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Professor Igor Ya. Erukhimovich



 Invited Chapters and Conference Proceedings

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(E) English translation available

(R) Russian version only available

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Ph. D. Thesis: Some Problems in Statistical Theory of Concentrated Polymer Systems. 1979 (R).

D. Sc. Thesis: Weak Supercrystallization and Other Fluctuation Effects in Flexible Concentrated Polymer Systems of Complex Architecture, 1994 (R).



  1. On Cyclization in Formation of Network Structures, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich, V.I.Irzhak, V.G.Rostiashvili. Vysokomol.Soyed., 1976, 18B, 7, 486. (R)
  2. On Concentration Dependence of Expansion Factor of Weakly Non-Gaussian Macromolecules by I.Ya.Erukhimovich, V.I.Irzhak, V.G.Rostiashvili. Vysokomol.Soyed., 1976, 18A, 7, 1470 (E)
  3. A Molecular Model of Glassing Linear Polymers, by V.G.Rostiashvili, I.Ya.Erukhimovich, V.I.Irzhak, B.A.Rosenberg. Vysokomol.Soyed., 1977, 19A, 3, 541 (E)
  4. The Methods of Diagram Technique in the Statistical Theory of Concentrated Polymer Solutions, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich. A manuscript deposited in VINITI (All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information) by N 2145 -77 of June 2, 1977, 36p. (R)
  5. Deviation of the Equilibrium Molecular Mass Distribution from the Flory Distribution due to Intrachain Interaction, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich. Vysokomol.Soyed., 1977, 19A, 10, 2388. (E)
  6. On the Equilibrium Size Distribution of Complex Cycles of Given Topology, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich. Vysokomol.Soyed., 1978, 20A, 1, 114. (E)
  7. On Size and Some Structural Characteristics of Moderately Cross-Linked Long Polymer Chains, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich. Vysokomol.Soyed., 1978, 20B, 1, 10 (R)
  8. Equilibrium Molecular Mass Distribution of Dilute Solution of Polymer in Good Solvent, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich. Vysokomol.Soyed., 1978, 28B, 6, 4370 (R)
  9. Molecular Model of Isothermal Volume Relaxation of Polymeric Glasses, by V.G.Rostiashvili, I.Ya.Erukhimovich, V.I.Irzhak, B.A.Rosenberg. Vysokomol.Soyed., 1978, 20A, 7, 1458. (E)
  10. Rayleigh Scattering and Fluctuation Correlations in Marcovian Polymeric Systems, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich. Polymer Science USSR, 1979, 21, 2, 470. (E)
  11. The Rayleigh Scattering by Two-component Noncompressible Systems in the Process of Three-Dimensional Polymerisation, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich and B.A.Letuchy. Polymer Science USSR, 1979, 21, 6, 1394.
  12. On the Procedure of Direct Calculation of Critical Indices for a Polymer Chain, by A.Yu.Grosberg, I.Ya.Erukhimovich, A.R.Khokhlov. Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 1979, 249, 2, 346.
  13. On the Direct Renormalization Group Procedure for a Polymer Chain, by A.Yu.Grosberg, I.Ya.Erukhimovich, A.R.Khokhlov. Phys. Lett., 1980, 78A, 2, 163.
  14. A Theoretical Analysis of Cooperative Binding of Cations of Metals with Serum Albumin and g -Globulin, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich, A. P. Bondareva, M. A. Landau. Zh.fiz.khim., 1981, 55, 470.
  15. On DNA Compactization in Diluted Polymeric Solutions, by A.Yu.Grosberg, I.Ya.Erukhimovich, E.I.Shakhnovich. Biofizika, 1981, 26, 3, 415.
  16. On the Theory of DNA Compactization in Polymeric Solutions, by A.Yu.Grosberg, I.Ya.Erukhimovich, E.I.Shakhnovich. Biofizika, 1981, 26, 5, 897.
  17. On the Theory of y -Condensation, by A.Yu.Grosberg, I.Ya.Erukhimovich, E.I.Shakhnovich. Biopolymers, 1982, 21, 12, 2413.
  18. Fluctuations and Formation of Domain Structure in Heteropolymers, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich, Polymer Science U.S.S.R., 1982, 24, 9, 2223-2232 (Vysokomol.Soyed., 1982, 24A, 9, 1942-1949).
  19. Influence of Chemical Structure of Two-Component Melts of Heteropolymers on the Formation of Domain Structure, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich. Polymer Science U.S.S.R., 1982, 24, 9, 2232-2241 (Vysokomol.Soyed., 1982, 24A, 9, 1950-1957).
  20. A Theoretical Analysis of Cooperative Binding of Small Molecules with Macromolecules. 2. Calorimetric Curves, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich and M.A.Landau, Zh.fiz.khim., 1985, 59, 2, 457.
  21. Formation of a Kinetically Stable Domain Structure during Spinodal Decomposition of Binary Polymer Mixtures, by V.S.Mitlin, L.I.Manevich and I.Ya.Erukhimovich. Sov.Phys.JETP, 1985, 61, 2, 495.
  22. Structural Phase Transitions in Solutions of Weakly Charged Polyelectrolytes, by V. Yu. Borue and I.Ya.Erukhimovich. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1986, 286, 6, 1373.
  23. Non-Exponentional Density Relaxation and the Dynamic Form-factor of Polymer Melts in the Reptation Regime, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich and A.N.Semenov, Sov.Phys.JETP, 1986, 63, 1, 149-157 (Zh.Eksp. Teor.Fiz., 90, 1, 259-275).
  24. The Theory of Diffusional Relaxation of Composition in Polydisperse Polymer Melts, by A.N.Semenov and I.Ya.Erukhimovich. Vysokomol.Soyed., 1986, 28A, 10, 2031.
  25. A Statistical Theory of Weakly Charged Polyelectrolytes: Fluctuations, Equation of State and Microphase Separation, by V.Yu.Borue and I.Ya.Erukhimovich. Macromolecules, 1988, 21, 3240.
  26. ÿoalescence of Fine Dispersed Metallic Colloids as a Macroscopic Manifestation of a Specific Transport of a Metal's Ions, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich, B.S.Kogan, Z.R.Ulberg. Biofizika, 1989, 33, 1, 77.
  27. Influence of Chemical Structure of Two-component Melts of Heteropolymers on the Formation of Domain Structure. Phase Diagrams of Asymmetric Tribloc- and Graft Copolymers, by A.V.Dobrynin and I.Ya.Erukhimovich. Vysokomol.Soyed., 1990, 32B, 9, 663. (R)
  28. Influence of Chemical Structure of Two-component Melts of Heteropolymers on the Formation of Domain Structure. Phase Diagrams of Polyblock- and Graft Copolymers, by A.V.Dobrynin and I.Ya.Erukhimovich. Vysokomol.Soyed., 1990, 32B, 10, 743. (R)
  29. Influence of Chemical Structure of Two-component Melts of Heteropolymers on the Formation of Domain Structure. Phase Diagrams of Star Copolymers, by A.V.Dobrynin and I.Ya.Erukhimovich. Vysokomol.Soyed., 1990, 32B, 11, 852. (R)
  30. A Statistical Theory of Globular Polyelectrolyte Complexes, by V.Yu. Borue and I.Ya.Erukhimovich. Macromolecules, 1990, 23, 15, 3625.
