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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Apr 1 14:09:45 2014
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From: TerryMoselat signaol.com

Subject: Lectures, Newsflash, ISS, Yuri's Night, GAM, MAC, COSMOS, MARS, More events

Date: 1 April 2014 00:25:18 BST

Hi all,


1.ÒšÒšIRISH ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION Public Lecture, April 2, 7.30pm:ÒšÒšÒš

ÒšDr STEVE MYERS CEng FREng FInstP FEPS FAPS:Òš"The LHC and the Discovery of the Higgs Boson". The IAA is delighted to announce thatÒšour lecture on April 2 for Global Astronomy MonthÒšwill be given by Dr Steve Myers, Director of Accelerators at CERN. Dr MyersÒšis a graduate of QUB where he did Engineering, and went on to be head of the section of CERN dealing with all the big particle accelerators, including the LHC. In other words, without him, they wouldn't have discovered the Higgs Boson!

ÒšÒš Dr Myers was recently recognised with the award of an OBEÒšin the Queen's Birthday Honours for his major contribution to the research at CERN. Professor John Womersley, Chief Executive at STFC, said: "Steve Myers is the man who made the Large Hadron Collider work ò?? as CERN's head of Accelerators and Technology, he was responsible for delivering the particle beams to the ATLAS and CMS experiments, which the scientists then used to discover the Higgs Boson in 2012. Without his vision and hard work, none of this would have been possible."

ÒšÒš See: https://www.stfc.ac.uk/2743.aspxÒšand

http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/06/14/dr-stephen-myers-higgs-obe_n_3441856.html, and



ÒšÒšÒš The LHC is absolutely huge - 27km in circumference. But if you think that's big, see this: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/02/07/cern-future-circular-collider_n_4743551.html?utm_hp_ref=uk-tech&ir=UK+Tech. I'm sure that Dr Myers will be able to give us some insight into the plans for this ginormous machine.

These may also be of interest: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/03/140321095331.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fspace_time+%28Space+%26+Time+News+--+ScienceDaily%29, and

https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/news-articles/0314/200314-UCL-open-letter-to-Daily-Mail, and


ÒšÒšÒš And with the discovery of Gravitational Waves,Òšmodern physicsÒšmarches on!ÒšÒš

See also: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/03/140319115307.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Ftop_news%2Ftop_technology+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Top+Technology+News%29

Òš The lectureÒšis free and open to all, including free refreshments.ÒšVenue: the Bell Lecture Theatre, Physics Building, Queen's University, Belfast, at 7.30 p.m.Òš

ÒšÒš We expect the lecture theatre to be full, so come early to get a good seat. And please sit close together so that we can fit everyone in!

ÒšÒš Thanks to the Astrophysics Research Centre, QUB, for help in hosting these lectures.

(This lecture forms part of the IAA's participation in National Astronomy Week)


2. NEWSFLASH: Exclusive - Planetary Nebulae to be re-named.

This is the first public exposure of this news!

ÒšÒš All astronomers know that Planetary Nebulae have absolutely nothing to do with planets: the name is an unfortunate legacy from the 19th century when poorer quality telescope optics failed to resolve these objects properly, making them look like planets.ÒšThe best known exampleÒšis probably the Ring Nebula, M57, in Lyra.

Òš With theÒšauthority of Sir William Herschel behind the original appellation, no-one dared to change it, even when it became obvious that these objects are in fact shells of gas given off by certain stars at a late stage in their evolution. But it has been recognisedÒšthat the time has come to drop that inappropriate and misleading name, and come up with something more accurate.

ÒšÒš Part of the impetus for this change came from the IAU's decision to officially rename Pluto and Ceres as 'Dwarf Planets'.ÒšNow a new name for these objectsÒšhas alsoÒšto be found.

Òš Spokesperson OlafÒšPirolÒšsaid "Now is an appropriate time to get rid of this anomaly and give these fascinating and often beautifulÒšobjects a more appropriate name."

Òš An obvious one would be 'Shell Stars", but this name is already applied to the Gamma Cassiopeia variables (GCAS): see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_star.

Òš Favourites so far include "Circumstellar Shells" as this is the simplest andÒšmost accurate description, because theÒšname in fact applies to the surrounding gas, rather than the star itself. Another one being considered is "Shell nebulae" which has the advantage of retaining the term 'nebula'. Or they could be combined into Circumstellar Shell Nebulae: this isÒšlonger*, but could be abbreviated to "CSN".

