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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Mon Jul 21 13:40:42 2008
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 04:25:00 2012

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: arp 220

From: TerryMoselat signaol.com

Date: 18 July 2008 23:19:30 BST

Subject: ASTEROID McDonald, ISS, HST Images, Research posts


Hi all,


1.á Congratulations to Dave McDonald of Kildare who has just been honoured by the IAU by having an asteroid named after him. Dave is a very keen astronomer, specialising in seriousá CCD imaging, and it's a very well deserved honour. He's now (21782) davemcdonald.á See http://astrophotoweather.smfforfree4.com/index.php/topic,66.msg303.html#msg303á for full details. And thanks to John McConnell for nominating him.


2. The ISS is now making a series of passes over Ireland, occurring both late in the evenings, and early in the mornings, e.g. about 23.50 tonight, and 01.25 and 03.00 tomorrow morning. Details for your location, and other phenomena such as Iridiumá Flares,á at the very useful, free, www.heavens-above.com


3. HST IMAGES at Armagh Planetarium A.P. has unveiled some of the most fantastic astronomical images ever taken with the Hubble Space Telescope. The new images form part of the 'Earth to the Universe' exhibition at Armagh, with the images framed in gothic arches to create the Armagh Celestial Cathedral.

á á  Three new European Space Agency models are also now on display at the Planetarium. These are scaled replicas of the Integral, XMM Newton and SMART-1 spacecraft.

Details from: Robert Hill, Northern Ireland Space Office, Armagh Planetarium, College Hill, Armagh,á 

Northern Ireland.á 

4.á Research posts:


A. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Star Formationá (DIAS):á 

Applications are invited for a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship in the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies to work in the Star Formation Group. This is a Science Foundation Ireland funded project supporting the

international Gould Belt Survey (www.cfa.harvard.edu/gouldbelt) to be undertaken by a

number of ground-based and space-based facilities including Spitzer, UKIRT, Herschel, APEX and JCMT.

á á  Ideally the appointed person will have experience in infrared or mm observational astronomy in the context of star formation. Further details can be obtained from Prof Tom Ray (trat signcp.dias.ie) to whom inquiries should be directed. A CV, and the names of three referees, should be sent to Eileen Flood (efloodat signcp.dias.ie) by 31st August 2008.


B. Department of Experimental Physics, National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Assistant Lecturer/Lecturer in Experimental Physics, (Three-Year Contract Post) (Two Posts)

See webpage: http://humanresources.nuim.ie/Exper.shtml for details.

Crö©idhe O'Sullivaná  á  á  á  á  á  á  |á  e-mail: creidhe.osullivanat signnuim.ie

Dept. ofá  Physicsá  á  á  á  á  á  á á  |á  Tel:á  +353-1-7083953

NUI Maynoothá  á  á  á  á  á  á  á  á  á  |á  Fax: +353-1-7083313

Maynooth, Co. Kildareá  á  á  á  á á  |á  http://physicsresearch.may.ie/main.shtml



Clear Skies,


Terry Moseley
