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Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 22:14:54 2012

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Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie Actions (FP 6)
Training, Mobility and Career Development Opportunities for Researchers Moscow, 01. 12. 2005
Victoria Reichl KoWi
Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Research Mobility in the 6th Framework Programme

· the 6th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development is equipped with an overall budget of 19,2 billion
· Human Ressources and Mobility Activities have a budget of 1.7 Billion
· Marie Curie Actions: promotion of training and other career development opportunities

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

What can I do with a Marie Curie Fellowship?
· · · · · you can carry out your own research project in a foreign country you can compose your own research team you can apply for a doctorate or post-doc position in a research project you can finance your own position you can apply for a research prize

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

What is not funded under Marie Curie ?

· to get a scholarship for studying in the home or in a foreign country · to carry out a research project in your home country (except in a reintegration phase) · bottom up-approach but no funding for research projects concerning nuclear fusions or fission (EURATOM programme)

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie Fellowships ­ some features
· No age limit, but based on experience and expertise · Bottom-Up Approach: open to all research areas and research topics, no quota to the disciplines in advance of the selection process · Emphasis on training and complementary skills and diversification of research competencies · Promoting Excellence · Return Mechanisms (incl. mechanisms to reintegrate European world-class researchers in Europe) · Marie Curie ,Label` · Applicants cannot have more than one proposal in an application procedure at the same time
Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie: who can participate?
Nationals and host institutions from · Member States of the European Union (MS) · Associated Candidate Countries (AS): Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey · Associated Countries to the FP6: Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland · Individuals and institutions of Third countries, e.g. Russia · International European interest organisations (e.g. EMBO) and international organisations

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie Actions ­ Definitions
· Participation of institutions from Third Countries: ­ General rule:

­ therefore it must be demonstrated that the financing is essential to achieve the objectives of the project

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie Actions ­ Definitions
· Participation of researchers from Third Countries: ­ General rule:

­ they are eligible, if they have not resided for more than 4 years during the previous 5 years in an EU-member or Associated state

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie: basic conditions for participation
Definition of Mobility: · The researcher should not be a national of the hosting country · The researcher should not have lived, worked or studied in the hosting country more than 12 months out of the three years immediately prior to either the time of application, or the start of work

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Definition of "Scientists" and "institutions"
· Scientists ­ Early stage researchers: less than 4 years active research experience ­ Experienced researchers: more than four years of active research experience or doctorate degree ­ Very experienced researchers: at least 10 years of active research experience. · Institutions ­ Organisations which are actively involved in research and/or research training e.g. universities, research bodies, enterprises (incl. SME)

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie activities ­ Overview
Presented fellowships Chairs Grants Awards Intra-European and international fellowships

Individual-driven actions


Re tu rn +R ein te gra tio n

Advanced Training Transfer of Knowledge

Host-driven actions

Host Fellowships for Transfer of Knowledge Research Training Networks Conferences and Training Courses

Host Fellowships for Early Stage Research Training

Initial Training

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie activities ­ Overview
4 categories of MC activities in FP6: 1) Individual-driven actions
(individual researcher applies together with a host institution)

2) Host-driven actions
(only institution/institutions consortia can apply)

3) Excellence promotion and recognition
(excellent researchers can apply together with a host institution)

4) Return and Reintegration Mechanisms
(researchers can apply together with a host institution)

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

1) Individual-driven actions - Basics
· Experienced Researchers (at least 4 years of active research experience or a PhD, obtained at the latest 8 months after the relevant deadline for submission of proposals) · Application together with the host institution · Fellowship granted for 1-2 years · Aim: advanced training and transfer of knowledge · Individual Driven actions: Single stage proposal submission and Two step evaluation

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Individual-driven actions
Three types of individual-driven actions:

· Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowships (IIF)
· Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships (EIF)
(not relevant for Russian scientists)

· Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowships (OIF) (not relevant for Russian scientists)

