasbourg 428 1800 F; F; G
36 Babbage, C. Scriptores Optici, London 599 1823 F; F; G
7 Babinet, J. and Housel, C. P. Calculs Pratiques Appliques aux Sciences d'Observation, Paris 404 1857 EG; EG; VG
35 Baily, F. New Tables for Facilitating the Computation of Precession, London 224 1827 G; G, fd.; G, disc.
224 Bailey, F. Supplement to the Account of the Revd. John Flamsteed, London 78 1837 P;P;G
8Barlow, P. NewMathematicalTables, London 400 1814 P;P;G
36 Barrow, I. Lectiones XVIII, Cantabrigiae in Scholis Publicis Habitae, London 139 1669
(Bound with Scriptores Optici by C. Babbage)
52 Beer, W. and Madler, J. H. Der Mond nach seinen kosmischen Verhaltnissen, Berlin 432 1837 F,a.d.;EP;G
54 Bernoulli, J. A Sexcentenary Table; London 174 1779 F;F-G;VG
50 Bessel, F. W. Fundamenta Astronomiae pro anno 1755, Regiomonti 336 1818 P,r.a.d.;F;F
14 Bessel, F. W. Tabulae Regiomontanae Reductionum, Regiomonti 608 1830 F; F, sl. fd.; G
197 Bianchi, G. Atti del R. Osservatorio Astronomico di Modena, Modena 394 1834 f. EP, r.m.; m; P, disc., unt.
1 Biot, J.-B. Traite Elementaire d'Astronomie Phys. I 2nd ed 476 1810 F; P-F; G
2 Biot, J.-B. Traite Elementaire d'Astronomie Phys. II 2nd ed 575 1811 F; F; G
3 Biot, J.-B. Traite Elementaire d'Astronomie Phys. III 2nd ed, Paris 259 181l F;F,fd.;G
4 Biot, J .-B. Precis Elementaire de Phys. Experimentale I 586 1817 F, d. ; VP ; G
5 Biot,J.-B. Precis Elementaire de Phys. Experimentale II, Paris 612 1817 F,a.d.;P,sl.fd.;G
6 Bland, M. Algebraical Problems producing simple and quadratic equations, 7th ed, Cambridge 438 1837 P; P; G
10 Brady, J. Clavis Calendaria I 398 1812 F; G; G
l1 Brady, J. Clavis Calendaria II, London 376 1812 F;G,sl.fd.;G
13 Breen, H. A Treatise on the Summation of Series, Belfast 163 1827 F; F; G
28 Bremiker, C. Logarithmorum VI Decimalium Nova Tabula, Berlin 608 1852 G; F, fd.; VG
76Brinkley, J. Elements of Astronomy, Dublin 346 1813 F-G,f.d.;F;G
77 Brinkley, J. Elements of Astronomy, Dublin 346 1813 G; G; G
78 Brinkley, J. Elements of P1ane Astronomy 6th ed, Dublin 312 1845 F; P-F; G, unt.
91 Brink1ey, J. Brinkley's Astronomy, Dublin 328 1871 G,r.sl.d.;F;G
199 Brioschi, C. Comentarj Astronomici della Specola Reale di Napoli I, Napoli 368 1824/6 f.EP,r.m.;EP;P-G,disc.,unt.
198 Cacciatore, N. Del Real Osservatorio di Palermo libre VII, VIII, e IX, I, Palermo 308 1826 EP; EP; G, disc., unt.
40 Cagnoli, A. Trigonometrie Rectiligne et Spherique 2nd ed, Paris 528 1808 G, f.d., r.a.d.; F-G; G
38 Cassini, J. Divers Ouvrages d'Astronomie, The Hague 548 1731 P-F,f.d.;P,fd.;G
39Clairaut, A. C. Theorie de la Lune, 2nd ed, Paris 162 1765 F-G;P-F;G
88 Clavius, C. Clavius's Commentary on the Sphericks of Theodosius Tripolitae, London 122 1721 P-F;P-F;F
41 Condamine, C. M. de la Journal du Voyage fait par ordre du Roi a l'Equateur, Paris 332 1751 G; F-G; G
42 Condamine, C. M. de la Mesure des Trois Premiers Degre's du Meridien, Paris 294 1751 G; F-G; G
43 Costard, G. The History of Astronomy, with its application to Geography, History and Chronology, London 325 1767 F-G; F-G; G
49 Cotes, R. Harmonia Mensurarum, sive Analysis and Synthesis Per Rationum et Angulgrum Mensuras, Cambridge 266 1722 P-F; P-F; G
