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Дата изменения: Thu Oct 15 09:39:20 1998
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 20:59:34 2012

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IAJ: Instructions to Authors

Instructions to Authors

These summary notes deal with the preparation and submission of manuscripts for the Irish Astronomical Journal. The Journal publishes significant research results which have not been previously published or general features of astronomical interest. The general types of papers are outlined in the information found on the inside front cover of each issue. The editors reserve the right to classify submitted manuscripts according to these conditions. Questions concerning style or content of submissions or requests for the full instructions can be directed to the editorial office.


The Irish Astronomical Journal accepts papers and articles written in English only. To avoid unnecessary delays authors are advised to follow the IAJ's accepted format and to pay particular attention to the style as illustrated in this recent issues, i.e. in preference to earlier styles employed prior to Volume 22. Words and acronyms must be explicitly defined in parentheses after their first use.

The Journal reserves the right to subject submitted papers to peer review depending on content. Authors will be informed immediately of any such action.


The submitted manuscript must preferably be computer-generated, or, if absolutely necessary, shorter papers are acceptable type-written on single-sided good-quality A4-sized paper (the text of type-written papers being double-spaced, and three copies of the type-written paper must be submitted). All figures, tables and photographs must be loose-leaved and provided in triplicate. If italics, bold face or special symbols (e.g. mathematical formulae) are required these must be clearly indicated on all copies of the manuscript.

In addition papers may be submitted on an IBM compatible 3-inch diskette containing a plain ASCII format file version of the manuscript. Please note that the diskette file should not contain any form of formatting or be software dependent. For example, any editor can be used to produce the file, but carriage-returns must be hardwired and no other control sequences must appear. Sectioning of the text should be indicated by appropriate numbering, main section titles being in capitals. The Journal is produced using LaTeX macros and therefore authors who are familiar with this system can provide suitable commands for the correct formatting of sections, subsections, tables, figures, equations, italics, bold face or mathematical fonts. These should not be contained in the submitted electronic version of the manuscript; the manuscript should act as a guide for our typesetting the unformatted electronic version. The editors will accept in lieu of diskettes the submission of text by electronic mail to the Journal's email address. Paper copy of the manuscript should follow as soon as possible. Please remember to also supply a postal address, and possibly a contact Telephone and TeleFAX number.

On completion the paper should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief at the editorial address and mailed under hard-cover including the diskette, figures and manuscript in triplicate. A covering note is not essential but would help administratively.


Title page

A separate title page should preceed the main body of the submitted paper. This title page should include the following information in the order given.

  1. The initial(s) and name(s) of the author(s) in the style and order in which they will appear in the Journal.
  2. If required a subtitle may be included but this must be clearly indicated as such. Series of papers must be numbered consecutively from 1 using roman numerals. Only papers published in the IAJ can form part of a numbered series of papers.
  3. The complete postal address of each author including any zip or post code. An author's address should follow their name rather than being indicated by a numeral or other symbol. Where possible email addresses should also be given.
  4. Footnotes, acknowledgements and/or affiliations pertaining only to the title must follow the authors and addresses.
  5. A running title of not more than 35 characters must be given which will form part of the Journal page header. If no running title is given for a paper one will be chosen by the Editors.


The text should begin with a concise summary of the main content, results and conclusions of the paper entitled ABSTRACT. In certain cases, for example, in some historical articles, a summary may not be required.

Sections should be numbered consecutively with arabic numerals and subsections numbered 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc, and then 1.1.1, 1.1.2 etc. Main sections should be titled in capitals and subsections in lower case. Papers should begin with an introduction and end with a conclusion followed by acknowledgements (if appropriate), citation list, figure captions, table captions and footnotes.


All artwork, whether line-drawings, greyscales, computer-generated diagrams or photographs, must be original copies. Figures should be submitted in triplicate on good-quality A4-sized paper (or equivalent). Monochrome figures only. All figures should display their figure number on the reverse of all copies as well as an unambiguous quotation of their associated caption.

Figures submitted for the IAJ should be of good quality to ensure clear and accurate reproduction. Most figures will be reproduced in the Journal's two-column format and authors should be aware of the amount of reduction that will be necessary to achieve this size. If resolution of the figure at this size is severely effected then reproduction may be possible as a single-column figure. Dashed or dotted line types can become particularly confusing on reduction. Where possible lines and text in all figures should be sufficiently bold and sized to allow the possibility of reduction to two-column format. Authors should be particularly aware of the frequent problems encountered by technical editors in the size of labels on axes.