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowships (IIF)
Target group: Promising experienced researchers from Third Countries to Member State (MS) and Associated State (AS) Possibility of a re-integration grant only for scientists from developing countries Aim: Training of excellent researchers from Third Countries in Europe; Knowledge Transfer to Europe and vice versa; broaden the relations between the European Community and the Third Countries
"In essence, the fellowship should enable the researcher to progress in the development of his/her career and should not represent a temporary solution. The fellowship is expected to be part of a structured, long-term

professional development plan that is coherent with past achievements and clearly defines the future aims of the researcher"
Marie Curie IIF Handbook, page 6

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowships
Duration: ­ Initial fellowship phase in MS or AS (1 ­ 2 years) ­ Re-integration phase in the home country of half the duration of the initial phase (i.e. 6 ­ 12 months) Maximum of 3 years Application: experienced researcher in liaison with the host institution as well as the re-integration host (if there is a re-integration) submission only via the EPSS-System (Electronic Proposal Submission System) Deadline: 18. January 2006, 17:00 Brussels Time

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowships
Africa, Australasia, Europe

A M E R I C A 22%

AFR 7%

OT MS AS AUS H CH 4% 0%2% 2% 2%



BAL 6%

LA 12%

IN 10%

US 5% CA 5% NI S 4% UA 5% RU 17%

CN 12%

A S I A 29%


JP 4% ASI 3%

Russia, Ukraine, NIS 26%
FP6, 1. Call (2003); Source: European Commission
Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Structure of the Proposal: A-Forms
A1: General information on the proposal Abstract of the project ( not more than 2000 characters)
objective and their achievement in the proposal, relevance to the objectives of the specific programme and the work programme

A2: Information on organisations must be completed for each host ( + return host organisation)

A3: Information on the researcher

· There are guidelines (Guide for Proposers) provided to fill in the forms.

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Proposal Structure : B-Forms
Part B, Section 1
(not longer than 10 A 4 Pages, including CV)

B1.1.: Scientific Quality of the Project (maximum 4 pages) state of the art of the research topic research method scientific originality and Innovation timeliness and relevance to other key areas

B1.2.: Quality of the Researcher (two A4 pages, plus c.v.) research experience, patents, publications, teaching 3 major accomplishments (250 words) independent thinking and leadership match between fellow and project

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Proposal Structure : B-Forms
· Part B, Section 2 (will only be considered in the second step of the evaluation)

· B 2.1.: Quality of the Research Training (maximum 1 A4 page) · B 2.2.: Quality of the Host (maximum 4 A4 pages) · B 2.3.: Management and Feasibility (maximum 2 A4 pages) · B 2.4.: Added Value and Relevance to the Objectives of the Activity (maximum 2 A4 pages) · B 2.5.: Previous Proposals and Contracts (maximum 1 A4 page) · B 2.6.: Other Issues (maximum 1 A4 page)

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Information about the application
How do I apply ?
Download the "InfoPack" that provides the material you need to prepare a proposal. http://europa.eu.int/mariecurie-actions The ,,InfoPack" contains: · Calls for proposals · Work Programme Human Resources and Mobility · Guide for Proposers · Application Forms · Evaluation Guidelines

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Call Page on CORDIS

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Call Page on CORDIS

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

2) Host-driven actions
4 types of host-driven actions: · Marie Curie Research Training Networks (RTN) no calls ! · Marie Curie Host Fellowships for Early-Stage Research Training (EST) no calls ! · Marie Curie Host Fellowships for Transfer of Knowledge (ToK) (not relevant for Russian scientists) · Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses comprising series of events (SCF)