Òš If agreement cannot be reached, the final decisionÒšwill probablyÒšbe taken via a vote among theÒšprofessional astronomical community.

ÒšÒšRemember, you read it here first!

*Precedences for other long names, usually referred just by their abbreviations, are AGB: Asymptotic Giant Branch (stars) and AGN: Active Galactic Nucleus.



3. ISS: The International Space StationÒšcontinues itsÒšseries of morning passes over Ireland until April 02. Then evening passes will commence on April 6. ThereÒšwill be an excellent pass on the evening of 12 April; which is very appropriate for the date: see below. Details of all passes for your own locationÒšon www.heavens-above.com.


4. Yuri's Night: 12 April. Marking 53 years since the first human flight into space.

Free Evening event at BCO, Cork. Contact CIT Blackrock Castle Observatory, Castle Road, Blackrock, Cork, Ireland. T: +353 (0) 21 432 6124| www.bco.ieÒšfor details

ÒšÒš A nice way to mark Yuri's Night anywhere in Ireland is to observe a very favourable pass of the ISS that evening. Details from Heavens-Above.

12 April. ISS: Maximum magnitude -3.0. Times below are Summer Time.

Start 10ÒÀ upÒšin WSW: Time about 21.45, depending on your location

Max: 50+ÒÀ up in South, about 21.48

Ends: about 22ÒÀ up in ESE, at about 21.52.

ÒšÒš The ISS is now the size of a football field, weighsÒšover 410Òštons, and has now orbited the Earth about 82,000 times andÒštravelled more than 2 billion miles. I wonder what Yuri would have made of that?


5.ÒšÒšTrip to Newgrange: - this was a great success: We are already trying to plan another one for the autumn, or possible next year.


6. Global Astronomy Month, April 2014:

See http://astronomerswithoutborders.org/global-astronomy-month-2014.html


7. MAC Lecture:Òš"How I Built My Observatory": Presented by Mr. Jason Fallon, MAC Chairperson, on Tuesday April 1st in Clonamore House Hotel, Tullamore,Òšat 8pm. Jason built a very intuitive, low cost and low maintenance observatory in his backyard, and this talk will show any budding DIY Observatory enthusiasts how it CAN be done. All are welcome to attend, members are free, non-members ò??2.


8. COSMOS 2014.Òš This will be held from 4-6ÒšApril,Òš in theÒšShamrock Lodge Hotel in Athlone. www.tullamoreastronomy.com/pages/cosmos-2014.php

There is a full programme ready with 9 EXCELLENT speakers, air-powered rocket launches, exhibits, observing and LOADS more throughout the weekend!Òš

ÒšÒšÒš This year, Midlands Astronomy Club is lucky to have sponsorship from Ktec Telescopes (www.ktectelescopes.ie), and we thank them for their support of COSMOS 2014.

The programme of events (timetable only) can be viewed on our website: www.midlandsastronomy.com

Registration:ÒšFriday evening from 7:30pm, Saturday and Sunday mornings from 9:30am.

Prices:ÒšAll this and much more is available to everyone. The following are the admission rates:

Weekend: ò??30; Day (Sat or Sun): ò??20; Friday only: ò??5

Children under 12 remain free WITH an accompanying, paying adult(s).

Cosmic Dinner (Saturday Night from 7:30pm):ÒšThis will have limited places but will have greater availability than in previous years. Price and menu will be available for consideration from Friday of the weekend if not beforehand.

Cosmos Table Quiz (Saturday from 9:00pm):ÒšThis will be held following the tea/coffee serving after the Cosmic Dinner. It is FREE, part of the programme and open to all visitors, not just those of the dinner. There will be, of course, the annual Cosmos Table Quiz trophies to be won!

Rocket Launches:ÒšThis is where you will get to have some fun with your own model rocket - made from a pop bottle (1.5lt to 1.5lt kind) and launches from a compressed air-powered launch pad! Get creative, make as many as you want, and even add up to additional bottles as boosters. The launch pad will in fact be bale to launch 4 rockets simultaneously.

Accommodation: There is a discount for attendees staying in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel. All you need to do is tell them you are attending.

This promises to be our BIGGEST Star Party yet. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Competition!ÒšAlso, check out the advert that appeared in 1 of 8 regional newspapers offering a competition to win some great prizes! Other newspapers include Westmeath Independent, Cavan Anglo Celt, Meath Chronicle, Offaly Independent, and the Leinster Express.