Opera Miscellanea. 126
51 Crelle, A. L. Tables de Calcul ou se trouvent les Mult. 5th ed, Berlin 509 1880 EG; EG; EG
34Dealtry, W. The Principles of Fluxions, Cambridge 382 1810 G;F-G,fd.;VG
21 Dealtry, W. The Principles of Fluxions: 2nd ed, Cambridge 472 1816 VP; VP, fd.; G, unt.
46 De1ambre, J. B. J. Astronomie Theorique et Pratique I 650 1814 P-F, a.d.; F-G; G
47 Delambre, J. B. J. Astronomie Theorique et Pratique II 623 1814 F,f.d.;G;G
48 Delambre, J. B. J. Astronomie Theorique et Pratique III, Paris 720 1814 F,f.a.d.;G;G
166Delambre, J. B. J. Histoire de l'Astronomie Moderne I 798 1821 F;F;G
167 Delambre, J. B. J. Histoire de l'Astronomie Moderne II, Paris 804 1821 F; F; G
104 Delambre, J. B. J. Histoire de I'Astronomie au Dix-Huitieme Siec1e, Paris 848 1827 F; F-G; G
3 De Rossel, De la Mesure des Hauteurs par les Observations du Barometre216
Traite des Calculs de l'Astronomie Nautique, 192
Tables d'Astronomie Nautique 58
(All bound with Traite Elementaire d' Astronomie Phys. III by J.-B. Biot)
36Descartes, R. Dioptrice 75 F;F;G
Explicatio Quatuor Generum Novarum Ovalium 11 1659
(Both bound with Scriptores Optici by C. Babbage)
65 Dixon, R. V. A Treatise on Heat. I. The Thermometer; Dilitation; Change of State, Dublin.298 1849 G; G; G, unt.
64 Du Moncel, T. Notice sur l'Appareil d'Induction Electrique de Ruhmkorff, Paris 152 1855 VP, a.d.; m; P-F
86 Du Moncel, T. Notice sur l'Appareil d'Induction Electrique de Ruhmkorff 5th ed, Paris 412 1867 G; VG; VG
97 Euler, L. Theoria Motuum Planetarum et Cometarum, Berlin 186 1744 P-F,f.a.d.;P-F;G
57 Euler, L. Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum I. ed nova, Lugduni 336 1797 P;P,fd.;P,unt.
58 Euler, L. Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum IJ. ed nova, Lugduni 398 1797 P;P;P,unt.
70 Ferguson, J. Ferguson's Lectures on Select Subjects I. 2nd ed 492 1806 P; P; F-G, unt.
71 Ferguson, J. Ferguson's Lectures on Select Subjects II. 2nd ed 522 1806 P; P; F, unt.
72 Ferguson, J. Plates Illustrative of Ferguson's Lectures 2nd ed, Edinburgh 50 pI 1806 VP, a.d.; EP; F, unt.
109 Firmicus Maternus, J. Astronomicorum Libri octo integri, I 8 chps 1499 P, d.; VP; VG
110 Firmicus Maternus, J. Astronomicorum Libri octo integri, II Venice 5 chps 1499 G; VG; VG
204 Flamsteed, J. Historiae Coelestis Britannicae I, 468 1725 P,f.a.d.;P; G,disc.
205 Flamsteed, J. Historiae Coelestis Britannicae II, 646 1725 P-G; P-G; G
206 Flamsteed, J. Historiae Coelestis Britannicae III, 430 1725 P;P;G,sl.disc.
207Flamsteed, J. Atlas Coelestis, London 10+27pl 1781 EP,f.d.;EP;G
136Forbes, J. D. Sur l'Eclipse Totale de Soleil du 8 Juillet 1842 8 1843
(Bound with Etudes d' Astronomie Stellaire by F. G. W. Strove)
90 Fuller, S. Practical Astronomy; in the Description and Use of both Globes, Orrery and Telescopes, Dublin 248 1732 F; F; G
84Galilei, G. 0pere di Galileo Galilei, Bologna 790 1656 F;F;G
Serenissimo Gran Duca 3 1656
Carlo Manolessi 4
Le Operationi del Compasso Geometrico, 4 1656
Prima Divisione della Linea, 48
Annotationi di Mattia Bernaggeri 48 1655
Usus et Fabrica Circini 86 1655
Difesa di Galileo Galilei 80 1655
Discorso al Serenissimo don Cosimo II 2nd ed 70 1655
Della Scienza Mecanica e delle Utilita 30 1655
Tavola de Capitoli 10
Discorso Apologetico di Lodovico 58 1655
Considerationi di M. Vincentio de Gratia. 70 1655
Risposta alle Oppositioni del Sig. Lodovico delle Colombe e del Sig. Vincenzo de Gratia, 266 1655
56 Gardiner, W. Tables of Logarithms, London 244 1742 P-F; P-F; VG
188 Gray, P. Tables for the formation of Logarithms and Anti-Logarithms, London 94 1876 G; G; VG
