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Дата изменения: Fri Aug 30 16:56:01 2013
Дата индексирования: Fri Feb 28 03:15:01 2014

Поисковые слова: jet

Astronomy Websites for Schools

If link does not open please copy the URL and paste into the address bar of
your browser and hit Enter.

|Armagh Observatory |http://www.arm.ac.uk |
|Armagh Planetarium |http://www.armaghplane|
| |t.com |
|UNAWE International |http://www.unawe.org/ |
|UNAWE UK |http://uk.unawe.org/ |
|UNAWE Educational Material |http://www.unawe.org/r|
| |esources/education/ |
|UNAWE Activity Sheets - upcoming area of |http://www.unawe.org/r|
|website - may not be live yet |esources/activities/ |
|Our Creativity video |http://star.arm.ac.uk/|
| |~lmk/Armagh-Observator|
| |y-CreativityNI.mp4 |
|Universe in a box activity book, don't |http://www.unawe.org/r|
|forget zip file has the images to use |esources/education/Uni|
| |verse_in_Box_activityb|
| |ook/ |
|Kepler/NASA information - exoplanet |http://kepler.nasa.gov|
|counter in gold bar |/education/ |
|BBC Stargazing LIVE |http://www.bbc.co.uk/t|
| |v/features/stargazing/|
| |star-guides.shtml |
|Armagh Observatory FETTU Posters |http://star.arm.ac.uk/|
| |fettu/ |
|Moon phase worksheet |http://sciencenetlinks|
| |.com/media/filer/2011/|
| |10/14/moon_worksheet.h|
| |tml |
|Paper plate resources |http://www.enchantedle|
| |arning.com/crafts/star|
| |s/ |
|ESA for younger kids: follow Paxi |http://www.esa.int/esa|
| |KIDSen/LifeinSpace.htm|
| |l |
|ESA Materials - online |http://www.esa.int/Edu|
| |cation |
|ESA Education |http://www.esa.int/SPE|
| |CIALS/Lessons_online/i|
| |ndex.html |
|NASA Mars Rover Curiosity: latest info |http://mars.jpl.nasa.g|
| |ov/msl/news/whatsnew/ |
|UFO paper bowl craft for kids |http://www.daniellespl|
| |ace.com/html/outer-spa|
| |ce-crafts.html#paperpl|
| |ateufo |
|Heavens Above, configure your location |http://www.heavens-abo|
|"From Database" on page that opens and |ve.com |
|save as your home location | |
|Beautiful time Lapse of ISS journey over |http://vimeo.com/61487|
|Earth |989 |
|Views from the International Space |http://topdocumentaryf|
|Station (ISS) |ilms.com/around-the-wo|
| |rld-in-90-minutes/ |
|IAU Origin of the Constellations |http://www.iau.org/pub|
| |lic/constellations/ |
|Details of the night sky each month |http://www.jodrellbank|
| |.manchester.ac.uk/astr|
| |onomy/nightsky/nskyaug|
| |12.html |
|Send your school message into space in |http://uk.eu-unawe.org|
|2013!!! |/updates/gathering/ |
|NASA Kids |http://www.nasa.gov/au|
| |dience/forkids/kidsclu|
| |b/flash/index.html |
|Keep up with Kepler discoveries with NASA|http://www.nasa.gov/mi|
| |ssion_pages/kepler/mai|
| |n/index.html |
|NASA Picture of the Day index |http://apod.nasa.gov/a|
| |pod/lib/aptree.html |
|NASA Picture of the Day archive |http://apod.nasa.gov/a|
| |pod/archivepix.html |
|UNAWE DIY Solar System, icosahedrons |http://www.unawe.org/a|
| |ctivity/eu-unawe1328/ |
|Scholastic, buy books or download very |http://education.schol|
|useful worksheets |astic.co.uk/search/sea|
| |rch?age_type=&log=t&no|
| |w=query&search%5Bquery|
| |%5D=space&search%5Bsec|
| |tion_id%5D= |
|Irish Astronomical Association |http://irishastro.org.|
| |uk/ |
|Astronomy Ireland |http://astronomy.ie/ |
|Aurora alerts to your email |http://aurorawatch.lan|
| |cs.ac.uk/alerts |
|BBC Universe Through Time poster |http://downloads.bbc.c|
| |o.uk/tv/stargazinglive|
| |/sgl_universe_through_|
| |time.pdf |
|Eclipse table - Sun and Moon |http://eclipse.gsfc.na|
| |sa.gov/eclipse.html |