All figures should have concise captions supplied on a separate page in double-spaced format. Figures should be numbered consecutively with arabic numerals and referred to as ``Figure 4" etc. Figures in appendices must be numbered with the same scheme as the main body of the text.


Tables should preferably be supplied within the text itself NOT as camera-ready copy. The submitted manuscript should display correctly the orientation of columns and rows but the electronic version should contain no formatting commands. Vertical lines are not used in tables and each column must have its own heading. Quantities listed should be unambiguously declared, their first letter capitalized and the unit of measurement placed in parentheses below. References given in tables should be found in the citation list and not accompany the table itself.

All tables should have concise captions supplied on a separate page in double-spaced format. Tables should be numbered consecutively with arabic numerals and referred to as ``Table 4" etc. Tables in appendices must be numbered with the same scheme as the main body of the text.


Equations should be typed if possible and symbols unambiguously declared where confusion may arise. Equations should not be given within sentences of the text (small terms may be used) and large equations should be marked where the most appropriate line-breaks occur. Displayed equations should be numbered with arabic numerals on the right and referred to as ``Equation 4" etc. Care is requested in the choice of breaks in equations (and the position of numbering) bearing in mind the IAJ's double-column format.


All sources of reference must be quoted in papers, including work in progress. For unpublished works the only acceptable terms of reference are (private communication), (preprint), (in preparation), (submitted) and (in press). These must not appear in the main body of the text and should be referred to the citation list. References should be made in the main body of the text by giving the surname (family name) of the first author and the date of publication. This must be enclosed entirely in parentheses unless the reference forms part of the sentence, in which case the date only must be parenthesised. Note that there should be no comma before the date. Please check the style in IAJ Vol.22, No.1.

Papers by two authors should be given as the names of both authors separated by an ampersand (&) followed by the date. Papers by more than two authors should be given as the name of the first author followed by et al. (which is italicized) and the date. Two or more citations given together should be separated by a semicolon (;).

If two or more papers by the same author are given together the name is given once followed by the dates separated by a comma. Papers by the same author in the same year should be distinguished be appending the letters a,b,c... successively as required.

The citation list must follow the main body of text, ordered alphabetically by first author (and by initial, for two authors of the same name). Multiple entries with a single authorship must be listed in chronological order, and entries with the same authorship and date must be listed in order of their appearance in the text (see above). Entries should be listed as follows:

  1. Name(s) followed by initials of the author(s). A space must be left between name and initials and between initials. A comma is placed between authors except for the final author name which is separated by an ampersand (&). If there are more than six authors give the name and initials of the first author followed by a comma and et al. (in italics).
  2. The year of publication of the references must be preceeded and followed by a comma. The year may be followed by a distinguishing character as mentioned above.
  3. Short title of the periodical. Table 1 lists the more common abreviations used in the astronomical literature.
  4. Volume number in arabic numerals (with series number, where appropriate, following in parentheses).
  5. The beginning page number of the reference followed by a full-stop (period).
Ann. Rev. of Astron. and Astrophys. ARA& A
Astronomy and Astrophysics A& A
(The) Astronomy and Astrophysics Review A& AR
Astronomy and Astrophysics Suppl. Series A& AS
(The) Astronomical Journal AJ
(The) Astrophysical Journal ApJ
(The) Astrophysical Journal Letters ApJL
(The) Astrophysical Journal Suppl. Series ApJS
Astrophysics and Space Science Ap& SS
(The) Irish Astronomical Journal IAJ
Monthly Notices of the R. Astron. Soc. MNRAS
Mon. Not. of the Astron. Soc. of S. AfricaMNASSA
Proc. of the Astron. Soc. of Australia PASA
Publ. of the Astron. Soc. of Japan PASJ
Publ. of the Astron. Soc. of the Pacific PASP
Quarterly J. of the R. Astronomical Soc. QJRAS
Table 1: Commonly used abbreviations of astronomical journals

© 1995-1998 Irish Astronomical Journal, Downshay, 12 Heather Lea Avenue, Dore, Sheffield S17 3DJ, S. Yorkshire, United Kingdom

WWW Contact: Alastair G Gunn
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