36Gregorio, J. 0ptica Promota, London 104 1663
(Bound with Scriptores Optici by C. Babbage)
66 Gregory, O. A Treatise of Mechanics I 568 1806 F-G;G;G
67 Gregory, O. A Treatise of Mechanics II 524 1806 F-G; G; G
68 Gregory, O. Plates Illustrative of Gregory's Treatise, London 55 pl 1806 F; F-G; G
152 Hachette, J.N.P. Traite Elementaire des Machines, Paris 324 1811 F;VP;F
55 Halley, E. Astronomical Tables with Precepts both in English and Latin for computing the Places of the Sun, Moon, London 386 1752 G,f.a.d.;G;G
36 Halley, E. An Instance of the Excellence of Modern Algebra, (Bound with Scriptores Optici by C. Babbage) 8 1693
93 Hamilton, H. De Sectionibus Conicis, Dublin 220 1758 F;F;G
122 Hamilton, W. R. Lectures on Quaternions, Dublin 866 1853 G;G;G-VG
125 Hargreave, C.I. An Essay on the Resolution of Algebraic Equations, Dublin 134 1866 G; G, fd.; VG
126 Hart, A. S. An Elementary Treatise on Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics, Dublin 164 1846 F-G; F-G; G
201 Herschel, J. F. W. A Manual of Scientific Enquiry, 2nd ed, London 515 1851 G; G; G, unt.
Astronomy (G. B. Airy) 10 1851
Magnetism (E. Sabine) 20 1851
Hydrography (F. W. Beechey) 45 1851
Tides (Whewell) 17 1851
Geography (W. J. Hamilton) 35 1851
Geology (C. Darwin) 39 1851
Earthquakes (R. Mallet) 32 1851
Mineralogy (H. de la Beche) 43 1851
Meteorology (J. F. W. Herschel) 51 1851
On Atmospheric Waves and Barometric Curves (W. R. Birt) 20 1851
Zoology (R. Owen) 59 1851
Botany (W. Hooker) 21 1851
Ethnology J. C. Prichard) 18 1851
Medicine and Medical Statistics (A. Bryson) 20 1851
Statistics (G. R. Porter) 20 1851
Appendices 56 1851
186 Herschel, J.F.W. Light and Sound 385 G;G;VG
Telescope 29 1859
On the Algebraic Expression of the Number of Partitions of which a given number is susceptible 24 1850
On the Formulae investigated by Brinkley for the general term in the Development of Lagrange's expression for the Summation of Series. 3 1860
Note by A. Cayley on the foregoing paper
Instantaneous Photography 1 1860
Answers to Scientific Questions on Light Houses 4 1860
Light 246 1827
Sound 78 1830
124 Herschel, J. F. W. Outlines of Astronomy 6th ed, London 714 1859 G-VG; G-VG; VG
129 Herschel, J. F.W. The Telescope, Edinburgh 198 1861 P;P,fd.;P
105 Hevel, J. Selenographia; Sive, Lunae Descriptio, 586 1647 F;G;VG
Epistolae IV, Gedani 86 1654 F; G; VG
102 Hill, J. A New Astronomical Dictionary, London 618 1768 F,d.;P-F;G
94 Hirsch, M. Integral Tables, or a collection of integral formulae, London 310 1823 P-F, a.d.; VP; VG
101 Hooke, R. Philosophical Experiments and Observations, London 404 1726 VP, d.; P; G
190 Horrebow, P. Operum Mathematico-Physicorum I, 414 1740 f.P,r.m.;P;P-G,unt.
191 Horrebow, P. Operum Mathematico-Physicorum Il, 514 1741 P;VP;P-G,unt.
192 Horrebow, P. Operum Mathematico-Physicorum III, Havniae 438 1741 P;VP;P-G,unt.
182 Hutton, C. Tables of the Products and Powers of Numbers, London 110 1781 VP; VP; G
184 Hutton, C. Scriptores Logarithmici, I, London 526 1791 EP;m.;G,unt.
Chilias Logarithmorum. (J. Kepler) 92 1624
Supplementum Chiliadis Logarithmorum (J. Kepler) 74 1625
Logarithmo-Technia : (N. Mercator) 30 1668
Michalis Angeli Riccii Exercitatio Geometrica 16 1668
An Extract from the third volume of the Phil.Trans. (H. Oldenburg) 6 1668
Another Extract from the Phil. Trans., No.38 (J. Wallis and N. Mercator) 141668
Remarks on two Infinite Series. (F. Maseres) 112
An Appendix to the foregoing remarks on the two logarithmick serieses of Mercator and Wallis 39
(All bound with Scriptores Logarithmici; I by C. Hutton)