|Hubble Space Telescope Gallery |http://hubblesite.org |
|Nine Planets, general audience |http://nineplanets.org|
|information | |
|Planet factsheet from NASA |http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa|
| |.gov/planetary/factshe|
| |et |
|NASA young astronomers |http://starchild.gsfc.|
| |nasa.gov/docs/StarChil|
| |d/StarChild.html |
|What is Aboriginal Astronomy? |http://www.atnf.csiro.|
| |au/research/Aboriginal|
| |Astronomy/whatis.htm |
|DCAL NI Learning Strategy |http://www.dcalni.gov.|
| |uk/quick_links-dcal_le|
| |arning_strategy |
|Discover Science and Engineering (DSE) |http://www.discover-sc|
| |ience.ie/ |
|DSE links with ESERO |http://www.discover-sc|
| |ience.ie/programmes-an|
| |d-audiences/esero-and-|
| |dse |
|Mars Rover Landing Video |http://www.jpl.nasa.go|
| |v/video/index.php?id=1|
| |090 |
|Nursery Age Star Movie - slow to download|http://star.arm.ac.uk/|
| |~mdp/IYA-beyond/news/u|
| |niverse-awareness/nurs|
| |ery-astronomy-mov.mov |
|Word search generators |http://tools.atozteach|
| |erstuff.com/word-searc|
| |h-maker/wordsearch.php|
|BBC's Explore the solar system |http://www.bbc.co.uk/s|
| |cience/space/solarsyst|
| |em |
|Children's University Manchester - |http://www.childrensun|
|Astronomy |iversity.manchester.ac|
| |.uk/interactives/scien|
| |ce/earthandbeyond/ |
|Near Mars Comet October 2014 |http://science.nasa.go|
| |v/science-news/science|
| |-at-nasa/2013/26mar_ma|
| |rscomet/ |
|Ideas from other countries |http://www.guardian.co|
| |.uk/teacher-network/20|
| |12/sep/28/teaching-edu|
| |cation-ideas-from-othe|
| |r-countries?newsfeed=t|
| |rue&utm_source=buffer&|
| |buffer_share=77254 |
|Stellarium, the sky at your location - |http://www.stellarium.|
|downloadable |org |
|Royal Astronomical Society |http://www.ras.org.uk/|
|Teacher's Pet (currently ё12 per year |http://activities.tpet|
|subscription) |.co.uk/#/Search/space |
|Music inspired by Astronomy |http://aer.aas.org/res|
| |ource/1/aerscz/v11/i1/|
| |p010303_s1?view=fullte|
| |xt |
|Monty Python Galaxy Song |http://dingo.care2.com|
| |/cards/flash/5409/gala|
| |xy.swf |
|Geogentric explanation |http://en.wikipedia.or|
| |g/wiki/Geocentric_mode|
| |l |
|Solar eclipses visible from UK to 2090 |http://en.wikipedia.or|
| |g/wiki/List_of_solar_e|
| |clipses_visible_from_t|
| |he_United_Kingdom_AD_1|
| |000-2090 |
|BBC Sky at night |http://www.bbc.co.uk/p|
| |rogrammes/b006mk7h |
|BBC Moore Marathon |http://www.bbc.co.uk/p|
| |rogrammes/b006mk7h/cli|
| |ps |
|Plough - cultural stories |http://www.bbc.co.uk/p|
| |rogrammes/p00cydkv |
|Orion - stars in the constellation |http://www.bbc.co.uk/p|
| |rogrammes/p00fd2qx |
|Transit of Venus in June 2012 |http://www.dailymail.c|
| |o.uk/sciencetech/artic|
| |le-2155140/Transit-Ven|
| |us-2012-Spectacular-se|
| |en-time-2117.html?ito=|
| |feeds-newsxml |
|Pictures from just after Big Bang |http://www.dailymail.c|
| |o.uk/sciencetech/artic|
| |le-2156273/Amazing-new|
| |-pictures-moments-foll|
| |owing-Big-Bang.html |
|More advanced lectures for parents and |http://www.gresham.ac.|
|teachers |uk/professors-and-spea|
| |kers/professor-ian-mor|
| |ison |
|National STEM Centre - you may have to |http://www.nationalste|
|register free |mcentre.org.uk/elibrar|
| |y/resource/1922/birth-|
| |of-the-solar-system |
|STEM Centre, mass, gravity etc. |http://www.playbacksch|
| |ools.org.uk/programme/|
| |3020/ks2-science-force|
| |s-mass-weight-and-grav|
| |ity |
|Science News Daily: Life from space? |http://www.sciencedail|
| |y.com/releases/2012/09|
| |/120924144751.htm |
|Women in Astronomy - from the past |http://www.sheisanastr|