  31. A Theory of Weak Crystallization of Two-component Melts of Heteropolymers of Complicated Chemical Structure: Fluctuation Effects, by A.V.Dobrynin and I.Ya.Erukhimovich, Vysokomol.Soyed., 1991, 33A, 5, 1100.
  32. Fluctuation Theory of Weak Crystallization in Disordered Heteropolymer Systems, by A.V.Dobrynin and I.Ya.Erukhimovich. JETP Letters, 1991, 53, 11, 570-572 (Pis'ma Zh.Eksp. Teor.Fiz., 53, 11, 545-547 (10 June 1991)).
  33. Weak Crystallization and Structural Phase Transitions in Weakly Charged Polyelectrolyte Systems, by A.V.Dobrynin and I.Ya.Erukhimovich, Sov.Phys.JETP, 1991, 72, 4, 751-759 (Zh.Eksp. Teor.Fiz., 99, 4, 1344-1359).
  34. Fluctuation Effects in the Theory of Weak Supercrystallization in Block Copolymer Systems of Complicated Chemical Structure, by A.V.Dobrynin and I.Ya.Erukhimovich, J.Phys.II (France), 1991, 1, 1387.
  35. Conformations of Molten Diblock Copolymer's Macromolecules near the Point of Microphase Separation Transition, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich and A.V.Dobrynin, Macromolecules, 1992, 25, 4411.
  36. Computer-Aided Comparative Investigation of Architecture Influence on Block Copolymer Phase Diagrams, by A.V.Dobrynin and I.Ya.Erukhimovich, Macromolecules, 1993, 26, 276-281.
  37. Conditions for the Existence of a Glass Phase in Disordered Systems Described by a Weak-Crystallization Hamiltonian of a General Type, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich and A.V.Dobrynin, JETP Lett., 1993, 57, 2, 125-129 (Pis'ma Zh.Eksp. Teor.Fiz.,57, 2, 116-120 (25 January 1993)).
  38. Phase Diagram of Disordered Systems Described by a Generalized Weak Crystallization Hamiltonian, by A.V.Dobrynin and I.Ya.Erukhimovich, JETP 1993, 77, 2, 307-314 (Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 1993, 104, 2, 2838-2852).
  39. New class of systems exhibiting microphase separation: polymer blends with nonlocal entropy of mixing, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich and A.R.Khokhlov, Macromolecules, 1993, 26, 7195-
  40. Microphase Separation in Polymer Systems: New Approaches and New Objects, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich and A.R.Khokhlov, Polymer Science, 1993, 35, 11, 1522-1531 (Vysokomol. Soyed., 1993, 35A, 11, 1808-1818).
  41. Microphase Separation in Poor-Solvent Polyelectrolyte Solutions: Phase Diagram, by E.E.Dormidontova, I.Ya.Erukhimovich, A.R.Khokhlov, Macromol.Theory& Simul. 1994, 3, 661-675.
  42. A Statistical Theory of Polydisperse Block Copolymer Systems under Weak Supercrystallization, by I.Erukhimovich and A.V.Dobrynin, Macromol.Symp., 1994, 81, 253-315.
  43. Phase Diagram for Microphase Separation in Poor Solvent Polymer Solutions by E.E.Dormidontova, I.Ya.Erukhimovich and A.R.Khokhlov, Colloid &Polymer Science, 1994, 272, 11, 1486-1497.
  44. Fluctuation Theory of Random Copolymers, by A.V.Dobrynin and I.Ya.Erukhimovich, J.Phys.I (France), 1995, 5, 3, 365-377.
  45. Statistical Theory of Sol-Gel Transition in Weak Gels, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich, JETP, 1995, 81 (3) 553-566 (Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 1995, 108, 3(9), 1004-1030).
  46. Gyroid Symmetry and Phase Diagram of Weak Crystallization, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich, JETP Letters, 1996, 63, 6, 459-463 (Pis'ma Zh.Eksp. Teor.Fiz., 63, 6, 436-440 (25 March 1996)).
  47. Microphase Separation in Correlated Random Copolymers, by H.Angerman, G. ten Brinke and I.Erukhimovich, Macromolecules, 1996, 29, 9, 3255-3262.
  48. Microphase Separation in Star Block Copolymers of Styrene and Isoprene. Theory, Experiment and Simulation, by G.Floudas, S.Pispas, N.Hadjichristidis, T.Pakula and I.Erukhimovich, Macromolecules, 1996, 29, 11, 4142-4154.
  49. Equilibrium Nano-Structures in Poor Solvent Polymer Solutions near Glass Transition Temperature, by E.E.Dormidontova, I.Ya.Erukhimovich and A.R.Khokhlov, Macromol. Symp., 1996, 106, 103-117.
  50. Microphase Separation in Correlated Random Copolymers, by H.Angerman, G. ten Brinke and I.Erukhimovich, Macromol.Symp., 1996, 112, 199-206.
  51. Microphase Separation in Model 4-Miktoarm Star Copolymers of the AB3 Type, by G.Floudas, N.Hadjichristidis, Y.Tselikas and I.Erukhimovich, Macromolecules, 1997, 30, 3090-3096.
  52. Numerical Investigation of the Spinodal Decomposition Dynamics on Large Times, by E.V.Prostomolotova, I.Ya. Erukhimovich and L.I.Manevich, Polymer Science, Ser.A, 1997, 39(6), 1014-1020.
  53. A New Approach to Theory of Spinodal Decomposition, by I.Ya. Erukhimovich and E.V.Prostomolotova, JETP Letters, 1997, 66 (6), 463-469.
  54. Microphase Separation in Ternary ABC Block Copolymers: Ordering Control in Molten Diblock Copolymers by Attaching a Short Strongly Interacting C Block, by I.Erukhimovich, V.Abetz and R.Stadler, Macromolecules, 1997, 30, 7435-7443.
  55. On Lyotropic Behavior of Molecular Bottle-Brushes: a Monte Carlo Computer Simulation Study, by M.Saariaho, I.Szleifer, I.Erukhimovich, O.Ikkala and G. ten Brinke, J.Chem.Phys., 1997, 107 (8), 3267-3276
  56. Stabilization of Polymer Blend Structure by Diblock Copolymer, by I. Erukhimovich, E.N.Govorun and A.D.Litmanovich, Macromol.Theory Simul.1998, 7 (2), 233-239.
  57. Fluctuation Correction for Correlated Random Copolymers, by H.Angerman, G. ten Brinke and I.Erukhimovich , Macromolecules 1998, 31 (6), 1958-1971.
  58. Toward to the Statistical Theory of Associating Telechelics: The Equilibrium Molecular-Structural Distribution Near the Gelation Point, by A.V.Ermoshkin and I.Ya.Erukhimovich, Polymer Science, Ser.A, 1998, 40(5) 435-442.
  59. A New Approach to the Theory of Spinodal Decomposition in Polymer Blends, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich and E.V.Prostomolotova, Polymer Science, Ser.A, 1998, 40(5) 435.
  60. Contribution to Statistical Theory of Polymer Solutions in Critical Solvent, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich, JETP, 1998, 87 (3), 494-504.
  61. Localization Transition of Random Copolymers at Interfaces, by Semjon Stepanow, Jens-Uwe Sommer, and Igor Ya. Erukhimovich, Phys.Rev.Lett., 1998, 81, 4412.
  62. Static Structure Factor and Chain Dimensions in Polymer Blends with Non-Local Mixing Entropy, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich, A.R.Khokhlov, T.A.Vilgis, A.Ramzi, F.Boue, Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science, 1998, 8 (1/2), 133.
  63. Toward Statistical Theory of Associating Telechelics: Equilibrium Molecular Structural Distribution and One-Cluster Static Scattering, by A.V.Ermoshkin and I.Erukhimovich, J.Chem. Phys.,1999, 110, 1781-1793.
  64. Statistical Thermodynamics of the Infinite Cluster of Thermoreversible Chemical Bonds Formation, by I.Erukhimovich and A.V.Ermoshkin, JETP, 1999, 88 (3), 538-544.