185 Hutton, C. Scriptores Logarithmici, II. London 604 1791 EP;m.;G,unt.
Extracts from James Gregory's Exercitationes Geometricae, London 4 1668
Analogia inter Lineam Meridianam Planispherii Nautici, (J. Gregory) 10
Methodus componendi Tabulas Tangentium, (J. Gregory) 3
Letter from J. Gregory to Mr. John Collins 2 1670/1
Other Extracts from Collins's Commercium Epistolicum; 2
    Letter from I. Newton to H. Oldenburgh 1 1676
    Letter from G. W. Leibnitz to H. Oldenburgh 2 1676
    Letter from I. Newton to H. Oldenburgh 5 1676
Twelfth Chapter of Wallis's Treatise of Algebra : Of Logarithms, their Invention and Use 8 1685
Letter from Wallis to R. Norris 7 1686
Logarithmotechnia, (E. Speidell) 32 1688
An easy Demonstration of the Analogy of the Logarithmic Tangents to the Meridian Line. (E. Halley) 9 1695/6
A most compendious and facile Method of constructing the Logarithms, (E. Halley) 8 1695
Notes on some of the more difficult Passages of the foregoing Discourse of E. Halley (F. Maseres) 31
Appendix to the foregoing tract of E. Halley upon Logarithms (F. Maseres)30
A Demonstration of Newton's Binomial Theorem, (F. Maseres) 17
A Demonstration of Newton's Binomial Theorem, (J. Landen) 6 1758
An Explanation of the foregoing Demonstration of the Binomial Theorem, by J. Landen (F. Maseres) 18
A Discourse concerning the Binomial Theorem, (F. Maseres) 149
A Discourse concerning Newton's Residual Theorem, (F. Maseres) 34
A Method of Extending Cardan's Rule. (F. Maseres)60
A Method of Extending Cardan's Rule. (F. Maseres) 133
A Conjecture concerning the Method by which Cardan's Rule. (F. Maseres) 8 1780
An Appendix to the Tract contained in the foregoing part of this second volume of Mathematical Tracts, pp. 153-169 5
(All bound with Scriptores Logarithmici; II, by C. Hutton)
85 Hutton, C. Mathematical Tables 6th ed 554 1822 P-F; P-F; G
96 Hutton, C. Mathematical Tables 7th ed 436 1834 F;P-F;F-G
92 Hutton, C. Mathematical Tables 11th ed, London 436 1849 P-F, d.; F;G
36 Huyghens, C. Traite de la Lumiere 70 1690
Des Figures des Corps Diaphanes Leiden 17 1690
De Figuris Corporum Diaphanorum Amsterdam 15 1728
(All bound with Scriptores Optici by C. Babbage)
123 Hymers, J. The Elements of the Theory of Astronomy 2nd ed, Cambridge 362 1840 F-G; F; G
112 Kepler, J. Tabulae Rudolphinae, Ulm 256 1627 P-F; P-F; F-G
127 Lacroix, S. F. Traite Elementaire de Calcul Differentiel 2nd ed, Paris 620 1806 P-F; F-G; F-G
1l7 Lacroix, S. F. Elemens d'Algebre 9th ed, 372 1811 F,f.a.d.;G;G
Complement des Elemens d'Algebre, 3rd ed, 324 1804 F,f.a.d.;G;G
Traite Elementaire d' Arithmetique, 11th ed, Paris 164 1811 F, f.a.d.; G; G
98 Lacroix, S. F. Traite du Calcul Differentiel I 2nd ed. 710 1810 G; G, fd.; G
99 Lacroix, S. F. Traite du Calcul Differentiel II 2nd ed 842 1814 G;G,fd.;G
100 Lacroix, S. F. Traite du Calcu1 Differentiel III 2nd ed, Paris 800 1819 G;G,fd.;G
1l6Lacroix, S. F. Elemens de Geometrie, 9th ed, 262 1811 F;G;G
Essais de Geometrie sur les Plan et les Surface Courbes 3rd ed, 128 1808 F; G; G
Traite Elementaire de Trigonometrie Rectiligne et Spherique. 5th ed, Paris 308 1810 F; G; G
133 Lacroix, S. F. An Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus, Cambridge 728 1816 G-VG, f.a.d.; F, fd.; G
165Lagrange, J. L. MecaniqueAnalytique.I. Nouv.ed, 434 1811 F;P-F,fd.;G
Mecanique Analytique. II. Nouv. ed, 386 1815 F;P-F,fd.;G
Theorie des Fonctions Ana1ytique, Nouv. ed, Paris 396 1813 F;P-F,fd.;G