There is also a competition on our Facebook page too: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Midlands-Astronomy-Club/177773508924371

Both are with thanks for Ktec Telescopes for their kind prizes sponsorship.


9.ÒšÒšMars at Opposition on 8 April: Mars will be closest to Earth this year in the first half of April, and so best placed for viewing. It lies in Virgo, not far from bright blue-white Spica. At opposition it will have brightened to a spectacular -1.5, and with a diameter of 15.1ò??, you can see reasonable detail in a good telescope, if the seeing is steady. The North Pole of the planet is tilted towards Earth, at an angle of 21Û?, but the polar cap is likely to be barely visible in the Martian summer. It will be 242 million km from the Sun, but only 93m km from Earth.


10: Planetary Formation Seminar, 9 April, UCD:

Wednesday, 9th April 2014 ò?? 4pm: From disks to planets: a long and difficult journey. Speaker: Prof Antonella Natta, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies and Arcetri Observatory, Florence, Italy.ÒšOrganiser: UCD School of PhysicsÒšVenue: UCD Science Centre North, Room 128Òš

ÒšÒš Abstract: Young starsÒšform as the result of the collapse of a high density "core" within a molecular cloud. Due to angular momentum conservation, the young protostar is surrounded by a rotating disk of gas and dust particles. The disks live much longer than the core and keep accreting matter onto the central star through most of the pre-main sequence evolution of the star. During this time planets form, and we believe that their propertiesÒšare related to the physicalÒšstructure of the disk and its evolution in time.

ÒšÒš In this talk I will review someÒšof the current research on disks and planet formation.Òš After a brief description of the basic properties of protoplanetary disks, I willÒštalk aboutÒšthe accretion properties and the accretion/ejection mechanisms that control the disk dynamics.

ÒšÒš I will then discuss the mechanisms that form planets via core accretion, the observational evidence for planet formation during the disk lifetime andÒšthe challenge of understanding the underlying physics. Òš


11.ÒšIAA AGM: 16 April: The meeting will be followed by a 'Bring & Buy' for all your wanted, and unwanted, astronomy items, from Altaz mounts to Zerodur mirrors; and aÒš'Telescope Fixits' session - bring your problem scope in and we'll try to fix it for you.

TheÒšmeetingÒšis free and open to all, including free refreshments, but only current IAA members can take part in the official business of the AGM.ò??ÒšVenue: the Bell Lecture Theatre, Physics Building, Queen's University, Belfast, at 7.30 p.m.Òš


12. IAA Event atÒšN. Down Museum, Bangor, 3 May: Mars and Stars, ~6.30 p.m. After last year's very successful IAA event there, we have been invited back for another evening, on 3 May. More details in future bulletins.


13. Major Astronomy Conference in Galway;Òš Speed and Sensitivity,ÒšExpanding Astronomical Horizons with ELTs.ÒšNUI, Galway, 13-16 May 2014

ÒšLed by Prof Andy Shearer: this will be a fascinating look at the future of astronomy as offered by Extremely Large Telescopes, and ever increasingly sensitive detectors. See www.astro.nuigalway.ie/speeadandsensitivityÒšor www.htra.ie/speedandsensitivity

With reference to this, these articles may be of interest: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2580965/New-space-race-begins-Astronomers-compete-build-generation-super-telescopes-reveal-hidden-universe.htmlÒš It doesn't say here what the diameter of the E-ELT will be: it was originally to be 42m (the answer to the ultimate question about 'Life, The Universe, and Everything" was "42"), but it was later scaled back to a still huge 39m.ÒšBut how can any science journalist refer to a roughly circular mirror as 'thirty meters long'?

andÒš http://nautil.us/issue/11/light/the-billion_dollar-telescope-race


14. STFC Roadshow at QUB, 17 - 24 May. Note that this event will now start 2 days earlier, and finish one day earlier, than in previous emails. The revised dates are as shown above. The roadshow, entitled "Seeing the Universe in all its light" features stunning science images and interactive exhibits,ÒšÒšÒšCheck the `Seeing the Universe in All its Lightò?? webpage at:www.stfc.ac.uk/2740Òš


15.ÒšStatutory Public Lecture of the School of Theoretical Physics,Òš19 May.Òš

ÒšÒšThe 2014 Statutory Public Lecture of the DIAS School of Theoretical Physics will take place on Monday 19th May (time tbc) in UCD. The lecture entitled ò??Are Brains Analog or Digital?ò?? will be given by Professor Freeman Dyson, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.

