OASES Out-of-this-World Experience: coming soon!
The Armagh Rhymers and Armagh Observatory welcome you to the fourth stage of the OASES programme: a visit to the Armagh Planetarium on Friday 12 November!
This event is officialy registered as part of Science Week 2010, wich this year has the special theme òÀÜOur Place in SpaceòÀÝ
10:00 Arrival at the Armagh Planetarium
10:15 òÀÓ 10.45 Planetarium show (group I) and exhibition area (group II)
10.50 òÀÓ 11.20 Planetarium show (group II) and exhibition area (group I)
11.25 òÀÓ 12.00 OASES Workshop (in the Copernicus room)
12.00 òÀÓ 12.45 Lunch (students and teachers should bring in packed lunches)
13.00 òÀÓ 14.00 StudentsòÀÙ Performance of the songs learnt during the OASES project
Armagh Rhymers Show
Science Week Mini-Quizzes
Methamagical Show
Prize giving for the OASES poem competition
Buses leave at 14.15
Participating Schools:
Monaghan Collegiate School, Monaghan
Lisanally Special School, Armagh
St. MaryòÀÙs Primary School, Granemore
Hardy Memorial Primary School, Richhill
St. James Primary School, Drumate
Darkley Primary School, Darkley
Royal Preparatory School, Armagh
Scoil Mhuire, Clontibret