128 La Lande, J. J. le F. de Exposition du Calcul Astronomique, Paris 284 1762 F; P-F; G-VG
153 LaLande, J. J. le F. de Astronomie Liv. I-III 2nd ed 394 177l F;P-F;G
154 LaLande, J. J. le F. de Astronomie Liv. IV-V 517 1771 VP;P;G
155 LaLande, J. J. le F. de Astronomie Liv. VI-IX 418 177l P-F;P;G
156 LaLande, J. J. le F. de Astronomie Liv. X-XIII 412 177l P-F;P;G
157 La Lande, J. J. le F. de Astronomie Liv. XIV-XX 454 1771 P-F;P;G
158 La Lande, J. J. le F. de Astronomie Liv. XXI-XXIV 387 1771 P-F;P;G
174 La Lande, J. J. le F. de Volume of Plates, Paris 42 pl 1771 P-F;P;F-G
160 Laplace, P. S. de Traite de Mecanique Celeste I 400 1798 F-G;VP,fd.; G-VG
161 Laplace, P. S. de Traite de Mecanique Celeste II 382 1798 F-G;P-F,fd.;G
162 Laplace, P. S. de Traite de Mecanique Celeste III 328 1802 F-G; VP-P, fd.; G
163 Laplace, P. S. de Traite de Mecanique Celeste IV 388 1805 F-G;P,fd..G
164Laplace, P. S. de Traite de Mecanique Celeste V, Paris 428 1825 F-G,f.a.d.;VP;G
118 Laplace, P. S. de Exposition du Systeme du Monde I334 1808 F, f.a.d.; P; G
Exposition du Systeme du Monde II 3rd ed, Paris 422 1808 F, f.a.d.; P; G
159 Laplace, P. S. de Theorie Analytique des Probabilites 3rd ed, Paris 770 1820 F-G; F-G; G
53 Laplace, P. S. de A Treatise of Celestial Mechanics I, Dublin 290 1822 P-F;P;F-G,unt.
143Laplace, P. S. de The System of the World I 522 1830 P;P;F-G,unt.
144 Laplace, P. S. de The System of the World II, Dublin 544 1830 P, f.d., r.a.d.; VP; F-G, unt.
139 Lardner, D. The Elements of the Theory of Central Forces, Dublin. 142 1820 P; P; P-F, unt.
138 Lardner, D. A System of Algebraic Geometry I, London 570 1823 EP, r.m., f.d.; EP; P-F, unt.
18 Lardner, D. An Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus, London. 556 1825 VP, f.d.; P; VP, unt.
32 Lardner, D. Popular Lectures on the Steam Engine, ...2nd ed, London 176 1828 F,f.a.d.;P,sl.fd.;F,unt.
195 Legendre, A. M. Exercises de Calcul Integral sur Divers Ordres de Transcendantes et sur les Quadratures, Paris. 388 1811 m; m; P, disc., unt.
136 Liagre, J Note sur l'Erreur Probable d'un passage observe a la lunette meridienne de l'Observatoire Royale de Bruxelles 12 P; P; F
(Bound with Etudes d' Astronomie Stellaire by F. G. W. Struve)
26 Little, J. Conjectures on the Physical Causes of Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Dublin, 94 1820 F, f.d.; EP; G
22 Little, J. An Explanation of the nature and properties of Logarithms, Dublin. 254 1830 P; F, fd.; G
20 Lloyd, H. A Treatise on Light and Vision, London 434 1831 P; VP, a.d., fd.; G, unt.
23 Lloyd, H. Elementary Treatise on the Wave-Theory of Light 2nd ed, London. 220 1857 G; F, fd.; G
44 Lloyd, H. A Treatise on Magnetism, General and Terrestrial, London 256 1874 G;G,fd.;G
62 Long, R. Astronomy, in five books I 380 1742 F-G;VG; G
63 Long, R. Astronomy, in five books II, Cambridge 390 1764 F-G;G;G
45 Loomis, E. An Introduction to Practical Astronomy, with a collection of Astronomical Tables, New York498 1855 F-G, d.. P-F sl.fd.. G
33 Loomis, E. A Treatise on Meteorology, with a collection of Meteorological Tables, New York 306 1868 VP; VP fd. VG
111 Lubienietz, S. de Theatrum Cometicum, 994 1668 P-F, d.;P-F, d.; G
Historia Cometarum, 474 1666 P-F, d.; P-F, d.; G
Theatri Cometici Exitus 84 1668 P-F, d.; P-F, d.; G
149 Maclaurin, C. An Account of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophical Discoveries,London 436 1748 P-F;F;F-G