  65. Non-Centrosymmetric Superlattices in Block Copolymer Blends, by T.Goldacker, V.Abetz, R.Stadler, I.Erukhimovich and L. Leibler, Nature, 1999, 398, 137-139.
  66. Interdiffusion in Polymer Blends: Finite Compressibility Effects, by I. Erukhimovich and Ya. Kudryavtsev, Macromol.Theory & Simul..1999, 8, 247-253.
  67. Conditions for the Existence of Non-Centrosymmetric Copolymer Lamellar Systems, by L.Leibler, C.Gay and I. Erukhimovich, Europhysics Letters, 1999, 46(4), 549-554.
  68. Emulsion Stabilization by Diblock Copolymers: Droplet Curvature Effect, by E.N.Govorun and I. Erukhimovich, Langmuir, 1999 15 (24), 8392-8398.
  69. Sol-Gel Transition and Phase Equilibrium in Solutions of Linear Polymer Chains with Thermoreversible Chemical Bonds, by A.V.Ermoshkin and I. Erukhimovich, Polymer Science, Ser.A, 2000, 42(1), 84-91
  70. Microphase Separation in Weakly Charged Annealed Gels and Associating Polyelectrolyte Solutions, by A.N.Kudlay, I. Erukhimovich and A.R.Khokhlov Macromolecules, 2000, 33(15), 5644-5654.
  71. Adsorption of a correlated random copolymer chain at a liquid-liquid  interface, by N.A.Denesyuk and I. Erukhimovich, J.Chem.Phys., 2000, 113, 3894-3900.
  72. Non-linear Dynamics of Spinodal Decomposition, by E.V. Prostomolotova and I. Erukhimovich, Macromol.Symp. 2000, 160, 215-223.
  73. Thermodynamics and Phase Stability of Polymer Solutions with Multiply Aggregating Chains, by A.N.Kudlay and I. Erukhimovich, Polymer Science, Ser.A, 2001, 43(2), 159-171.
  74. Phase behaviour of solutions of polymers with multiply aggregating groups, by A.N.Kudlay and I. Erukhimovich, Macromol. Theory & Simul., 2001, 10 (6), 542-552.
  75. Theory of Sol-Gel Transition in Thermoreversible Gels with due Regard for Fundamental Role of Mesoscopic Cyclization Effects. I. Thermodynamic and Structural Characteristics of Gel Phase, by I. Erukhimovich, M.V. Thamm and  A.V. Ermoshkin, Macromolecules, 2001, 34, (16) 5653-5674.
  76. Phase Diagrams Classification of Thermoreversibly Associating Systems with due Regard for Fundamental Role of Mesoscopic Cyclization Effects, by I. Erukhimovich and A.V. Ermoshkin, J.Chem.Phys. 2002, 116 (1), 368-383.
  77. The Statistical Theory of the Coil-Globule Transition in an Associating Solvent, by M.V. Thamm and I. Erukhimovich,  Polymer Science, Ser.A 2002, 44(2), 196-205.
  78. Spontaneous breaking of molecular identity breaking and phase diagrams of thermally reversible associating systems with alternating molecules, by I. Erukhimovich and M.V. Thamm, JETP Letters, 2002, 75(3), 150-154.
  79. The Influence of Ion Pair Formation on the Phase Behavior of Polyelectrolyte Solutions, by E.Yu. Kramarenko, I.Ya. Erukhimovich and A.R. Khokhlov, Macromol. Theory & Simul., 2002, 11 (5), 462-471.
  80. Phase diagrams classification of the systems with thermoreversible alternating association (the Flory approach), by M.V. Thamm and I. Erukhimovich, J.Chem.Phys., 2003, 119(5), 2720-2731.
  81. Frequency dispersion of sound propagation in Rouse polymer melts via generalized dynamic random phase approximation, by I. Erukhimovich and Ya. Kudryavtsev, Eur. Phys. J. E, 2003, 11, 349–365.
  82. Microphase Separation in Blends of AC and ABC block-copolymers, by I.Ya. Erukhimovich, Yu. G. Smirnova and V. Abetz, Polymer Science, Ser.A, 2003, 45(11), 1093-1105.
  83. Self-Assembling Block Copolymer Systems Involving Competing Length Scales: A Route toward Responsive Materials, by R. Nap,  I. Erukhimovich and G. ten Brinke,  Macromolecules 2004, 37, 4296-430.
  84. The Effect of Ion Pairs’ and Multiplets’ Formation on the Spinodal Stability of Salt Containing Polyelectrolyte Solutions, by E.Yu. Kramarenko, I.Ya. Erukhimovich and A.R. Khokhlov , Polymer Science, ser. A, 2004, 46 (9), 974-984.
  85. The finite volume effects in the system of ideal cyclic polymers: equilibrium between the micro- and macroscopic cycles. Theory and computer experiment, by M. V. Thamm, N. G. Lisachenko, I. Ya. Erukhimovich, V. A. Ivanov, Polymer Science, ser. A 2005, 47(2), 202-212.
  86. Macro- and microphase separation in solutions of block copolymers. Non-aqueous solutions of di- and triblock copolymers, by I.Ya. Erukhimovich and S.A. Tarasenko, Polymer Science, ser. A, 47(3), 299-307.
  87. Non-conventional morphologies in ordered melts of symmetric block copolymers, by Yu.G. Smirnova, G. ten Brinke and  I. Ya. Erukhimovich, Polymer Science, ser. A, 2005, 47(5), 430-435.
  88. Statistics of ideal randomly branched polymers in a semi-space, by M.V. Tamm, S.K. Nechaev and I.Ya. Erukhimovich, Eur. Phys. J. E, 2005, 17, 209-219.
  89. Weak Segragation Theory and Non-Conventional Weakly Segregated Morphologies in the Ternary ABC Triblock Copolymers, by Igor Erukhimovich Eur. Phys. J. E 2005, 18, 383-408.
  90. Microphase separation in multiblock copolymer melts: Non-conventional morphologies and two-length-scale-switching,  by Yu.G. Smirnova, G. ten Brinke and  I. Ya. Erukhimovich, J. Chem. Phys. 2006, 124, 054907.
  91. Macro- and Microphase Separation in Non-Aqueous Solutions of Binary AB Polyblock Copolymers, by S.A. Tarasenko and I.Ya. Erukhimovich, Polymer Science, ser. A, 2006, 48 (2), 207-220.
  92. Double Periodic Lamellar-in-Lamellar Structure in Multiblock Copolymer Melts with Competing Length Scales, by Nap R., Sushko N., Erukhimovich I., ten Brinke G. Macromolecules 2006, 39, 6765.
  93. Helical, Angular and Radial Ordering in Narrow Capillaries, by I. Erukhimovich and A. Johner, Europhysics Letters 2007, 79, 56004; doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/79/56004.
  94. Phase equilibria and charge fractionation in polydisperse polyelectrolyte solutions,  by I. Erukhimovich and M. Olvera de la Cruz, Journal of Polymer Science, B, Polymer Physics, 2007, 45, 3003–3009.
  95. The global phase behavior of the two-component systems with intra-component association. Flory approach, by M.V. Belousov, M.V. Tamm, I.Ya. Erukhimovich, J.  Chem. Phys. 2008, 128, 114510.
  96. Nonconventional morphologies in two-length scale block copolymer systems beyond the weak segregation theory, by Yu.A. Kriksin, I.Ya. Erukhimovich, P.G. Khalatur, Yu.G. Smirnova, and G. ten Brinke  J.  Chem. Phys. 2008, 128, 244903.
  97. The ideal polymer chain near planar hard wall beyond the Dirichlet boundary conditions, by I.Y. Erukhimovich, A. Johner and J.F. Joanny. Eur. Phys. J. E 2008, 27, 435-445.
  98. Nonmonotonic incommensurability effects in lamellar-in-lamellar self-assembled multiblock copolymers, by Yu.A. Kriksin, I.Ya. Erukhimovich, Yu.G. Smirnova, P.G. Khalatur, and G. ten Brinke.  J.  Chem. Phys. 2009, 130, 204901.

