Capabilities and samples
Chirp ionosonde ionogram
for various ionosphere sounding
Irkutsk IS radar experimental data samples:
IS Radar capabilities
The Irkutsk IS radar has the opportinuty to measure several ionospheric plasma
parameters such as electron density Ne, electron and ion
temperatures Te, Ti, and drift plasma velocity along the
sounding direction. The observations are carried out in accord with the international
geophysical calendar on which days of coordinated IS radar observations
are marked by the symbol "+".
Measured data are represented in text files form with experiment characteristics
and measured values of parameters, or in the CEDAR database standard format
which can be found on Millstone Hill observatory site.
Electron density measurements are usually carried out in the height interval
160-800 km. The low radar measurement limit is constrained due to earth surface
Due to the same reason, the low height for Te and Ti is restricted
to 240 km (the difference here due to the long sounding impulse).
To the 1999-2001 data we have added the E-layer ionosphere model to electron
concentration profile, which has been constructed by integral concentration
from the ionosphere beginning from 160 km obtained from experiment.
After the radar registration system modernization in 2001 year, we are planning
to develop a primary processing algorithm which would give us an opportunity to
exclude local reflection effects from the IS signal and thus to carry out measurements
in the ionospheric E-layer.