24Maclaurin, C. A Treatise of Algebra 2nd ed, London 442 1756 VP,a.d.;VP;G
30 Maddy, W. The Elements of the Theory of Plane Astronomy, Cambridge 282 1826 VP, r.m.; m.; G, unt.
136 Mahmoud Observations et Recherches sur l'Intensite Magnetique et sur ses Variations, Bruxelles 23 1854
(Bound with Etudes d' Astronomie Stellaire by F. G. W. Struve)
19 Maseres, F. Tracts on the Resolution of Cubick and Biquadratic Equations, London. 600 1803 VP , f.a.d. ; P, fd. ; G
16 Maskelyne, N. Maskelyne's Tables 3rd ed 274 1802 G;F-G;G
36 Mathers, P. The Great and New Art of Weighing Vanity, Glasgow 52 1672 F;F;G
(Bound with Scriptores Optici by C. Babbage)
61 Mayer, T. Theoria Lunae juxta Systema Newtonianum, 60 1767 G; F-G; G
Tabulae Motuum Solis et Lunae Novae et Correctae, 144 1770 G; F-G; G
Tabulae Solares, London. 134 G; F-G; G
175 Mendoza y Rios, J. de A Complete Collection of Tables, for Navigation and Nautical Astronomy II 425 F,a.d.;VP,fd.;F-G
95 Modell, D. De Borace Nativa, a Persis Borech dicta, dissertatio, London 36 1747 VP,a.d.;VP;P-F,unt.
(Bound with Observationum et Animadversionum Chymicarum by J. H. Pott)
59 Montucla, J. E. Histoire des Mathematiques, I674 1758 F;F-G;G
60 Montucla, J. E. Histoire des Mathematiques, II, Paris682 1758 F-G; G; VG
17 Neville, J. Hydraulic Tables, Coefficients and Formulae. .. London 240 1853 G; G; G
29 Newton, I. Opticks : 4th ed, London 388 1730 VP f.d. r.a.d.; P; G
150 Newton, I. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica I580 1760 F;F-G:G ' ,
151 Newton, I. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica II 422 1760 F;F-G;G
27 Nichol, J. P. Views of the Architecture of the Heavens238 1837 G; F; VG
73 Nichol, J. P. Views of the Architecture of the Heavens, Edinburgh 238 1837 F-G; F-G; F-G
79 Nichol, J. P. Contemplations on the Solar System 2nd ed, Edinburgh230 1844 G; G; G
136 Palmiere, L. Annali del Real Osservatorio Meteorologico Vesuviano 3
(Bound with Etudes d'Astronomie Stellaire by F. G. W. Struve)
178 Pearson, W. An Introduction to Practical Astronomy: I560 1824 G; G, sl.fd.; VG
179 Pearson, W. An Introduction to Practical Astronomy: II 732 1829 G; G, fd.; VG
180 Pearson, W. Plates for Vol. II of Practical Astronomy, London 31 pI 1828 G; F-G; G
177 Piazzi, G. Praecipuarum Stellarum in Errantium Positiones Mediae, Panormi 209 1814 P-F; P, fd.; G
193 Piazzi, G. Lezioni Elementari di Astronomia ad uso del Real Osservatorio di Pa1ermo I. 262 1817 m; EP; P-G, unt.
194 Piazzi, G. Lezioni Elementari di Astronomia ad uso del Rea1 Osservatorio di Pa1ermo II 454 1817 m; EP; P-G, unt.
176 Plana, J. Observations Astronomiques faites en 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, Turin 702 1828 F; F-G, fd.; F, unt.
106 Plana, J. Theorie du Mouvement de la Lune I 818 1832 G; G; G
107 Plana, J. Theorie du Mouvement de la Lune II 874 1832 G; G; G
108 Plana, J. Theorie du Mouvement de la Lune III, Turin 862 1832 G; G; G
69 Poisson, S. D. Traite de Mechanique I 538 1811 P-F; P; G
Traite de Mechanique II, Paris 530 1811 P-F; P; G
95 Pott, J. H. Observationum et Animadversionum Chymicarum, Ber1in 122 1741 VP,a.d.;VP;P-F,unt.
103 Prony, G. deLecons de Mecanique Analytique, Paris860 1815 F-G; F; G
136 Quetelet, A. Observatoire de Bruxelles, Rapport sur Travaux de l'Observatoire 1843 8 1844
Rapport sur l'Academie Roya1e 1842-1843 12 1843
Rapport sur les Phenomenes Electrique 4
Rapport sur les Tremblements de Terre 4 1843
Sur l'Electricite Naturelle des Corps 6
Observatoire de Bruxelles, Rapport sur Travaux de l'Observatoire 1852 16 1853
Sur la Vegetation des Plantes 12
Observatoire de Bruxelles, Rapport sur Travaux de l'Observatoire 1856 9 1856
Meteorologie Nautique 8
(All bound with Etudes d'Astronomie Stellaire by F. G. W. Struve)
136 Quetelet, E. Des Observatoires du Nord de l'Allemagne 26
Occultation de Jupiter par la Lune 2 1857
Note sur la Determination de la Declinaison et de l'Inclinaison Magnetiques a Bruxelles 5 1857
(All bound with Etudes d'Astronomie Stellaire by F. G. W. Struve)
36 Rabuel, R. P. C. De Quelques Figures de Verres, Lyon 92 1730
(Bound with Scriptores Optici by C. Babbage)