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie activities ­ Host-driven activities
· What are ,,host-driven activities"? ­ only organisations can submit proposals to the Commission ­ host-driven actions provide structured training for researchers and enable the development and transfer of competencies ­ the host institute is contract partner of the Commission ­ free posts for researchers in these actions have to be published internationally by the host institutes ­ early stage researchers and experienced researchers can apply for a Marie Curie Fellowship ­ 30% of selected fellows can be taken from Third Countries ­ Check for vacancies in funded projects under: http://mc-opportunities.cordis.lu
Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie activities ­ Host-driven activities
· Example: ,,Research Training Networks" (RTN) ­ consortium of partners located in different countries propose a common research project for providing structured training to young scientists (incl. complementary skills) ­ consortium offers 'training-through-research', scientific method courses, cross-network seminars and secondments ­ fellowships are offered between 3 months and 3 years ­ consortium size: partners from at least 3 Member or Associated States of which 2 must be EU-Member or Candidate Country (typical size: 614 partners) ­ partner example: Moscow State University/Faculty of Chemistry Project: Self-Organized Nanostructures of Amphiphilic Copolymers ­ Check funded RTN-projects under: http://mc-opportunities.cordis.lu/home_prj.cfm
Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses (SCF)
· · · · · Aim: promotion of young researchers by giving the possibility to attend conferences and seminars Type of events: summer and winter schools, labor courses conferencs, training seminars Duration: 1 day to several weeks Main focus: young scientists (early stage researchers), but also postdocs Financial support: daily living expenses up to a maximum of 150 Euro, travel costs and costs for the participation in the conference/training course Application: directly at the host institution for scientists, at the European Commission for institutions Successful projects: http://mc-opportunities.cordis.lu/ Deadline: call will be published on 18 January 2006 with a deadline of 17 May 2006

· · ·

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses


Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie Excellence Grants (EXT)
Objectives: · support for the creation and development of an excellent European research team · promotion of early scientific independence · attracting researchers from outside of Europe to engage in a research project in Europe. Application: teamleader together with the host institution, in which the project will be carried out

Deadline: 25 January 2006, 17:00 Brussels Time
Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie Excellence Grants (EXT)
Teams: · composition: e.g. 1 teamleader and 3 PhD`s · location: the project must be carried out in a MS or in an AS · mobility: the team can work also in the home country of the team leader under the condition that - he should not have worked more than 1 year at the host institution - team must be transnationally composed and nationally balanced - researchers, who return from outside MS or AS should be integrated - project must be a "leading edge or interdisciplinary" project

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie Actions ­ Financial Issues
For researchers: Monthly living allowance: a basic monthly amount to be paid according to qualification of the researcher (+ correction factor) Mobility allowance: monthly payment of a fixed amount to cover expenses related to the mobility Contribution for expenses related to participation of the researcher in research and training activities: monthly fixed amount for research related costs, meetings, conference attendance, etc.

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie Actions ­ Financial Issues
For researchers: Yearly travel allowance: fixed amount based on the distance between the two locations Career exploratory allowance: one single payment of 2000 / fellow for the researcher to attend job interviews, additional courses, etc. (min. stay: 12 months)

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie Actions ­ Financial and Contractual Issues
For the institution: Contribution to management costs (including audit certification): normally up to a maximum of 3% (RTN, SCF 7%) of the COM-contribution Contribution to overheads: normally a maximum of 10% of the direct costs Payments are always made to the host institution representing the contractual partner of the European Commission (COM) The institution is in charge of its forwarding The scientist receives his/her COM-contribution from the host institution
Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

The European Researcher`s Mobility Portal

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie ­ Information management Information, call-text, preparing material and the application forms are online. The application will be submitted online.
important websites: http://europa.eu.int/mariecurie-actions http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/mobility.htm http://www.europa.eu.int/eracareers/ http://mc-opportunities.cordis.lu http://www.kowi.de

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Next deadlines:
· Excellence Grants (EXT): published on 20 July, · Deadline 25 January 2006 · Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowships (IIT): published on 20 July · Deadline 18 January 2006 · Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses (SCF) · call is expected to be published on 18 January 2006 with the deadline of 17 May 2006
Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

· · · Organisation of information days on research funding opportunities in Central and Eastern Europe Advice on German and European funding programmes, with a strong focus on the "Marie Curie Actions" Aktiver Informationsdienst (AiD)/ free opportunity-alert-service Please register under:

http://www.kowi.de/en/services/aid/default.h tm
· MORE website

http://www.kowi.de/en/youngscientists/more /default.htm
MORE brochure with an overview on recent European and national funding programmes


Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie Fellowships
Contact information

Uwe David Tel.: +49 228 95 997 14 ud@kowi.de Victoria Reichl Tel.: +32-2-54802-20 vr@kowi.de

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6

Marie Curie ­ Fellowships in FP 6