99.  Microphase Separation of Diblock Copolymers with Amphiphilic segment, by Yu.A. Kriksin, P.G. Khalatur I.Ya. Erukhimovich, G. ten Brinke and A.R. Khokhlov. Soft Matter. 2009, 15, 2896-2904.  DOI: 10.1039/b905923g.

100.    Depletion of ideal polymer chains near a spherical colloid particle beyond the Dirichlet boundary conditions, by I.Ya. Erukhimovich, A. Johner and J.F. Joanny, Eur. Phys. J. E, 2010, DOI: 10.1140/epje/i2010-10568-4DOI: 10.1140/epje/i2010-10568-4 ).

101.    Non-Centrosymmetric Lamellar Structures in the Associating Blends of Tri- and Diblock Copolymers, by I. Ya. Erukhimovich, M. V. Belousov, E. N. Govorun, V. Abetz, and M. V. Tamm. Macromolecules, 2010, 43, 3465-3478.

102.    Mesophase formation in two-component cylindrical bottlebrush polymers, by I. Erukhimovich, P. E. Theodorakis, W. Paul, and K. Binder, J.  Chem. Phys. 2011, 134, 054906.

103.    The diamond and other non-conventional morphologies in two-scale multiblock AB copolymers, by Igor Erukhimovich, Yury Kriksin, Gerrit ten Brinke. Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 2159. DOI: 10.1039/c1sm06688a.

104.    Void Microstructuring in Lamellar Phase of Amphiphilic Macromolecules, by Anna Glagoleva, Igor Erukhimovich, Valentina Vasilevskaya, Macromol. Theory Simul. 2013, 22 (1), 31-35. DOI: 10.1002/mats.201200056, article first published online 19 Nov 2012.