89 Raper, H. The Practice of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy 2nd ed, London 760 1842 P;F-G,a.d.;VG
80 Robison, J. A System of Mechanical Philosophy I 724 1822 P. VP; F, unt.
81 Robison, J. A System of Mechanical Philosophy II 718 1822 P;VP;F,unt.
82 Robison, J. A System of Mechanical Philosophy III 804 1822 P;P;F,unt.
83 Robison, J. A System of Mechanical Philosophy IV, Edinburgh 684 1822 P; VP. F, unt.
136 Ronalds, F. Descriptions de quelques instruments meteorologiques et magnetiques, Paris68 1855 P; P; F
(Bound with Etudes d'Astronomie Stellaire by F. G. W. Struve)
87 Sawitsch, A. Abriss der Practischen Astronomie, I428 1850 f. VG, r. F-G; G; VG
Abriss der Practischen Astronomie, II, Hamburg 472 1851 f. VG, r. F-G; G; VG
74 Schellen, H. Die Spectra1ana1yse, Erde, Himmelskorper I 534 1883 VG;VG;VG
75 Schellen, H. Die Spectra1analyse, Erde, Himmelskorper II 468 1883 VG. VG. VG
181 Schellen, H. Atlas zu : Die Spectralanalyse, Braunschweig 16 pl 1883 G; VG; G
36 Schootenii, F. Notae ad Praecedentem Partem Geometriae R. des Cartes, 5
(Bound with Scriptores Optici by C. Babbage)
196 Shepherd, A. Tables for Correcting the Apparent Distance of the Moon and a Star from the effects of Refraction and Parallax, Cambridge 1124 1772 P,d.;P;VG
187 Smedley, E. Encyclopaedia Metropolitana; 2nd div. II Mixed Sciences, London516 1830 G; G; VG
Electro-Magnetism (P. Barlow) 40
Electricity (F. Lunn) 132
Galvanism (P. M. Roget) 52
Heat (F. Lunn) 116
Chemistry (F. Lunn) 176
171 Smith, R. A Compleat System of Opticks I 294 1738 P-F,f.d.;P;F-G
172 Smith, R. A Compleat System of Opticks II, Cambridge 359 1738 P-F,a.d.;P-F;G
140 Souchon, A. Traite d'Astronomie Pratique, Paris 494 1883 G-VG;G-VG,fd.;VG
148 South, J. Clock's Daily Rate 12 1858 F
147 Stack, J. A Short System of Optics, 2nd ed, Dublin 190 1811 P;VP;P,unt.
145 Stevenson, T. Lighthouse Illumination, London 130 1859 F; P; G, unt.
168 Struve, F. G. W. Catalogus Novus Stellarum Duplicium et Multiplicium, Dorpat 142 1827 P-F, f.d.; P; G
203 Struve, F. G. W. Stellarum Duplicium et Multiplicium Mensurae Micrometricae, Petropoli .524 1837 P; EP; G
136 Struve, F. G. W. Etudes d'Astronomie Stellaire, St. Petersbourg 168 1847 P; P; F
202 Struve, F. G. W. Stellarum Fixarum Imprimis Duplicium et Multiplicium, Petropoli 644 1852 P, f.d.; VP , a.d.; VG, sl. disc.