| |onomer.org/index.php/h|
| |istory |
|Women in Astronomy - modern Day |http://www.sheisanastr|
| |onomer.org/index.php/p|
| |rofiles |
|Black Hole event 2013 and other videos |http://www.space.com/1|
| |6332-milky-way-black-h|
| |ole-eats-gas-cloud-com|
| |ing-2013-video.html |
|Constellations and Astrology etc. |http://en.wikipedia.or|
| |g/wiki/Sidereal_and_tr|
| |opical_astrology |
|FORA.tv a conference channel with over |http://fora.tv/search_|
|100 astronomy videos |video?q=astronomy |
|Gravity question and video |http://science.howstuf|
| |fworks.com/environment|
| |al/earth/geophysics/qu|
| |estion232.htm |
|NASA Trading Cards |http://solarsystem.nas|
| |a.gov/multimedia/downl|
| |oads/SSE_trading_card.|
| |pdf |
|Armagh Observatory Annual Report |http://star.arm.ac.uk/|
| |annrep/annrep2012/annr|
| |ep2012_small.pdf |
|BBC Scientists - Galileo |http://www.bbc.co.uk/s|
| |cience/space/solarsyst|
| |em/scientists/galileo_|
| |galilei#p006hq3n |
|ESA videos |http://spaceinvideos.e|
| |sa.int/Videos/2013/08/|
| |Did_you_know_How_often|
| |_do_astronauts_wash_th|
| |eir_clothes_in_space |
|CLEAPSS H&S etc. use your UK school's |http://www.cleapss.org|
|membership password |.uk/ L198 Earth in |
| |Space KS2 and safe |
| |observing of Sun PS17 |
|Mars crater |http://www.dailymail.c|
| |o.uk/sciencetech/artic|
| |le-2156466/Meteor-carv|
| |ed-30-mile-crater-Mars|
| |-reveals-buried-layers|
| |-carved-ancient-water-|
| |flows.html |
|Posters |http://www.daydreamedu|
| |cation.co.uk |
|A day in the life of European Southern |http://www.eso.org/pub|
|Observatory ESO |lic/outreach/50years/w|
| |ebcast.html |
|"Good sites for Kids" |http://www.goodsitesfo|
| |rkids.org/Astronomy.ht|
| |m |
|International Projects |http://www.guardian.co|
| |.uk/teacher-network/20|
| |12/sep/24/internationa|
| |l-collaboration-curric|
| |ulum-learning/print |
|International Astronomical Union (IAU) |http://www.iau.org/pub|
|Defining our place in the cosmos |lic/place_in_cosmos/ |
|Met Office weather conditions for |http://www.metoffice.g|
|observing |ov.uk/ |
|For real?!! |http://www.newyorker.c|
| |om/online/blogs/borowi|
| |tzreport/2013/02/house|
| |-science-committee-que|
| |stions-existence-of-me|
| |teors.html |
|STFC - download or order materials |http://www.so.stfc.ac.|
| |uk/publications/publor|
| |derform.aspx#PSA |
|STFC Public Engagement |http://www.stfc.ac.uk/|
| |1360.aspx |
|Teachit Primary UK (can do free |http://www.teachitprim|
|registration) |ary.co.uk/index.asp?Cu|
| |rrMenu=1405 |
|Silicon Valley Astronomy Lectures |http://www.youtube.com|
| |/SVAstronomyLectures/ |
|Comet ISON |http://science.nasa.go|
| |v/science-news/science|
| |-at-nasa/2013/18jan_co|
| |metison/ |
|"Babies are born scientists" |http://nsf.gov/news/ne|
| |ws_summ.jsp?cntn_id=12|
| |5575&org=NSF&from=news|
| |&utm_source=buffer&buf|
| |fer_share=3e565 |
|Were the Aboriginal Australians the |http://www.atnf.csiro.|
|world's first astronomers? |au/people/rnorris/pape|
| |rs/_n217.pdf |
|World Space Week 4-10th October |http://www.worldspacew|
| |eek.org/wsw/index.php |
|XEphem - Astronomical software |http://www.clearskyins|
| |titute.com/xephem/ |
|KS2 Resources from Royal Obs Greenwich |http://www.rmg.co.uk/s|
| |chools/royal-observato|
| |ry/classroom-resources|
| |/key-stage-2/ |
|RTE interview Irish Scientists at CERN |http://www.rte.ie/news|
| |/special-reports/2013/|
| |0718/463278-irish-scie|
| |ntists-at-cerns-cuttin|
| |g-edge/ |
|Children chatting with an ISS astronaut |http://www.youtube.com|
| |/watch?v=BzKVPnmI-8Q |