105.    Perpendicular lamellar-in-lamellar and other planar morphologies in A-b-(B-b-A)2-b-C and (B-b-A)2-b-C ternary multiblock copolymer melts, by V. Markov, Y. Kriksin, I. Erukhimovich, and G. ten Brinke. J.  Chem. Phys. 2013, 139, 084906 (8 pages).       


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 B.       INVITED Chapters and Conference Proceedings:

  1. §3 "Cyclic Structures", by I.Ya.Erukhimovich, V.I.Irzhak, B.A.Rosenberg, N.S.Enikolopyan of Chapter 5 in: "Network Polymers: Synthesis, Structure, Properties" by V.I.Irzhak, B.A.Rosenberg, N.S.Enikolopyan. Moscow, "Nauka", 1979.
  2. Toward a Statistical Theory of Branched Weakly Cyclizated Polymer Systems, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich. In: Proceedings of the 2 All-Union Conference "Mathematical methods for Investigation of Polymers", Pushchino, 1982. (R)
  3. Toward a Statistical Theory of Solutions of Weakly Charged Polyelectrolytes, by V.Borue and I.Ya.Erukhimovich. Preprint of the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Chernogolovka, 1985. (R)
  4. The Current State and Problems of the Statistical Theory of Domain Structure in Polymer Systems, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich. Preprint of Plenary Lecture on 4 All-Union Conference "Mathematical methods for Investigation of Polymers and Biopolymers", Pushchino, 1985. (R)
  5. The Microscopic Theory of Spinodal Decomposition of Polymer Melts with due regard for Frequency Dispersion of the Cooperative Diffusion Coefficient, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich. In: Polymer mixtures, eds. Lipatov I. and Shilov V., Kiev, 1987. (R)
  6. Selective Interactions of Microbiopassive Systems with Metals on the Barrier River-See, by V.V.Demidov, I.Ya.Erukhimovich, B.S.Kogan. In: Theory and practice of geochemical explorations under the current conditions, Ed. E.K.Burenkov. Moscow, "Nauka", 1990. (R)
  7. Towards the Theory of the Geochemical Differentiation of the Substance in Large Scale Processes of the Endogenic Oregenesis, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich and B.S.Kogan. In: Theory and practice of geochemical explorations under the current conditions, Ed. E.K.Burenkov. Moscow, "Nauka", 1990. (R)
  8. The Conditions of the Existence and the Geometry of Fluid Films on Triple Edges of Corns in Rocks, by I.Ya.Erukhimovich, B.S.Kogan and A.V.Dobrynin. In: "Geomathematical models of Geochemistry", Eds. E.K.Burenkov, B.S.Kogan. Moscow, IMGRE, 1990. (E)
  9. The Crystallization Differentiation of Intrusive Melt (regarding the Physical and Mathematical Aspects of the Problem), by I.Ya.Erukhimovich, B.S.Kogan and A.V.Debolskaya. In: "Geomathematical models of Geochemistry", Eds. E.K.Burenkov, B.S.Kogan. Moscow, IMGRE, 1990. (R)
  10. Theoretical Basics of Non Conventional Morphologies Formation in Pure and Blended Block Copolymers, by I. Erukhimovich, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Polymers and Processing ICAPP 2001 Yonezawa, Japan, (K. Iwakura, Ed.), ISBN 4-9901487-0-3, pp. 122-128.
  11. The latest development of the weak segregation theory of microphase separation in block copolymers, by Igor Erukhimovich, Chapter 11 (pp. 327-370) in “Nanostructured Soft Matter. Experiment, Theory, Simulation and Perspectives”, A.V. Zvelindovsky (Ed.) Springer, 2007.


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D. Invited and Plenary Conference Contributions:

  1. June 1985, 4 All-Union Conference "Mathematical methods for Investigation of Polymers and Biopolymers", Pushchino. "The Current State and Problems of the Statistical Theory of Domain Structure in Polymer Systems", by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  2. May 1989, Workshop "Problems of Polymer Theory", Chernogolovka. "Weak Crystallization in Polymer Systems", by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  3. July 1990, 33rd International Symposium IUPAC on Macromolecules, Montreal. "A Statistical Theory of Polydisperse Solutions and Globular Complexes of Weakly Charged Polyelectrolytes", by I.Ya.Erukhimovich, V.Yu.Borue and A.V.Dobrynin.
  4. December 1990, 3rd International Geochemical and Geophysical School "Geochemical and Geophysical Problems of the Earth' Differentiation", Zvenigorod. "Towards statistical theory of large-scale processes of the geochemical substance differentiation in partially melted (soluted) rocks", by I.Ya.Erukhimovich, A.V.Dobrynin and B.S.Kogan.
  5. March 1993, 1st German-Russian Joint Symposium on Polymers, "Microphase Separation in Polymer Systems: New Objects and New Approaches", by I.Ya.Erukhimovich and A.R.Khokhlov.
  6. May 1995, International Conference "Nanostructures and Self-Assemblies in Polymer Systems", St.Petersburg-Moscow, Russia. "Macro- and Microphase Separation in Polymer Solutions in Nearly Critical Low-Molecular Solvents", by I.Ya.Erukhimovich
  7. June 1995, WE-Heraeus Seminar "Polymers, Membranes, Soft Matter", Bad Honnef, Germany. "Sol-Gel Transition in Weak Gels as a Genuine Phase Transition due to Spontaneous Breaking of Monomer Identity", by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  8. October 1996, 6th European Polymer Federation Symposium, Crete, Greece. "The Weak Segregation Theory of Microphase Separation in Action: Technological Approach to Predicting Complex Morphologies in Block Copolymers of Complex Architectures" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  9. December 1996, the 76th Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers University, Hill Centre, NJ, USA. "Sol-Gel Transition in Weak Gels as a Genuine Phase Transition due to Spontaneous Breaking of Monomer Identity", by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  10. June 1997, International Conference Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of Academician Ilya M.Lifshitz, Moscow, Russia. "Sol-Gel Transition in Weak Gels as Spontaneous Breaking of Monomer Identity: the Infinite Cluster Structure, Phase Diagrams and Scattering", by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  11. March 1998, Regio Surface II, Freiburg, Germany. „Miscibility of block copolymer mixtures - or - The problem of chain interpenetration between polymer brushes", by R.Stadler, T.Goldacker, V.Abetz, I.Erukhimovich .
  12. January 1999, Special INTAS session wihtin the framework of the Fourth Russian Symposium (with International attendance) "Liquid Crystalline and Related Polymers", Moscow, Russia. "A Complex Study of Linear and Branched ABC Triblock Copolymers: Synthesis, Experiment and Theory", by R.Stadler, V.Abetz, I.Erukhimovich, L.Leibler, T.M.Birshtein.
  13. January 1999, Special INTAS session within the framework of the Fourth Russian Symposium (with International attendance) "Liquid Crystalline and Related Polymers", Moscow, Russia. "Non-Conventional Morphologies in Molten ABC Block Copolymers and their Blends with AC Diblock Copolymers: Theoretical Basics", by I.Erukhimovich, L.Leibler.
  14. June 1999, III International Symposium "Molecular Mobility and Order in Polymer Systems“, St.Petersburg, Russia. "A New Approach to Describe Spinodal Decomposition in Polymer-Copolymer Mixtures beyond the Classic Cahn-Hilliard Theory", by I.Erukhimovich, E.V.Prostomolotova.
  15. October 1999, NIMC-EAPS International Conference "Non-linear Dynamics in Polymer Science and Related Fields", Moscow, Russia. "Non-Linear Dynamics of Spinodal Decomposition", by I.Ya.Erukhimovich, E.V.Prostomolotova.
  16. I. Erukhimovich, “Microphase Separation and Phase Coexistence in Pure and Blended Block Copolymers of Complicated Architecture: New Results and Unsolved Problems within the Weak Segregation Approach”, Plenary lecture on CCMM 2000 (Chemistry & Characterization of Mesophase Materials). September 17-19, 2000, Bayreuth, Germany. Abstract book, p. L9.  
  17.  I. Erukhimovich, Plenary lecture on Supercrystal Phases in Complex Polymer Systems: Physics and Technology”, the 2nd International Conference “Fundamental Problem of Physics”, October, 2000, Saratov, Russia. Abstract book, p.67. .
  18.  I. Erukhimovich, Supercrystal Phases and their Coexistence in the Ternary ABC Triblock Copolymers and their Blends with AB/AC Diblock Copolymers” Bayreuth Polymer Symposium “International Symposium on Functional and Structural Polymer Materials”. September 16 – 18, 2001 Bayreuth, Germany. Abstract book, p. PI-13.
  19. I. Erukhimovich, “Theoretical Basics of Non Conventional Morphologies Formation in Pure and Blended Block copolymers”, Plenary lecture on International Conference on Advanced Polymers and Processing ICAPP 2001 Yonezawa, Japan, October 30  – November 3, 2001, Yonezawa, Japan.
  20. I.Ya. Erukhimovich, “Non-conventional Order-Order and Order-Disorder Phase Transiitons in the Ternary Block Copolymers and Amphiphobic Matter”. Book of Abstracts of the 4-th International Symposium “Molecular Order and Mobility in Polymer Systems”, St.Petersburg, 2002, p. O-007.  
  21. I.Ya. Erukhimovich, “Thermoreversible Association in Homopolymer Blends and Molten Block Copolymers: Global Phase Behavior and Small-Angle Scattering Enhancement”. Book of Abstracts of the International Symposium “Julich Soft Matter Days 2003”, 18-21 November, 2003, Congresscentrum Rolduc, Kerkrade, NL.
  22. I.Ya. Erukhimovich, “Weak Segregation Theory of Microphase Separation in Block Copolymers with Associating Groups”, Book of Abstracts of the 5-th International Symposium “Molecular Mobility and Order in Polymer Systems”, St.Petersburg, June 20-24, 2005, p. O-011.
  23. I. Erukhimovich, “The Theoretical Bases of the Block Copolymer Nanostructures Design”, European Polymer Congress 2005, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, June 27-July 1, 2005, p. 79.
  24. E. Kramarenko, M. Minakova, I. Erukhimovich, A. Khokhlov, “Ion Association in Polyelectrolyte Systems”, European Polymer Congress 2005, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, June 27-July 1, 2005, p. 80.
  25. I. Erukhimovich, “Semi-dilute block-copolymer solutions as photonic crystals?”, , International Symposium "Statistical Mechanics of Polymers: New Developments", Moscow, Faculty of Physics M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, June 6-11, 2006.
  26. I. Erukhimovich, “Landau Theory of Instability and Ordering in Confined Systems”, International Workshop “Soft meets Hard”, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg Institut für Physik, Wittenberg, Germany, September 13-15, 2007.
  27. I. Erukhimovich, “The weak segregation theory of non-conventional morphologies in bulk and confined block copolymers”, 6th International Symposium “Molecular Order and Mobility in Polymer Systems”, St. Petrsburg, June 2-6, 2008.


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E. Conference Contributions:

  1. June 1976, Workshop on the Molecular Mobility and Free Volume of Non-Crystalline Solids and Liquids", Ulan-Ude. "A Molecular Model of a Glassing Polymer System" by V.G.Rostiashvili, I.Ya.Erukhimovich, V.I.Irzhak, B.A.Rosenberg.
  2. November 1977, 4 All-Union Conference on Conformational Changes of Biopolymers in Solutions, Tbilisi. "A Condensed State of Long Polynucleotide Chains" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich
  3. June 1979, 1 All-Union Conference "Mathematical methods for Investigation of Polymers", Pushchino. "Application of the Methods of the Fluctuation Theory of Phase Transitions to Studying of Concentrated Flexible Polymers" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  4. June 1979, 1 All-Union Conference "Mathematical methods for Investigation of Polymers", Pushchino. "Diagram Methods in Studying of the Structural Defects of Polymer Networks" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  5. November 1980, All-Union Conference on Conformational Changes of Biopolymers in Solutions, Tbilisi. "Towards the Theory of the Compact Form of DNA in the Poly(ethylene-oxide) Solution" by A.Yu.Grosberg, I.Ya.Erukhimovich, E.I.Shakhnovich
  6. June 1981, 2 All-Union Conference "Mathematical Methods for Investigation of Polymers", Pushchino. "Some Peculiarities of the Monomers' Diffusion in Heteropolymer Melts" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  7. June 1981, 2 All-Union Conference "Mathematical Methods for Investigation of Polymers", Pushchino. "Effective Interaction of Links in Concentrated Polymer Systems (Mean Field Approximation)" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  8. August 1982, 1 All-Union Biophysical Congress, Moscow. "Towards the Theory of y -Condensation of DNA in a Poor (as to Poly(ethylene oxide) Solvent" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  9. August 1982, 1 All-Union Biophysical Congress, Moscow. "Theoretical Aspects of the Calorimetric Titration under Cooperative Association of Small Molecules with Proteins" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich and M.A.Landau.
  10. August 1982, 1 All-Union Biophysical Congress, Moscow. "Association of Small Molecules with Two Sets of Protein Active Centres, the Association with One of the Sets being a Cooperative One" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich and M.A.Landau.
  11. June 1983, 3 All-Union Conference "Mathematical Methods for Investigation of Polymers", Pushchino. "Towards the Molecular Theory of Hydrophobic Interactions" by I.Ya. Erukhimovich.
  12. June 1983, 3 All-Union Conference "Mathematical Methods for Investigation of Polymers", Pushchino. "The Propagation of the Longitudinal Sound Waves in Polymer Melts and Globules" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  13. April 1985, Conference "Problems of Polymer Theory in Solid State", Chernogolovka. "Towards the theory of microphase separation in block copolymers having mesogenic groups" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  14. April 1985, Conference "Problems of Polymer's Theory in Solid State", Chernogolovka. "A Microscopic Theory of the Rayleigh Light Scattering by Polymers having an Anisotropic Tensor of Polarization" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  15. June 1985, 4 All-Union Conference "Mathematical Methods for Investigation of Polymers and Biopolymers", Pushchino. "Towards Statistical Theory of Globular Polyelectrolyte Complexes and Complex Coacervation" by V.Yu.Borue and I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  16. June 1985, 4 All-Union Conference "Mathematical Methods for Investigation of Polymers and Biopolymers", Pushchino. "A Statistical Theory of the Globularisation of Cooperatively Cross-Linked Polymer Complexes" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  17. May 1989, 5 All-Union Symposium on Kinetic and Dynamics of Geochemical Processes, Chernogolovka. "Towards Microscopic Validation of the Phenomenological Equations of Physical-Chemical Geomechanics" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  18. May 1989, Workshop "Problems of Polymer Theory", Chernogolovka. "Phase Diagrams of Microseparated Polymer Systems" by A.V.Dobrynin and I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  19. May 1989, 5 All-Union Symposium on Kinetic and Dynamics of Geochemical Processes, Chernogolovka. "Dissipative Structures of the Physical-Chemical Geomechanics" by I.Ya. Erukhimovich and B.S.Kogan.
  20. July 1990, International Symposium on Geochemical Prospecting. Praha. "On the Theory of Geochemichal Differentiation of Elements in Processes of Hydrothermal Metamorphism and Ore Forming" by E.K.Burenkov, I.Ya.Erukhimovich, B.S.Kogan.
  21. November 1990, Fundamental Problem in Modern Polymer Science, Leningrad. "A Theory of Weak Crystallization of Two-Component Melts of Heteropolymers of Complicated Chemical Structure: Fluctuation Effects" by A.V.Dobrynin and I.Ya. Erukhimovich.
  22. November 1990, Fundamental Problem in Modern Polymer Science, Leningrad. "Polymer Theory and Geology" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  23. December 1990, 3rd International Geochemical and Geophysical School "Geochemical and Geophysical Problems of the Earth' Differentiation", Zvenigorod. "Some Questions of the Statistical Thermodynamics of Magmatic Processes" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  24. April 1991, International Conference "Networks-91" (Polymer networks: synthesis, structure and properties.) Moscow-Suzdal. "A statistical theory of weak gelation: Phase diagrams of polymer systems with hydrogen bonds and silicate melts" by A.V.Dobrynin and I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  25. April 1991, International Conference "Networks-91" (Polymer networks: synthesis, structure and properties.) Moscow-Suzdal. "A statistical theory of weak gelation: Calculation of correlational and structural characteristics of networks and analysis of thermodynamic singularities in the point of sol-gel transition" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  26. June 1991, International School-Seminar "Modern Problems of Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules", Pushchino. "Development of a microscopic theory of the microphase separation in polymer systems as a technological problem" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich and A.V.Dobrynin.
  27. June 1991, International School-Seminar "Modern Problems of Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules", Pushchino. "Screened interaction and deformation of block copolymer macromolecules under microphase separation: effects of fluctuations and ordering" by A.V.Dobrynin and I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  28. May 1992, Interdisciplinary Workshop, Recent Developments in Ionomers, Pacific Grove, CA, USA. "A Statistical Theory of Weakly Charged Polyelectrolyte Systems beyond the Framework of the Debye-Huckel Approximation" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  29. October 1993, Mainz, Germany. "A Statistical Theory of Polydisperse Block Copolymer Systems under Weak Supercrystallization", by I.Erukhimovich and A.V.Dobrynin,