170 Struyck, N. Vervolg van de Beschryving der Staartsterren, Amsterdam 1881753 F-G; F; G
Nader Ontdekkingen 216
169 Taylor, M. A Sexagesimal Table, London 364 1780 P-F;F-G,sl.fd.;VG
183 Taylor, M. Tables of Logarithms of all Numbers, from 1 to 101000, London 524 1792 P;P;G
146 Thomson, J. An Introduction to the Differential and Integral Calculus, Belfast 248 1831 P, a.d.; VP; P-F, unt.
200 Turner, E. Elements of Chemistry, 5th ed, London 1086 1834 f.d., f. VP, r.m.; m; G, unt.
189 Tyndall, J. Papers by J. Tyndall 423 P;P;P-G
Magneto-Optic Properties of Crystals (J. Tyndall and H. Knoblauch)33 1850
Phenomena of a Water Jet 7 1851
On the Laws of Magnetism 31 1851
On Diamagnetism and Magnecrystallic Action 24 1851
On the Polarity of Bismuth, 12 1851
Reports on the Progress of the Physical Sciences 12 1852
Reports on the Progress of the Physical Sciences 9 1852
On the Existence of a Magnetic Medium in Space 4 1855
The Polymagnet 7 1855
On the Currents of the Leyden Battery 4 1855
On the Relation of Diamagnetic Polarity to Magnecrystallic Action 13 1856
Comparative View of the Cleavage of Crystals and Slate Rocks 14 1856
Observations of Glaciers. 8 1857
Remarks on Ice and Glaciers. 6 1859
On the Veined Structure of Glaciers 7 1859
On the Influence of Magnetic Force on the Electric Discharge 5 1860
Lecture on Experimental Physics 15 1861
On the Physical Basis of Solar Chemistry 10 1861
On Force 10 1862
On the Conformation of the Alps, No.1. 8 1862
On the Conformation of the Alps, No.2. 17 1864
On the Absorption and Radiation of Heat by Gases and Vapours, 39 1861
On the Absorption and Radiation of Heat by Gaseous Matter (2nd Memoir) 45 1862
On Radiation through the Earth's Atmosphere 5 1863
Remarks on an Article Entitled "Energy" in 'Good Words' 5 1863
An Account of some Researches on Radiant Heat 4 1863
Remarks on Professor Tait's last letter to Sir David Brewster 3 1863
On the Passage of Radiant Heat through Dry and Humid Air 11 1863
Contributions to Molecular Physics 8 1864
On a Magnetic Experiment 7 1864
Notes on Scientific History 27 1864
On Luminous and Obscure Radiation 13 1864
173 Vince, S. A Treatise on Practical Astronomy, Cambridge 204 1790 P,a.d.;VP;VG
113 Vince, S. The Elements of Astronomy: 2nd ed, 252 1801 P-F, a.d.; P-F; G
Cause of Gravitation from Mechanical Principles, 26 1806
The Principles of Hydrostatics: 3rd ed, Cambridge 120 1806
114 Vince, S. A Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry; 2nd ed, 148 1805
The Elements of the Conic Sections, 3rd ed, Cambridge 48 1805
(Both bound with The Elements of Algebra by I. Wood)
115 Vince, S. The Principles of Fluxions: 3rd ed, Cambridge 248 1805
(Bound with The Elements of Optics by I. Wood)
136 Wartmann, L.-F. Notice sur les Etoiles Filantes (Bound with Etudes d'Astronomie Stellaire by F. G. W. Struve)7 1838
137 Whewell, W. An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics I, Cambridge 370 1819 VP; VP; F, unt.
119 Whewell, W. History of the Inductive Sciences I 476 1837 G; G; VG
120 Whewell, W. History of the Inductive Sciences II 548 1837 G; G; VG
121 Whewell, W. History of the Inductive Sciences III, London 636 1837 G; G; VG
136 Winnecke, A. Observations Meridiennes de Mars (Bound with Etudes d'Astronomie Stellaire by F. G. W. Struve)9 1862 P; P; F
134 Wolfers, J. P. Tabulae Reductionum Observationum Astronomicarum annis 1860 usque ad 1880, Berlin 348 1858 G; G, sl.fd.; VG
208 Wollaston, F. A Specimen of a General Astronomical Catalogue, 272 1789 P; P; G
113 Wood, J. The Principles of Mechanics 3rd ed, Cambridge (Bound with The Elements of Astronomy by S. Vince)200 1803
115 Wood, J. The Elements of Optics 2nd ed, Cambridge 252 1801 P-F, f.a.d.; P-F; G
114 Wood, J. The Elements of Algebra 4th ed, Cambridge 304 1806 P-F,f.a.d.,r.d.;P-F;F-G
135 Woodhouse, R. A Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, London 212 1809 F-G;F,fd.;G
141 Woodhouse, R A Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 3rd ed, Cambridge 272 1819 P; P; F, unt.
142 Young, T. A Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy, London 194 1802 P,a.d.;EP;P,unt.
131 Zach, F. X. von Nouvelles Tables d'Aberration, 190 1812 P-F;P-F;G
Supplement aux Nouvelles Tables d' Aberration, Marseille l00 1813
130 Zach, F. X. von L'Attraction des Montagnes, Avignon 736 1814 P-F;P-F,fd.;G-VG
132Zeller, E. Die Philosophie der Griechen, Leipzig 796 1868 G;P-F,fd.;G
25 Tables de Logarithmes Nouv. ed, Paris 424 1798 P;P;G
31 Memorial Topographique et Militaire Redige au Depot General de la Guerre, Paris 184 1802 F,f.a.d.;VP,fd.;G
136 Pantheon de l'lndustrie, Paris (Bound with Etudes d'Astronomie Stellaire by F. G. W. Struve)22 1855

Last Revised: 2010 March 4th