ÒšÒš This FREE lecture is not strictly astronomical, but Prof Dyson is well known in the field of cosmology and fundamental physics. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeman_Dyson.

ÒšÒš ABSTRACT: We know that creatures like us have two separate systems for processing information, the genome and the brain. We know that the genome is digital, and we can accurately transcribe our genomes onto digital machines. We cannot transcribe our brains, and the processing of information in our brains is still a great mystery. I will be talking about real brains and real people, asking a question that will have practical consequences when we are able to answer it. I am not able to answer it now. All I can do is to examine the evidence and explain why I consider it probable that the answer will be that brains are analog.

ÒšÒšÒš Location: Theatre D, UCD Science Hub, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. Building 64 on map: http://www.ucd.ie/maps/2013/UCD_Map_August_2013.pdf




Solarfest 2014 is now confirmed for Saturday 21st June. Further details will be posted here in due course:



17. INTERNATIONAL METEOR CONFERENCE, 2014Òš Thursday September 18 till Sunday 21 September 2014, Giron, France.ÒšGiron is a small village located in the south of the Jura Mountains close to Geneva. The region is easily reachable by air (Geneva or Lyon airport), by train (TGV high speed train from Paris and InterCity trains from Geneva railway station) and by car (highway A40 Lyon-Chamonix). Part of the attraction for this event is that a free visit to CERN is included in the price!ÒšSee http://www.imo.net/imc2014.



http://www.space.com/25272-mars-one-colony-red-planet-simulators.html?cmpid=556792. I'm all in favour of exploring Mars, but I'll bet Ò?1000 with anyone who wants to take it on that there won't be human footprints on Mars by 31 December 2025! Any takers?


Òš http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/03/20/are-there-other-universes_n_4998800.html?utm_hp_ref=uk-tech&ir=UK+Tech

Òš http://aolbroadband.welcomescreen.aol.co.uk/video/famous-buildings-go-dark-for-earth-hour/518177406/Òšand

Òš http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2592304/Lights-everyones-Thousands-cities-towns-world-join-big-switch-annual-green-campaign-Earth-Hour.html

Òš http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2590868/Vince-Cable-man-MARS-No-hes-just-unveiling-red-planet-simulator-Stevenage-teach-future-rovers.html

Òš http://www.space.com/25264-star-trek-axanar-fan-film-kickstarter.html?cmpid=556791ÒšMay the (funding) Force be with you!

Òš http://life.time.com/history/lunar-module-from-models-to-the-moon/#end

Òš http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2593295/The-sun-action-Footage-solar-flare-35-times-size-EARTH-help-scientists-develop-protection-planet.html

Òš http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2591860/UFO-secret-fighter-jet-The-mysterious-triple-triangle-craft-pictured-flying-Texasre.htmlÒšObviously not a 'UFO' - no advanced alien craft would be burning kerosene for propulsion, giving the vapour trail!





Òš https://medium.com/looking-up/5c29e5477a99

First sightings of solar flare phenomena confirm 3D models of space weather

Òš http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/03/140327101325.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Ftop_news%2Ftop_science+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Top+Science+News%29

Astronauts hearts become more spherical in space:

Òš http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/03/140329175106.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Ftop_news%2Ftop_technology+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Top+Technology+News%29

Hubble sees Mars-bound comet sprout multiple jets

Òš http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/03/140327111504.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fspace_time+%28Space+%26+Time+News+--+ScienceDaily%29


19. TWITTER:ÒšFollow theÒšIAAÒšon Twitter: New details to be announced soon.


20. NEW LINK! JOINING the IRISH ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION is easy: This link downloads a Word document to join the IAA. http://documents.irishastro.org.uk/iaamembership.doc

ÒšÒš ÒšIf you are a UK taxpayer, please tick the 'gift-aid' box, as that enables us to reclaim the standard rate of tax on your subscription, at no cost to you.ÒšYou can also make aÒšdonation via Paypal if you wish: just click on the 'Donate' button.ÒšÒšSee also www.irishastro.org.Òš


Finally,Òšin tribute to the late great John Dobson, a quote from him which is typical of the man, and very appropriate:Òš "If you figure something out for yourself, it doesn't make no never-mind who figured it out first, it's yours."


Clear skies,

Terry Moseley

mob: (0044) (0) 7979 300842

I'm now back on Twitter (occasionally - I don't have enough time!), after some temporary hiccups: at signterrymoseley2