  30. October 1994, International Symposium "Molecular Mobility and Order in Polymer Systems", St.Petersburg, Russia. "Towards Quantitative Statistical Theory of Polymers in Nearly Critical Low-Molecular Solutions" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  31. October 1994, International Symposium "Molecular Mobility and Order in Polymer Systems", St.Petersburg, Russia. "Statistical Theory of Weak Gelation: General Classification of Phase Diagrams of Weak Gels with and without due Regard for Thermodynamic Singularities in the Point of Sol-Gel Transition" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  32. May 1995, International Conference "Nanostructures and Self-Assemblies in Polymer Systems", St.Petersburg-Moscow, Russia. "Microdomain Structures in Polymer Solutions (Blends) Near Glass Transition Temperature" by E.E.Dormidontova, I.Ya.Erukhimovich and A.R.Khokhlov.
  33. June 1995, WE-Heraeus Seminar "Polymers, Membranes, Soft Matter", Bad Honnef, Germany. "New Microphase Separations in Complex Polymer Systems", by E.E.Dormidontova, I.Ya.Erukhimovich and A.R.Khokhlov.
  34. June 1995, Workshop "Developments in Block Copolymers and Polymeric Ampholytes - Experiments and Theory", Institute of Organic Chemistry, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany. "Weak Crystallization in Molten ABC Triblock Copolymers: a General Study of Conditions for Continuous Transition from the Disordered Phase to Ordered Ones", by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  35. June 1995, Workshop "Developments in Block Copolymers and Polymeric Ampholytes - Experiments and Theory", Institute of Organic Chemistry, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany. "Phase Transition of a Long Polymer Chain Immersed into Molten Block Copolymer from Coil to Supercrystal Globule State", by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  36. May 1996, 2-nd International Symposium "Molecular Mobility and Order in Polymer Systems", St.Petersburg, Russia. "The Gyroid Phase Existence and Microscopic Theory of Weak Supercrystallization in Molten Block Copolymers" by I.Ya.Erukhimovich.
  37. January 1997, International Conference "Fundamental problems of Polymer Science" devoted to the 90th Anniversary of Academician Kargin V.A., Moscow, Russia. "Formation of Cyclic Fragments in the System of Associating Telechelics" by A.V. Ermoshkin and I.Ya. Erukhimovich.
  38. January 1997, International Conference "Fundamental problems of Polymer Science" devoted to the 90th Anniversary of Academician Kargin V.A., Moscow, Russia. "Correlational Properties of Solutions of Charged Rigid Polymer Chains" by by A.N. Kudlay and I.Ya. Erukhimovich.
  39. January 1997, International Conference "Fundamental problems of Polymer Science" devoted to the 90th Anniversary of Academician Kargin V.A., Moscow, Russia. "Stabilization of Polymer Blend Structure by Adding Diblock Copolymer" by E.N.Govorun and I.Ya. Erukhimovich.
  40. June 1997, International Conference Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of Academician Ilya M.Lifshitz, Moscow, Russia. "Correlational Properties of Rodlike Polyelectrolyte Solutions" by A.N. Kudlay and I.Ya. Erukhimovich.
  41. March 1998, 1998 Meeting of The American Physical Society, Los Angeles, USA. "Fluctuations in the concentration profiles of correlated random copolymer melts", by H.J.Angerman, I.Ya.Erukhimovich, G. Ten Brinke.
  42. October 1998, CCMM, Bayreuth, Germany. „Miscibility of block copolymer mixtures - or - The problem of chain interpenetration between polymer brushes", by R.Stadler, T.Goldacker, V.Abetz, I.Erukhimovich .
  43. June 1999, III International Symposium "Molecular Mobility and Order in Polymer Systems“, St.Petersburg, Russia. "Emulsion Stabilization by Diblock Copolymers: Effect of Droplet Curvature", by E.N.Govorun, I.Erukhimovich.
  44. October 1999, NIMC-EAPS International Conference "Non-linear Dynamics in Polymer Science and Related Fields", Moscow, Russia. "Adsorption of a Correlated Random Copolymer Chain at a Liquid-Liquid Interface", by N.A.Denesyuk, I.Erukhimovich.
  45. October 1999, NIMC-EAPS International Conference "Non-linear Dynamics in Polymer Science and Related Fields", Moscow, Russia. "Microphase Separation in Weakly Charged Annealed Gels and Associating Polyelectrolyte Solutions", by A.N.Kudlay, I.Erukhimovich, A.R.Khokhlov.
  46. October 1999, NIMC-EAPS International Conference "Non-linear Dynamics in Polymer Science and Related Fields", Moscow, Russia. "Phase Diagram and the Coil-Globule Transition of the Polymer Associating with the Solvent", by M.V.Thamm, I.Erukhimovich.
  47. October 1999, NIMC-EAPS International Conference "Non-linear Dynamics in Polymer Science and Related Fields", Moscow, Russia. "Computer Simulation of a Solution of Ideal Associating Macromolecules" by N.G.Yudina, V.A.Ivanov, I.Erukhimovich.
  48. September, 2000, International Conference CCMM 2000 (Chemistry and Characterisation of Mesophase Materials), Bayreuth, Germany. “Microphase Separation and Phase Coexistence in Pure and Blended Block Copolymers of Complicated Architecture: New Results and Unsolved Problems within the Weak Segregation Approach”, by I.Erukhimovich.
  49. October, 2000, the 2nd International Conference “Fundamental Problem of Physics”, Saratov, Russia. Supercrystal Phases in Complex Polymer Systems: Physics and Technology”, by I.Erukhimovich.
  50. E.Yu. Kramarenko, I.Ya. Erukhimovich, A.R.Khokhlov, The Effect of Ion Pair Formation on the Phase Behavior of Polyelectrolyte Solutions”. Book of Abstracts of the 4-th International Symposium “Molecular Order and Mobility in Polymer Systems”, St.Petersburg, 2002, p. P-029.
  51. M.V. Thamm, I. Erukhimovich, “Two-component Systems with alternating association. Classification of Phase Diagrams Book of Abstracts of the 4-th International Symposium “Molecular Order and Mobility in Polymer Systems”, St.Petersburg, 2002, p. P-051.
  52. K.B. Zeldovich, I.Ya. Erukhimovich, “Level Surfaces of Order Parameter: Visualizing the Spatial Structures in Block Copolymers” Discussion Meeting on Multi-Level Ordering “Molecular Organization for Nanosystems”. February 15 – 20, 2003 Kloster Banz, Germany. Abstract book, p.119.
  53. I. Erukhimovich, E. Govorun, J. Smirnova, S. Tarasenko, “Block Copolymer Superlattices Design: Theoretical Basics” Discussion Meeting on Multi-Level Ordering “Molecular Organization for Nanosystems”. February 15 – 20, 2003 Kloster Banz, Germany. Abstract book, p.94. 
  54. Yu. Smirnova, I. Erukhimovich, G. ten Brinke. "Self-assembly in Block Copolymer Mixtures Involving Competing Length Scales”, Vlieland MSC meeting 2003, April 13-15, 2003, Vlieland, Netherlands, Abstract book, p.89.
  55. S.A. Tarasenko, I.Ya. Erukhimovich, “Weak Segregation Theory of Order-Disorder Transition in Non-Aqueous Solutions of AB Polyblock Copolymers”, European Polymer Congress 2005, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, June 27-July 1, 2005, p. 205.
  56.  E. Prostomolotova, I. Erukhimovich, “A General Approach to Non-Linear Dynamics of Spinodal Decomposition in Multi-Component Polymer Systems”, European Polymer Congress 2005, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, June 27-July 1, 2005, p. 210..
  57.  Yu. Smirnova, I. Erukhimovich, G. ten Brinke, “Microphase Separation in Multiblock Copolymer Melts: Non-Conventional Mirphologies and Two-Length-Scale Switching”, European Polymer Congress 2005, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, June 27-July 1, 2005, p. 212.


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