Reccomendations from ESERO Ireland:

Online resources for Primary Teachers linked to the
International Space Station (ISS) Education Kit

Section 1 : Gravity, the earth & the moon
. Discover Primary Science & Maths (DPSM) Gravity Activity
. Weightlessness/Free-Fall animation-
. DPSM Cosmic Collisions
. Greenwave - what is spring?
. Met Eireann Education Resources http://www.met.ie/education
. The earth & the moon (Orrery) Stargazing Live
. Make a Moon Watch Flip book
. DPSM The moon, craters and meteorites
. DPSM - How big is the moon?
. Scale Models : Playdoh : Playdoh Earth and Moon

Section 2 : Being an Astronaut and travelling to Space
. DPSM Make your own hovercraft
(Note: we have found that using bluetak is just as effective as glue
for this activity)
. DPSM Aeroplanes
. DPSM Rockets (note foam rockets will be added soon)
. The NASA Rocket Educator's Guide
. Mission V Train Like an Astronaut
http://trainlikeanastronaut.org/mission-data a physical education
linked series of activities - with maths and space an integral part.
. Eggnaut - bring your astronaut (egg) safely back to earth!
. European Astronauts http://www.esa.int/esaHS/eurastronauts.html
. Timeline of space exploration

Section 3 : On Board the ISS
. Building the ISS - DPSM Design a bridge
. DPSM Amazing Triangles
. DPSM Satellites & Reflection
. Earth Observation http://www.esa.int/esaEO/index.html
. DPSM Astronomy & Football
. Receipt roll/cash register (Pocket) Solar System is at:
. Calulate relative size & distance to the Sun of all the planets in the
Solar System http://www.exploratorium.edu/ronh/solar_system/
. The 3-D Big Dipper / Plough is at the American Museum of Natural
History Site: http://clccomet.wikispaces.com/file/view/3DConst.pdf
. Make a Star Wheel (planisphere)

. Make a star finder: http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/starfinder/
. Use this model of the Milky Way and other galaxies to indicate
relative distances to other galaxies. A Universe of Galaxys is at:
. Observing the sun safely

Section 4 : Living in Space
. Daily schedule for crew of ISS
. Where/when to see the ISS : Heavens Above (printable sky map, times of
sunrise and sunset, ISS spotting) http://www.heavens-above.com/
. Flash for the Mars Rover Driving
. Little Green Martians http://www.athena.cornell.edu/kids/home_08.html
. Mars Express http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Mars_Express/index.html
. Daily updates and images from Mars Rover Curiosity

Other useful links/references
. http://spacemath.gsfc.nasa.gov/
use with caution - the suggested American grade levels are not good
matches, and some of the language used in the sheets is too advanced.
Great use of visuals though.
Kindergarten - aged 5, will turn 6; 1st grade - 6 yrs; 2nd grade - 7
yrs; 3rd grade - 8 yrs; 4th grade - 9 yrs; 5th grade - 10 yrs; 6th
grade - 11 yrs, so grades are a near enough match for classes-but the
grade references are not always suitable
. Night Sky Network - wonderful searchable list of activities:
. Black Holes is at: http://nightsky.jpl.nasa.gov/download-
. Galaxy Zoo, Moon Zoo and Ice Hunters: http://www.galaxyzoo.org/
http://www.moonzoo.org/ http://www.icehunters.org/ all linked,
require free registration.
. Astronomy Picture of the Day http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/
. Multimedia imagery
. Hubble images http://hubblesite.org/gallery/
. Daily images of the sun
. Aboriginal: http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/rnorris/papers/_n217.pdf